Quantum Information Processing QIP 3 – more on quantum information; quantum computational models; Grover’s quantum search. Dan C. Marinescu Computer Science Division, EECS Department University of Central Florida Email: dcm@cs.ucf.edu Contents Last time Classical gates Quantum gates; Unitary transformations One-qubit gates, two-qubit gates, CNOT Three-qubit gates Fredkin and Toffoli gates Universal quantum gates Reversibility of quantum circuits Decoherere; DiVincenzo’s criteria for realization of quantum circuits A circuit for solving the balanced function problem posed by David Deutsch Today More about quantum information Quantum computational models Grover’s quantum search algorithms The lectures are available at: http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~dcm/Chile2012/ChileIndex.html 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 2 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 3 Information Landauer’s Principle (Thermodinamics) The erasure of one bit produces at least kB T log 2 Joules of heat and increases the thermodynamic entropy by at least kB log 2 Laws of Quantum Mechanics Energy Matter E = m c2 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 4 Classical versus Quantum Information Classical information is information written in stone… Quantum information is more like the information in a dream. Recalling a dream inevitably changes your memory of it. Eventually you remember only your own description, not the original dream. Charles Bennett at QIPP workshop, 2002 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 5 Measurements, preparation, and extraction of classical information from quantum information Classical information is often carried by the same types of particles as quantum information, e.g., electrons, or photons; why should we expect quantum information to be different from classical information? Is it possible to freely convert one type of information to another and then recover the original information? We can convert classical to quantum information and then convert back the quantum information to the original classical information. This process consists of two stages: preparation, when the quantum information is generated from the classical one and measurements, when classical information is obtained from the quantum information. To convert quantum to classical information and then convert the classical information to quantum information indistinguishable from the original one we should first perform a measurement to extract classical information and then use it to prepare quantum information. The only possibility to compare quantum mechanical systems is in terms of statistical experiments and this is not possible, since a measurement is an irreversible process, it alters the state of a quantum system. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 6 7/26/2016 Classical and quantum information and conversion from one to another. Classical information is represented by thin arrows and quantum information as thick arrows. (a) Classical information can be regarded as a particular form of quantum information. (b) Classical information can be recovered from the quantum information when the preparation phase is followed by a measurement. The conversion path is: classical quantum classical. (c) Quantum information cannot be recovered when the preparation follows the measurement; the measurement is an irreversible process and alters the state of quantum systems. The conversion path is: quantum classical quantum. UTFSM - June 2012 7 Quantum teleportation Pair of entangled qubits particle 1 particle 2 particle 3 Carol Bob Alice particle 1 particle 2 particle 3 Quantum Channel CNOT particle 1 - target qubit particle 3 - control qubit The measurement on the pair (1&3) changes the state of particle 2 to one of four states: S1, S2, S3, S4 iY Receive from Alice results of measurements 00 01 10 11 Measurement particle 3 - measured particle 1 - unchanged I Send to Bob results of measurement 00 01 10 11 7/26/2016 The process of transferring the state of a quantum particle to possibly distant one. Based on entanglement. No cloning - the original state is destroyed in the quantum teleportation process. X Z Z Classical Channel Particle 2 is in the same state as particle 3 UTFSM - June 2012 8 A teleportation experiment Reflecting mirror Reflecting mirror A D P o l a r I z e r Alice B h v Source h Bob v C Reflecting mirror Reflecting mirror Carol 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 Francesco De Martini, University of Rome, 1997. A UV laser beam interacts with a nonlinear medium, a crystal of dihidrogen phosphate to generate two photons for an incoming one – parametric downconversion. The polarization entanglement of the two photons is converted into a path entanglement. 9 Communication with entangled particles Even when separated, two entangled particles continue to interact with one another. Basic idea. Consider three particles Two particles (particle 1 and particle 2) in an anticorrelated state (spin up and spin down). We measure particle 1 and particle 3 and set them in an anti-correlated state. Then particle 2 ends up in the same state particle 3 was initially in. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 10 Quantum key distribution Classical methods for key distribution are in principle insecure physical difficulty to detect the presence of an intruder when communicating through a classical communication channel. All classical methods of key distribution can be broken if enough computer power is available. Quantum key distribution ensures that an eavesdropper can succeed only with a very low probability. No amount of computing power will allow breaking of a quantum key distribution protocol. Information encoding for quantum key distribution; the sender uses photons polarized in two bases, Vertical/Horizontal and diagonal (45/135 deg). A photon with Vertical/Horizontal (VH) polarization 1 a photon with vertical polarization 0 a photon with a horizontal polarization. A photon with Diagonal (DG) polarization 1 a photon with vertical polarization 0 a photon with a horizontal polarization. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 11 Vertical Horizontal 45 deg Vertical/Horizontal (VH) Using a classical channel, after the exchange, Bob will tell Alice what basis he used for each photon and Alice will tell him when he guessed right. Bob will guess right and measure in the basis the photons were sent about half of the time if there is no eavesdropper. Eve will change the ratio of photons measured in the correct basis. 135 deg Diagonal (DG) (a) (b) Quantum communication channel Source of polarized photons Quantum wiretap Photon separation system Eve Classical wiretap Alice 7/26/2016 Classical communication channel Bob (c) UTFSM - June 2012 12 Quantum parallelism In quantum systems the amount of parallelism increases exponentially with the size of the system, thus with the number of qubits. For example, a 21-qubit quantum computer is twice as powerful as as a 20-qubit one. An exponential increase in the power of a quantum computer requires linear increase in the amount of matter and space needed to build the larger quantum computing engine. A quantum computer will enable us to solve problems with a very large state space. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 13 Deutsch’s problem Consider a black box characterized by a transfer function that maps a single input bit x into an output, f(x). It takes the same amount of time, T, to carry out each of the four possible mappings performed by the transfer function f(x) of the black box: f(0) = 0 f(0) = 1 f(1) = 0 f(1) = 1 The problem posed is to distinguish if f (0) f (1) f (0) f (1) 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 14 0 f(0) 1 0 f(0) 1 f(1) f(1) 2T (a) T (b) |x> |x> Uf |y> | y > O+ f(x) > T (c) 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 15 A quantum circuit to solve Deutsch’s problem |0> H |x> |x> H Uf |1> H 0 7/26/2016 |y> | y > +O f(x) 1 2 UTFSM - June 2012 3 16 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G1 H H 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 G1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 ( 00 01 10 11 ) 2 2 2 0 1 0 1 x y 2 2 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 17 y f ( x) 0 1 2 f ( x) 0 f ( x) 1 f ( x) y f ( x) (1) 2 f ( x) 2 0 1 0 1 2 y f ( x) 0 1 2 7/26/2016 f ( x) 1 f ( x) 2 if f ( x) 0 if f ( x) 1 UTFSM - June 2012 18 x 0 1 0 y 2 2 x ( y f ( x)) 0 2 0 1 0 2 x ( y f ( x)) 0 7/26/2016 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 if f (0) f (1) 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 if f (0) f (1) 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 if 2 1 1 1 1 1 if 1 2 1 UTFSM - June 2012 f (0) 0, f (1) 1 f (0) 1, f (1) 0 19 1 1 1 if 2 1 1 2 x ( y f ( x)) 1 1 1 if 2 1 1 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 f (0) f (1) f (0) f (1) 20 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 G3 H I 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 G3 2 7/26/2016 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 UTFSM - June 2012 if f (0) f (1) if f (0) f (1) 21 Evrika!! By measuring the first output qubit we are able to determine performing a single evaluation. 3 f (0) f (1) f (0) f (1) 0 1 2 0 if f (0) f (1) f (0) f (1) 1 if f (0) f (1) 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 22 Circuit model of computation A circuit model of computation relates a practical implementation of an algorithm with the circuits to compute Boolean functions; in terms of power this model is equivalent to the Turing Machine model. The model should distinguish between computable and non-computable functions. A circuit model deals with practical implementation thus, with finite systems, while the Turing Machine model assumes unbounded resources, e.g., an infinite tape. To construct the circuit for a particular algorithm we have to design a protocol telling us what types of classical gates are needed, how to interconnect them, and how to locate the results of the computations. The need for the circuit design protocol leads to a deeper connection between the circuit computational model and the Turing Machine computational model. We should prohibit the ability to “hide”' the complexity of an algorithm in the protocol for building the circuit, or even to consider embedding a non-computable function e.g., a function for the “halting problem,” in the protocol. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 23 Uniform circuit family A circuit, Cn has n input bits and any number of auxiliary and output bits; when the input is a string x of n bits the output of the circuit is denoted as Cn(x). A circuit is consistent if when the input is a string of length m<n then Cm(x)=Cn(x). A circuit family is uniform and then it is denoted as {Cn(x)} if an algorithm for a Turing Machine to generate a description of the protocol for the design of the circuit, given n, the size of the input, exists. If such an algorithm for a Turing Machine does not exist then the circuit family is called non-uniform. The equivalence of the circuit and the Turing computational models is restricted to uniform circuit families. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 24 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 25 Finite resources and computational models To capture the finiteness of resources required by a physical realization of a computing device David Deutsch restated the Church-Turing hypothesis as: every realizable physical system can be perfectly simulated by a universal model computing machine operating by finite means. The much stronger formulation of the Church-Turing hypothesis is not satisfied by a Turing Machine T operating in the realm of classical physics; indeed, the set of states of a classical physical system form a continuum due to the continuity of classical dynamics. The classical Turing Machine T cannot simulate every classical dynamics system because there are only countable ways of preparing the input for T. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 26 Quantum computational models A quantum computational model specifies the resources needed for a quantum computer, as well as the means to specify and control a quantum computation. To process quantum information, a computational model requires several steps from the set: free-time quantum evolution, controlled-time evolution, preparation, and Measurement Several quantum computational models exist: quantum Turing Machine (QTM), quantum circuit, topological quantum computer, adiabatic, one-way quantum computer, and the measurements models 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 27 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 28 QTM The model is a generalization of the classical Turing Machine model; it was the first quantum computational model introduced by Benioff in 1980 and further developed by Bernstein and Vazirani in 1997. Though based on quantum kinematics and dynamics, Benioff's model was classical in the sense that it required specification of the state as a set of numbers measurable at any instant of time. In 1982, Richard Feynman introduced a ``universal quantum simulator'' consisting of a lattice of spin systems with near-neighbor interactions; Feynman's model could simulate any physical system with a finitedimensional state space but did not include a mechanism to select arbitrary dynamic laws. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 29 The quantum circuit model Proposed by David Deutsch and further developed by Andrew Yao. The model applies only to uniform families of quantum circuits. Some of the challenges posed by the quantum circuit model are: the no-cloning theorem prohibits fanout; the decoherence of quantum states makes even the implementation of quantum wires non-trivial; we can only approximate the function of a one-qubit gate with gates from a small set of universal quantum gates. In the quantum circuit model quantum computation is carried out by quantum circuits that transform information under the control of external stimuli. A quantum circuit operating on n qubits performs a unitary operation in the Hilbert space H2n and consists of a finite collection of quantum gates; each quantum gate implements a unitary transformation on a small number k of qubits. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 30 The quantum search algorithm The algorithm was proposed by Lov Grover in 2004. Preskill called Grover's algorithm ``perhaps the most important new development'' in quantum computing. The quantum search illustrates The quintessence of a quantum algorithm: take advantage of quantum parallelism to create a superposition of all possible values of a function and then amplify, i.e., increase the probability amplitude of the solution; The contrast between classical and quantum algorithm strategies: a classical search algorithm continually reduces the amplitude of non-target states, while a quantum search algorithm amplifies the amplitude of the target states. In this context, to amplify means to increase the probability. The algorithm can be applied directly to a wide range of problems. Even problems not generally regarded as searching problems, can be reformulated to take advantage of quantum parallelism and entanglement, and lead to algorithms which show a square root speedup over their classical counterparts 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 31 The problem and the solution Consider a search space Q = {qi } consisting of N=2n unsorted items; each item qi,1≤i≤N, is uniquely identified by a binary n-tuple i, called the index of the item. We assume that M≤N items satisfy the requirements of a query and we wish to identify one of them. The classic approach is to repeatedly select an item qi, then decide if the item is a solution to the query, and if so, terminate the search. If there is a single solution (M = 1) then a classical search algorithm requires O(N) iterations; in the worst case, we need to examine all N elements; if we repeat the experiment many times then, on average, we will end up examining N/2 elements before finding the desired one. Grover’s search requires O ( N ) iterations. No classical or quantum algorithm can solve this problem in less than O ( N ) iterations. The main idea of the quantum search algorithm is to rotate the state vector in a two-dimensional Hilbert space defined by an initial and a final (target) state vector. The algorithm is iterative and each iteration causes the same amount of rotation. 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 32 The intuition behind the quantum search 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 33 Inversion about the mean; the amplitude of vertical bars is proportional to the modulus of the numbers. (a) A set of eight integers A={34,66,47,63,54,28,42,48} with the average 1 8 1 m qi (34 66 47 ... 42 48) 49 8 i 1 8 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 (b) Inversion about the mean of the set A; the integer qi becomes q’i = m+(m- qi )= 2 m - q’i 34 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 35 Inversion abut the mean and phase inversion (c) A set of eight complex numbers of equal amplitude qi 1 / 8 (d) Phase inversion of the 6-th item, the one we search for. (e) Inversion about the mean from step (d) m 3 /( 4 8) q1 ' q2 ' q3 ' q4 ' q5 ' q'7 q8 ' 1 /( 2 8 ) q6 ' 5 / 2 8 (f) A second phase inversion of the item we search for (g) A second inversion about the new mean from step (e), :m' 1 /(8 8) q1 ' ' q2 ' ' q3 ' ' q4 ' ' q5 ' ' q' '7 q8 ' ' 1 /( 4 8 ) q6 ' ' 11 / 4 8 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 36 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 37 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 38 Geometric interpretation of a Grover iteration: two successive reflections coresspond to a rotation with an angle 2 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 39 7/26/2016 UTFSM - June 2012 40