HRMS Default Accounts Mary Simon, Sr. Director Budget Development & Planning

HRMS Default Accounts
Mary Simon, Sr. Director Budget Development & Planning
September 16, 2009
Account Features
Monitoring and Review
Administrative Operational Guidelines
In conclusion
Background (1 of 2)
This process is required by HRMS implementation (a UT System-wide
project) to streamline processing of salary assignments and payroll
services business processes.
Positions must be funded. This is part of our fiduciary responsibility to
assure sufficient funding exists to cover the annualized cost of the
assignment salary.
What is a Default Account?
An account created at the Dean or VP Level that will be used as a last resort
at the time of payroll processing to pay employees their entitled wages when
there is incomplete or partial funding information.
It is intended to ensure accurate and timely employee payment and allocation
of fringe benefits.
Positions that do not have any or adequate funding associated when
incumbent is assigned will result in payment to those individuals and
unfunded charges placed in a “default account”.
Background (2 of 2)
Why are default accounts being added?
One of the key design features of HRMS is to
separate employment details from funding and
budgetary aspects.
An assignment can be processed even if account
or budget issues prevent the funding distribution
from posting.
Account Features
Default accounts will not be funded. These accounts will be classified as clearing
accounts allowing them to go into overdraft.
Increasing urgent notifications will be issued to department (creator and reports to
person of the creator) as payroll deadlines approach for positions not fully funded.
A document creator cannot input a default account number in the funding
distribution section.
To clear transactions posted to a default account, a valid funding source must be
entered into the funding distribution of HRMS using a Modify Document. This
action will automatically move transactions to the correct account and charges
removed from the default account.
Default accounts are established under 19 account groups and encompass all
account groups.
Default accounts will only be used for encumbered positions with Monthly
payment types.
Monitoring and Review
Deans’ and VP area financial officers will monitor default accounts and ensure
appropriate salary accounts tied to assignments are updated so overdrafts on
default accounts may be are cleared in a timely manner.
HRMS assignment documents will route through key financial representatives
responsible to review for unfunded accounts to mitigate use of default accounts.
Email notifications will be generated when Default Accounts are utilized.
Additionally, email notifications will be sent to Budget Office and will be
forwarded to the appropriate Divisional/Dean Financial Officer.
HRMS reports will be available to show any unfunded assignments recorded in
the default account
Report will include Position ID (with a link), employee name, email of the creator,
and comments/notes on the document
In summary, Default account should only be necessary in very rare circumstances
and cleared in a timely manner.
Administrative Operational Guidelines
Administrative Operating Guidelines are available:
Each Division & College will be assigned an “unfunded” Salary Clearing
account as a Default account.
Default accounts will encumber any remaining periods in the fiscal year for
the portion of the assignment that is “unfunded”.
Only the amount needed to cover the unfunded portion of the assignment will
be charged to these accounts.
Default accounts will only be used for encumbered positions with monthly
payment types.
Must be cleared in a timely manner with oversight at the Division/College
The Budget Office will monitor compliance with established guidelines.
In Conclusion
Information being provided prior to system testing and
reports being made available for review
Established default accounts
HRMS emails generated
HRMS reports generated
Any changes or additional information received on default
accounts will be communicated
Any Questions?