Personal Alert and Safety System Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) documentation. Written by CS410 Blue Team: Brittany Dufort Jonathon Szewczak Gordon Bland Braden Gibson Marcus Henry Dan Cox 10 December 2010 Table of Contents 1 – Project Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 5 2 – Problem Description ............................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 – Historical Data ...................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 On and Around the Old Dominion University Campus in 20082 .................................................. 7 2.2 – Problem Characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 – Customer Definition ............................................................................................................................. 9 3 – Solution Description .............................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 – Objectives........................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1.1 How it works............................................................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 Goals ........................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 – Major Functional Component and Data Flow Diagrams .................................................................... 13 3.2.1 Major Functional Component Diagram ...................................................................................... 13 3.2.2 Data Flow Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 14 3.3 – Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3.1 Phase 0 ....................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3.2 Phase 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3.3 Phase 2 (Additional from Phase 1) ............................................................................................. 15 3.3.4 Phase 3 and Beyond (Additional from Phase 2) ......................................................................... 15 3.4 – Software Development ...................................................................................................................... 16 3.4.1 Milestones .................................................................................................................................. 16 Phase 0 and 1 ....................................................................................................................... 16 Phase 2 ................................................................................................................................. 16 Phase 3 and beyond ............................................................................................................ 16 3.4.2 Database Schema Diagram......................................................................................................... 17 3.4.3 Data Representation in Master Control Unit ............................................................................. 17 4 – References............................................................................................................................................. 18 5 – Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 – Management Plan .............................................................................................................................. 20 2 10 December 2010 5.1.1 Program Identification ............................................................................................................... 20 Program Management Overview .......................................................................................... 20 Management Approach ........................................................................................................ 21 5.1.2 Project Outlook .......................................................................................................................... 21 5.1.3 Tool Utilization ........................................................................................................................... 21 5.1.4 Team Organization and Corporate Structure ............................................................................. 21 Phase 0 (CS410) ................................................................................................................... 22 Phase 1 (CS411) ................................................................................................................... 23 Phase 2 – Functional Prototype and Development............................................................. 25 Phase 3 – Post Production.................................................................................................... 26 Program Duration ................................................................................................................ 27 5.1.5 Progress Performance Assessment .............................................................................................. 27 5.2 – Funding Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 28 5.2.1 Phase 1 Funding ......................................................................................................................... 28 5.2.2 Phase 2 Funding ......................................................................................................................... 29 5.2.3 Phase 3 Funding ......................................................................................................................... 30 5.3 – Staffing Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 31 5.3.1 Phase 0 ....................................................................................................................................... 31 5.3.2 Phase 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 31 5.3.3 Phase 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 32 5.3.4 Phase 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 32 5.4 – Resource Plan ..................................................................................................................................... 33 5.4.1 Phase 0 ....................................................................................................................................... 33 5.4.2 Phase 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 33 5.4.3 Phase 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 33 5.5 – Risk Mitigation Plan............................................................................................................................ 34 5.5.1 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 34 5.5.2 Risk Matrix .................................................................................................................................. 34 5.5.3 Risks and Mitigation ................................................................................................................... 34 Cost to Customer ................................................................................................................. 34 Initial Cost Outlay ................................................................................................................ 35 Radio Signal Interference ................................................................................................... 35 3 10 December 2010 High Maintenance Costs / Requirements ........................................................................... 35 PASS Fails When Triggered .................................................................................................. 36 Possible Misuse / Deviant Usage ......................................................................................... 36 FCC Regulation Prohibition.................................................................................................. 36 5.6 – Evaluation Plan................................................................................................................................... 38 5.6.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................................... 38 5.6.2 Evaluation Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 38 5.6.3 Phase 0 ....................................................................................................................................... 38 5.6.4 Phase 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 39 5.6.5 Phase 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 39 5.6.6 Phase 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 40 5.7 – Marketing Plan ................................................................................................................................... 41 5.7.1 Potential Market ........................................................................................................................ 41 5.7.2 Initial Market .............................................................................................................................. 41 5.7.3 Product Package ......................................................................................................................... 41 5.7.4 Customer Return on Investment ................................................................................................ 41 5.7.5 Team Return on Investment....................................................................................................... 42 5.8 – WBS per Phase ................................................................................................................................... 43 5.8.1. Phase 0 WBS ............................................................................................................................... 43 5.8.2 Phase 1 WBS ............................................................................................................................... 44 5.8.3 Phase 2 WBS ............................................................................................................................... 45 5.8.4 Phase 3 WBS ............................................................................................................................... 46 4 10 December 2010 1 – Project Summary In times of need, people know to call 9-1-1 for assistance. Unfortunately, calling 9-1-1 requires two things to work: a phone and a voice conversation. In the event of a personal crime (i.e. robbery or assault) the victims do not want to be fishing in their pocket or purse for a phone, or trying to place a call for fear of aggravating their assailant. Consequently, they wait until after the crime has been committed to make the call. Now imagine a system very much like the silent alarms used in banks, but small enough that it can be carried around in a pocket or purse. One push of a button on a small handheld device and a dispatch station knows that a person is trouble, where they are, and that they are in a situation where they cannot call 9-1-1 directly. The Personal Alert and Safety System (PASS) is such a system. The small device that a user would carry on their person is a device very similar to a modern vehicle’s wireless remote, known as a fob. This device is small, lightweight, unobtrusive, and easy to use. The user only needs to push a button on the fob and the alert signal is on its way to dispatch. There is no audible sound to aggravate or warn an attacker. There is no flashing light to annoy the assailant. It’s just a push of a button. The signal is carried over a network of wireless radio transceivers back to the dispatch station where it is caught, processed and presented to the dispatch personnel on duty. The alert is displayed on a map of the network area pinpointing the location of the alarm and basic vital information about the victim. Best of all, once triggered the alert will repeat itself allowing dispatch to track the progress of an alert that is in motion, until it is reset by a first responder. PASS is intended for large institutions that have a security force that can act as first responders and dispatch monitoring personnel (i.e. civil/business complexes and universities/colleges). PASS is not intended to be a substitute for any 9-1-1 system, but to be an added layer of extra personal security. 5 10 December 2010 2 – Problem Description 1. Historical Data 2. Problem Characteristics 3. Customer Definition 6 10 December 2010 2.1 – Historical Data US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics1 2.1.1 On and Around the Old Dominion University Campus in 20082 10 personal crimes on campus 2 in residence halls 4 off campus 46 in the surrounding neighborhoods That averages 1 crime per week for the entire year. 7 10 December 2010 2.2 – Problem Characteristics Security professionals, public and private, often find themselves in a reactive role. A call for help comes in and they must respond as quickly as possible. Therefore by the very nature of reactive roles, the amount of time it takes a security professional to answer the call is critical. In the case of personal crimes (i.e. robbery, assault, etc.) it is even more so. In some extreme cases a savings in response time of even a single minute can mean the difference between life and death. As a result, as a society that is becoming increasingly security conscious, it is prudent to do everything possible to decrease response times. However, this is an ideal that is easier stated than accomplished. Response time is heavily dependent on a number of factors: the nature of the problem, inadequate information from the victim, the location of the event in regards to the closest first responder, and many others. It is often very difficult to isolate a single cause for the delays that response time can be subject to. PASS aims takes aim at two of the response time factors: verbal communication with responder operators and location. In existing emergency response models, a victim (or bystander) makes a telephone call to an emergency number like 9-1-1. The call is answered promptly and the victim is then required to give accurate information to the operator about the location and nature of the emergency. This call will usually be made after the incident has taken place. Sometimes the caller is in a panicked state and communication becomes difficult, thus the operators must be well-trained in communication skills in order to render the proper assistance. This model has been the standard for years and it works and yet there is always room for improvement. A properly implemented PASS system can do just that. 8 10 December 2010 2.3 – Customer Definition There are three main factors that will be considered when our target customer base is established: the size of the potential customer’s installation, the apparent need for our solution, and the ability to financially support PASS. In that regard what is looked for are large complexes set in an environment that is targeted by criminal elements. The first target customer type will be universities and colleges. These institutions are ideal for PASS because their members are prime targets of personal crimes. They are usually young men and women who may not be accustomed to paying special attention to their personal safety. The amount of acreage that these institutions cover is also ideal for PASS, since pinpointing a location could be difficult for a victim. On the financial side, universities and colleges can use the tuition and fees they charge students to offset the financial burdens of PASS. They can even declare a PASS fob as required so that most financial aid sources will help in covering the costs for the student. Also, there may be special grants and funding that the higher education institutions could apply for that would subsidize the installation of PASS. Other potential clients include large business complexes, like that of Google, Inc. or Microsoft Corporation. These businesses have a large employee base, their facilities are sprawling, and they already have security professionals on guard. They also have the financial wherewithal to easily support an implementation of PASS. Civil complexes such as those seen in Washington, D.C. would also be prime candidates. There are a vast number of people working in those buildings and areas. There are a lot of crime-ridden areas surrounding the government buildings. The cost of a large PASS system could be incorporated into the Homeland Security budget and therefore easily paid for with federal tax dollars. Finally there is one last note on potential customers. PASS implementations do not necessarily need to be used in a sprawling area. Because the location of the intrinsic transceivers will be known to the PASS control unit, PASS could easily be used in a large multi-floor office building such as Trump Tower. The owners of one of these buildings could then support the installation with proceeds from the leases they have issued to tenants. PASS is an innovative solution to a growing problem. Every large institution that covers a lot of acreage and fields its own security force could benefit from it. The safety of an institution’s members should be one of the paramount concerns for the institution’s governors; especially for those complexes that are situated in a more heavily populated and/or urban setting. 9 10 December 2010 3 – Solution Description 1. Objectives 2. Major Functional Component Diagram 3. Requirements 4. Software Development 10 10 December 2010 3.1 – Objectives A PASS implementation aims to improve response time of first responders attending a personal crime or emergency event. It does this by allowing the user to trigger a silent alarm via a small radio device. The alarm is received by the security force dispatch center and a first responder is routed to the scene. This method allows the first responders to report to the scene faster for several reasons. The use of the fob allows the victim to initiate a call for help without having to take time to look for a phone or place a call. Also, because the fob is small and unobtrusive, the call for help can be made earlier in the process of an event. As soon as a victim is accosted he/she could push a button and send an alert, thus eliminating the need to wait for the end of the event to call for help. A PASS system will triangulate a victim’s location and that information back to the dispatch station. This greatly aids in the response factor, since a dispatcher does not need to glean that information from a victim via slow verbal communication. 3.1.1 How it works A user of the system would be carrying a small radio signal emitting fob. The device would be no larger than an automobile wireless remote. It would also be capable of fitting on a user’s key ring to make it more convenient to carry. When the user presses a button – or perhaps a simple combination of buttons to avoid inadvertent trigger – the signal would be sent out. This signal would be received by multiple wireless transceivers installed strategically over the entire campus to afford the most coverage. When the first transceivers receive the signal from the fob, the transceiver’s microprocessor appends a prefix code telling the system which transceivers saw the signal first. It then retransmits the signal. The next transceiver inline sees that a prefix has been appended and then retransmits the signal again. This process continues until the signal reaches the dispatch station. At the dispatch station, a powered receiver senses the incoming signal and passes it to the Master Control Unit (MCU). The MCU is a computer server that will decode and process the signal. It will use the incoming signals to triangulate the location of the fob. Additionally, since each fob will be registered to a single user, the incoming signal can be used to pull vital statistics on the user. It will then display this information and the location to the dispatch operator via a convenient mapping graphic user interface. The dispatcher would then route the nearest first responder to the scene. Additionally, if the first responders had a computer that was linked to the same network as the dispatch station, the map data could be displayed there too. 3.1.2 Goals The following is an itemized list of goals that PASS aims to accomplish: 1. Users equipped with radio transmitter fobs. 2. Wireless Transceivers installed in the most strategic locations to give maximum coverage. 3. Transceivers relay received alert signals to dispatch station. 11 10 December 2010 4. MCU uses specialized software to process signal and display location in custom graphic user interface. 5. Allow graphic user interface to be viewed in first responder vehicles (if so equipped). 12 10 December 2010 3.2 – Major Functional Component and Data Flow Diagrams 3.2.1 Major Functional Component Diagram Through a series of transceivers that signal would be translated to dispatch. The signal will be received by a control unit / server. From there a graphic user interface will display the location of the emergency beacon on a map. Once activated the fob would automatically repeat its broadcast until reset by responders. When a fob button(s) is pushed a signal would be sent out. Dispatch would route a responder at a high priority to assess the situation. 13 10 December 2010 3.2.2 Data Flow Diagram 14 10 December 2010 3.3 – Requirements 3.3.1 Phase 0 1. Staffing 3.3.2 Phase 1 1. Facilities (ODU) 2. Equipment (ODU) 3. Prototype Hardware 3.3.3 Phase 2 (Additional from Phase 1) 1. Facilities: (2,000 square foot facility) 2. Equipment 3. System Hardware to complete first commercial implementation 3.3.4 Phase 3 and Beyond (Additional from Phase 2) 1. Marketing 15 10 December 2010 3.4 – Software Development 3.4.1 Milestones Phase 0 and 1 1. Prototype GUI 2. Base Software 3. Transceiver Software 4. Fob software 5. Database 6. Drivers Phase 2 1. Develop GUI a. Menus b. Map Display c. Database View d. Develop Color Scheme and Layout 2. Develop Base Software a. Develop Software to Receive signal from key fob b. Develop Software to send signal from fob to base Station c. Develop Triangulation Algorithm d. Develop map implementation from given location 3. Develop Database 4. Develop Drivers Phase 3 and beyond 1. Update software based on location/Organization 2. Basic Updates for bugs/fixes [Left blank] 16 10 December 2010 3.4.2 Database Schema Diagram 3.4.3 Data Representation in Master Control Unit 17 10 December 2010 4 – References 1. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. "Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2007 Statistical Tables" Page 115, Table 107. "Percent distribution of incidents where police came to the victim, by police response time and type of crime" Verified on 11 December 2010. 2. ODU Police Department. "Crime Statistics" Verified on 11 December 2010 ( 18 10 December 2010 5 – Appendix 1. Management plan 2. Funding plan 3. Resource plan 4. Risk mitigation plan 5. Evaluation plan 6. Marketing plan 7. WBS per phase 19 10 December 2010 5.1 – Management Plan 5.1.1 Program Identification The purpose of this Program Management Plan (PMP) is to identify key elements of the CS410 Blue Team Project. The project deliverable is the Personal Alert and Safety System (PASS) hardware, software and documentation. The PASS team is responsible for the integration, acceptance testing, and maintenance of the product. Program Management Overview Program execution will be performed according to the standards developed by several PASS project specification documents. These documents are identified as the following: Funding Plan, Staffing Plan, Resource Plan, Risk Mitigation Plan, Evaluation Plan, and Marketing Plan. Funding Plan Staffing Plan Resource Plan Management Plan Risk Mitigation Plan Evalution Plan Marketing Plan Figure. 1 - Project Specification Document Hierarchy This Program Management Plan describes the management philosophy, program organization, schedule, and major milestones that serve as the guide for execution of the Program. The PMP also provides the customer with the information needed to monitor and evaluate the progress of PASS. This plan provides the following information: 20 10 December 2010 Corporate Organization during Phases 0-3 Program Team Organization with Areas of Responsibility Detailed Program Schedule and Milestones Work Breakdown Structure Management Approach The project manager (PM) is responsible for all Program-related decisions and commitments with approval, as required, from the Corporate Management Team (Gene Price). A key element of PASS’s program management approach is customer involvement. We encourage the customer to retain an active role in monitoring the progress of all aspects of the program. The customer is encouraged to discuss technical details directly with members of the development team, provide planning and schedule recommendations, and assist in resolution of technical and programmatic issues. In order to facilitate customer involvement, PASS staff will provide access to program information including, but not limited to: 5.1.2 Program Plans and Schedules Program Status Formal Review Material Action Items System Drawings and Documentation Project Outlook The goal of PASS is to provide a solution to the problem: in the event of a personal crime or emergency, security professionals at higher education, business and civil complexes need an effective way to allow individuals to quickly and silently communicate their location to first responders. The PASS solution is a key fob that individuals would be equipped with that when pressed, would trigger an alert at a security dispatch center. The alert would be repeated every 30 seconds until first responders reset the unit, creating fast, efficient service to individuals in distress. 5.1.3 Tool Utilization PASS team members will primarily use recitation meetings to collaborate and communicate ideas. Google Chat and e-mail will be used to supplement in sharing and storing ideas and documents. 5.1.4 Team Organization and Corporate Structure The PASS Corporation formed in August of 2010 and its members made a commitment to quality innovation and production. The following sections outline the PASS Corporate organizational structure and member responsibilities during the different phases of the project. [Left blank] 21 10 December 2010 Phase 0 (CS410) Among the tasks, phase 0 of the project includes the problem identification and analysis, consultation with a domain expert, preparation of business plans. According to those tasks, the team consists of the following specialists: Gene Price General Manager Brittany Dufort Project Manager Marcus Henry Jon Szewczak Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Daniel Cox Assistant Manager, Web Developer Braden Gibson Software Development, Public Outreach Ray Bland Database Specialist, Public Outreach Figure 2. Phase 0 Organization Chart Staff Listing/Skills: Brittany Dufort: Project Manager The project manager maintains and monitors the working schedule of employees. It will be their duty to make sure that deadlines are met by both outside staff as well as our internal team. Marcus Henry: Hardware Development, Financial Specialist The hardware engineer will decide what components are possible in our key fob as well as what other devices will be needed to setup our nebula of tracking information. Jon Szewczak: Hardware Development, Financial Specialist 22 10 December 2010 The hardware engineer will decide what components are possible in our key fob as well as what other devices will be needed to setup our nebula of tracking information. Daniel Cox: Assistant Manager, Web Developer The Web developer will work with the Google API and ensuring that our software and website interact in a reasonable fashion. Braden Gibson: Software Development, Public Outreach The software developers will create a Graphical User Interface that will be used by dispatch to help locate users in distress. The Marketing Specialist will design, create, and deliver marketing programs to support expansion and growth of the company services and product Ray Bland: Database Specialist, Public Outreach The Database expert will plan out how are system will interact with the clients databases, providing us with a means to set up our key fob system and network. The Marketing Specialist will design, create, and deliver marketing programs to support expansion and growth of the company services and product. Phase 1 (CS411) Phase 1 will begin prototype design and development, along with continuation of funding and technical writing. The following specialists will be included to the existing Phase 0 staff: Network Expert, Emergency Consultant. [Left blank] 23 10 December 2010 Gene Price General Manager Brittany Dufort Project Manager Marcus Henry Jon Szewczak Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Braden Gibson Daniel Cox Assistant Manager, Web Developer Ray Bland Database Specialist, Public Outreach Software Development, Public Outreach Network Expert Emergency Consultant Figure 3. Phase 1 Organization Chart Phase 1 Increased Staff Listing: Network Expert The network consultant works with staff members to provide reliable and optimal performance of network architecture. Emergency Consultant The emergency consultant will provide insight on dispatch procedures, and emergency personnel response protocols. 24 10 December 2010 Phase 2 – Functional Prototype and Development During phase 2, when the actual product is developed from the previously built prototype, the team is increased with the following additional specialists: Tech Support and Outreach Assistant. Gene Price General Manager Brittany Dufort Project Manager Marcus Henry Jon Szewczak Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Assistant Manager, Web Developer Software Development, Public Outreach Network Expert Tech Support Emergency Consultant Daniel Cox Braden Gibson Ray Bland Database Specialist, Public Outreach Outreach Assistant Figure 4. Phase 2 Organization Chart Phase 2 Increased Staff Listing: Tech Support: Personnel are necessary to facilitate support roles and help solve user problems and frustrations. Outreach Assistant: Personnel facilitate all inter-office communication necessary for outreach and public relations operations. The assistant would help communicate all current and future goals as they apply to the work schedule. 25 10 December 2010 Phase 3 – Post Production To begin mass production of the PASS, additional staff will need to be acquired, in the following capacities: Accounting Specialist and Administrative Assistant. Gene Price General Manager Brittany Dufort Administrative Assistant Accounting Specialist Braden Gibson Ray Bland Project Manager Marcus Henry Jon Szewczak Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Assistant Manager, Web Developer Software Development, Public Outreach Communicatio n Expert Network Expert Tech Support Emergency Consultant Daniel Cox Database Specialist, Public Outreach Outreach Assistant Figure 3. Phase 3 Organization Chart Phase 3 Increased Staff Listing: Accounting Specialist: Responsibilities include: development, maintenance, and enhancement of current and future fiscal procedures. Administrative Assistant: Responsibilities include: inter-office communication, contacting of necessary personnel per job requirements. 26 10 December 2010 Program Duration The PASS program is a 3 year project. The first prototype deliverable will be produced by May 2011 in Phase 1 of the project. Subsequent releases of the prototype will be produced in accordance with client requests. 5.1.5 Progress Performance Assessment All PASS Team members will participate in progress reporting and team management. PASS staff will track technical and financial progress of the program, and meetings will be held monthly or as mutually agreeable the project manager and customer to discuss: Report on progress to date Present work to be performed during the next month Present status of all deliverables and review planned delivery dates Discuss technical or programmatic issues as necessary. In preparation for the meetings the PASS Project Manager will collect the current status data on relevant on-going activities, progress against schedule and budget, and planned activity for the next reporting period. Quality reviews of all program documentation and procedures will be held periodically. In particular, the quality program will be involved with program deliveries and milestones and will work off of the master program schedule laid out by the work breakdown structure. Following are the details of the project milestones and the work breakdown structure. 27 10 December 2010 5.2 – Funding Plan 5.2.1 Phase 1 Funding Phase 1 Staffing Position Number of Employees Hourly Rate Hours Needed Cost Loaded (Cost + 40%) Project Manager 1 $55.00 800 $44,000 $61,600 Software Developer 2 $20.00 840 $33,600 $47,040 Documentation Specialist 1 $15.00 792 $11,880 $16,632 Hardware Engineer 1 $30.00 288 $8,640 $12,096 Network Consultant 1 $40.00 240 $9,600 $13,440 Database Expert 1 $40.00 56 $2,240 $3,136 Web Developer 1 $40.00 72 $2,880 $4,032 Marketing Specialist 1 $20.00 648 $12,960 $18,144 Totals 9 $125,800 $176,120 Phase 1 Budget Staffing $176,120.00 Facilities $0.00 Equipment $0.00 Other $100.00 Totals $176,220.00 28 10 December 2010 5.2.2 Phase 2 Funding Phase 2 Staffing Number of Employees Position Hourly Rate Hours Needed Cost Loaded (Cost + 40%) Project Manager 1 $55.00 704 $38,720 $54,208 Software Developers 4 $20.00 176 $14,080 $19,712 Documentation Specialist 1 $15.00 704 $10,560 $14,784 Hardware Engineers 3 $30.00 704 $63,360 $88,704 Network Engineer 2 $40.00 704 $56,320 $78,848 Database Expert 1 $40.00 176 $7,040 $9,856 Web Developers 2 $40.00 176 $14,080 $19,712 Financial Experts 1 $40.00 176 $7,040 $9,856 Marketing Specialists 1 $20.00 704 $14,080 $19,712 $225,280 $315,392 Totals 16 Phase 2 Budget Staffing $315,392.00 Facilities $27,000.00 Equipment $30,000.00 Other $430,000.00 Totals $802,392.00 29 10 December 2010 5.2.3 Phase 3 Funding Phase 3 Staffing Position Number of Employees Hourly Rate Hours Needed Cost Loaded (Cost + 40%) Project Manager 1 $55.00 720 $39,600 $55,440 Software Engineers 3 $20.00 176 $10,560 $14,784 Web Developers 2 $40.00 176 $14,080 $19,712 Database Expert 1 $40.00 176 $7,040 $9,856 Network Engineer 2 $40.00 704 $56,320 $78,848 Hardware Engineers 3 $30.00 704 $63,360 $88,704 Financial Experts 1 $40.00 176 $7,040 $9,856 Documentation Specialist 1 $15.00 704 $10,560 $14,784 Marketing Specialists 1 $20.00 704 $14,080 $19,712 Technicians 10 $15.00 704 $105,600 $147,840 Totals 25 $328,240 $459,536 Phase 3 Budget Staffing $459,536.00 Facilities $0.00 Equipment $0.00 Other $10,000.00 Totals $469,536.00 30 10 December 2010 5.3 – Staffing Plan 5.3.1 Phase 0 Staff Brittany Dufort: Project Manager The project manager maintains and monitors the working schedule of employees. It will be their duty to make sure that deadlines are met by both outside staff as well as our internal team. Marcus Henry: Hardware Development, Financial Specialist The hardware engineer will decide what components are possible in our key fob as well as what other devices will be needed to setup our nebula of tracking information. Jon Szewczak: Hardware Development, Financial Specialist The hardware engineer will decide what components are possible in our key fob as well as what other devices will be needed to setup our nebula of tracking information. Daniel Cox: Assistant Manager, Web Developer The Web developer will work with the Google API and ensuring that our software and website interact in a reasonable fashion. Braden Gibson: Software Development, Public Outreach The software developers will create a Graphical User Interface that will be used by dispatch to help locate users in distress. The Marketing Specialist will design, create, and deliver marketing programs to support expansion and growth of the company services and product Ray Bland: Database Specialist, Public Outreach The Database expert will plan out how are system will interact with the clients databases, providing us with a means to set up our key fob system and network. The Marketing Specialist will design, create, and deliver marketing programs to support expansion and growth of the company services and product. 5.3.2 Phase 1 Increased Staff Network Expert The network consultant works with staff members to provide reliable and optimal performance of network architecture. 31 10 December 2010 Emergency Consultant The emergency consultant will provide insight on dispatch procedures, and emergency personnel response protocols. 5.3.3 Phase 2 Increased Staff: Tech Support: Personnel are necessary to facilitate support roles and help solve user problems and frustrations. Outreach Assistant: Personnel will facilitate all inter-office communication necessary for outreach and public relations operations. The assistant would help communicate all current and future goals as they apply to the work schedule. 5.3.4 Phase 3 Increased Staff: Accounting Specialist: Responsibilities include: development, maintenance, and enhancement of current and future fiscal procedures. Administrative Assistant: Responsibilities include: inter-office communication, contacting of necessary personnel per job requirements. 32 10 December 2010 5.4 – Resource Plan 5.4.1 Phase 0 No additional materials would be needed excluding initial staff. [See Management Plan] 5.4.2 Phase 1 Additional resources include: Prototype Hardware [See Funding Plan] Prototype Software (GUI) [See Software Development Milestones] 5.4.3 Phase 2 Additional resources include: Production Hardware [See Funding Plan] Production Software [See Software Development Milestones] Facilities 33 10 December 2010 5.5 – Risk Mitigation Plan 5.5.1 Summary This document will identify the risks that have been deemed the most detrimental to the project. There were several factors used to determine the degree of hazard of any particular risk. Each of those factors was weighted for each individual risk. Any risk that posed almost no threat to the project is not listed herein. 5.5.2 Risk Matrix Cost to Customer Very High Initial Cost Outlay Probability High Medium False Alarms Signal Interference System Maintenance Low Very Low System Abuse Very Low System Malfunction FCC Regulations Low Medium High Very High Impact Above is the risk matrix for this project. This matrix illustrates the likelihood and severity of each risk if the worst should happen and the risk prove true. Each risk will be detailed further in the next section along with any plans for mitigation. 5.5.3 Risks and Mitigation Cost to Customer Description The cost of PASS to any customer can be summarized to be in the range of $450,000 - $500,000. This indicates that only the largest and most financially stable institutions will be interested in the system. For this reason, this risk has been deemed the largest for the PASS project. Mitigation There is not much the PASS team will be able to do to mitigate this risk except for expert marketing and financial consultations. It is the opinion of the PASS project team that targeting universities and colleges for the first round of customers holds the best possible chance of success. This is due in large part to the 34 10 December 2010 fact that universities and colleges can pass on a portion of the costs to their student body in the way of fees. Also, since the purpose of the system is to make the institution safer, there’s a good possibility that grants and special funding from the local, state, and federal government level might be available to the university or college. Initial Cost Outlay Description PASS is a large system. The principles are simple, but the implementation is anything but. It is not unrealistic to consider that an implementation of PASS would consist of 5,000 fob devices and 10,000 transceivers. The scale is very large. As such, it will take a substantial outlay of money just for production costs. After everything is summed, it is possible that the SBIR Phase II money will not cover the costs for getting to Phase 3. Mitigation There are several ways of limiting the impact of the expenditures. The first is to find a supplier that for the components that is the most cost effective. The second is to seek additional funding from venture capitalists. However this method would probably only work once Phase 1 is complete and we have at least a working agreement with our first customer. Finally, we could partner with a larger firm that has greater resources at its disposal. Radio Signal Interference Description Since PASS will utilize well known and extensively used frequency bandwidths as laid out by FCC guidelines, there is a possibility that common wireless devices such as cordless phones, wireless home networks, and 2-way radios will interfere with the PASS network. There are two ways that interference can cause trouble for PASS. The first is that an unauthorized device triggers an alert signal. The other is that another device inhibits the broadcasting (jamming) of the alert signal to the control unit / server. Mitigation To solve the problem of another device triggering an alert we will use software controls in the control unit / server that will make sure that the received signal is from an authorized fob. To solve the jamming issue we will rely on two principles: the first is that the alert signal is repeated until the fob unit is reset by first responders; and the second is that fob should not be the only method a victim uses to call for help (i.e. 9-1-1). High Maintenance Costs / Requirements Description PASS uses thousands of transceivers in its network of devices. Each of these devices will require some maintenance (i.e. battery replacement). Maintaining these devices will be no small undertaking (in time and resources) for the customers. 35 10 December 2010 Mitigation The project team will make every effort to make the transceivers as maintenance free as possible. One way of doing this is to make available a solar powered option. This will greatly reduce the need for battery maintenance (the number one maintenance concern). Another way is to use rugged enclosures that are impervious to most normal-extreme weather conditions. PASS Fails When Triggered Description There is a danger in any technological solution that when it is needed the most that it fails. It is possible, although unlikely, that if a victim triggers an alert via their fob, that the device does not trigger an alert at dispatch. Mitigation It should be made abundantly clear on all packaging, contracts, and all other documentation that PASS is not a substitute for dialing 9-1-1 during an emergency. As such, a victim should never solely rely on the device. A phone call to 9-1-1 should be made as soon as it is possible after triggering the alert via fob. Possible Misuse / Deviant Usage Description There were a couple of scenarios that the project team came up with which could be an issue if they were not accounted for. The first is that a lost fob device could be used to trigger false alarms that draw first responders away from the real incident location. The second is that an alert signal could be triggered as part of a prank. Mitigation It has already been discussed that the control unit / server will have software that will verify that a signal is from an authorized device. So if a user reports that a device is lost or stolen then the authorities can mark that device as unauthorized and then any signals emanating from that device will be ignored by PASS. Also, to act as a deterrent for triggering false alarms as part of a prank, the institution could and should enact policies that make the misuse of the fobs costly to the user. Also, in a university or college setting, the proper usage of the device could be made part of the honor code which affects every student and their privilege to attend the institution. FCC Regulation Prohibition Description There is a small chance that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations will prohibit large radio frequency networks such as PASS across the frequency ranges that we have determined as optimal. Also there is a chance that permits and/or license may be required for the implementation of PASS. 36 10 December 2010 Mitigation The project team will work closely with FCC representatives to ensure that PASS meets all regulations for a large wireless network in the desired frequency ranges. If permits / licenses are required for the customer implementation, then the PASS team should act as a facilitating agent for the customer in obtaining the correct licenses / permits. 37 10 December 2010 5.6 – Evaluation Plan 5.6.1 Purpose This document is the Evaluation Plan for the PASS Project. The purpose of the plan is to describe the goals and points at which project milestones can be considered achieved. Each phase of a workbreakdown schedule is considered using select criteria in grading the performance during each step. 5.6.2 Evaluation Criteria The evaluation of the phases of the project can be broken down into the following three categories: 5.6.3 Financial Marketing Deliverables Phase 0 Phase 0 is unique in that it represents the starting and planning point for the later phases. During this phase, the initial framework is considered and outlined. Because of its position, two extra grading criteria are added as part of this phase that represents the seed idea and the finalization of the workbreakdown schedule and thus the beginning of Phase One. Phase 0 is evaluated using the following categories: Defining Problem and Solution The problem and the solution defining can be said to be completed when the problem statement is confirmed by the professor and the proposed solution has been reviewed and discussed by student peers. Marketing (Feasibility) The marketing stage of phase zero, the feasibility category, can be said to be completed upon the delivering of the second presentation which covers information that satisfies that subject area. Deliverables (Milestones) Upon the completion of the final presentation, the fourth one, this category can said to be satisfactory achieved. The fourth presentation includes information that would have been presented in the other three presentations as well as the defining and demonstration of a workbreakdown schedule that has set milestones for the project to accomplish (i.e. the next phases of the project). Final Approval (Website) The last category is only achieved at the professor’s grading period. Upon submission of the website, for review, and after the final presentation has been given, a grade is assigned to the team members. This grade signifies that work, of some degree, was done up to the end of phase zero and officially ends the phase. 38 10 December 2010 5.6.4 Phase 1 Phase one marks the beginning of a second semester and the official end of the initial planning. At this stage, resource requirements are considered and recorded as the first prototype of several key systems are designed and implemented, at least preliminarily. Phase 1 is evaluated using the following categories: Financial (system requirements) This category deals primarily with the generation of requirements and the documentation of said requirements. It is said to be completed once the initial grading period or presentation is accomplished. Additional considerations of SBIR and other funding are finalized during this category as well. Marketing Since the project is targeted at ODU and other large campuses, this category would not be accomplished until either officials representing campus that fit the target market are met with and a discussion takes place, or sufficient market research is done to point to other alternative target markets. Deliverables (Prototype Hardware and Software; Testing) The closing category of phase one is the development of prototype hardware, software and the testing of the combination of the two. Once the requirements are met upon the completion of the system requirement category, the results of the documentation and research can be used to generate the design of models of either the whole system or parts of it. These example system can then be tested to find the ideally values for phase two. 5.6.5 Phase 2 Phase 2 is the culmination of the two previous stages. The planning and documentation of resource requirements are used here to finalize the design of each area that will then be used in the final phase as the full production. Phase 2 is evaluated using the following categories: Financial Using information gleamed from the phase one funding cycle, the project would proceed into getting funding for this phase of development. Achievement of this goal would entail the filling out and submitting of the necessary forms. Marketing This category can be marked as achieved only when a formal agreement or introduction of new markets are recorded. As this phase represents the end of all major designing, the markets and customers will need to be rather specific and known by this point. Deliverables (Hardware and Software Design; Documentation) By the end of this phase, all designs and the majority of documentation should be finished. 39 10 December 2010 During this phase, all designs will be corrected and planned for mass production from the values that were taken from the testing stage part of phase one. Upon the competition of this step, the product will be ready for mass production. 5.6.6 Phase 3 Phase 3 represents the summation and culmination of all work done previously. From the planning to the designs, all work is combined and is finally put into large scale practice. This phase marks the end of the beginning for a company or production of a product and the beginning of the product being put into the hands of consumers. Phase 3 is evaluated using the following categories: Financial For Phase 3, the fiscal responsibilities consist of analyzing the budget and, if needed, seeking additional funding of even investors before the push of mass producing the final product. Before additional funding can be accessed, all other funding specific to each phase must be either used or otherwise marked. Marketing Similar to Phase 2, the marketing should be a known item by the point. At least one customer should be lined up with others in talks or about to be contacted. Deliverables (Ordering Hardware and Software; Documentation) Mass production happens here. Due to the large number of radio devices needed, our project will be outsourcing most of actual building of the devices to other companies or services. All finalizations to software installers and documentation will also be accomplished in this step. 40 10 December 2010 5.7 – Marketing Plan 5.7.1 Potential Market The Personal Alert and Safety System (PASS) has a very broad marketability. PASS may be marketed to a variety of institutions and businesses where safety in densely populated areas is paramount. Though universities are the initial market, business buildings, complexes, correctional facilities, government buildings, hospitals, and public schools are all appropriate customers. 5.7.2 Initial Market The initial market of the PASS is Old Dominion University (ODU). ODU’s campus is set in an urban area with a high crime rate. Though the university strives to better protect their students and faculty, safety has had little improvement even with their implementation of a private police force. Furthermore, it appears ODU has reached the limit where more police will not necessarily provide a safer environment, while costs continue to increase. PASS will allow the current police force to better protect the campus via geo-location data to pinpoint where problems arise more rapidly then what their current model provides. Marketing of the product will be simplified with ODU as the first customer. Statistics from this first implementation will be proof of the effectiveness of the product. Universities are continually looking for new ways to protect the students and faculty, thus this system will spread much by word of mouth, news, and promotional packages. A demonstration may also be setup once more funding is achieved. 5.7.3 Product Package A base package for PASS will include installation and support, survey of the complex for recommended transceiver locations, 5,000 transceivers, 3,000 fobs, a master receiver, and all necessary software. This base package costs approximately $300,000; however, some complexes may require additional components. For larger complexes, or complexes with more patrons, additional transceivers and fobs may be purchased. 5.7.4 Customer Return on Investment PASS is not meant to necessarily be monetarily profitable to the customer, but instead the return is safety. The question instead becomes sustainability, and for ODU it is very achievable. Once the transceivers are in place on the campus, only new fobs need to be replaced every so often. The solution for universities, like ODU, is to add the cost of the fob into the housing rates for on-campus living. Concerned parents typically will not mind a small fee for the safety of their children, and over time, it will provide funding for more units to be purchased. As to not upset those who live off-campus, units could be purchased optionally. For ODU, where many students live a few streets off-campus where the crime rate is high, this may be of interest them. 41 10 December 2010 5.7.5 Team Return on Investment The PASS team’s expected return on investment is expected to start off slow to gain market through real-world use. The key is to produce the product with as little overhead as possible and a narrow profit margin to continually improve the product. Once the product has been established with a strong market, more profit will be made from new installations, upgrades, technical support, and replacement components such as the fobs. The product will become profitable upon the fifth sale with maintenance and support. At this point we estimate the team will have spent approximately $2.47 million dollars and will have produced at least $2.50 million dollars. 42 10 December 2010 5.8 – WBS per Phase 5.8.1. Phase 0 WBS Name PHASE 0 (Conceptual Design) Define Project Members Define Problem & Identify Solution Define Problem Define Solution Present Project Definition Feasibility Define Risks Build ROM Cost Projection Build History Study Develop Prelim Hardware Requirements Develop Prelim Software Requirements Present Feasibility Analysis Milestone Define Risk Mitigation Financial Analysis Management Plan Work Breakdown Schedules Define Hardware Milestones Define Software Milestones Present Milestone Analysis Final Approval Prepare Present Website Stand Up Project Wiki Stand Up External Project Website Populate External Project Website End PHASE 0 Duration 74 days 1 day 36 days 6 days 31 days 1 day 8 days 6 days 6 days 6 days 6 days 6 days 1 day 8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days 1 day 22 days 21 days 1 day 68 days 2 days 5 days 34 days 0 days Start 9/6/2010 9/6/2010 9/6/2010 9/6/2010 9/13/2010 10/25/2010 10/25/2010 10/25/2010 10/25/2010 10/25/2010 10/25/2010 10/25/2010 11/3/2010 11/4/2010 11/4/2010 11/4/2010 11/4/2010 11/4/2010 11/4/2010 11/4/2010 11/15/2010 11/16/2010 11/16/2010 12/15/2010 9/13/2010 9/18/2010 10/26/2010 10/31/2010 12/17/2010 Finish Level 12/17/2010 1 9/6/2010 2 10/25/2010 2 9/13/2010 3 10/24/2010 3 10/25/2010 3 11/3/2010 2 11/1/2010 3 11/1/2010 3 11/1/2010 3 11/1/2010 3 11/1/2010 3 11/3/2010 3 11/15/2010 2 11/14/2010 3 11/14/2010 3 11/14/2010 3 11/14/2010 3 11/14/2010 3 11/14/2010 3 11/15/2010 3 12/15/2010 2 12/14/2010 3 12/15/2010 3 12/15/2010 2 9/20/2010 3 10/30/2010 3 12/15/2010 3 12/17/2010 2 43 10 December 2010 5.8.2 Phase 1 WBS ID Name 30 PHASE 1 (Preliminary Design) 31 Define System Requirements 32 Hardware Requirements 33 Software Requirements 34 Support Requirements 35 Generate Requirements Documentation 36 Marketing 37 Approach ODU 38 Assess Further Possible Customers 39 Financials 40 Define Budget Requirements 41 Seek SBIR Funding (Phase 1) 42 Prototype 43 Acquire Test Hardware 44 Hardware 45 Create Unique KeyFob Address(es) 46 Modifying Transceivers for Task 47 Modify Master Receiver for Task 48 Software 49 Graphic User Interface 50 Database 51 Hardware Driver 52 Triangulation 53 Testing 54 Signal Strength of KeyFobs 55 Testing at Various Locations 56 Ensure Location Algorithm Correctness 57 GUI and Database Functionality 58 Test Result Analysis 59 Presentation of Prototype 60 End PHASE 1 Duration 100 days 11 days 6 days 6 days 6 days 6 days 81 days 81 days 81 days 14 days 3 days 11 days 76 days 2 days 11 days 4 days 4 days 3 days 35 days 35 days 35 days 21 days 35 days 30 days 3 days 4 days 7 days 7 days 22 days 1 day 1 day Start 1/3/2011 1/4/2011 1/5/2011 1/6/2011 1/7/2011 1/10/2011 1/10/2011 1/10/2011 1/10/2011 1/10/2011 1/10/2011 1/13/2011 1/28/2011 1/28/2011 2/1/2011 2/1/2011 2/7/2011 2/11/2011 2/1/2011 2/1/2011 2/1/2011 2/1/2011 2/1/2011 3/21/2011 3/21/2011 3/23/2011 3/23/2011 3/23/2011 4/1/2011 5/13/2011 5/15/2011 Finish Level 5/20/2011 1 1/17/2011 2 1/10/2011 3 1/10/2011 3 1/10/2011 3 1/17/2011 3 5/2/2011 2 5/2/2011 3 5/2/2011 3 1/27/2011 2 1/12/2011 3 1/27/2011 3 5/15/2011 2 1/31/2011 3 2/15/2011 3 2/4/2011 4 2/10/2011 4 2/15/2011 4 3/21/2011 3 3/21/2011 4 3/21/2011 4 3/1/2011 4 3/21/2011 4 5/1/2011 3 3/23/2011 4 3/28/2011 4 3/31/2011 4 3/31/2011 4 5/1/2011 4 5/13/2011 3 5/15/2011 3 44 10 December 2010 5.8.3 Phase 2 WBS ID Name 61 PHASE 2 (Detailed Design) 62 Financials 63 Budget Analysis 64 Seek SBIR Funding (Phase 2) 65 Project Team Expansion 66 Design 67 Hardware 68 Finalize Transceiver Design 69 Antenna 70 Battery 71 Enclosure 72 Finalize FOB Design 73 Button Arrangement 74 Anti-Accidental Trigger Mechanism 75 Finalize Main Receiver Design 76 Antenna 77 Battery 78 Enclosure 79 Production Drawings 80 Software 81 Finalize Graphic User Interface 82 Alert Mapping 83 Transceiver Status 84 Logging 85 Finalize Database 86 Schema 87 Technology 88 Finalize Triangulation 89 Optimize for Speed 90 Finalize Drivers 91 Fob Registration Utility 92 Testing 93 Battery Consumption 94 Rolling Frequency 95 Signal Strength 96 Duty Cycle 97 Software BETA Tests 98 Marketing Duration Start 230 days 11/15/2010 22 days 6/1/2011 22 days 6/1/2011 8 days 6/1/2011 23 days 6/1/2011 88 days 6/1/2011 88 days 6/1/2011 22 days 6/1/2011 13 days 6/1/2011 13 days 6/1/2011 9 days 6/20/2011 21 days 6/1/2011 7 days 6/1/2011 14 days 6/10/2011 22 days 6/1/2011 13 days 6/1/2011 13 days 6/1/2011 9 days 6/20/2011 67 days 7/1/2011 22 days 6/1/2011 21 days 6/1/2011 21 days 6/1/2011 21 days 6/1/2011 21 days 6/1/2011 5 days 6/1/2011 5 days 6/1/2011 5 days 6/1/2011 7 days 6/1/2011 7 days 6/1/2011 14 days 6/1/2011 22 days 6/1/2011 44 days 7/1/2011 44 days 7/1/2011 3 days 7/1/2011 5 days 7/1/2011 5 days 7/1/2011 88 days 11/15/2010 66 days 7/1/2011 Finish Level 10/1/2011 1 6/30/2011 2 6/30/2011 3 6/10/2011 3 7/1/2011 2 10/1/2011 2 10/1/2011 3 6/30/2011 4 6/17/2011 5 6/17/2011 5 6/30/2011 5 6/29/2011 4 6/9/2011 5 6/29/2011 5 6/30/2011 4 6/17/2011 5 6/17/2011 5 6/30/2011 5 10/1/2011 4 6/30/2011 3 6/29/2011 4 6/29/2011 5 6/29/2011 5 6/29/2011 5 6/7/2011 4 6/7/2011 5 6/7/2011 5 6/9/2011 4 6/9/2011 5 6/20/2011 4 6/30/2011 4 8/31/2011 3 8/31/2011 4 7/5/2011 4 7/7/2011 4 7/7/2011 4 3/16/2011 4 9/30/2011 2 45 10 December 2010 99 100 101 102 103 104 5.8.4 Establish formal agreements with ODU Seek New Customers Documentation User Manual Online Help Documentation End PHASE 2 14 days 89 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 1 day 6/1/2011 6/1/2011 6/15/2011 6/15/2011 6/15/2011 10/1/2011 6/20/2011 10/1/2011 7/26/2011 7/26/2011 7/26/2011 10/1/2011 3 3 2 3 3 2 Phase 3 WBS ID Name 105 PHASE 3 (Operational Production) 106 Financials 107 Budget Analysis 108 Seek Funding 109 Project Team Expansion 110 Hardware Order (Out Sourced) 111 Choose Manufacturer 112 Issue Manufacturing Order 113 Scout Warehouse Space 114 Receive Hardware 115 Full System Test 116 Package for Shipment 117 Software Order 118 Installers 119 Marketing Establish Formal Agreements with 120 Customers 121 Seek New Customers 122 Documentation 123 Installation Guide 124 User Manual 125 Contracts 126 Finalize contract with ODU 127 Ship to Customer (ODU) 128 End PHASE 3 Duration Start 90 days 10/2/2011 22 days 10/2/2011 23 days 10/2/2011 14 days 10/2/2011 23 days 10/2/2011 80 days 10/3/2011 11 days 10/3/2011 4 days 10/17/2011 11 days 10/3/2011 23 days 11/3/2011 30 days 12/5/2011 5 days 1/16/2012 24 days 10/3/2011 24 days 10/3/2011 90 days 10/3/2011 Finish Level 2/3/2012 1 11/1/2011 2 11/1/2011 3 10/19/2011 3 11/1/2011 2 1/20/2012 2 10/17/2011 3 10/20/2011 3 10/17/2011 3 12/5/2011 3 1/13/2012 3 1/20/2012 3 11/3/2011 2 11/3/2011 3 2/3/2012 2 14 days 90 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 14 days 14 days 1 day 1 day 10/20/2011 2/3/2012 11/11/2011 11/11/2011 11/11/2011 10/20/2011 10/20/2011 2/1/2012 2/3/2012 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 2/1/2012 2/3/2012 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 46