Budget Update August 12, 2014 Mary Simon Senior Director, Budget Development & Planning

Budget Update
August 12, 2014
Mary Simon
Senior Director, Budget Development & Planning
Budget Update
 Lapse Guidelines Fiscal Year End 2014
 New Fiscal Year Budget 2015
 FMS Commitment Control
 Position Funding FY 2015
 HCM Commitment Accounting
 Q&A
Lapse Guidelines – Educational & General Funds
 Disposition of E & G balances are based on each Vice
President’s direction for their areas
 Prior to year end, Budget Office sends year end balance reports
to Primary Financial Area Reps for processing budget transfers
 E&G remaining balances should be zero
 Any negative balances are addressed and cleared
 Certain accounts are not subject to the lapse, including VP
reserves, GIT & lab fees
 Special Items & Research Development Funding will carry
balances forward for FY 2014; however, must be fully expended
next year since FY 2015 is the 2nd year of the biennium.
Lapse Guidelines - Designated Funds
 Disposition of centrally funded Designated account balances
(formerly 19-7 accounts) are based on each Vice President’s
direction for their areas.
 Prior to year end, Budget Office will provide negative year end
balance reports to Primary Financial Area Reps for processing
budget transfers
 Budget Transfers are completed as determined by VP Area
 Any negative balances are addressed and cleared as appropriate
 Certain Designated Accounts are not subject to lapse and
roll forward:
 Most designated accounts sourced from fees
 Facilities & Administration (F & A) accounts
Lapse Guidelines
Centrally funded E&G and Designated Accounts
General Recap by Area - FY 2014
 President’s Office – department balances at year end will roll forward
 Academic Affairs – departmental balances at year end will roll forward
 Research – departmental balances at year end will roll forward; balances in
E&G salary accounts will lapse to VP Research reserve
Business Affairs – department balances at year end will roll forward
Community Services – department balances at year end will roll forward
Student Affairs – department balances will lapse to VP Student Affairs reserve
External Relations – department balances will partially roll forward
For questions, please contact your Financial Area Rep
Lapse Guidelines
Remaining Balance - Service Centers
 Not subject to lapse (carry forward 100%)
 Any surplus/deficit exceeding 10% requires special
exception and approval of AVP-Financial Affairs
 Monitored by Grants and Contracts Financial Services
 Subject to Service Center Policy for compliance with
OMB Circular A-21.For questions please contact:
- Lila Martinelli x8022
- Shannyn Adkins x4229
Lapse Guidelines
Remaining Balances - Other Fund Groups
Year-end balances in the following funds are not subject to
lapse (carry forward 100%):
 Grant and Contracts
 Auxiliary Enterprise
 Gift/Restricted Funds
 Plant Funds
New Fiscal Year Budget 2015
FMS – Commitment Control
Original Budgets 2015 expected to be loaded by August 26th and set to Control
Budget Journals will record Original Budgets in PeopleSoft FMS - Commitment
Control ledgers (OPE/OPR) following approval of the Board of Regents being
held August 20-21st
Original Budgets based on the final DEFINE-BUD documents processed and will
utilize the Accounting’s COA Crosswalk (i.e. departments and cost centers)
Permanent Positions from DEFINE-BUD documents will be utilized to indicate
Budgeted Positions in PeopleSoft HCM; no other details will come across from
Budget Office will load Balance Forwards in FMS-Commitment Control during
first full week in October following Accounting’s year end close out.
Departments will need to review September month end reports and address
negative balances as a result of HCM Personnel costs, salary encumbrances,
material encumbrances, expenditures, etc.
Position Funding FY 2015
HCM – Commitment Accounting
Position Management Center-Department Budget Table
 A batch process initiated by UTShare will update 2015 PMC DBT with
the most current funding source
 “Tentative Date” for 2015 PMC DBT to open for Transaction Entry is
Monday, August 18, 2014
 Dual Years will be open until last payroll is paid in FY 2014
 Departments must be careful to choose correct Fiscal Year when
entering a DBT while two years are open
 Funding changes for FY 2014 activity can still be entered while FY
2014 is open. If the change needs to be effective in both Fiscal
Years, please ensure a DBT is initiated in FY 2015 as well.
Position Funding FY 2015
HCM – Commitment Accounting
FY 2015 Encumbrances – Salary /Fringe Benefits
 Initial encumbrance process tentatively scheduled for September 5th
 All filled and salaried positions funded in the PMC DBT will encumber;
any vacant and unfunded positions will not encumber
 Salary encumbrance updates will run nightly to capture all funding
 Error reports will identify positions with no funding and departments will
be contacted by Budget Office to update funding.