– Statement of Requirement Schedule 1

Schedule 1 – Statement of Requirement
Important Notice: The information in this document is indicative only and the Department of Finance
(Finance) reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to change any aspect of this strategy at any time.
Finance makes no representation and does not warrant that:
any information contained in this document is accurate, current or complete;
any feedback given or comments made by prospective tenderers in response to this document
will be used or otherwise acted upon or taken into account; or
a future tender process will be undertaken at a particular time, in a particular manner, or at all.
Nothing in this document or arising from this document gives rise to or is intended to give rise to:
a contract; or
any obligation on the part of the Australian Government, or expectation on the part of any
recipient of this document, in connection with any subsequent tender process.
Where appropriate, Finance may incorporate feedback into any subsequent tender documentation, or
otherwise use it to inform the proposed approach to market. Finance does not guarantee that any or all
feedback will be incorporated in any subsequent approach to market. Finance also reserves the right to
respond, or not respond, to specific questions or submissions at its own discretion.
Information contained in any future request for tender material will supersede information contained in
this document.
This draft Statement of Requirement (SOR) is anticipated to form part of an overarching contractual arrangement
In order to give this draft SOR some context, Finance note that there is likely to be several other schedules which
will also form part of the deed. These other schedules primarily include:
Fees, Charges and Payments;
Service Level Agreement; and
Key Performance Indicators.
About this SOR:
Comments are sought on this draft Statement of Requirement only and not the overarching deed or any other
schedule which may form part of any upcoming tender process.
This draft SOR is supplemented by a number of Appendices which include:
Online booking tool; and
Reporting and Data specifications.
General ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Whole of Government Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4
Travel Arrangements Objectives ......................................................................................................... 4
Seamless service ................................................................................................................................... 5
Continuous Improvement ..................................................................................................................... 6
Data entry and format ............................................................................................................................ 6
Customer service assistance ............................................................................................................... 6
Management Services to Finance....................................................................................................... 8
Transition....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Transition-in Services - Finance .......................................................................................................... 8
Implementing with Other Travel Service Providers ........................................................................... 8
Contract and Account Management ........................................................................................................... 9
Liaison and meetings......................................................................................................................... 9
Annual Review .................................................................................................................................. 10
Escalation of Issues to Finance...................................................................................................... 11
Participant Service and Satisfaction Survey ................................................................................. 11
Information Management ........................................................................................................................... 11
Information Systems & Records ..................................................................................................... 11
Reporting and Data Specification Data .......................................................................................... 11
Management Services to Participants .............................................................................................. 13
Transition..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Transition-in Services - Participants ............................................................................................. 13
Account Management ................................................................................................................................ 13
Account Manager for Participants.................................................................................................. 13
Liaison and meetings....................................................................................................................... 14
Operational issues Resolution – Participants............................................................................... 14
Provision of Information to Participants ....................................................................................... 14
Online Portal ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Security of Information .................................................................................................................... 16
Business Continuity ......................................................................................................................... 16
Travel Services to Participants ......................................................................................................... 17
Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 17
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Travel Policy Compliance ................................................................................................................ 17
Traveller Profiles .............................................................................................................................. 18
Travel Planning ................................................................................................................................. 19
Travel Approval ................................................................................................................................ 19
Travel Booking Services.................................................................................................................. 19
Special Travel Requirements .......................................................................................................... 25
Payment ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Travel Service Provider Data .......................................................................................................... 28
Appendix One – Online Booking Tool .............................................................................................. 31
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
The Services are broken into two broad categories:
Management Services to Finance and Participants; and
Travel Services.
Management Services describe the Services that relate to the administrative aspects of
the Deed.
Travel Services describe the Services that relate to the operational aspects of the
Whole of Government Objectives
This Schedule sets out the Services to be provided by the Contractor to Finance (as the
contract manager of the Travel Arrangements) and the Participants (as recipients of the
The five overarching objectives for the Australian Government’s coordinated
procurement apply to these Services, whereby the Services should provide a solution
reduces the cost of supply to government agencies;
continues to meet the business needs of government agencies;
contributes to a competitive and viable industry;
results in fair, equitable and transparent processes; and
optimises government savings through cost reductions, improved
efficiencies and promotion of behavioural change.
Travel Arrangements Objectives
The Contractor must contribute to these objectives throughout the Term by:
developing a strategic partnership with Finance to provide exceptional
levels of service to the Participants, where issues are quickly identified and
representing the Australian Government’s interests when dealing with
relevant parties in delivering the Services;
acting reasonably at all times to ensure the success of the Travel
Arrangements, including minimising risk for the Participants;
maintaining open and effective communication with Finance as the
contract manager of the Travel Arrangements and with the Participants as the
recipients of the Services;
providing clear accountability and transparency for Finance and
Participants, through transparent fee arrangements, including reflecting any
discount or other reduction linked to the Services;
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recognising the need for delivering consistent and high quality products
and services across the Participants;
actively contributing and supporting innovation in service delivery,
especially through the use of technology;
actively managing an integrated supply chain (including other appointed
Australian Government suppliers) to deliver seamless services, data and
driving efficiencies in service delivery to support value for money to the
Australian Government; and
providing services consistent with the Australian Government’s travel
policies, including any individual guidelines of the Participants in respect of travel
(which may include policies that restrict the use of certain fares and rates).
The Contractor must support Finance and Participant initiatives in respect of:
improving and streamlining processes and supporting the increased use
of online tools by Participants;
identifying, communicating and implementing cost savings initiatives;
communication, training and education plans to inform Participants on an
ongoing basis of the Travel Arrangements, its policies and objectives; and
providing timely, accurate, consistent, complete and reliable reporting and
data on the Australian Government’s Travel expenditure and other requirements
as set out in Schedule X.
The Contractor must act free from influence and without preferring the interests of any
other party over the best interests of a Participant or the Australian Government in
performing the Services.
The Contractor must disclose to Finance the benefit of all commissions, discounts,
rebates or other financial benefits received by the Contractor in connection with any
Services provided to Participants as described in clause XX of the Deed.
Seamless service
The Contractor must work with Finance, Participants and the Other Travel Services
Providers under the Services to provide a seamless service for travel management and
The Contractor must provide, for Participants:
high level and high quality service and responsiveness to service needs,
concerns or complaints raised with the Contractor;
services that are easily accessible and easy to use;
implementation of efficient Travel Management Services, where disruption
and costs to the Participant are minimised including any integration with the
smooth implementation of the Services, with minimal disruption to
Participants during the implementation;
timely, accurate, consistent, complete and reliable reporting and data
feeds on the Travel Arrangements;
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cooperate with and work within the Participants existing processes and
systems; and
fees and service arrangements that are transparent and maximise value
for money.
The Contractor must provide for Finance as the contract manager of the Travel
timely, accurate, consistent, complete and reliable reporting and data
feeds on the Travel Arrangements that meet Finance’s needs; and
a high quality of service from the Contractor, including whenever issues of
concern or complaints are raised with the Contractor;
The Contractor must provide to Other Travel Service Providers:
clear accountability from the Contractor for the provision of the Services;
assistance with any transition requirements;
efficient and effective access to Other Travel Service Providers inventory.
Providing a seamless booking system that fully integrates an Other Travel Service
Providers inventory into the Contractor’s system that allows the total booking
fulfilment and reporting of these bookings;
access to the Contractor Travel Consulting staff and relevant Contractor
Management to receive updates and the most up to date product information; and
communication systems to provide to Participants the most up to date
information on the Other Travel Service Providers products and services.
Continuous Improvement
The Contractor must contribute to and support quality and innovation for the Travel
Services, by identifying, recommending and implementing processes to improve
effectiveness and efficiency.
The Contractor must consider any suggestions or recommendations it receives from
Finance or any Participant in relation to how any of the Services may be improved and
must effect any changes if it is reasonable and agreed by both parties to do so.
Data entry and format
The Contractor must (and must maintain the capacity to) capture and supply data
underlying all transactions in compliance with the format and specifications in Appendix 2
to this Schedule 1 and as agreed with Finance.
[Please Note: the reporting requirements are under development]
Customer service assistance
The Contractor must provide a dedicated toll-free telephone customer assistance
service which is available:
on Australian Business Hours for general customer assistance; and
after Business Hours as a support service;
The Contractor must establish, provide and maintain the facility to manage urgent
Travel Services for Matters of National Importance and Emergency Responses.
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The Contractor must in limited circumstances on a Participant pays basis, and where
service needs and volumes justify, provide dedicated travel consultants on-site (implants)
at the Participant’s premises.
The Contractor must have systems and procedures in place to capture and store any
feedback or complaints provided by Participants in respect to the Services. This process
must involve a telephone service using a national toll-free number and must also be able
to be accessed by facsimile and e-mail. The process must include a method of tracking
and reporting all calls or complaints and these records made available upon request to
Finance or a Participant to the extent that the records relate to that Participant. This
feedback must be aggregated and reported to Finance in accordance with clause XXX of
this Schedule X.
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Management Services to Finance
The Contractor must work with Finance to provide a seamless service for travel management and
administration. The Contractor must provide these services at no cost to Finance as the contract
Transition-in Services - Finance
The Contractor must ensure that there is a smooth transition from the Commonwealth’s
current arrangements to the new arrangements. This transition is to be completed to
ensure the new arrangements for all Participants are in place and have been adequately
tested prior to the Services Commencement Date.
The Contractor must implement the Services using a detailed Implementation Plan that
details of the proposed roll out schedule of the Services to small, medium
and large Participants that will mitigate key risks and issues associated with the
implementation of the Services;
proposed time frames and key milestones critical to the successful
implementation of the Services; and
a copy of the intended Participant Implementation Guide as described in
clause XX of this Schedule X.
Where required by Finance, the Contractor must conduct information sessions for
Participants. The sessions must:
include an overview of the Services and any changes from the
Commonwealth’s current arrangements in respect to travel management services;
be conducted at times and places reasonably agreed with Finance;
be designed to maximise accessibility to Participants; and
cover all aspects relevant to Participants commencing to use the
The Contractor must provide online access to the material provided at the information
sessions, in accordance paragraph XX, with appropriate support.
The Contractor must consult with Finance prior to finalising the Implementation Plan,
complying with Finance’s instructions to amend the Implementation Plan to meet
Finance’s requirements.
The Contractor must provide a final Implementation Plan within one month of the
Execution Date (unless otherwise agreed with Finance), for approval by Finance, which
will not be unreasonably withheld.
Implementing with Other Travel Service Providers
The Contractor must, at no additional cost to the Commonwealth:
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work cooperatively with Other Travel Service Providers to supply a
seamless service in relation to the Travel Services, and
take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure the timely, accurate and
reliable receipt and provision of data and information from Other Travel Service
Providers under the travel arrangements.
Contract and Account Management
Liaison and meetings
The Contractor must liaise with, and provide information to Finance, as reasonably
required by Finance during the Term.
During the implementation of the Services, the Contractor and Finance must meet at
least fortnightly, unless otherwise advised by Finance, to report on the progress of the
implementation of the Services to Participants.
During the Term, the Contractor and Finance will meet monthly, unless otherwise
advised by Finance, to discuss the delivery of Services and operational issues
open issues with respect to the Services delivered;
any issues that may require modification of the service approach
under this Deed;
unresolved complaints by Finance or Participants, any other
incidents, feedback or solutions, and other issues arising with the Services, and
the efforts of the Contractor to resolve those unresolved complaints or issues;
Subcontractor and Other Supplier arrangements and
performance; and
action items from previous meetings.
During the Term, the Contractor must meet with Finance (as part of one of the
meetings under clause XXX above), to review and discuss the monthly reporting
required under the Deed.
During the Term, the Contractor’s senior management team must meet with Finance at
least every three months, unless otherwise advised by Finance, to undertake a review
of the delivery of services under the Deed and achievement of Service Levels. During
the first six months of the contract, unless otherwise agreed, Finance will undertake
these reviews monthly.
At the meetings referred to in clause XXX above, the Contractor must assist Finance to
jointly undertake a formal review of the performance and operation of the Services in
particular the performance of the Services by the Contractor under the Deed, including:
the level to which the Contractor is meeting its obligations under
the Service Levels and measurement against key performance indicators in
Schedule X;
any issues relating to the Deed;
the extent to which the Contractor, in delivering the Services, is
contributing to the objectives, and meeting the requirements of this Deed;
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the extent and effectiveness of the Contractor in satisfying its
obligations to work and cooperate with other providers under the Travel
the validity of Fees and Charges charged, measured against the
relevant terms in this Deed;
unresolved complaints by Finance or Participants, any other
incidents, feedback or solutions, and other issues arising with the Services, and
the efforts of the Contractor to resolve those unresolved complaints or issues;
the identification of opportunities to achieve cost and process
efficiencies in the delivery of the Services.
To support the reviews to be undertaken under clause XXX and XXX above the
Contractor must, at least 15 Business Days prior to the date of the review, provide to
Finance information including data and analysis in respect of each of the requirements
listed under clause XXX above.
Each party bears its own costs and expenses associated with these meetings.
The meetings will take place at a time and location (or locations, via the use of
technology such as teleconferencing or videoconferencing) to be agreed between
Finance and the Contractor.
Annual Review
Within 30 Business Days after each Anniversary Date (or as otherwise agreed with
Finance), the Contractor must meet with Finance to undertake an Annual Review. An
Annual Review should include:
a review of the Contractor's performance of the Services for the
previous year;
a review of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Contractor’s
systems, including its IT systems, to ensure that its reports are accurate and
a review of the Fees and Charges and Fares/Rates paid by the
Commonwealth for the previous year, including any related costs incurred by
the Commonwealth;
the Finance Representative presenting to the Contractor
Representative any details of actual or alleged incidents of non-compliance with
the Contractor’s obligations under this Deed and any Related Agreement;
a discussion of possible strategies and methods to alleviate
recurring issues and problems arising in the administration and operation of this
Deed and any Related Agreement, with the intention of achieving better
outcomes for both the Commonwealth and the Contractor;
the Contractor Representative reporting on any technological
developments relevant to the delivery of Services under this Deed;
a review of the Service Levels including agreement (both Parties
acting reasonably), on appropriate additions, deletions or adjustments, if any,
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and Service Levels requiring periodic adjustment or which are no longer
appropriate due to changes to the Services;
a review of the Contractor’s Business Continuity Plan to ensure
the plan is adequate in the event of a systems failure;
benchmarking of the Services provided to Participants as
requested by Finance;
updating the Transition-out Plan;
financial viability of the Contractor (including the provision of the
Contractor’s audited Financial Statements);
any other matters reasonably requested by Finance.
Escalation of Issues to Finance
Where the Contractor is unable to resolve a complaint or operational matter with a
Participant in accordance with clause XX of this Schedule X, the Contractor
Representative, or the Participant, may request that Finance intervenes to assist in
resolving the issue. Finance will liaise with the Contractor and the Participant to assist
in the resolution of the issue/s raised and may request supporting evidence and
documentation. In doing so, Finance will have appropriate regard to any issues or
concerns raised by the Contractor and the Participant.
Where Finance raises concerns about the quality or application of the Services under
this Deed, the Contractor must take the appropriate actions to resolve these concerns
to the satisfaction of Finance.
Where an issue cannot be resolved by the Finance Representative and the
Contractor’s Representative, the procedures in clause XX of this Deed are to be
Participant Service and Satisfaction Survey
Finance may undertake Customer Satisfaction Surveys where Finance can assess
the Contractor's performance of the Services provided to Finance and Participant’s
during the previous financial year.
The Contractor may be required to capture feedback from Participants and may also
be required to provide information to Finance in the preparation of these surveys.
Finance may share the results of the Customer Satisfaction Survey with Participants
with the intention that this feedback will lead to improvements in service delivery by
the Contractor.
Information Management
Information Systems & Records
The Contractor must establish and maintain appropriate records, transactions,
information and invoice details to allow the reporting and invoicing of all activities and
relevant issues related to the Services.
The Contractor must ensure the systems and data are kept up-to-date and accurate at
all times. The Contractor must promptly investigate and correct any errors in reports or
underlying data, upon identification by the Contractor, Finance or a Participant.
Reporting and Data Specification Data
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The Contractor must maintain comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date information that
must be available to the Finance and Participants.
The Contractor must provide the reports and data specified in Appendix 2 – Reporting
and Data Specification. The Contractor must also provide other specific reports
reasonably requested by Finance or a Participant.
The Contractor must provide reports by electronic means, unless reasonably requested
otherwise by Finance or a Participant.
The Contractor must, if requested by Finance or a Participant, provide written
certification of the accuracy of any report provided. The certification of accuracy must
be made by the Contractor's chief accounting officer, or other appropriate senior person
as agreed by Finance.
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Management Services to Participants
The Contractor must work with Participants to provide a seamless service for travel management and
Transition-in Services - Participants
The Contractor must assist the smooth implementation and maintenance of the
Services through the provision of:
A Participant Implementation Guide (that can be based on a generic
template or form part of the Implementation Plan) for each Participant so as to
mitigate key risks and issues associated with the Services that will:
outline the Services and how they can be accessed by the Participant;
describe how the Participant can commence using the Services; including
contact details for assistance during and out of office hours;
the target date for the commencement of the Services for that Participant;
include the contact details for the Contractor’s Account Manager for that
Participant; and
advise the Participant what information is required by the Contractor from
the Participant in relation to the Participant’s travel policy; the
Participant’s representatives’ details and Participant specific
effective educational material and assistance to new users and for users
of any online systems (including for associated updates or upgrades) provided
by the Contractor in support of the Services;
reasonable training to users, for example relating to online systems, as
reasonably requested by Participants (see clause XX of this Schedule X); and
where requested by Finance, presentations from time to time at events
such as Finance’s procurement and Contractor forums (see clause XX of this
Schedule X).
Account Management
Account Manager for Participants
The Contractor must provide an account manager (Contractor’s Account Manager)
for each Participant, who will be the primary contact for that Participant.
The Contractor’s Account Manager is a member of the Specified Personnel, and can
only be changed in accordance with clause XX of the Deed.
Participants may nominate a representative (Participant Travel Manager) who will be
responsible for representing the Participant as the account manager for that Participant.
The Contractor’s Account Manager must participate in regular account meetings with
the Participant and be able to resolve issues that arise over the life of a Participant’s
involvement under this Deed, and provide information on new developments, directions
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and initiatives being undertaken by the Contractor that may be of interest to a
Participant in relation to the Services.
Liaison and meetings
The Contractor’s Account Manager must meet with a Participant, at times and dates as
reasonably required by the Participant, to address any issues, complaints and specific
requirements that a Participant may have (that are not inconsistent with this Deed).
The Contractor must assist Participants to create efficiencies in the application of the
Services wherever reasonable, including advising Participants whenever the potential
for better practice is identified.
Operational issues Resolution – Participants
The designated Contractor Account Manager must meet with Participants
as agreed between the Participant and the Contractor.
The Contractor must manage complaints and issues raised by Participants. The
Contractor must use its best endeavours to resolve all service complaints or disputes
raised by a Participant ensuring that the below is followed.
Complaints are logged by the Contractor, whether this is through a
feedback function in the Online Booking Tool or website, or documented with a
Travel Consultant team.
Complaints are acknowledged by the Contractor with a response and
where possible a resolution provided within one Business Day.
If a resolution is not available within one Business Day the Contractor
must advise the Participant and Participant Travel Manager in the response above
and provide a resolution within 3 Business Days subject to awaiting third party
If a resolution is not available within 3 Business Days the Contractor must
agree on a timeline with the Participant and Participant Travel Manager and
provide a resolution within this timeframe. If there is still no resolution this
complaint will be escalated to Finance and may become part of the Continuous
Improvement program.
Complaints should be investigated in conjunction with the Participant
Travel Manager, in order to validate non-compliance to Service Levels prior to
registering as a Complaint
Where the Contractor is unable to resolve a complaint or dispute with a Participant, the
Contractor, or the Participant, may request that Finance intervenes to assist in
resolving the issue (refer clause XX of this Schedule X).
Provision of Information to Participants
The Contractor must provide training to Participants. This may include a
presentation/discussion outlining the Contractor's role and how to engage the
Contractor for travel management services (including educating new Participant staff on
reasonable requests from the Participant), supported by published resources as
The Contractor must keep Finance and Participants informed on a timely basis of
Travel industry issues that may be relevant to using the Services.
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The Contractor must provide up to date information (via the secure online portal) that is
designed to assist Participants in their use of the Services and provide educational
material on the Services and new developments in travel management.
The Contractor must seek approval from Finance in relation to the information made
available for Participants.
All costs associated with the delivery of information to Participants and the provision of
information via the Contractor’s online portal, must be borne by the Contractor.
Online Portal
The Contractor must provide Finance and Participants with access to a secure online
portal that has the following functionality:
<this clause will be populated based on the Tenderer’s response>;
Note to Tenderers:
Finance is seeking to maximise efficiencies through online access to information. This online access is
anticipated to be provided through a secure online portal.
Finance’s preference is that the ‘secure online portal’ provides Finance with access to:
management reports specified in clause X Appendix 2 to this Schedule, and to the maximum
extent possible, real time reporting of the travel expenditure of the Participant;
up-to-date information on XYZ; and
access to the information provided to the Participant, as described below.
Finance’s preference is that the secure online portal provides the Participant with the following
reports as specified in clause X, Appendix 2 to this Schedule 1, and to the maximum extent
possible, real time reporting for travel expenditure;
up-to-date information on X Y Z;
accurate and up-to-date data
information relevant to the services such as newsletters, Frequently Asked Questions, and
terminology guides;
feedback mechanisms; and
educational materials such as online learning, seminar information, welcome kits and user
Industry updates including Airline news;
live links to domestic airline running boards for departures and arrivals;
Travel warnings and/or country sensitivities and emergency or SOS issues;
Relevant contact details for Contractor;
Secure Traveller Profile upload tool;
electronic access and delivery of detailed invoices and a summary statement to Participants;
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archive of and invoices that can be easily searched and retrieved by order number, category
code, caption, Participant name, contact name, status etc.
Online access to the ‘secure online portal’ should be available at all times and should be supported by
the Contractor. The secure online portal must have the functionality so each Participant is only able to
view and access its own information.
Clauses XX will be drafted in more detail based on the Tenderer’s response to the RFT.
Security of Information
The Contractor must ensure that only staff authorised to work with the
Commonwealth’s data have access to view sensitive information (including information
in the Contractor’s Management Information System (MIS)). The Contractor will work
with the Participants to identify and mask sensitive data in such a way as to prevent
identification but not in a way that will significantly impact the reporting that is provided
to Finance.
The Contractor must ensure that any person engaged by it in the management of this
Deed or the performance of the Services (whether an employee or contractor) will have
access to such data as is reasonably required for the performance of that person’s
The Contractor must ensure that all data in the MIS is stored on secure servers.
The Contractor must ensure that data downloads are made from a secure address and
in a secure format acceptable to Finance or Participants.
The Contractor must ensure that data sent electronically to Finance or Participants is
secured using encryption or other methods to ensure the data is not useable if
intercepted by unauthorised persons or entities. The encryption requirements will be
agreed between Finance and the Contractor.
Business Continuity
The Contractor must put in place an appropriately developed Business Continuity Plan,
which minimises the disruption of Services to Finance and the Participants in the event
of a disaster or critical event.
The Contractor must put in place measures to ensure all information including the
Database is accessible / recoverable through an appropriately developed Business
Continuity Plan, which minimises the disruption of Services to Finance and the
The Contractor’s Business Continuity Plan should be continually reviewed to ensure it
is current and up to date with the latest changes the Contractor has made to their
infrastructure with formal testing completed on an as needs basis, however no less
than twice a year. System and information backups are conducted on a daily basis.
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
Travel Services to Participants
The Contractor must work with Participants to provide a seamless travel booking service for all Users.
This includes, but is not limited to:
compliance with Australian Government and individual agency travel
profile management;
travel authorisation;
travel planning;
travel booking and amendments; and
payment and reconciliation of travel.
The Contractor must provide high quality services that are easily accessible and easy to use through the
following booking channels:
online booking tool (OBT);
Travel Policy Compliance
General Requirements
The Contractor is to book travel options that maximise value to the
The Contractor is to use reasonable endeavour to ensure all Travel
Bookings are compliant with:
Australian Government travel policies and guidelines
Participant’s travel policies and guidelines
personal requirements of the traveller that may be considered in
accordance with clause XXX.
Reason for Travel
For each booking, the Contractor is to record the reason for travel.
The reason for travel is recorded by the application of a reason code as
defined by the Australian Government travel policies and guidelines. The reason
are set by Finance, and can only be changed with Finance’s
need to be customisable and there will be no limit on the number
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must be consistent between booking methods and must be able to
be reported on for all booking methods.
A free text field for further comments about the reasons for travel should
also be available.
Traveller Profiles
General Requirements
The Contractor will create, maintain and support a repository of traveller
information to facilitate efficient booking and payment processes.
Traveller profiles must contain:
first name,
email address,
phone number,
emergency contact details,
employee ID,
cost centre
form of payment including payment details.
Traveller profiles should contain:
membership information (such as airlines, car rental),
passport and visa information,
mobile phone number
identifier for special requirements (such as VIPs, minors, disabled
travellers) and
drivers license details
Profile management
Traveller profiles will be used to populate as many fields as possible in a
A traveller profile can be created and maintained by the traveller or on
behalf of the traveller by an authorised User.
Integration with Participant and Other Travel Service Providers systems
The traveller profile system will enable real time or passive data-feeds
(including bulk uploads) from Participant, Participant HR systems, and other
Participant systems.
The traveller profile system will enable real time or passive data-feeds
(including bulk uploads) from Other Travel Service Providers systems.
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Data feeds can be configured and timed to meet specific (daily, weekly
and/or monthly) Participant or Other Travel Service Providers needs.
The traveller profile system will enable the ease of transfer of Traveller
profile data (including organisational structure) from one Participant to another.
Note to Tenderers:
Finance is seeking to maximise efficiencies through a Traveller Profile system that will be:
the one source of traveller profile information for all booking channels
be easy to make amendments for Users, including online access
will allow the transfer of data to update the Traveller Profile system and provide information to
other approved systems.
provide a level of customisation to meet Finance and Participants needs.
Travel Planning
The Contractor will provide the following travel planning services:
provide assistance in the planning of trips as requested;
provide an estimation of the cost of the trip being planned; and
provide travel risk related information,including, but not limited to: advice
on any valid travel warnings (i.e. Smartraveller country ratings), airline and/or
country sensitivities (e.g. need for separate paper ticket for some destinations),
visa requirements, medical issues or any other events or issues that may place
the security of the traveller at risk;
Passport and Visa management
provide advice about passport and visa requirements;
where requested, provide assistance with passport and visa applications;
Where requested, manage the passport and visa application process
including submission, tracking and delivery of documentation.
Travel Approval
The Contractor is required to manage travel bookings within the approval
framework of the Participant.
The Contractor will, if required, provide Participants access to an
electronic approval system that meets the requirements of the Participant.
Travel Booking Services
The Contractor will provide booking services for both Domestic Travel
and International Travel including, but not limited to:
air travel
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
car rental
ferry and sea transport
coach / bus
limousine / transfer
excess / additional baggage
special travel requirements
In supplying the booking services outlined in clause XX, the Contractor
must source content from global distribution systems (GDS) and other distribution
sources and make this available to Participants for booking.
If a supplier does not make its content available through a GDS, then the
Contractor is required to source and book this inventory as directed by the
Participant or Finance.
The Contractor should endeavour to maximise the use of the same
consultant from enquiry to fulfilment, particularly for complex travel requirements
Hours of Operation
The Travel Services must be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for
all Booking Channels (Online, Telephone, Email and Facsimile) and be accessible
from all areas across all time zones (domestic and international).
Participant travel requests made outside of Australian Business Hours
may be serviced by a Contractor’s After Hours team and must be answered by a
Contractor’s Travel Consultant (no voicemail).
The Contractor must provide a 24 hour online information site, accessible
by all Users, informing the Users of any material changes, travel warnings,
emergency or other issues.
Booking Channels
The Contractor will provide a 24 hour 7 day a week internet based
travel Online Booking Tool (OBT).
The OBT will have the functionality:
for a User to book domestic and international travel
to support different travel policy and guidelines for
Participants, and
to be accessible as a mobile application.
Refer to: Appendix One - Online Booking Tool.
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
The Contractor will provide a dedicated toll free or local call
telephone numbers that directs to the team of Contractor Travel
Consultants during Australian Business Hours.
Travel requests will be processed at the time of call. If not
possible, the Travel Consultant is to provide an indicative
timeframe for the booking confirmation which is timely and
acceptable to the Participant.
The Contractor will provide a dedicated email address that directs
to the team of Contractor Travel Consultants during Australian
Business Hours.
The Contractor should use an integrated inbound email
management tool. With emails to be auto answered (optional),
logged and auto allocated to a Travel Consultant.
The Travel Consultant is to make arrangements and confirm
details with the User as soon as practicable.
The Contractor will provide a dedicated facsimile number that
directs to the team of Contractor Travel Consultants during
Australian Business Hours.
The Travel Consultant is to make arrangements and confirm
details with the traveller as soon as practicable.
Air Travel Bookings
Ensure that air travel bookings, as a minimum:
offer all fare types without restriction (unless Finance approval has
been obtained) that include:
contracted or net fare arrangements;
government or corporate special fares;
all relevant carriers (including low cost carriers); and
any market specials or promotional fares.
offer real time GDS and non-GDS airfares, including 'on the spot'
or immediate specials which are released by the carrier at the
applicable, or on a time-to-time, basis;
are booked within the rules specified by the airlines, including
compliance to minimum connecting times for passenger and
inform the User no matter what booking channel the relevant
booking rules specified by the airlines;
inform the User that bookings where an international and
domestic connection is required, flexible fares may be an option in
the event that the inbound flight is delayed and connections
cannot be met;
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
inform the User of all connection information (e.g. terminal
change, necessary transfer or overnight stay);
highlight as a first choice to the Users any direct flights or details
of any minimum direct services available;
offer through fares or matched fares when calculating a full
provide assistance with wait listing and subsequent ticketing
where requested; and
generate a unique identifier for each Trip created.
Ensure all air Travel Bookings are ticketed within the applicable fare rules
or within 24 hours of departure or as requested by the Participant.
Accommodation Bookings
Domestic Accommodation
Domestic accommodation inventory is to be sourced through the
Australian Government’s accommodation program manager (as
advised by Finance).
The Contractor must have, and provide Participants with, real-time
access to the accommodation program manager’s inventory to
process bookings via the booking channels referred to in clause
For Participants where the accommodation program is not
mandatory and have not opted into the accommodation program
the Contractor may be required to book domestic accommodation
utilising the Contractor’s own preferred suppliers or the market in
International Accommodation
The Contractor may be required to book International
accommodation on behalf of the Participant.
The Contractor must have, and provide Participants with, real-time
access to International accommodation inventory to process
bookings via the booking channels referred to in clause XX.
Payment for International Accommodation will be in accordance
with a Participant’s travel policies and guidelines.
Users can choose to book their international accommodation with
either the Contractor, or another provider.
Car Rental Bookings
Domestic Car Rental
Domestic car rental inventory is to be sourced from a supplier on
the Australian Government’s car rental panel.
The Contractor must have, and provide Participants with, real-time
access to the Australian Government’s car rental panel members
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
inventory to process bookings via the booking channels referred
to in clause XX.
For Participants where the car rental program is not mandatory
and have not opted into the car rental program the Contractor may
be required to book car rental utilising the Contractor’s own
preferred suppliers or the market in general.
Where a vehicle cannot be booked through the car rental program
due to location, availability or special requirements (as approved
by Finance) the Contractor may be required to book car rental
utilising the Contractor’s own preferred suppliers or the market in
International Car Rental
The Contractor may be required to book International car rental on
behalf of the Participant.
The Contractor must have, and provide Participants with, real-time
access to International car rental inventory to process bookings
via the booking channels referred to in clause XX.
Payment for International Car Rental will be in accordance with a
Participant’s travel policies and guidelines.
Users can choose to book their International car rental with either
the Contractor, or another provider.
Unused Supplier Credits
The Contractor will utilise Unused Supplier Credits to offset the costs of
future travel.
The Contractor will monitor and report on Unused Supplier Credits to
Participants with the intention of limiting the expiry of credit amounts.
The Contractor will proactively contact Participants to notify them of
credits due to expire within 60 calendar days of the credit expiry date.
The Contractor will liaise with suppliers to transfer Unused Supplier
Credits as requested by the Participant.
Ticketing Deadlines
At the time of booking, the Contractor must:
clearly inform the User of the ticketing deadline; and
detail the process for amendments and cancellations including
any associated conditions and fees.
The Contractor must provide reminders to the User of the ticketing
deadlines, where appropriate.
Itinerary requirements
The Contractor is required to produce a single itinerary that details in
chronological order all components of the travel booking, including :
booking reference number
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
details of Traveller;
details of trip
details of the supplier(s)
payment details
supplier(s) terms and conditions
Contractors details including the 24 hour service number (also
accessible from overseas)
The itinerary must be provided to the User electronically and substantially
in the format of format at Schedule XX.
All documentation must provide relevant supplier terms and conditions in
a clear and concise manner that can be easily interpreted by the User.
The Contractor is required to re-issue any revised and/or amended
itineraries to the traveller at the time of processing the change.
The Contractor must, up to the day of departure, notify Users of any
change to the booking (such as flight delays or cancellations) exhausting all
methods of communication available. Where the User is not contactable, the
Contractor must contact the Traveller and then to the Travel Manager.
The Contractor should, on the day of departure, use its best endeavour to
notify Users of any change to the booking (such as flight delays or cancellations)
exhausting all methods of communication available. Where the User is not
contactable, the Contractor must contact the Traveller and then to the Travel
Amendments to Bookings
The Contractor must process amendments and cancellations to bookings.
The Contractor must allow Users to process amendments and
cancellations to Travel Bookings using the OBT, or on an exception basis, through
a Travel Consultant (telephone, email, and fax).
Amendment and cancellation processes should seek to minimise cost.
Amendments and cancellations to bookings that may result in additional
charges being applied, must be communicated and agreed to by the User before
the additional charges take effect.
The Contractor must report on amendments and cancellations in line with
Appendix 2 of Schedule 1.
Refunds from Other Travel Service Providers and other third party
suppliers are to be actively managed and pursued by the Contractor on behalf of
the Participant, with regard to clause XX in Schedule X.
The Contractor must have the ability to track, record, and ensure swift
reconciliation of full and partial refunds.
The Contractor must report refunds in line with Appendix 2 of Schedule 1.
Duty of Care
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
The Contractor must provide duty of care for all travel bookings
which includes:
information about relevant travel warnings, emergency or security
Participant specific duty of care information, such as medical
Insurance information and repatriation services.
provision of the booking information to a third party who provides
duty of care / emergency services to the Participant, at the
request of the Participant.
Where required the Contractor provide destination-specific Duty of Care
services, including:
locating and tracking Users, including providing relevant reporting
of a Users location in domestic and international regions,
contacting Users, and
supporting evacuation of Users where possible.
Special Travel Requirements
VIP travel
The Contractor must provide a VIP service that delivers value-added
travel booking services for designated VIP travellers, including but not limited to:
proactive monitoring of VIP bookings to ensure personal travel
requests are met, such as seat requests and wait list clearance;
consultants proactively contacting suppliers to coordinate pick-up
or car collection (with meet & greet services by driver), hotels and
car rental companies; and
dedicated consultant management of any travel issues with
detailed resolution and reporting of outcomes to Travel Booker.
A Participant will inform the Contractor that it requires VIP services,
providing a list of the personnel authorised to use the service complete with
comprehensive details or their profile and travel preferences as requested by the
Group bookings
Group Travel is defined as greater than nine (9) travellers and/or as
defined by the service provider.
Where a Participant requests a Group Travel booking, the Contractor
nominate a dedicated consultant for the booking;
liaise and seek pricing from the relevant supplier(s);
provide advice on whether a Group Travel booking is a cost
effective option for Participants; and
manage the booking with suppliers.
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Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
The Contractor will actively identify opportunities and inform Participants
of potential cost reductions or efficiencies available by using Group Travel.
The Contractor must report on Group Travel bookings in line with
Appendix 2 of Schedule 1.
Charter booking services
Identify the type of aircraft that best meets the participants
requirements and represents a cost effective option;
Provide advice and assistance in identifying charter suppliers;
Ensure safety of charter supplier; and
Provide a manifest to the Travel Booker prior to the chartered
flight, where requested.
The Contractor will actively identify opportunities and inform Participants
of potential cost reductions or efficiencies available by using charters.
The Contractor must report on charter bookings in line with Appendix 2 of
Schedule 1.
Students and minors
Where a Participant requests domestic or international charter booking
services, the Contractor must:
Where a Participant requests a booking which involves an
unaccompanied Traveller under the age of 18 on the day of departure, the
Contractor must:
Provide access to student rates and fares where available and are
a more cost effective option for the Participant;
liaise with the relevant supplier(s);
Coordinate land transport;
Notify the Participant or follow the procedures provided by the
Participant as soon as practical of a no show.
Emergency Response Support Services
Where the a Participant(s) is required to respond to an emergency
domestically or internationally a Contractor must provide Emergency Response
Support Services, including:
Emergency travel bookings for individual participants, small
groups and large groups. These Users may require Special Travel
Requirements, such as Charter bookings services and the
transportation of dangerous goods.
Where required provide destination-specific support services, including:
locate and track Users, including providing relevant reporting of a
Users location in domestic and international regions,
contact Users, and
support evacuation of Users where possible.
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
Special travel booking services
The Contractor must provide other Special Travel Requirements,
including, but not limited to:
transport of dangerous goods (e.g. firearms/hand
transport of prisoners, witnesses and/or asylum seekers,
secure hand delivery of goods,
unaccompanied baggage/small freight,
travel relating to flora and fauna (i.e. plant and animals), and
disability and elderly support services.
The Contractor must use the Participant’s preferred form of payment
(Credit Card) in accordance with Australian Government and Participant travel
policies and guidelines.
As approved by Finance, a Participant may be exempt from using the
Australian Government preferred form of payment. In this case the Contractor
must manage payment of the Travel Services using the Participant’s preferred
form of payment (Credit Card or invoice).
The Contractor must work with Participants and Other Travel Service
Providers to ensure that all Travel Services charges are passed through to the
Credit Card provider correctly and without error. This includes the Contractor:
accurately collecting and delivering the Travel Services
information in the format and timeframe required by the Credit
Card provider.
suppling any missing or incorrectly submitted information to the
Credit Card provider as required by the Credit Card provider.
Where the Participants form of payment is on account (invoicing) and the
Participant is required to reimburse the Contractor, the Contractor must provide to
the Participant consolidated ATO compliant tax invoices preferably in electronic
Where an Other Travel Service Providers does not accept the
Participant’s preferred form of payment the Contractor must manage payment of
this provider and charge the Participant in accordance with their preferred form of
payment requirements.
Payment data
The Contractor must provide Travel Services charges data to the
Participants or their nominated Credit Card or expense management provider, for
verification of charges incurred by the Participant. This data must allow for the
accurate reconciliation of the charges incurred and include such data as (but not
limited to): booking reference number, flight number, document number, traveller
name, and Participant reference number
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Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
The Contractor must provide daily accurate and complete enhanced data
feeds in accordance with the protocols/formats and procedures advised by the
Credit Card provider. It is expected that all Travel Services charges will include the
relevant enhance data.
The Australian Government’s Credit Card provider currently requires the
following enhanced data:
GDS Booking Reference
File location 124
Invoice Number
File location 2743
Trip Requisition Number
File location 2843
The Contractor must work with Participants and Other Travel Service
Providers to ensure that all Enhanced Data is passed through to the Credit Card
provider correctly and without error. This includes the Contractor:
accurately collecting and delivering the Travel Services enhanced
data information in the format and timeframe required by the
Credit Card provider.
suppling any missing or incorrectly submitted enhanced data to
the Credit Card provider as required by the Credit Card provider.
Support services
The Contractor must manage any issues, errors or complaints from a
Participant which may impact upon a Participant’s ability to satisfactorily acquit all
Travel Services charges.
Location within the Diners Club
CTS file
The Contractor is required to ensure:
swift resolution of all financial queries and issues which could
impact on the ability of Participants to acquit any Travel Services
management of any disputes from the Credit Card provider with a
particular focus on any entry errors on the part of the Contractor.
to assist with the provision of information or data to the relevant
the management and resolution of all issues relating to the
charging of Travel Services by the Contractor.
Travel Service Provider Data
The Contractor must capture pre-trip approval data where required by a
Participant. This may include but not limited to: purchase order number, travel
approval code, and travel approver name.
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Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
The Contractor must record up to seven hierarchical levels within their
reporting system, for example:
Australian Government
Cost centre
Traveller identification number
Traveller name
The Contractor must provide standard electronic files for upload to a
Participant’s accounting system in the software, media and format requested.
International Air Transport Association (IATA) Data
The Contractor will need to allocate an independent IATA number/s for all
tickets issued under these arrangements. The IATA number/s must be dedicated
to the Australian Government. This includes After hours bookings.
Finance may outline the preferred organisational structure for the IATA
The Contractor will provide weekly IATA Hand Over Tape (HOT) file data
to Finance. The preferred method of delivery is to provide Finance or a Finance
representative access via BSP Link (BSP Link login and Password to access the
HOT files for each IATA number).
Call Centre Statistics
The Contractor must capture and supply Call Centre statistical data for all
Contractor Consultant teams (including After Hours teams) and any other relevant
Help Desk teams.
The Contractor must produce monthly, or as reasonably required by
Finance, the Call Centre Reports and Participant Reports set out in Attachment X
to this Schedule X – (Reporting requirements).
The statistics are to include (but not limited to): call waiting duration, call
pick-up times, call handling times (from start to finish to conclude the booking),
and call abandon rates and how long on average caller stay on the line before
giving up.
Data Security
The Contractor must maintain security and comply with the
Commonwealth’s and Participant’s operating environments.
Ensure all travel bookings, organisational information, data, personal
profiles and directives, including policy guidelines, supplier details and contracted
rates, are held and managed in a secure environment.
This includes that all Commonwealth data, details associated with its
suppliers and the contracted rates with its suppliers are not able to be accessed or
disclosed to any third parties, including competing suppliers (e.g. airline
contracted rates are not available to other clients of the Contractor or competing
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
Additionally, the systems the Contractor proposes to supply is to be
proven technology and software, have a high level of security and be backed up
with an acceptable Business Continuity Plan, evidence of which is to be supplied
by the Contractor.
Data Storage
<To be developed>
Transfer of Data
<To be developed>
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
Appendix One – Online Booking Tool
The Contractor is to own/licence, operate and maintain an online booking
tool (OBT).
The OBT will need to comply with the Participant’s operating
Finance must be able to deal directly with the OBT provider, where
appropriate, in order to address OBT and system integration issues and
The OBT will not be hosted in the Government’s network environment.
The OBT must be hosted offsite in a secure technical and physical environment,
and be made accessible to authorised users with at least the following levels:
Master Administrator
Travel Booker
The OBT should be accessible for a User when they are not within a
Participant’s network and shall be accessible using common desktop and mobile
web browser applications such as: Microsoft, iOS, Android, Blackberry, Chrome,
Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari and Opera.
The OBT must have Mobile device integration and booking functionality.
Booking Capabilities
The OBT must:
be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week via the internet.
have multi-GDS and non-GDS connectivity capability.
have a search function through surname, first name, and other
provide Single Sign-on functionality whereby a User shall be able
to log in to the OBT using their Agency username and password
when accessing the application via the internet.
allow users to make Travel Services bookings online that are
compliant with the Australian Government and Participants
policies and guidelines.
allow authorised Users to view, make and amend bookings for
other users and to make bookings on their behalf.
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
record and make available historic trips (i.e. templates) for use by
the User in making future bookings.
enable the User to make pre and post ticketing changes, and
these changes provide automatic confirmation to the User
including a revised itinerary with little or no manual intervention by
a Consultant and the User does not need to contact a Travel
Consultant directly.
enable multi-traveller and group bookings .
allow Users to communicate their whole or part travel
requirements through the OBT using a template or manual input.
This request will be directed to a Consultant who will be able to
make the booking, add to an existing booking, or provide answers
to a User’s queries.
provide immediate email notification to the User(s) that a booking
has been made.
provide access to the Other Travel Service Providers inventory,
and other available inventory in line with the search parameters.
have the ability to limit the availability of Other Travel Service
Providers inventory as directed by Finance.
support multiple point of sale discount arrangements across
multiple carriers.
have booking searches that are not biased to one supplier over
offer the applicable Unused credits at the time of booking.
Include a customised/branded welcome page for Participants.
OBT to display available fares and rates in accordance with Australian
Government and Participant’s policies and guidelines.
OBT display must be able to be customised as requested by Finance and
the Participant.
Integration with systems
The OBT is to be fully integrated with the Other Travel Service Providers
and Participant’s systems.
Pre-trip Approval
The OBT must have, as part of its booking workflow, Pre-Trip Approval
functionality. This will be an optional service for Participants.
Functions of the Pre-Trip Approval system must include the ability to:
generate an automated email on completion of a booking to the
Users designated approver who has the ability to approve, decline
or request changes to the booking;
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
be available and functional on all common desktop and mobile
web platforms including: Microsoft, iOS, Android, Blackberry,
Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari and Opera;
be configurable to accommodate the specific workflow
requirements of each Participant;
notify the User when approval is provided; and
automatically cancel the booking, advising the User and Approver,
if the booking is not approved within the ticketing deadline.
Participant’s authorised personnel will be able to perform administrative
functions and basic level of customisation in accordance with Australian
Government and Participants policies and guidelines.
allow the User to delegate approval to another approver when the
original approver is not available to approve the booking;
The administration functions may include (but not limited to):
create and maintain traveller profiles within the system;
able to assign roles within the system;
allow configuration to select authorised personnel to perform
these functions;
amend travel policy configuration;
input messages on the site; and
provide some customisation of a Users display.
Upgrades / releases
Provide new technology, including OBT updates, upgrades and releases
to the Participants as and when released. Any major upgrades must be approved
by Finance.
Any OBT maintenance or upgrade must be communicated to all Users
prior to the maintenance/upgrade being conducted and must be undertaken
outside of Australian Business Hours.
The OBT will enable travellers to record feedback on their booking and
travel experience including in free text format.
The OBT will contain a feedback tracking system enabling the User to
identify the status of issues and record a date stamp against the User name
against any feedback added to the system.
The Solution shall record and display a history of feedback to the User.
All feedback recorded this way will be collated into a suite of reports
available to Finance and Participants.
14 April 2014
Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
Appendix Two – Reporting and Data Specification
<To be developed>
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Travel Management Services – Draft Statement of Requirement
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