Fundamentals of C and C++ Programming

Fundamentals of C and C++
Basic Program Structure
Variables - Types and Declarations
Basic Program Control Structures
Functions and their definitions
Basic data Structures
EEL 3801 – Lotzi Bölöni
Basic Program Structure
The C Preprocessor
–Header files
Global data declarations
Function prototypes
main() function
–C/C++ statements
Definition of other functions
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The preprocessor
The C Preprocessor
Obeys special commands called
preprocessor directives
Indicate certain things to be done to the
program code prior to compilation.
–Include certain other files when compiling
–Replace some code by other code
Statements beginning with # are considered
preprocessor directives
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Header Files
The #include directive tells the
preprocessor to include the named files in
the compilation process.
Allows the programmer to:
–break up the program across several files for
modularity and reusability.
–Include Standard C Library files that contain
“primitive” functions.
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Header Files (cont.)
The #include directive causes a copy of
the designated file to be included in place
of the directive.
Some important ones are:
 math.h
 stdio.h
 stdlib.h
 string.h
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Header Files (cont.)
The format of this directive is:
–#include “filename” - the preprocessor
searches in the same directory as the file
being compiled. Typically for user-defined
–#include <filename> - the preprocessor
searches in pre-defined directories where the
standard C Library files are located. Normally
used for standard library files.
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The #define Directive
Symbol replacement
Causes the preprocessor to physically
replace in the source code prior to
compilation, the symbol defined in the
macro by the value assigned to that
symbol, wherever that symbol is found in
the source code.
#define PI 3.14159
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The #define Directive (cont.)
The macro replacement
The #define directive can also replace code
Macros may be defined either with or
without arguments.
The replacement code text is put in place
of the macro identifier.
Arguments should be between
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The #define Directive (cont.)
#define CIRCLE_AREA(x)
( PI * (x) * (x)
When called:
area = CIRCLE_AREA(4);
the preprocessor replaces
( 3.14159 * (4) * (4) )
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The #define Directive (cont.)
It is important to use parentheses in the
definition. Else, confusion to the
area = CIRCLE_AREA(c+2)
area = (3.14159 * (c+2) * (c+2) )
If no parentheses used, however,
area = (3.14159 * c + 2 * c +2)
which is incorrect (product takes
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The #define Directive (cont.)
Scope of a macro or symbolic constant is:
– until the end of the file
–undefined with #undef
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Other Preprocessor Directives
#if …#endif: can force conditional
#error: prints a message displayed as an
error message - Page 527
# and ## operators: causes replacement
text to be converted to a string - page 527
#line: causes subsequent source code
lines to be renumbered from number
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Elements of the C language
Global Variable Declarations
Global variables should be defined
outside of any function.
Can include simple variables such as
characters, floating point, integers, or
complex ones such as arrays, structures
and unions.
Global type definitions should also be
located in this part of the program.
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Function Prototypes
Tells the compiler:
–type of data (if any) returned by function
–number of parameters the function expects
–the types of each parameter
–the order in which the parameters are expected
Allows the compiler to validate function
Required in C++ but not in C.
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Function Prototypes (cont.)
Permits coercion of arguments
–Converts one type of data to another required by
the function
A function called max() will accept 3 integer
arguments and return the largest one:
int max(int, int, int);
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main() Function
The main() function is part of every C
and C++ program.
Every program in C/C++ begins by
executing the main() function
No other function is necessary, but
main() is.
A left brace { defines the beginning of its
body, closed by a right brace }.
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C Statements
Composed of one or more machine level
Conclude with the semicolon ;
Could be grouped together as a block of
code by using the right and left brackets. {
result = a + b + c * (d + e);
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User-Defined Functions
C programs typically require several
functions besides main().
–Some may be standard C library functions
–Others may be user-defined functions
This is done to simplify the programming
task by splitting various functionality
between functions
Permits abstraction
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A variable is a memory location identified by
a valid identifier.
An identifier is a series of digits, letters and
underscores (_) but that does not begin with
a digit.
Can be of any length, but only first 31
characters are recognized by ANSI C.
Case sensitive
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Variable Attributes
Name: the identifier of the memory
Value: the value stored therein
Type: the type of value to be stored
Storage Class
Storage duration
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Variable Types
The variable can take on a value, which is
stored in its memory location.
The size of the memory location depends
on the type of value being stored.
–floating point
–double precision floating point
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Typically 2 bytes long for 16-bit machines
and 4 bytes long for 32-bit machines.
Can be signed or unsigned. Default is
Can also be specified as short or long:
–short => 2 bytes (16 bits long)
–long => 4 bytes (32 bits long)
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Integers - Range
Signed Range
-128 to 127
0 to 255
-32,768 to 32,767
0 to 65,535
4 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
0 to
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Actually are integers but with secondary
Typically 1 byte long.
Just long enough to fit the ASCII table of
character representations.
Can be added just like integers, but one
must be careful
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Floating Point
The basic data type for mathematical
Designated as single precision
Typically 4 bytes long, allowing 7
significant digits and an exponent range
of -37 to 38.
Example: 3.25e-02 = 3.25 x 10-2 = 0.0325
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Double Precision Floating Point
Adds more precision and range to the
number represented.
Employs 8 bytes, allowing for 15
significant digits and a exponent range of
-307 to 308
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Extended Precision Floating Pt.
Adds even more precision and range.
Employs 10 bytes, 19 significant digits
and a exponent range of -4931 to 4932
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Variable Type Declarations
All variables in C must be declared and
This is typically done at the beginning of
the program or of a function definition.
C++ allows variables to be declared and
typed more flexibly, at the location where
they are first used.
EEL 3801 – Lotzi Bölöni
Variable Type Declarations
Integers - basic declaration:
int <variable name>;
Several variables can be declared in the
same statement:
int <var1>, <var2>, … <varn>;
Values can be assigned during
int <var1> = 25;
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Variable Type Declarations
Other declarations for integers are:
–unsigned int <var>;
–unsigned long <var>;
–unsigned short <var>;
–long int <var>; (int can be omitted)
–short int <var>; (int can be omitted)
int is signed by default.
These are self-explanatory otherwise
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Variable Type Declarations
Floating point - basic declaration:
float <var>;
Several variables can be declared in the
same statement:
float <var1>, <var2>, … <varn>;
Values can be assigned during
float <var1> = 25.0;
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Variable Type Declaration
Double precision - basic declaration:
double <var>;
Several variables can be declared in the
same statement:
double <var1>, <var2>, … <varn>;
Values can be assigned during
double <var1> = 25.0;
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Variable Type Declaration
The character basic declaration is
char <var>;
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Variable Type Definition
Very different from declaration.
Allows the user to define an identifier to
describe a new variable type.
The new variable type used in lieu of the
other in declarations.
 typedef
typedef long unsigned int word;
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Determining Variable Size
The C unary operator sizeof returns the size
of the variable or constant applied to.
The “argument” is a data type or constant.
Returns the number of bytes required to
store a value of a particular type.
Parentheses not required, but highly
Example: sizeof(int) returns 2.
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Storage Classes
Helps determine the variable’s storage
duration, scope and linkage.
Two basic types:
–automatic storage duration
 auto
 register
–static storage duration
 extern
 static
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Automatic Storage Class
Automatic storage variables are
–created when the block in which they are
declared is entered.
–Exist while the block is active
–destroyed when the block is exited
Only variables can have automatic storage
A function’s local variables are automatic
by default.
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Automatic Storage Class
Thus, auto keyword not used often.
Can save memory because memory
location is released for re-use when
function exits.
Example of “principle of least privilege”:
Why have something in storage when it is
not needed?
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External Storage Class
External variables are global variables that
exist as long as the program exists.
Variables declared at the top of the program
file are by default external.
Variables declared inside blocks can also be
declared external through the keyword
extern prior to the declaration.
Example: extern int temperature;
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External Storage Class Linkage
The external variable is only good until the
end of the file.
It can be extended to other files by
declaring it again in other files, but the
extern keyword in front of it must be
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Static Storage Class
Somewhere between global and
Can be only recognized within the block
where it is declared.
But outlives the exiting of the function so
it can retain its value when the function is
called again.
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Scope Rules
The scope of an identifier is the portion of
the program in which the identifier can be
The four scopes are:
–function scope
–file scope
–block scope
–function-prototype scope
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Scope Rules
Only “label identifiers” (colon after them)
have function scope. Used to name the
location in function.
Identifier declared outside of any function
has file scope. Known in all functions after it
is declared until the end of file.
 global variables,
 function definitions
 function prototypes
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Scope Rules
Identifiers declared inside a block have
block scope. Scope ends after }.
–Static local variables have block scope. Storage
duration does not affect scope.
–Local variables
–function parameters
variables declared inside function prototype
have function-prototype scope. Not
recognized outside of prototype.
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Sample Program
/* Test Program #1 */
#include <stdio.h>
void a(void);
void b(void);
void c(void);
int x=1;
int x = 5;
{ int x = 7;}
return 0; }
/* function prototype */
/* global variable */
/* local to main() */
/* local to block within main()*/
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Sample Program (continued)
void a(void)
int x = 25;
x = x + 1;
void b(void)
static int x = 25;
x = x + 1
void c(void)
x = x * 10;
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