Week of: Language Arts Language Arts Reading Phonics/Vocabu lary (Genre & Comprehension Skill) Language Arts Fig.19 Skill Writing John Drugan K-8 2nd- 9 Weeks at a Glance 2015-2016 43 Instructional Days Grade: __4th______ Essential Question: Expository TextSamples: Bios, Autobio, Newspapers, Websites, e-mail Novel: _Esperanza Rising______ Math Science Social Studies Health Technology Week 1 Oct. 12-16 Realistic Fiction 4.3A Summarize & explain lesson or message of a work of fiction as its theme (fables, legends, myths, fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction) SS 4.6A Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on future events (plot, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) R. S. 47% 4.6B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo R.S.50% 4.6C ID whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person S. S. 53% Fig. 19 D make inferences about poetry and use textual evidence to support understanding 54% Spiral TEKS 4.Fig 19A, 4.Fig.19B, 4.Fig19C, 4.Fig19E See Writing Plan 4.2B - use context of the sentence to determine meaning of unfamiliar/ multiple meaning words (ID/use relationships surrounding words, phrases, sentences, & paragraphs/ multiple meaning & homographs / in-sentence examples/ definition in the sentence) 55% READINES S Context Clues Synonyms Unit 3: Multiplication of Whole Numbers 4.4B Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understandings. 4.4C represent the product of 2 digit numbers using arrays, area models, or equations, including perfect squares through 15 by 15. Process Standards: 4.1A, 4.1B, 41C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 3A: Electrical Circuits 4.6B differentiate between conductors (metalsheat/electricity-cooper, aluminum, graphite, salt solutions/sound-metal, water, dense rocks) & insulators (heatwood, plastic, Styrofoam, glass/electricity-glass, paper, wood, plastic, rubber/soundcarpet, thick fabric, cork, acoustical tiles. Unit 4: Exploration and Mission Life 4.2A summarize motivations for European exploration and settlement of Texas, including economic opportunity, competition, and the desire for expansion 4.2B identify the accomplishments and explain the impact of significant explorers, including Cabeza de Vaca; Francisco Coronado; René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle, on the settlement of Texas 4.2C explain when, where, and why the Spanish established settlements and Catholic missions in Texas as well as important individuals such as José de Escandón 4.12C analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Students will create a budget. Week 2 Oct. 19-23 4.2D- ID the meaning of common idioms 4.2E- use a dictionary or glossary to determine the meanings, syllabication , and pronunciatio n of unknown words (READINES S) Historical Fiction 4.3A Summarize & explain lesson or message of a work of fiction as its theme (fables, legends, myths, fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction 4.6A Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on future events (plot, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) R. S. 45% 4.6B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo R.S. 50% 4.6C ID whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person S. S. 53% 4.Fig.19F- make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis, own experiences, ideas in other text, larger community) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence (make connections with all Genres) -tie in with social studies/science RS 53% Spiral Fig. 19 D make inferences about poetry and use textual evidence to support 54% 4.3B Compare and contrast the adventures or exploits or characters (Trickster) in traditional and dramatic literature. 45% 4.Fig 19A, 4.Fig.19B, 4.Fig19C, 4.Fig19E Unit 3: Multiplication of Whole Numbers 4.4D use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply up to a four-digit number by a one-digit number and to multiply a two-digit number by a twodigit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial products, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties. (S) 4.4G round to the nearest 10, 100, or 1,000 or use compatible numbers, to estimate solutions involving whole numbers (S) Process Standards: 4.1A, 4.1B, 41C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 3A: Electrical Circuits Unit 05: Colonization 4.6 C Demonstrate that electricity travels in a closed path, creating an electrical circuit, and explore an electromagnetic field 4.2D identify Texas' role in the Mexican War of Independence and the war's impact on the development of Texas 4.2E identify the accomplishments and explain the economic motivations and impact of significant empresarios, including Stephen F. Austin and Martín de León, on the settlement of Texas 4.6A apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps 4.8A identify and explain clusters and patterns of settlement in Texas at different time periods such as prior to the Texas Revolution, after the building of the railroads, and following World War II. (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages Students will create a budget. Week 3 Oct. 26-30 Early Release Oct. 28 4.2Ccomplete analogies using knowledge of antonyms and synonyms (boy:girl as male:___or girl:woman as boy:___ Understanding Informational Text Non-Fiction Text -Newspaper articles, websites - magazine articles, e-mail - letters, journals -social studies text, science text 4.7A- Identify similarities and differences between the events and characters’ experiences described in an author’s biorgraphy or autobiography S.S. 4.10A- Explain the difference between a stated and an implied purpose for an expository text Weeks 3 AssessmentsFiction/ Poetry 4.Fig.19A- establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension (to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, be entertained, provide enjoyment) Spiral 4.Fig 19 A,B,C,D,E Unit 4: Division of Whole Numbers 4.4E Represent the quotient of up to a four-digit whole number divided by a one-digit whole number using arrays, area models, or equations. (S) 4.5A represent multi-step problems involving the four operations with whole numbers using strip diagrams and equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity (R) 4.4H Solve with fluency one- and two-step problems involving multiplication and division, including interpreting remainders (R) Process Standards 4.1A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 3B: Force & Motion 4.6D Design an experiment to test the effect of force on an object such as a push or a pull, gravity, friction, or magnetism (variables, controls/follow scientific process) Unit 5: Colonization 4.8B describe and explain the location and distribution of various towns and cities in Texas, past and present 4.9B identify reasons why people have adapted to and modified their environment in Texas, past and present, such as the use of natural resources to meet basic needs, facilitate transportation Red Ribbon Week (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Students will create a budget. Week 4 Nov. 2-6 4.2E- use a dictionary or glossary to determine meanings, syllabication ,& pronunciatio n of unknown words % (READINE SS) Understanding Informational Text Non-Fiction Text -Newspaper articles, websites - magazine articles, e-mail - letters, journals -social studies text, science text 4.11A- summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning R.S. 52% 4.11B- distinguish fact from opinion in a text and explain how to verify what is a fact S.S.57% 4.Fig.19B- ask literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions of text (Literal- 5 W’s; Interpretive- inference; Evaluativeagree/disagree, opinion, feel?, believe?; Before Reading, During Reading, After Reading) Spiral Review Fig. 19 A, 4.Fig,19B, 4.19C, Unit 4: Division of Whole Numbers 4.4F Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to divide up to a four-digit dividend by a one digit divisor. (S) 4.2D round whole numbers to a given place value through the hundred thousands place (S) 4.4G round to the nearest 10, 100, or 1,000 or use compatible numbers, to estimate solutions involving whole numbers (S) Process Standards 4.1A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 3B: Force & Motion 4.6D Design an experiment to test the effect of force on an object such as a push or a pull, gravity, friction, or magnetism (variables, controls/follow scientific process Unit 5: Colonization 4.10B explain the economic activities early immigrants to Texas used to meet their needs and wants 4.14B identify and compare characteristics of the Spanish colonial government and the early Mexican governments and their influence on inhabitants of Texas 4.19A identify the similarities and differences among various racial, ethnic, and religious groups in Texas (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Create Fraction Pie Charts Week 5 Nov. 9-13 Veteran’s Day Nov. 11 No School District Science fair Nov. 14 4.2A determine the meaning of gradelevel academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes(Latin -audi-, vis-, dict-, -able, ible) (READINE SS)58% Latin Understanding Informational Text Non-Fiction Text -Newspaper articles, websites - magazine articles, e-mail - letters, journals -social studies text, science text 4.11C- describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts organized by causeand-effect, sequence, or comparison R.S72% 4.11D use multiple text features (e.g., guide words, topic and concluding sentences) to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information R.S 65% Fig 19C - monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, rereading a portion aloud, generating questions, context clues, ask for help) Spiral Review Fig. 19 D make inferences about poetry and use textual evidence to support understanding 50% 4.3B Compare and contrast character 45% Unit 5: All operations – Word Problems Mixed Operations 4.4A- Add and subtract whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths place using the standard algorithm (Readiness) 4.4H- solve with fluency oneand two-step problems involving multiplication and division, including interpreting remainders. (Readiness) 4.5A- represent multi-step problems involving the four operations with whole numbers using strip diagrams and equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity (Readiness) 4.6A Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on future events (plot, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) 47% 4.5B-. represent problems using an input-output table and numerical expressions to generate a number pattern that follows a given rule representing the relationship of the values in the resulting sequence and their position in the sequence. (Readiness) Process Standards: 4.1A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 4: Changing Earth-Slow Changes 4.7A Examine properties of soils-clay/sand/loam/silt/gravel (color, particle size, texture, capacity to retain water, ability to support the growth of plants, soil texture, organic matter content) SS 4.7B Observe/identify slow changes to Earth's surface caused by weathering, erosion, and deposition from water, wind, and ice (wind/water/ice shape reshape Earth’s land by eroding rock & soil & sometimes depositing them in other seasonal areas) 1st Assessment Force and Motion Unit 6: Revolution 4.3A analyze the causes, major events, and effects of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo, the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San Jacinto 4.3B summarize the significant contributions of individuals such as Texans William B. Travis, James Bowie, David Crockett, George Childress, and Sidney Sherman; Tejanos Juan Antonio Padilla, Carlos Espalier, Juan N. Seguín, Plácido Benavides, and José Francisco Ruiz; Mexicans Antonio López de Santa Anna and Vicente Filisola; and noncombatants Susanna Dickinson and Enrique Esparza (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Create Fraction Pie Charts Unit 6: Fractions Week 6 Nov. 16-20 Persuasive Text 4.2B - use context of the sentence to determine meaning of unfamiliar/ multiple meaning words (ID/use relationships surrounding words, phrases, sentences, & paragraphs/ multiple meaning & homographs / in-sentence examples/ definition in the sentence) % READINES S Context Clues Synonyms 4.12A- explain how the author uses language to present information to influence what reader thinks or does (facts, statistics, humor, words that play on emotions) Week 6 AssessmentNonfiction /Poetry Fig,. 19 D -make inferences in cultural fiction 50% 4.Fig.19E- summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (main idea, main characters, details) RS(Fiction & Expository) & Supporting Standard (Literary Nonfiction, Poetry, Drama) RS 86% Spiral Review Fig. 19 D make inferences about poetry and use textual evidence to support understanding 50% 4.6B- describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo Readiness Standard 4.6C- ID whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person (SUPPORTING) 53% 4(2)(G) relate decimals to fractions that name tenths and hundredths (R) 4(3)(A) represent a fraction a/b as a sum of fractions 1/b, where a and b are whole numbers and b > 0, including when a > b(S) 4(3)(B) decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions with the same denominator using concrete and pictorial models and recording results with symbolic representations (S) Process Skills:4.1 A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 4: Changing Earth-Slow Changes (continue) 4.3C Represent the natural world using models (rivers, stream tables, fossils) Unit 6: Revolution 4.6A apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps 4.15A- Identify the purposes and explain the importance of the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Texas Constitution, and other documents such as the Meusebach-Comanche Treaty. 2nd Assessment-Stand Tall, Davy Crocket (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Create Fraction Pie Charts Week 7 Nov. 30- Dec. 4 4.2Ccomplete analogies using knowledge of antonyms and synonyms (boy:girl as male:___or girl:woman as boy:___ Procedural Text 4.13A- (instructions /directions, manuals, recipes) S.S 4.13B- explain factual information presented graphically (charts, diagrams, graphs, illustrations) S.S. Fig 19F - make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis, own experiences, ideas in other text, larger community) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence (make connections with all Genres) -tie in with social studies/science 53% R. S. make connection to nonfiction text in Social Studies and Science Spiral Review Fig. 19 A, B, C, D, E, F 54% 4.11A- summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning Readiness Standard 4.11B- distinguish fact from opinion in a text and explain how to verify what is a fact Supporting Standard Unit 6: Fractions 4(3)(C)determine if two given fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods(S) 4(3)(D) compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators and represent the comparison using the symbols >, =, or (R) Process Skills:4.1 A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 4: Changing Earth-Slow Changes (continue) 4.3D: History of science, science careers & contributions of scientists (Louis Agassiz- Geologist, glaciologist) 2nd Assessment-Changing Earth Unit 6: Revolution 4.16D describe the origins and significance of state celebrations such as Texas Independence Day and Juneteenth 4.17D identify the importance of historical figures and important individuals who modeled active participation in the democratic process such as Sam Houston, Barbara Jordan, Lorenzo de Zavala, Ann Richards, Sam Rayburn, Henry B. González, James A. Baker III, Wallace Jefferson, and other local individuals (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Construct a line graph Drama 4.5A describe the structural elements particular to drama (character, plot, setting, theme, dialogue, audience) S.S. 4.4A poetry S.S. Unit 6: Fractions Review4. Fig19A, B, C, D, E, F 4(3)(E) represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations (R) Author’s Wall Post Week 8 Dec. 7-11 Review 4(3)(F) evaluate the reasonableness of sums and differences of fractions using benchmark fractions 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1, referring to the same whole (S) 4(3)(G) represent fractions and decimals to the tenths or hundredths as distances from zero on a number line(S) Process Skills:4.1 A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 5: Natural Resources 4.7C identify and classify Earth's renewable resources, (air-wind,, plants, water, and animals, soil) nonrenewable resources, (coal, oil-petroleum, natural gas) the importance of conservation SS Unit 7: Republic and Statehood 4.3C- Identify leaders important to the founding of Texas as a republic and state, including José Antonio Navarro, Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, and Anson Jones 4.3D- Describe the successes, problems, and organizations of the Republic of Texas such as the establishment of a constitution, economic struggles, relations with American Indians, and the Texas Rangers 4.3E- Explain the events that led to the annexation of Texas to the United States, including the impact of the U.S.Mexican War 4.6A- Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Construct a line graph Early Release Dec. 18 Week 9 Dec. 14-18 Review Review 9 weeks Comprehensive AssessmentDrama/Poetry/Ficti on Nonfiction Review 4. Fig19A, B, C, D, E, F On-Going TEKS 4.27B-follow, restate, and give oral instructions 4.28A- express an opinion supported by accurate information, employing eye contact, speaking rate, volume, and enunciation 4.29A participate in teacher and student led discussion 4.1Aread aloud grade-level stories with fluency 4.9A read independently for a sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g. generate a reading log or journal; participate in book talks) 4.27A listen attentively to speakers, ask relevant questions and make pertinent comments Technology Projects: Budget, line graphs, Bar Graph for Soil Experiment Take Home Project: Famous Texan Biography Unit 05: All OperationsWord Problems Mixed Operations Unit 5: Natural Resources 4.10A- distinguish between fixed and variable expenses. (Supporting) 4.1B make informed choices in the use/conservation of natural resources (reuse, reduce, recycle) paper, aluminum, glass, cans, & plastic. 4.10B- calculate profit in a given situation. (Supporting) 3rd Assessment-Natural Resources Process Standards: 4.1A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.1E, 4.1F, 4.1G Unit 7: Republic and Statehood 4.7A- Describe a variety of regions in Texas and the United States such as political, population, and economic regions that result from patterns of human activity 4.15A- ID the purposes and explain the importance of the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Texas Constitution, and other documents such as the Meusebach-Comanche Treaty. 4.15B- ID & explain the basic functions of the three branches of government according to the Texas Constitution 4.17D- ID the importance of historical figures and important individuals who modeled active participation in the democratic process such as Sam Houston and Lorenzo de Zavala 3rd Assessment-A Turning Point for Texas Review (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. B) collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages; Construct a line graph