Automated Statement of Accounts Project and Operational Guideline March 2011

Automated Statement of Accounts
Project and Operational Guideline
March 2011
Current Statement of Accounts
(SOA) Report
UTSA Uses DEFINE System for Current
Printing of Paper SOA
• Paper copies printed overnight
• Manually sorted by Accounting Services by mail code
• Mailed using university mail system
• Sorted again depending on reconciler
Automated/Emailed SOA
Report Process
Electronic Reports Produced by COGNOS Reporting
Three (3) Reports for Each Unit Code
• Summary Report
• Detail Report
• Reconciliation Report
Report Formats:
• Excel - providing opportunity for resorting and analysis
• PDF – preformatted and print ready
Automated/Emailed SOA
Report Process
 Emailed After Month End Close around the 7th business
• Unit Administrators
• Delegated Reconcilers
 Includes All Active Budget Groups Even if No Activity
for that Month
 Includes Reconciliation Worksheet and Certification
• One (1) Certification Per Unit Code
• If you use another tool (such as Quicken ®) for reconciliation, print
worksheet and attach. You are not required to copy data from
Reconciliation Report to worksheet.
Implementation Plans
 “Go Live” Planned for Feb SOA on March 10, 2011
 Paper Reports Will Continue to be Distributed for
the Next 2 SOA Cycles (February and March)
 Decrease Cost to Produce and Distribute
 Environmentally Friendly
 More Timely Delivery
 Electronic Format
 Reduce Redundancy
 Account Maintenance
How Can You Help?
 Identify Delegated Reconcilers of Accounts
• Unit Code
• Names
• Email
 To Add or Change a Reconciler, Use Section IV of
the DEFINE Departmental User Access Form Located
at the Financial Affairs Website/Forms and
Statement of Accounts (SOA)
Reconciliation Process
Operational Guideline
Purpose & Scope/Authority
 Purpose and Scope
• To assist Account Administrators and Reconcilers
with the reconciliation of the monthly SOA.
 Authority
• UT System Policy – UTS 142.1, which requires
monthly reconciliation of SOA reports
 Effective Date
• May 4, 2011
SOA Reports
The Detail, Summary and Reconciliation
Reports are the official listing of all
transactions that have been posted to
the DEFINE accounts for a unit code.
SOA Report Content
 Report Descriptions
Summary Report
Detail Report
Reconciliation Report
Sample pages of reports
 Financial Information and Examples
• Descriptions and examples are provided for the elements of both the
Summary and Detail Reports, as well as detailed information on more
complicated concepts such as encumbrances and pooling of budgets.
 Reconciliation Instructions
• The guideline also provides detailed reconciliation instructions and
links to other resources for assistance with reconciliation.
 Reconciliation Checklist
SOA Summary Report
 Unit and Administrator Information
• Unit Code
• Unit Title
• Unit Administrator
 Report Columns
Balance Forward
Transfers and Adjustments
Original Budget
Adjusted Budget
Encumbrance / Investments
Balance Available
Prior Month Balance Available
Current Month Activity (this should match the current month activity on the Detail Report)
SOA Detail Report
 This Report Matches the Current Month Activity as Reported
on the Summary Report
 Unit and Administrator Information
• Unit Code, Unit Title, Unit Administrator
 Report Columns
Budget Group
Sub Account
Sub Account Title
Object Class Code OCC
OCC Title
Document ID
• PO Number
• Permanent –Temporary
• Balance Forward
• Transfers and Adjustments
• Original Budget
• Income
• Expense
• Encumbrance / Investments
• Current Month Activity Total
SOA Reconciliation Report
 Unit and Administrator Information
• Unit Code, Unit Title
 Date Information
• Fiscal Year, Accounting Period
 Report Rows
Original Budget
Transfers and Adjustments
Balance Forward
Adjusted Budget
• Detail of Income and Total
• Detail of Expenses and Total
• Detail of Encumbrances /
Investments and Total
Encumbrances / Investments
• Balance Available – as of end of
current month closed
SOA Reconciliation Worksheet
and Instructions
 Provided as an Optional Tool for Documenting the
Reconciling Items
 Departments May Use Other Tools (such as
Quicken) But Must Have a Formal Reconciliation
Process in Place.
 Provides a Section for inputting Departmental
Reconciling Items
SOA Reconciliation Worksheet
and Instructions
 The Balance Available is Adjusted to Account for the
Reconciling Items, Therefore Provides a Balance
Available per Department
 Instructions are Provided in:
SOA Guideline
Accounting Website
 Instructions
Open SOA Reconciliation Report
Open SOA Reconciliation Worksheet
Click “Insert” Button
Sign Certification
Reconciliation Process
 SOA Reconciliation Process is a Control Activity to Compare
Departmental Records to the Official Accounting Record.
 Monthly Reconciliation Helps to:
• Identify errors and inconsistencies in financial records
• Determine availability of funds
• Identify internal control deficiencies
 Because of the Importance of the Reconciliation in Effective
Internal Control, Account Administrators are Required to SubCertify Annually that all SOAs for the Year Have Been
 SOA Reconciliations are factors in Quality Assurance
Reviews (QAR).
 The Account Administrator is charged with:
• Stewardship of UTSA’s assets including preventing
overspending of departmental budgets,
• Ensuring that accounts are reviewed and accurate accounting
records are maintained,
• Ensuring that each SOA is reconciled by a qualified employee,
and that all of the Reconciler’s duties are completed and
• Reviewing the reconciliation and signing the SOA
Reconciliation Worksheet certification.
• Your signature indicates approval of all activity and agreement that all financial
transactions are included and appropriate
 The Reconciler is Responsible for:
• Keeping track of all transactions and related documents during the
• Completing the reconciliation of all SOAs compared to
departmental records,
• Promptly notifying the appropriate department of any errors or
omissions and coordinating corrections to UTSA records,
• Corrections to accounting records can be sent to
• Signing the SOA Reconciliation Worksheet and obtaining the
signature of the Administrator and
• Retaining the SOA reports, signed Reconciliation Worksheet,
supporting documentation and other related records for the current
fiscal year + three (a total of four years).
 The Administrator and Reconciler Must Sign the
Certification on the Reconciliation Worksheet. Your
signature Certifies that:
• The salary, wages, expenditures and other transactions as detailed
in the SOA report are accurate, allowable and appropriate,
• All posted revenue has been reconciled to cash deposit receipts and
the amounts appear to be reasonable and properly recorded,
• Any detected errors have been corrected or correction has been
requested and is pending and
• The signers are aware of the requirement to report suspected fraud
to their supervisor, Auditing and Consulting Services, University
Police or the UTSA Hotline.
Document Retention
 Documents to Retain:
• Summary SOA Report
• Detail SOA Report
• Signed SOA Reconciliation Worksheet
• Supporting Documentation
Additional Resources
 Email Management Reporting and Administrative
Systems at for assistance with any
of the following:
• The SOA email (if you don’t receive SOA that includes all
of your accounts).
• Opening the SOA email attachments;
• Downloading the SOA Reconciliation Worksheet;
• Running the macro to copy information from the SOA
Reconciliation Report into the worksheet;
• Other technical issues.
Additional Resources
 Email Accounting Services at for assistance with any
of the following:
Accounting corrections;
Recording reconciling items;
Accounting terms and definitions; and
Other matters related to financial information
Additional Resources
Training Class - Understanding the
Statement of Accounts (AM506)
UTSA Accounting Services Website,