Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 V2 |

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
V2 | NOVEMBER 2013
Secretary’s Message
Message from the Diversity Champion
Our Vision for Reconciliation
Our Organisation
Respect 9
Tracking progress and reporting
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Secretary’s Message
The Department of Finance (Finance) plays an instrumental role in assisting
government across a wide range of policy areas to ensure its outcomes are met,
particularly with regard to expenditure and financial management, regulatory
reform and the operations of government.
Finance aims to be an employer of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples. Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) forms an essential part of our efforts
to increase the participation of, and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples in our workforce through a variety of programs.
We are committed to assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education
outcomes, supporting Indigenous business and a continuous effort to promote an
understanding of Indigenous cultures.
By way of example, Finance is responsible for administering the Financial
Management and Accountability Act 1997 (FMA Act) and Commonwealth Authorities
and Companies Act 1997 (CAC Act). Recently an exemption for FMA Act and CAC Act
bodies was introduced to procurement processes within the Australian Government
to maximise Indigenous employment opportunities and the engagement of
Indigenous businesses. This occurred through the Indigenous Opportunities Policy.
Finance is extremely supportive of this commitment to Indigenous employment and
suppliers as this will provide a pathway for ensuring accessibility for economic
Our employees’ skills and diverse expertise enable everyone to contribute to
Finance’s success. Increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff numbers
and raising awareness of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
will broaden and strengthen Finance’s skills in helping to successfully implement
reconciliation initiatives across government.
The RAP outcomes are also highly beneficial to Finance as a department, as they
strengthen our positive culture and enable Finance to develop a greater
understanding of our stakeholders so we can work more collaboratively with them.
They also provide another platform to achieve excellence in service delivery and
policy, and broaden our ability to attract, recruit and retain talented employees.
We are all responsible for the support and promotion of reconciliation.
David Tune PSM
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
Message from the Diversity Champion
As Finance’s Diversity Champion, I am pleased to join the Secretary in presenting
Finance’s third RAP. This revised RAP builds on the achievements of the department
to date and provides practical initiatives which aim to build on our positive culture
and the strong commitment we have that support our Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander staff.
Finance endeavours to support Reconciliation by overcoming the division and
inequality between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other Australian staff,
and hopes to achieve this by supporting Reconciliation Australia’s vision of building
better relationships and encouraging positive change.
Key elements of our efforts to date include membership of Supply Nation,
establishment of an exemption from certain aspects of the Commonwealth
Procurement Rules for procurement of goods and services provided by small and
medium sized Indigenous businesses, and participation in targeted Indigenous
Recruitment Programs that have been overseen by particular APS agencies. In
recent years, these recruitment programs have been the most effective way for us to
recruit Indigenous Australians. We will maintain that focus and continue to work
closely with other agencies to share strategies and learnings.
Please join us in our journey towards reconciliation.
Stein Helgeby
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
Our Vision for Reconciliation
Finance’s vision for reconciliation is to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander employees and peoples of the wider Australian community are provided
with opportunities to build relationships and develop mutual respect within our
Finance recognises that as a central agency within the Australian Public Service, it is
essential that we promote reconciliation and ensure the structure of our workforce
honestly represents the Australian community.
Our Organisation
Finance delivers professional support services to our Ministers, Parliamentarians
and their staff, and the Government as a whole.
Finance plays an important role in:
the delivery of the Australian Government Budget;
ongoing management of the Australian Government’s non-Defence domestic
property portfolio;
key asset sales;
implementation of the Australian Government’s deregulation agenda;
the financial framework for Australian Government agencies;
provision of entitlements advice and support to parliamentarians and their
maintaining shareholder oversight for Government Business Enterprises;
the provision of general insurance services to Government agencies and
promoting improved risk management; and
provision of strategic advice, guidance and service provision for the productive
application of new and existing information and communication technologies to
government operations.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
To ensure that Finance promotes and strengthens its inclusive practices, we must
increase our efforts to close the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples and other Australians by forging and maintaining mutually beneficial
Finance’s 2013-2015 RAP has been developed in consultation with employees of all
cultures, through committees and networks, to ensure its implementation will
provide positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees. It
has also been developed to support Finance’s Strategic Plan, People Strategy and
Diversity Strategy 2013-2015.
This RAP is a living document that will be reviewed and revised in consultation with
the Diversity Network on a biannual basis. Progress against and/or changes to the
initiatives and strategies will be reported to the People and Culture Sub-Committee
(a sub-committee of the Executive Board).
Finance has established a Diversity Network with membership from across the
department and a Senior Executive Sponsor. The Network helps to ensure
employees have visibility across issues associated with diversity that may affect
them. It also works to develop and promote support networks for employees. The
Network meets monthly to discuss a range of topics and plays an instrumental role
in broadening awareness of our reconciliation initiatives across Finance. This
Diversity Network includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and
other Australian employees who are determined to support the successful delivery
of our RAP across our organisation.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
As the basis for successful and productive relationships, Finance values communication, consultation, cooperation and input from all
employees on matters that affect their workplace.
Promote inclusive practices within the department,
provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
employees and support the development and
implementation of the RAP.
Diversity Network and
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Staff Network
March 2013
Organise recognised events and encourage Finance
employees to participate in celebrations.
Diversity Network
March 2013
Nominate a champion at the SES level to represent
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and
Executive Board
Develop and sustain relationships with organisations,
education centres, departments and private companies
through appropriate contacts.
People Branch
Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
employees to participate in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander networks within Federal Government.
People Branch
 The Diversity Network, which includes Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander employees, has promoted inclusive practices
and relevant events within Finance.
 Finance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff Network
is consulted about and support the development of the RAP.
 The Diversity Network meets regularly - at least twice per
 Celebrate National Reconciliation Week by publishing
information about departmental and local events, on the
 Diversity Calendar is made available on the intranet.
 Events evaluated and reported to PCSC biannually.
March 2013
 Diversity Champions are nominated and announced by
Executive Board.
June 2014
 Contact made annually with Indigenous Higher Education
 Continued membership with Supply Nation.
June 2013
 Membership of Indigenous APS Employee Network
(IAPSEN) promoted to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees provided
with the opportunity to participate in APS networks such as
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
Finance is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive working environment free from discrimination and one that recognises and
embraces the diversity of the Australian community.
Research and implement cultural protocols around
Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country
ceremonies to ensure there is shared meaning behind
the ceremonies.
People Branch
June 2013
Cultural Awareness Training provided to all managers of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and all
staff biannually and on an as needed basis.
People Branch
 Research and implement cultural protocols for Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander events.
 Cultural protocols are used at appropriate events held by
December 2013
 All managers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
employees have completed Cultural Awareness Training.
 Attendance at cultural awareness training encouraged
biannually or as needed.
Incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander charities People Branch
in the Workplace Giving Program.
March 2013
Enhance new starters understanding of diversity, by
including briefings on diversity at commencement of
People Branch
December 2013
Participate in NAIDOC Week celebrations.
Diversity Network
 At least one Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander charity is
identified and included in the Workplace Giving program
and/or supported through a Social Club fundraising event.
 Include diversity information within induction process.
 Outline flexible working arrangements and facilities available
for religious practice.
 New employees are made aware of Reconciliation Action
 New employees are made aware of the benefits of
March 2013
 Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees
to participate in local NAIDOC Week events by advertising
events on the Finance intranet.
 Utilise ‘Miscellaneous leave with pay’ provisions, as outlined
within the Finance Enterprise Agreement 2011-2014 to
participate in religious, ceremonial and cultural events
including NAIDOC.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
Finance fosters an environment of mutual support and benefit by supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to continue
educational growth and offer employment pathways.
Investigate introducing a work placement program for
internal and external Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander APS employees to increase employment
People Branch
December 2013
 Similar APS programs investigated.
 Recommendation report submitted to Assistant Secretary,
People Branch.
 Consultation undertaken with other Agencies such as
Treasury, PM&C, Reconciliation Australia and the
Department of Employment.
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees gaining
skills and experience while working in other agencies.
Implement a development program for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander employees.
People Branch
December 2013
 Development program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander employees developed.
 Encourage attendance at APSC Public Calling Events such
as the National Indigenous Australian Public Service
Employees' Conference.
Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
employees to disclose their diversity status.
People Branch
March 2013
 Increase in those employees in key diversity categories
identifying as such through Aurion.
 Develop and publish disclosure fact sheet.
 Develop a disclosure process and form for optional use.
Develop fact sheets and information pages which outline People Branch
definitions and available services, for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander employees, and publish on the
intranet, and where appropriate on the internet.
December 2013
Ensure that Finance’s recruitment documentation
supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
December 2013
People Branch
 Publications about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and
available flexible work practices are published on the intranet
and distributed to all EL2s.
 Relevant documentation has been reviewed to ensure that
language is simple and clear.
 Special Measure provision usage continues.
 Selection Panel Training will include information about
supporting individuals who identify as Aboriginal and/or
Torres Strait Islander.
Utilise and participate in centralised recruitment
People Branch
programs such as the Indigenous Australian Government
March 2013
 Continue to utilise and participate in successful whole of
government recruitment programs, such as those run by the
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
APSC and the Department of Employment.
Development Program (IAGDP) or Indigenous Entry
Level Recruitment Program (IELRP).
 Finance employees participated in centralised recruitment
programs, including as selection panel members.
Develop detailed information for external marketing,
highlighting the diversity of Finance to Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Communications and Public
December 2013
 Marketing plan developed and approved.
Research and develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Policy for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander recruitment programs within Finance.
People Branch
March 2013
 Indigenous Trainee Policy developed and approved.
Review tendering and procurement process to
encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander small to
medium enterprise contracts.
 IAGDP policy developed and approved.
 Policies published on the Finance intranet.
March 2013
 Promote the use of procurement options for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander businesses through the CPR
exemption for small to medium enterprise (SME).
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |
Tracking progress and reporting
As a central government agency, Finance plays an integral role in ensuring government outcomes are met. Measuring the outcomes we produce
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples ensures we are held accountable for our actions. Reporting mechanisms will also ensure
transparency of our progress.
Report achievements, challenges and learnings to
Reconciliation Australia for inclusion in the Annual
Impact Measurement Report.
People Branch
January 2014
Publish the RAP on the Finance website and on the
Reconciliation Australia website.
People Branch
Regularly review legislation that supports Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples, to ensure relevant
Finance documentation and actions are in line with
current legislative requirements.
People Branch
 RAP progress is reported each year in the RAP Impact
Measurement Questionnaire.
June 2013
 The RAP is published on the Finance internet and the
Reconciliation Australia website.
March 2013
 Relevant documentation is updated to reflect legislation
 Finance employees are advised of changes and actions to
be taken.
 Annual HR Legislation audit outcome is compliant.
Include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander diversity
data within HR Management reports.
People Branch
March 2013
 Diversity data is reported quarterly to PCSC and Deputy
Contact details
For further information about this RAP, please contact HR Shopfront on 02 6215 3937 or email
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015 |