UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS AND POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS FOR WOMEN 2015 – 2017 APPLICATION FORM Closing date with Schools/Centres/Institutes: 19 May 2014 IMPORTANT NOTE: Before an application is lodged, the prospective applicant must contact the Head of the relevant School, Centre, or Institute to obtain detailed information on its research activities, and to ascertain whether the School, Centre or Institute is prepared to support the application. RM ID (UQR&I use only): SECTION A: SUMMARY APPLICATION DETAILS Total number of sheets contained in this application A1. UQ SCHOOL/CENTRE/INSTITUTE TO HOST THE FELLOWSHIP A2. FELLOWSHIP TYPE UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Women A3. PROJECT TITLE (max. 20 words plain English) A4. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY (This section can be expanded to include co-supervisors as required) Family name Given Name Current Organisation (or if currently at UQ, current School/Centre/Institute) Fellow UQ Supervisor A5. FELLOWSHIP SUMMARY Provide a plain language summary of the aims, significance and expected outcomes of the Fellowship (approx. 100 words). A6. KEYWORDS Enter between one and six keywords to describe the proposed research. Keywords should be of the kind normally required for submitting an article to a major refereed journal. A7. RESEARCH CLASSIFICATIONS Select at least one code under each of the Field of Research (FOR) and Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) classifications. The FOR classification defines the research according to disciplines. The SEO classification indicates the sectors that are most likely to benefit from the research. Indicate the relative importance of each code by using a percentage. List from highest % to lowest %, and in multiples of 10. FOR (formerly RFCD) and SEO Codes are available from: http://www.uq.edu.au/research/researchmanagement/research-classifications Do not use 4 digit codes or codes ending in either ‘00’ or ‘0000’, as these are category headings. Field of Research (FOR) – to total 100% % Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) – to total 100% % A8. TYPE OF RESEACH Information on the types of research is available from: http://www.uq.edu.au/research/researchmanagement/type-of-activity-toa Ensure your percentages total to 100%. Pure % Strategic % Applied % Experimental % A9. ETHICAL/BIOSAFETY CLEARANCES (a) If this application is successful, will you require ethical and/or biosafety clearance? Yes No (b) If yes, what category: Human http://www.uq.edu.au/research/integrity-compliance/human-ethics Animal http://www.uq.edu.au/research/integrity-compliance/animal-welfare Biosafety http://www.uq.edu.au/research/integrity-compliance/biosafety-exportcontrols Other Please specify: (c) If UQ Ethical/Biosafety Clearances already exist, insert UQ Clearance No: A10. OTHER FELLOWSHIP APPLICATIONS (a) Have you applied for another research Fellowship (eg. ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, NHMRC Early Career Fellowship)? Yes No (b) If yes, please indicate the agency and scheme to which the application has been submitted. SECTION B: PERSONNEL AND RELATED DETAILS B1. APPLICANT DETAILS Family name First name Second name Title Address for correspondence Country Work Telephone E-mail Post Code Home Telephone Fax B2. CITIZENSHIP/RESIDENCY DETAILS (Please note that UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are open to all nationalities, while UQ Postdoctoral Fellowships for Women are open to Australian citizens and permanent residents). Australian citizen? Country/ies of citizenship Country of residence Current Australian residency status Yes No B3. Name and age of dependents who will accompany you if you receive an award (For overseas applicants only. This information is primarily for immigration purposes). B4. Earliest date able to take up duty in Brisbane Note that the Fellowship cannot commence before 1 January 2015. Also, a start date after 28 February 2015 will need to be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) if the application is successful. B5. Would you be in receipt of any other allowances during tenure of the Fellowship? Yes No If yes, please specify: B6. QUALIFICATIONS (a) PhD qualification As at 30 June 2014, an applicant must not have had more than five years full-time equivalent (FTE) professional research experience since the award of a PhD. In determining FTE professional research experience, the applicant may claim commensurate periods of career interruption. However, applications for variation of timing will only be accepted if the researcher was awarded their PhD on or after 30 June 2006. Status Discipline/Field Organisation Country Day, Month and Year awarded Awarded In progress (thesis in preparation/under review) (or) Date Thesis Submitted/ Proposed Submission Date If PhD awarded prior to 30 June 2009, total number of days between PhD award and 30 June 2009 (b) Justification and details of career interruption/s Eligible career interruptions are defined in the scheme Guidelines. Use a new row for each eligible career interruption. Interruption Start Date Interruption End Date Number of days Type of Interruption (eg Carer, maternity or parental leave, illness, international relocation, unemployment or non-research employment) 1 2 3 Additional details of interruption: In no more than 500 characters (approx 75 words) of plain language, please summarise details of the career interruption. If non-research employment, specify employment type 1 2 3 (c) Other qualifications (including highest Qualification if not PhD) Degree/Award Year Discipline/Field Organisation and country B7. ACADEMIC, RESEARCH, PROFESSIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE Current and previous appointment(s)/position(s) - covering a maximum of the past 10 years Position held Organisation School/Institute/Centre/ Department Year Appointed Status B8. ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS: (Medals, scholarships etc) B9. KNOWLEDGE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: If English is not your native language, briefly comment on verbal and written skills in English. B10. If you are currently employed by The University of Queensland (UQ), or have received a doctorate from UQ and have not subsequently held a position at another university or research institution, please provide a compelling academic and/or social justification indicating why your research needs to be continued at this institution. If currently employed by UQ, please clearly indicate the position and its source of funding. This justification should not exceed one page. B11. RESEARCH RECORD RELATIVE TO OPPORTUNITIES (a) A statement on your research record relative to opportunities. Describe any interruptions or other considerations to be taken into account with regard to your track record. Write a maximum of half an A4 page. (b) A statement on your most significant contributions to this research field Write a maximum of half an A4 page. (c) A statement on the research environment Describe the facilities and support at your proposed host School/Centre/Institute, including the intellectual environment to support your Fellowship. Write a maximum of half an A4 page. (d) All refereed publications in the past 5 years (2009 onwards) Use asterisks (*) to identify publications relevant to this application. List publications under the following headings: Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles, Conference Papers, Other Publications. In-press publications are to include the acceptance date. SECTION C: ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND JUSTIFICATION – UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS FOR WOMEN Section C contains additional questions for applicants to the UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships for Women scheme. Applicants submitting a UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships application only, should leave this section blank. C1. WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP TIME COMMITMENT Please indicate if you wish to be considered for a full-time Fellowship, a half time Fellowship, or both: Full-time Fellowship Half-time Fellowship C2. DEMONSTRATION OF CAREER INTERRUPTION Please explain, referencing your answer to B6: the reason why your career has been interrupted, delayed or otherwise constrained by family or other responsibilities; the duration of the break/interruption explaining the particular context as to how it has affected your career. This justification should not exceed ½ a page. C3. JUSTIFICATION OF CAREER RE-ESTABLISHMENT Please explain how the award of a Fellowship, at this time, will assist the re-establishment your academic research career and tangibly advance your career trajectory. This justification should not exceed ½ a page. SECTION D: BUDGET D1. BUDGET DETAILS Provide a brief budget covering expected costs of conducting the project. UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships provide for a standard maintenance budget of $10,000 in the first year and $5,000 in each of the subsequent years. Applicants should frame their project budgets, below, within these limits. Expenditure Type (e.g. travel, maintenance) Year1 (max $10,000) Year 2 (max $5,000) Year 3 (max $5,000) Total Total D2. JUSTIFICATION OF FUNDING In no more than half an A4 page, fully justify in terms of need and cost, your proposed project budget at D1. Any budget items requested in excess of the standard maintenance funds of $10,000 in the first year and $5,000 in each of the subsequent years will require special approval from the Head of School or Institute Director. SECTION E: RESEARCH SUPPORT E1. RESEARCH SUPPORT OF APPLICANT Provide details of all current, past or requested research support for the Fellowship applicant between 2013 and 2017. List this proposal first. Provide the names of all investigators on any grant held together with the project title, source of support, scheme. Asterisk (*) refers to any items that are in the same area of research as this application. Support types (Sup type) are ‘C’ for current support, ‘R’ for requested support, ‘P’ for past support. The Project ID applies only to past and current ARC or NHMRC grants. Note, details should be provided for all sources of funding. Description (All named investigators on any grant held by a participant, project title, source of support, scheme) <Insert investigator name, project title, source of support/scheme> (*) Sup type ARC/NHMRC ID (If applicable) R N/A 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) SECTION F: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Attach a brief Research Proposal, no more than four A4 pages, outlining the proposed program of work. Your Research Proposal must be written in 12 point font, with at least 2cm margins on each side. Structure your Research Proposal under the following headings: F1 PROJECT TITLE F2 AIMS AND BACKGROUND Describe the aims and background to the project. Include information about recent international progress in the field of the research, and the relationship of this proposal to work in the field generally. Refer only to refereed papers that are widely available to national and international research communities. F3 SIGNIFICANCE AND INNOVATION Describe how the research is significant and whether the research addresses an important problem. Describe how the anticipated outcomes will advance the knowledge base of the discipline and why the project aims and concepts are novel and innovative. Describe the relationship of your proposed research with areas of existing and emerging research strength at UQ. F4 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY Outline the conceptual framework, design and methods and demonstrate that these are adequately developed, well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the project. F5 REFERENCES Include a list of all references. This list may be in 10 point font and may be additional to the limit of four (4) A4 pages. SECTION G: NOMINATED REFEREES Please list the names of three referees below. Please forward one Referee’s Report form to each of your referees (ensuring that you have contacted them in advance to foreshadow the requirement for completion of the Report, and the Report due date). Insert on the form, the name of the School/Centre/Institute in which you wish to work and your proposed supervisor/s. Please ensure that your Referee Reports are forwarded to the Head/Director of the School/Centre/Institute no later than the closing date of 19 May 2014. The Referee Report Form is available to download separately from the UQR&I website at http://www.uq.edu.au/research/research-management/uq-postdoctoral-research-fellowships. 1. 2. 3. SECTION H: CERTIFICATIONS H1. CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT I certify that: i) To the best of my knowledge, all the details on this application form are true and complete. ii) I have complied with the scheme Guidelines and if I am successful I will accept the Conditions of Award relating to this scheme. iii) I will comply with all necessary UQ policies and procedures in discharging my responsibilities under this grant. iv) I understand and agree that all UQ ethical and/or biosafety clearances must be obtained before the proposed research can commence. v) In submitting this application, I consent to its referral to internal (UQ) assessors for consideration. Signature of Applicant Surname, title and initials (Printed) Signature of Applicant H2. CERTIFICATION BY PROPOSED UQ SUPERVISOR (TO BE ATTACHED) Please attach written confirmation (letter or email) from your proposed UQ Supervisor, confirming they are willing to act as the supervisor for this Fellowship should it be awarded.