2nd Teacher: Grade Reading Lesson Plan 2015-2016 Torrez, Knight, Ayala, Rodriguez. Week of: Monday May 9, 2016. Week: 8 TEKS: see below Resources Assessment/Work Products ELPS: Use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting and reviewing to acquire basic and grade level vocabulary. Daily Oral language Fluency Word wave Treasures Sight words and Spelling textbook Student weekly Assessments. Work Products: interactive notebooks, foldable, graphic organizer Assessment: Spelling test/writing sentences. Student weekly assessments/unit test. horn, chore, doorstep, crush, shack, cloth, thing, sail, sale, pancake, fall, king, town, I’ll, unit. Spelling words: Unit 3 Objective Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday *2.14A Identify the main idea in a text to distinguish it from the topic.. 2.3B Ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text. SS. 2.4A- Read aloud gradelevel appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension. (90-140 wcpm) 2.12A- Read independently for a sustained period of time & paraphrase what reading was about, maintaining meaning. (4 times a week, 15-20 minutes by EOY). Chapter book reading selection. *2.19C Monitor and adjust comprehension using background knowledge ,creating sensory images, rereading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues. SS Poetry (Poem of the Week) Poetry (Poem of the Week) *2.7A- Describe how rhyme, rhythm, and repetition interact to create images in poetry. SS 2.11A- Recognize that some words and phrases have literal and non- literal meanings (e.g., take steps). 2. Fig.19A- Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own and others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension. (to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment) 2.14C Describe the order of events or ideas in a text. 2.4A- Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension. (90-140 wcpm) 2.12A- Read independently for a sustained period of time & paraphrase what reading was about, maintaining meaning. (4 times a week, 20 minutes by EOY). Reading selection: Chapter books. 2.14C Describe the order of events or ideas in a text. 2.12A- Read independently for a sustained period of time & paraphrase what reading was about, maintaining meaning. (4 times a week, 15-20 minutes by EOY). Chapter book reading selection 2.Fig.19B- Ask literal questions of text (questions Before, During, After Reading; Literal- who, what, when, where, why, & how) 2.Fig.19D- Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (title, cover, illustrations, plot, facts/details, background knowledge/experiences) Readiness Standard *2.Fig.19E- retell important events in stories in logical order (draw a picture, present dramatic interpretation, retell orally or in written form) Read Aloud – (Think Aloud) 15-20 minutes Genre: start fiction chapter book Shared Reading (Read Aloud) 15-20 min Skill Genre: expository Guiding Questions: How does summarizing a story help a reader tell about the important parts of a story? 2.14C Describe the order of events or ideas in a text. Genre: start reading a Roald Dahl chapter book 2.14C Describe the order of events or ideas in a text. Genre: start reading a Roald Dahl chapter book Activity: Describe the order of events. Genre: poetry Genre: expository Guiding Questions: How does summarizing a story help a reader tell about the important parts of a story? . Skill: Identify problem and solution, locate facts. Genre: expository Genre: poetry Genre: expository Guiding Questions: How does summarizing a story help a reader tell about the important parts of a story? Story: chapter books. Skill: Visualize/Cause and Effect Poem: Shel Silverstein Poems -Introduce the focus poem. -Read the poem to the children. -Invite them to predict what it might be about. -Briefly discuss the message. Assessment: Summary/weekly test. Materials: Activity: phonics page Activity: comprehension paper: Cause/ Effect chart. . Activity: Complete weekly vocabulary sheet in practice book. Materials: Texas Treasures textbook, Texas Treasure Practice book, worksheet, fluency folder, high frequency word list Materials: Texas Treasures textbook, Texas Treasure Practice book, fluency folder, high frequency word list Materials: Texas Treasures textbook, Texas Treasure Practice book, worksheet, fluency folder, high frequency word list Materials: -Shel Silverstein poetry. Genre: Assessment: spelling test unit 36. Materials: List of words Chapter book Skill: Visualize/Problem and Solution. Independent Reading (Responds to Literature) 20 min Activity: Complete foldable on weekly vocabulary words: Materials: Texas Treasures textbook, ISN, fluency folder, high frequency word list Materials: Texas Treasures textbook, ISN, fluency folder, high frequency word list Vocabulary: Topic, Main idea, sequence, cause and effect, rhyme, rhythm, repetition. Assessment: fluency passage in student workbook Materials: Texas Treasures textbook, Texas Treasure Practice book, fluency folder, high frequency word list Materials: Texas Treasures textbook, Texas Treasure Practice book, worksheet, fluency folder, high frequency word list Modifications: GT: Identify figurative language. LEP: Read weekly story orally with whisper phones. Speech: Read story orally with whisper phones. 504: Follow IEP 15-30Min 15-30 Min. Daily Rotation ↓ 1 2 Team A Guided Reading with Teacher Daily 5 Activities: *Read to Self *Read to Someone *Listen to Reading *Word Work *Work on Writing Team B Daily 5 Activities: *Read to Self *Read to Someone *Listen to Reading *Word Work *Work on Writing Optional Team # Or Additional Station Activities Literacy DI Menu/or Novel Literature Study Tic Tac Toe Activities Friday All Teams Rotation Catch-Up Day/Literature Circle Discussion Groups Guided Reading with Teacher 15-20 Min 1520 Min *Super School gives you an opportunity to work with those students that need intervention which can provide time for you to work with a guided reading group. This may give you a window of opportunity to facilitate Literature Circles with your Tier 1 students. Guided Reading/Station Activity Rotation Schedule Tier 1 * Teacher may only visit with this group 1-2 xs a week Daily Rotation Friday Team C Team D Optional Team # ↓ All Teams Literacy DI Menu/or Rotation Catch-Up Day/Literature Circle 1 Novel Literature Study Tic Tac Literature Circles Discussion Groups Toe Station Activities 2 Daily 5 Activities: *Word Work *Work on Writing *Read to Self (SSR) Daily 5 Activities: *Word Work *Work on Writing Read to Self (SSR)