Attachment A 5 Definitions

Attachment A
Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997
In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears:
public money means:
money in the custody or under the control of the Commonwealth; or
money in the custody or under the control of any person acting for or on
behalf of the Commonwealth in respect of the custody or control of the
including such money that is held on trust for, or otherwise for the benefit of, a
person other than the Commonwealth.
Notional payments and receipts by Agencies
(i) an Agency makes a notional payment to another Agency; or
(ii) one part of an Agency makes a notional payment to another part of
that Agency; and
the transaction would involve the debiting of an appropriation if the
notional payment were a real payment;
this Act applies in relation to the notional payment as if it were a real
payment; and
this Act applies in relation to the notional receipt of the notional payment
as if it were a real receipt.
This section applies to transactions that do not actually involve payments or receipts,
because the parties to the transaction are merely parts of the Commonwealth, or
acting as agents for the Commonwealth. For example, Agency 1 "pays" Agency 2 for
services provided by Agency 2. One of the effects of this section is that a drawing
right under section 27 will be required for the transaction.
Attachment A
Agreements with banks about receipt, transmission etc. of public money
The Finance Minister may, on behalf of the Commonwealth, enter into an
agreement with any bank:
for the receipt, custody, payment or transmission of public money, either
inside or outside Australia; or
for any other matter relating to the conduct of the banking business of the
An agreement under this section may provide for the payment of interest and
other charges by the Commonwealth.
An agreement under this section may not provide for overdraft drawings by the
Commonwealth unless it provides for each drawing to be repaid within 30 days.
An overdraft drawing consists of the bank meeting the payment of a cheque, or
making an "electronic payment" to another account, and in each case debiting the
payment against an account that has an insufficient balance. Section 38 deals with
overdrafts that arise in respect of advances that are paid to the Commonwealth.
An agreement for an overdraft on an official account must not be made except
under this section.
An agreement under this section may not be made for a period of more than one
year unless the agreement can be terminated by the Commonwealth at any time
after giving notice of not more than 6 months.
Receipt and spending of public money by outsiders
An official or Minister must not enter into an agreement or arrangement for the
receipt, custody or payment of public money by an outsider unless:
the Finance Minister has first given a written authorisation for the
agreement or arrangement; or
the agreement or arrangement is expressly authorised by this Act or by
another Act.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 7 years.
Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of criminal
An outsider commits an offence if:
the outsider receives or has custody of public money under an agreement
or arrangement mentioned in subsection (1); and
the outsider makes a payment of the public money; and
that payment is not authorised by the agreement or arrangement.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years.
Section 27 allows a drawing right to be issued to an official or a Minister to debit an
amount against an appropriation (as a result of a payment of public money by an
In this section:
outsider means any person other than the Commonwealth, an official or a
Drawing rights required for payment etc. of public money
An official or Minister must not do any of the following except as authorised by
a valid drawing right:
make a payment of public money;
request that an amount be debited against an appropriation;
debit an amount against an appropriation.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years.
Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of criminal
Issue of drawing rights
The Finance Minister may issue a drawing right to an official or Minister that
authorises the official or Minister to do one or more of the following:
make a payment of public money;
request the debiting of an amount against an appropriation;
debit an amount against an appropriation.
If a law requires the payment of an amount of public money and there is an
available appropriation for that payment:
the Finance Minister must issue sufficient drawing rights to allow the
amount to be paid in full; and
the recipient of any of those drawing rights must exercise the rights in full.
If a law permits the payment of an amount of public money, but does not require
the payment of that amount, there is no obligation to issue or exercise drawing
rights for that amount.
The Finance Minister may at any time revoke or amend a drawing right.
A drawing right has no effect to the extent that it claims to authorise the
application of public money in a way that is not authorised by an appropriation.
Accounts and records
A Chief Executive must ensure that accounts and records of the Agency are kept
as required by the Finance Minister's Orders.
The Finance Minister is entitled to full and free access to the accounts and
records kept under subsection (1). However, the Finance Minister's access is
subject to any law that prohibits disclosure of particular information.
Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997
Withdrawals from official accounts and internal transfers between
accounts (Act, section 13)
An official may withdraw an amount from an official account for the purposes
of depositing the amount into another official account if no appropriation and
drawing right is relied on in relation to the transfer.
An official may withdraw an amount from an official account for the purpose of
establishing or reimbursing a cash advance established for a purpose, and
maintained in a manner, approved by the Chief Executive.
An official may withdraw an amount from an official account for the purpose of
spending that amount under an appropriation if the official has been issued with
a relevant drawing right under paragraph 27 (1) (a) of the Act.
In subregulation (2):
cash advance means public money, in the custody or control of an official, and
held outside an official account, for a purpose of making payments of public
money in cash.
Note 1:
Subregulations (1) and (2) authorise officials to make internal transfers (including
within an Agency) of public money, in circumstances in which no real or notional
payment is being made and no appropriation is required, for example, where an
Agency transfers money from one of its own official accounts to another (or to the
custody of an official), or money is transferred from the Official Public Account to an
Agency's account.
Note 2:
Section 13 of the Act provides that a withdrawal of money from an official account
that is not authorised by the regulations carries a penalty.