Processes CMSC-421 Operating Systems Principles Chapter 2 Gary Burt 7/26/2016 1 The Process Model All the runnable software on the computer, including the operating system is organized into a number of sequential processes. A process is just an executing program, including the current values of the program counter, registers, and variables. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 2 Multiprogramming of Four Programs. One program counter A B Process Switch C D Gary Burt 7/26/2016 3 Multiprogramming of Four Programs. (II) Four program counters A Gary Burt B C 7/26/2016 D 4 Multiprogramming of Four Programs. (III) D C B A Time Gary Burt 7/26/2016 5 Problem With the CPU switching back and forth among an unknown number of processes, the rate at which a process performs its computation will not be uniform, and probably not even reproducible. This causes a problem for real-time processes! Gary Burt 7/26/2016 6 Process Hierarchies Operating systems that support the process concept must provide some way to create all the processes needed. Init starts all of the necessary processes when the computer is booted. All subsequent processes can created new processes. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 7 Process States Possible states: » Running – Actually using the CPU at that instant. » Ready – Runnable; temporarily stopped to let another process run. » Blocked – Unable to run until some external event happens. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 8 Transition State Diagram Running 2 1 3 Blocked Gary Burt 4 Ready 7/26/2016 1. Process blocks for input 2. Scheduler picks another process 3. Scheduler picks this process 4. Input becomes available 9 Alternative View 0 1 ... n n-1 scheduler Gary Burt 7/26/2016 10 Scheduler Gary Burt According to this view, the scheduler not does process scheduling, but also interrupt handling and all the interprocess communication. 7/26/2016 11 Implementation of Processes OS maintains a process table with one entry per process. Contains process state, pc, stack pointer, memory allocation, status of open files, accounting and scheduling information. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 12 Sample Fields Process mgmt Registers PC PSW Stack pointer Process state Time started Children CPU time Time next alarm Message queue Pending signal bits PID Various flag bits Gary Burt Memory mgmt file mgmt Pointer to text seg. UMASK Pointer to data seg. Root directory Pointer to bss seg. Working directory Exit status File descriptors Signal status Effective UID PID Effective GID PPID System call Param Real UID Various flag bits Effective UID Real GID Bit maps for signals Various flag bits 7/26/2016 13 Threads In a traditional process, there is a single thread of control and a single pc in each process. In some modern OS, support is provided for multiple threads of control within a process. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 14 Heavyweight Threads Computer Program Counter Gary Burt Thread 7/26/2016 Process 15 Lightweight Threads Computer Gary Burt 7/26/2016 16 Threads II Gary Burt An example of when to use threads, is for a server. The server is one single process, but each connection is a separate thread. This allows critical data to be shared in the process global memory and available without special handling. When one connection is not sending data, only that thread is blocked. 7/26/2016 17 Threads III Another example of using threads is in Netscape. One process can have a section of code to manage the internet connections, since there is one logical connection for each image on the screen. There is one standard thread package, POSIX P-threads. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 18 Design Issues The two alternatives seem equivalent. Difference is in performance. Switching threads is much faster when thread management is done in user space than when a kernel called needed. When one thread blocks for I/O, all threads are blocked by the kernel. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 19 Design Issues (II) When the parent (with threads) forks, does the child have threads? Problems with one thread closing a file that another thread needs! How is memory allocation coordinated? How is error reporting handled? Gary Burt 7/26/2016 20 Design Issues (III) How are signals handled, are they thread specific? How are interrupts handled, are they thread specific? Which thread gets keyboard input? How is stack management coordinated? Gary Burt 7/26/2016 21 Good News, Bad News These problems are not insurmountable, but they do show that just introducing threads into an existing system is not going to work at all. There is also more work currently for the applications programmer! Gary Burt 7/26/2016 22 InterProcess Communications Processes frequently need to communicate with other processes. One example is the shell pipeline. There is a need for communications between processes, preferably in a wellstructured way, not using interrupts. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 23 Three Issues How one process can pass information to another. Making sure two or more processes do not get into each other's way when engaging in critical activities. Proper sequencing when dependencies are present. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 24 Race Conditions One way to sure is with a common resource (main memory, shared file) One example is the print spooler » one process enters the file name into a special spooler directory. » another process *printer daemon" periodically checks to see if there are any files to print. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 25 Race Conditions (II) directory is capable of a large number of slots. Two shared variables: » out which points to the next file to be printed » in which is the next free slot in directory. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 26 Race Conditions Example Slots 1-3 are empty Slots 4-6 are full Simultaneously, processes A and B decide they want to queue a file for printing. Both processes thing the next slot is 7. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 27 Race Conditions Example (II) out = 4 4 5 Gary Burt A 6 7 B 8 in = 7 7/26/2016 28 Critical Sections Gary Burt The key to preventing trouble here and in other situations involving shared resources is to find some way to prohibit more than one process from reading and writing the shared data at the same time 7/26/2016 29 Mutual Exclusion Making sure that if one process is using a shared resource, the other processes will be excluded from doing the same thing. Choice of primitive operation is a major design issue in any operating system. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 30 Solution Part of the time, a process is busy doing internal computations and other things that do not lead to race conditions. The part of the program where the shared memory is accessed in called the critical region or critical section. No two processes can be in their critical region at the same time. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 31 Four Conditions Gary Burt No two processes may be simultaneously inside their critical regions. (Mutual exclusion) No assumptions may be made about speeds or the number of CPUs (Timing) No process running outside its critical region may block other processes. (Progress) No process should have to wait forever to enter its critical region. (Bounded waiting) 7/26/2016 32 Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting Disabling Interrupts after entering critical region and re-enable them just before leaving » Simplest solution. » No clock interrupts can occur. » Very vulnerable » Does not work if multiple processors are involved Gary Burt 7/26/2016 33 Lock Variables Variable initially set to 0 First process to enter critical section changes the lock variable to 1. Any other process checks the lock variable to see if it is 0. If it is not, it must wait until the lock becomes 0 again. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 34 Lock Variables Faults This is like the spooler problem. If two processes read the variable when the variable is set to zero, both will enter the critical region. Violates Mutual Exclusion! Gary Burt 7/26/2016 35 Strict Alternation While (TRUE) { while ( turn != 0) ; critical_region(); turn = 1; noncritical_region(); } While (TRUE) { while ( turn != 1) ; critical_region(); turn = 0; noncritical_region(); } Process A Gary Burt Process B 7/26/2016 36 Strict Alternation Faults Continually testing a variable for some state is called busy waiting. Should be avoided, since it wastes CPU time. Can end up blocking and violating Progress. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 37 Peterson's Solution #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE #define N int turn; int interested[N]; Gary Burt 1 2 7/26/2016 38 Peterson's Solution (II) void enter_region( int process ) { int other; other = 1 - process; interested[process] = TRUE; turn = process; while ( turn == process && interested[ other ] == TRUE ) ; } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 39 Peterson's Solution (III) void leave_region( int process ) { interested[process ] = FALSE; } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 40 TSL Instruction Hardware instruction that is especially important for computers with multiple processors is TSL Test and Set Lock Solves problems with Strict Alternation, because there is no chance of two processes reading the variable and getting the same value. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 41 TSL enter_region: tsl register, lock cmp register, #0 jne enter_region ret leave_region: move lock, #0 ret Gary Burt 7/26/2016 42 Peterson's Solution & TSL Instruction Fault Both are correct. But require busy waiting. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 43 Priority Inversion Problem Two processes: » H, with high priority, to run whenever it is in a ready state. » L, with low priority Gary Burt If L is in critical region and H becomes ready, L never gets scheduled so it can leave it critical region, so H can run. 7/26/2016 44 SLEEP & WAKEUP SLEEP is a system call that causes the caller to be blocked until something wakes it up. WAKEUP has one parameter, the process to wakeup. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 45 Producer-Consumer Problem Also known as the bounded buffer problem. One process puts data into a buffer. Another takes it out. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 46 Buffer Problems Producer wants to put a new item into full buffer. » Producer goes to sleep until consumer empties queue. Consumer wants to to remove an item when buffer is empty » Consumer goes to sleep until producers adds to queue. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 47 Fatal Race Condition #define N 100 int count = 0; void producer( void ) { while ( TRUE ) { produce_item(); if ( count == N ) sleep ( ); enter_item( ); count = count + 1; if (count == 1 ) wakeup(consumer ); } } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 48 Fatal Race Condition (II) void consumer( void ) { while ( TRUE ) { if ( count == 0 ) sleep ( ); remove_item( ); count = count - 1; if ( count == N - 1 ) wakeup ( producer ); consume_item( ); } } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 49 Fatal Race Condition (III) Because access to count is unconstrained, problems occur. Consumer sees count is zero, but gets suspended. Producer adds, gives wakeup call. Consumer misses call, gets resumed and goes to sleep. Producer goes to sleep. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 50 Semaphores 1965, E.W. Dijkstra suggested using an integer variable to count the number of wakeups saved for future use. This was called a "semaphore". Proposed having two operations, DOWN and UP. DOWN checks to see if the value is greater than 0, and continues if it is. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 51 Semaphores (II) Checking the value, changing it, and going to sleep is done as a single, indivisible atomic action. The UP operation increments the value of the semaphore. If there are processes sleeping, then one is given a WAKEUP. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 52 Producer-Consumer Problem Revisited #define N 100 typedef int semaphore; semaphore mutex =1; semaphore empty = N; semaphore full = 0; Gary Burt 7/26/2016 53 Producer-Consumer Problem Revisited (II) void producer( void ) { int item; while( TRUE ) { produce_item( &item ); down( &empty ); down( &mutex ); enter_item( item ); up( &mutex ); up( &full ) } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 54 Producer-Consumer Problem Revisited (III) void consumer( void ) { int item; while ( TRUE ) { down( &full ); down( &mutex ); remove_item( &item ); up( &mutex); up( &empty ) } } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 55 Monitors The order of the DOWN operations is the Producer-Consumer problem can lead to a deadlock. A monitor is a collection of procedures, variables, and data structures that are grouped together in a special kind of module or package. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 56 Monitors (II) Gary Burt Monitors have a property that only one process can be active in a monitor at a time. Compilers can handle calls to the monitor procedures in a different manner. Calling processes will be suspended until the other process has left the monitor. Compiler implements the mutual exclusion on the monitor entries. 7/26/2016 57 Monitors (III) Blocking is controlled with condition variables. If a monitor procedure discovers it can not continue, it WAITs on a condition variable. Waking up a waiting monitor procedure is done with a SIGNAL on the condition variable. Condition variables are not counters. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 58 Monitors (IV) The advantage of the monitor with WAIT and SIGNAL over SLEEP and WAKEUP is that the monitor allows only one active process. This avoids the fatal race conditions. By making mutual exclusion automatic, monitors make parallel program much less error-prone. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 59 Down Side Monitors are not supported in C, Pascal, and most other languages. Semaphores are not supported either, but can be added as library calls. Monitors and semaphores are designed to systems that have common memory. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 60 Message Passing Message passing uses to primitives SEND and RECEIVE. These are not language constructs but can be put into library procedures. Message passing system have many challenging problems and design issues that are not present for semaphores and monitors. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 61 Message Passing (II) Problems » Messages can be lost on the network. (Use acknowledgement messages) » Messages can arrive out of order (Use consequence number.) » Have to deal with issues of how processes are named. » How can imposters be kept out? Gary Burt 7/26/2016 62 Message Passing (III) Problems (continued) » performance is slower because of copying messages between processes. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 63 Examples IPC between processes in MINIX and UNIX is done via pipes. These are effectively mailboxes (memory buffers). However, pipes do not maintain message boundaries. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 64 Classical IPC Problems The Dining Philosophers Problem The Readers and Writers Problem The Sleeping Barber Problem Gary Burt 7/26/2016 65 The Dining Philosophers Problem Five philosophers are seated around a circular table. Each philosopher has a plate of spaghetti. The spaghetti is so slippery that a philosopher needs two forks to eat it. Between each par of plates is one fork. The life of a philosopher consists of eating and thinking. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 66 The Dining Philosophers Problem (II) When a philosopher gets hungry, he/she tries to acquire the fork on each side of the plate. If successful, the philosopher eats for a while and then puts down the fork and continues to think. If all philosophers simultaneously take their left fork, they couldn't get the right fork -- starvation. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 67 Readers and Writers Problem It is acceptable to have multiple processes reading a database at the same time. But if one process is updating (writing) the database, no other processes may have access to the database. The problem occurs if there are multiple readers and the writer wants exclusive use. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 68 Sleeping Barber Problem The barber shop has one barber, one barber chair, and some number of chairs for waiting customers. If there are no customers, the barber goes to sleep. When a customer arrives, the customer has to wake up the barber. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 69 Sleeping Barber Problem (II) If additional customers arrive, they have to sit in one of the empty chairs, or leave the shop. The problem is to program the barber and the customers without getting into race conditions. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 70 Sleeping Barber Problem Code #define CHAIRS 5 typedef int semaphore; semaphore barbers semaphore customers semaphore mutex int waiting Gary Burt = 0; = 0; = 1; = 0; 7/26/2016 71 Sleeping Barber Problem Code (II) void barber( void ) { while ( TRUE ) { down ( customers ); down ( mutex ); waiting = waiting - 1; up ( barbers ); up ( mutex ); cut_hair( ); } } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 72 Sleeping Barber Problem Code (III) void customers( void ) { down( mutex ); if ( waiting < CHAIRS ) { waiting = waiting + 1; up ( customers ); up ( mutex ); down ( barbers ); get_haircut( ) } else up ( mutex ) } Gary Burt 7/26/2016 73 Process Scheduling When two or more processes are runnable, the operating system must decide which on to run first. The part of the operating system that makes this decision is called the scheduler. The algorithm used is called the scheduling algorithm. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 74 Scheduling Criteria Gary Burt Fairness -- make sure each process gets its fair share of the CPU. Efficiency -- keep the CPU busy 100 percent of the time. Response time -- minimize response time for interactive users. Turnaround -- minimize the time batch users must wait for output. Throughput -- maximize the number of jobs processed per hour. 7/26/2016 75 Scheduling Criteria (II) The criteria are contradictory. » interactive » batch Any scheduling algorithm that favors some class of processes hurts another class. Every process is unique and unpredictable. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 76 Clocks To make sure that no process runs too long, nearly all computers have an electronic clock built in, which causes an interrupt periodically. A frequency of 50 or 60 times a second ( called 50 or 60 Hz [Hertz]) is common. At each interrupt, the OS gets to decide whether the currently running process should be allowed to continue. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 77 Preemptive Scheduling Gary Burt The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily suspended is called preemptive scheduling. Run to completion (non-preemptive) was the method for early batch modes. Processes can be suspended at an arbitrary instant, without warning. Can lead to race conditions. 7/26/2016 78 Round Robin A B C D E Gary Burt 7/26/2016 79 Round Robin (II) Gary Burt This is one of the oldest, simplest, fairest, and most widely used algorithms. Each process is assigned a time interval called a quantum. If the process is still running at the end of its quantum, the CPU is preempted and given to another process. If a process is finished or blocked before the quantum is up, CPU switching is done. 7/26/2016 80 Round Robin (III) The length of the quantum is an issue. If the context switch takes 5 msec, and the quantum is 20 msecs, 20% of the CPU is wasted on administrative overhead. If the quantum is 500 msecs, the only 1% is wasted, but if 10 interactive users hit the Enter key at the same time, one user will have a 5 second delay. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 81 Priority Scheduling Not all processes are equally important. Some users should have a higher priority. Some processes should have a higher priority. » Processes that are extremely I/O bound might be higher. Gary Burt Processes can have static and dynamically assigned priorities. 7/26/2016 82 Priority Scheduling (II) High priority processes can run indefinitely. » One solution is lower the priority after each quantum. » Another solution is to assign a maximum quantum. Gary Burt Can combine priority and round-robin. 7/26/2016 83 Priority Scheduling (III) Highest Runnable Processes Priority 4 Priority 3 Priority 2 Priority 1 Low priorities may all starve to death! Gary Burt 7/26/2016 84 Multiple Queues High priority classes have smaller quantums. Processes that use up their quantums are moved down to the next priority class, but get twice as large a quantum. Quantums: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. A process needing 100 quantums only gets swapped 7 times. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 85 Shortest Job First Gary Burt (Previous algorithms were designed for interactive systems.) 8 4 4 4 A B C D 4 4 4 8 B C D A 7/26/2016 86 Guaranteed Scheduling If there are n users on the system, you will bet 1/n of the CPU power Actual time vs. entitled time should be 1.0. The process with the lowest ratio, gets run. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 87 Lottery Scheduling Give processes lottery tickets for resources. Hold a random drawing and the winner gets 20msec of CPU time as a price. Important processes are given more tickets. If there are 100 tickets and one process has 20 tickets, it will run 20 percent of the time. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 88 Two-level Scheduling Previous algorithms assumed that all processes were in memory. Two-level schedules in-memory and swapped to disk as two different scheduling problems. Schedule those in memory only. Schedule those on disk only. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 89 Two-level Scheduling (II) Criteria of higher-level schedule could be: » How longs has it been since the process was swapped in or out? » How much CPU time has the process had recently? » How big is the process? (Small ones do not get in the way.) » How high is the priority of the process? Gary Burt 7/26/2016 90 Policy versus Mechanism What if different processes do not belong to different users? DBMS can have children processes to handle sub-functions. Separate scheduling mechanism from the scheduling policy. Allow the kernel to modify the priority of children processes. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 91 Real-Time Scheduling When the computer must react appropriately to external stimuli within a fixed amount of time. types: » hard real time: Must meet absolute deadlines. » soft real time: Missing an occasional deadline is acceptable. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 92 Real-Time Scheduling(II) Events can be: » periodic » aperiodic Gary Burt A system may have to respond to multiple periodic event streams. Real-time systems can meet all of the periodic events is said to be schedulable. Scheduled dynamically or statically. 7/26/2016 93 Real-Time Scheduler Algorithms rate monotonic algorithm -- assigns to each process a priority based on the frequency of occurrence. earliest deadline first -- run the process which must be done the soonest. least laxity: Run those on a critical path instead of others. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 94 Internal Structure of MINIX Structured in four layers » Process management » I/O tasks » Server processes » User processes Gary Burt 7/26/2016 95 Internal Structure of MINIX (II) Init Mem Mgr User User User Process Process Process File Network System server Disk TTY Task Task ... ... Clock System Ethernet ... Task Task Task User Processes Server Processes I/O tasks Process Management Gary Burt 7/26/2016 96 Internal Structure of MINIX (III) Gary Burt Bottom layer (Process management) catches all interrupts, traps, does scheduling, and provides higher layers with a model of independent sequential processes that communicate using messages. 7/26/2016 97 Process Management Functions: » catching traps and interrupts » saving and restoring registers » scheduling » Providing services to the next layer. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 98 Process Management (II) » Handling mechanics of messages » Checking for legal destinations » locating sending and receiving buffers in physical memory » copying bytes from sender to receiver. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 99 Process Management (III) The part of the layer dealing with the lowest level interrupt handling is written in assembly language. Everything else is written in C. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 100 I/O Tasks Layer Contains the I/O processes, one per device type. Processes are called tasks or device drivers. A task is needed for reach device type, including disks, printers, terminals, network interfaces, and clocks, plus any others present on your system. Also there is one system task. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 101 Kernel All of the tasks in layer 2 and all of the code in layer 1 are linked together into one single binary program called the kernel. Some of the tasks common subroutines, otherwise the are independent from one another, scheduled independently, and communicate using messages. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 102 Kernel (II) The true kernel and interrupt handlers are executing, they are accorded more privileges than tasks. The true kernel can access any part of memory and any processor register, execute any instruction, using all parts of memory. Tasks can not execute all instructions nor access all memory and registers. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 103 System Task Does no I/O in the normal sense. Exists in order to provide services, such as copying between different memory regions, for processes which are not allowed to do such things themselves. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 104 Server Processes Layer 3 contains processes that provide useful services to the user processes. These server processes run a a lessprivileged level then the kernel and tasks and cannot access I/O ports directly. They also can not access memory outside the segments allocated to them. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 105 Server Processes (II) The memory manager (MM) carries out all the MINIX system calls that involve memory management such as FORK, EXEC, and BRK. the file system carries out all the file system calls, such as READ, MOUNT, and CHDIR. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 106 User Processes All the user processes are in Layer 4. Includes shells, editors, compilers, and user-written a.out programs. Includes daemons -- processes that are started when the system is booted and run forever. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 107 Process Management in MINIX MINIX follows the general process model previously described. All processes are a part of the tree started at init. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 108 Boot Process Gary Burt At power on, the hardware reads the first sector of the first track of the book disk into memory and executes the code it finds there. On a diskette, it is a bootstrap program which then loads the boot program. On a hard disk, the first sector contains a small program and the disk's partition table. Combined are the Master Boot Record. 7/26/2016 109 Boot Process (II) boot loads the kernel, the memory manager, the file system, and init, the first user process. The bottom three layers are all initialized. init is started. init reads the file /etc/ttytab and forks off a new process for each terminal that can be used as a login device. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 110 Boot Process (III) Normally, each process is /usr/bin/getty, which prints a message and waits for a name to be typed. Then /usr/bin/login is called with the name as its argument. After successful login, login executes the shell that is specified in the /etc/passwd file. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 111 Boot Process (IV) The shell waits for commands to be typed and then forks off a new process for each command. This is how the process tree grows for all processes. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 112 Creating Processes The two principle MINIX system calls for process management are FORK and EXEC. FORK is the only way to create a new process. EXEC (and variants) allows a process to execute a specific program. When a new program is executed, it is allocated a portion of memory. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 113 IPCs in MINIX Three primitives for sending and receiving messages are provided: » send( dest, &message ); » receive( source, &message ); » send_rec( src_dst, &message ); Gary Burt When a message is sent to process that is not currently waiting for a message, the sender blocks. -- rendezvous. 7/26/2016 114 Process Scheduling The interrupt system is the heart. When processes block waiting for input, other processes can run. When input becomes available, the current running process is interrupted by the device. Clock also generates interrupts. The lowest layer hides these interrupts by turning them into messages. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 115 Process Scheduling (II) Gary Burt The message gets sent to some process. At each interrupt (and process termination) the OS redetermines which process to run. MINIX uses a multi-level queuing system with three levels, corresponding to Layers 2, 3, and 4. Within task and server levels, processes run until they block. 7/26/2016 116 Process Scheduling (III) User processes are scheduled using round-robin. Tasks have the highest priority. Memory manager and File system are next. User processes are last. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 117 Process Scheduling (IV) Gary Burt When picking a process to run, the scheduler checks to see if any tasks are ready to run. If one or more are ready, the one at the head of the queue is run. Otherwise it goes down the priority queue. 7/26/2016 118 Process Scheduling (V) At each clock tick, a check is made to see if the current process is a user process that has run more than 100 msec. If it is and there is another runnable process, the current process is moved to the end of the scheduling queue, and the process at the head of the queue is run. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 119 Process Scheduling (VI) Gary Burt Tasks, the memory manager, and the file system are never preempted by the clock, no matter how long they have been running. 7/26/2016 120 Resource CGI interface to browse the entire LINUX kernel source: Gary Burt 7/26/2016 121 Organization of source code /usr/include/ » sys/ POSIX headers » minix/ headers for the operating system » ibm/ IBM PC specific definitions /usr/src/ » kernel/layers 1 and 2 (processes, messages, drivers » mm/ memory manager » fs code for the file system Gary Burt 7/26/2016 122 Others » src/lib library procedures (read, open) » src/tools init program » src/boot booting and installing MINIX » src/commands utility programs » src/inet network support Gary Burt 7/26/2016 123 Conventions Normally all related code is in one directory. Some files have the same name (but are in different directories). const.h Gary Burt 7/26/2016 124 Memory Layout 640K Mem available for user progs 129K, depending Ethernet task Printer task Terminal task Memory task Clock task Disk Task Gary Burt Kernel 2K Unused Interrupt Vectors 1K 0 7/26/2016 125 Memory Layout (II) Limit of memory Gary Burt Memory Available for user Programs Depending Init 2383K Inet task 2372K File System 1077K Memory Mgmr ReadOnly & I/O 1024K 640K 7/26/2016 126 Some Code Items #ifndef _ANSI_H #endif types defined in typedefs use “_t” as suffix. Type 16-bit 32-bit gid_t 8 8 dev_t 16 16 pid_t 16 32 ino_t 16 32 Gary Burt 7/26/2016 127 Some Code Items Six message types (see page 110). #if (CHIP == INTEL) #endif Bootstrapping MINIX » Look at figure 2-31, page 120 Gary Burt 7/26/2016 128 Interrupt Processing Hardware INT CPU INTA S y s t e m d a t a INT Master interrupt Controller ACK INT Slave interrupt Controller b u s Gary Burt IRQ 0 IRQ 1 . . IRQ 7 ACK 7/26/2016 IRQ 8 IRQ 9 . . IRQ 15 129 Interrupt Handling Details vary from system to system. The task-switching mechanism of a 32bit Intel processor is complex. Much support is built into the hardware. Only a tiny part of the MINIX kernel actually sees the interrupt. This code is in mpx386.s and there is an entry point for each interrupt. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 130 Interrupt Handling (II) In addition to hardware and software interrupts, various error conditions can cause the initiation of an exception. Exceptions are not always bad. » They can be used to stimulate the operating system to provide a service: provide more memory,etc » Swap in swapped out pages Gary Burt Don’t ignore! 7/26/2016 131 Interprocess Communications It is the kernel's job to translate either a hardware or software interrupt into a message. MINIX uses the rendezvous principle. » One process does a send and waits. » The other process does a receive. » Both processes are then marked as runnable. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 132 Queues 2: USER_Q 3 5 1: SERVER_Q FS MM 0: TASK_Q Gary Burt Clock 7/26/2016 4 2: USER_Q 1: SERVER_Q 0: TASK_Q 133 Hardware-Dependent Code There are several C functions that are very dependent upon the hardware. To facilitate porting MINIX to other systems, these functions are segregated in the files exception.c, i8259.c, protect.c. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 134 Utilities and the Kernel Library _Monitor makes it possible to return to the boot monitor. _check_mem is used at startup time to determine the size of a block of memory. _cp_mess is used to faster copying of messages. Env_parse is used at startup time. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 135 Summary To hide the effects of interrupts, operating systems provide a conceptual model consisting of sequential processes, running in parallel. Processes can communicate with each other using interprocess communication primitives. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 136 Summary (II) Primitives are used to ensure that no two processes are ever in their critical sections at the same time. A process can be running, runnable, or blocked and can change when it or another process executes one of the interprocess communications primitives. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 137 Summary (III) Many scheduling algorithms are known, including round-robin, priority scheduling, multi-level queues, and policy-driving schedulers. Messages are not buffered, so a SEND succeeds only when the receiver is waiting for it. Similarly, a RECEIVE only succeeds when a message is available. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 138 Summary (IV) If either a SEND or RECEIVE does not succeed, the caller is blocked. When a interrupt occurs, the lowest level of the kernel creates and sends a message to the task associated with the interrupting device. Task switching can also occur when the kernel itself is running. Gary Burt 7/26/2016 139 Summary (V) When all interrupts have been serviced , a process is restarted. MINIX scheduling algorithm used three priority queues: » The highest one for tasks, » Next for the file system, memory manager, and other servers, » The lowest for user processes Gary Burt 7/26/2016 140 Summary (VI) User processes are run round robin for one quantum at a time. All others run until they block or are preempted Gary Burt 7/26/2016 141