John Drugan School Orchestra Handbook 2015-2016

John Drugan School
Orchestra Handbook
Chelsea Czapla, Director
12451 Pellicano El Paso, Texas 79928
(915) 937-6800 x. 76904
Contact e-mail:
Conference: 2:28-3:15
Website URL:
Table of Contents
Class Rules………………………………………………………………… 3
School Rules…………………………………………………………………page 5
Orchestra Behavior Consequences……………………………………… 5
Other Daily Rehearsal Point Deductions………………………………… 5
How to be Successful in Orchestra…………………………………………page 6
Grading Policy Outline…………………………………………………… 7
Assignment Descriptions……………………………………………………page 8
Extra Credit……………………………………………………………… 10
After School Rehearsal Attendance…………………………………… 11
Excused Absences for After School Rehearsal………………………….. page 11
Excused Absence Form for After School Rehearsal…………………… 12
Excused Absence for Concerts……………………………………………page 13
Excused Absence Form for Concerts……………………………………. page 14
Unexcused Absences for Rehearsals and Concerts…………………….. page 15
Sports and Other Activities……………………………………………….page 16
Contest and Off-Campus Eligibility…………………………………….. page 16
Class Responsibilities and Expectations………………………………….page 17
Orchestra Supply List…………………………………………………… 19
Instrument Rental Stores and Supply Websites………………………... page 20
School Rental Policy……………………………………………………….page 20
Student Lunch Status Procedures……………………………………… 20
Care of Equipment……………………………………………………… 21
Instrument Drop-off and Pick-up……………………………………… 21
Care of Music………………………………………………………………page 21
Orchestra Uniforms……………………………………………………… 22
Fundraising/Donations…………………………………………………….page 23
Field Trips………………………………………………………………….page 23
Orchestra Parent Support……………………………………………… 23
Private Lessons…………………………………………………………….page 24
El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestras…………………………………….page 25
Orchestra Class Rules
1. Be on time and ready to go.
Students must be inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings otherwise they will be counted
tardy on Tyler SIS.
Students will be given a specific amount of time in which they must get ready for class. Students
that aren’t ready in the amount of time given will lose daily rehearsal participation points.
Students must be on time to after school rehearsals and concerts otherwise points will be
2. Bring all materials and work to class.
Students must have music, music binder, pencil, and instrument at the beginning of class or points
will be deducted from daily rehearsal grade.
Practice sheets not turned in on time will receive point deductions.
To ensure students have their instruments at the beginning of class, please drop off instrument in
classroom before school starts.
Students that arrive on time, but forget their instruments in another classroom will be allowed to
get their instrument and NOT be considered tardy. However, points will be deducted from
student’s daily rehearsal grade.
Students that don’t have their instrument at the beginning of class for whatever reason will lose
daily rehearsal grade points.
Students without materials at concerts will lose test points for unpreparedness.
3. Students will act respectfully and professionally during rehearsal.
Please DO NOT talk, whisper, whine, pizzicato or play out of turn.
Students with questions related to the class topic may raise their hand, wait to be called on and
then ask their question.
Save questions not related to class for after class.
4. Respect others and their property.
Students will be encouraging and supportive to other classmates. Name-calling, put-downs,
talking back, and ugly language are examples of unacceptable behavior.
Students will especially be respectful towards Ms. Czapla.
Students will only handle their property. Please do not handle other students’ instruments.
5. Pay attention and stay on task.
If Ms. Czapla gives students a task, they must carefully complete it and then sit quietly to wait for
further instruction (ex. Violas shadow bow measures 5-12 two times).
Orchestra Class Rules Continued
6. Have a positive attitude!
Positive attitudes make a big difference and make orchestra class a fun place to be.
Students with poor attitudes will not get the most out of orchestra and can negatively impact the
class for other students.
7. When director steps on podium, it is the students’ cue to be quiet.
Classes that continue to be disruptive after director steps on podium will be given a verbal
warning and if the same behavior continues, the whole class has the eligibility to lose daily
rehearsal points.
8. Quiet and respectful during tuning.
Each class has a specific tuning procedure and must be quiet as instruments are being tuned.
Daily rehearsal points will be taken away from students who aren’t quietly tuning.
Gum is a choking hazard for violinists and violists and chewing gum looks unprofessional while
playing. Gum chewing is very popular amongst middle school students and Ms. Czapla has a
strict, zero-tolerance policy towards gum-chewing offenders in class, concerts, or contests.
Spit it out (preferably) without being told before class starts.
Students caught with gum after tardy bell will receive a ‘0’ for their daily rehearsal grade.
Ms. Czapla has the authority to check for gum chewing.
10. No long fingernails.
Long fingernails do not allow for proper left and right hand positions and limit good intonation.
Please trim to required length. Sorry ladies, no long manicures.
Warning will be given, but second offense will require trimming in class.
11. Students will play with proper posture or playing privileges may be revoked.
Students have been carefully instructed on the importance of good posture while playing.
Students who aren’t demonstrating correct posture will be reminded. If lack of effort persists,
students will lose daily rehearsal points and asked to pack up instrument for the day.
School Rules:
1. 10/10 Rule: Students are not allowed to use the restroom the first and last ten minutes of class.
2. NO CELL PHONES. They can and will be confiscated.
3. No rock throwing. Suspension effective immediately.
Note 1: Students must have agenda to use the bathroom.
Note 2: Ms. Czapla will monitor the frequency in which students use the bathroom during her
class. Students who abuse this privilege will be addressed to the front office and alternative
bathroom arrangements will be made.
Orchestra Behavior Consequences
First offense: verbal warning
Second offense: If the same rule is broken twice or two separate rules are broken in the same class
period, then the student will earn a ‘0’ for daily rehearsal participation grade. Students earn their
rehearsal grade each day of class.
Third offense: If the same rule is broken three times, a combination of 2+1 rules broken, or 3 separate
rules are broken in the same class period, then the student will earn a ‘0’ for the entire weekly rehearsal
participation grade and a Ms. Czapla will contact parents.
Severe clause: immediate office action, referral, and third penalties apply.
Other Daily Rehearsal Point Deductions and Consequences
1. Not ready for class after allotted time is up = 70 for the day
2. Students without instruments= 50 for the day
3. Students without music/materials on stand (both stand partners) = 50 for the day
4. Students chewing gum after the tardy bell = 0 for the day
5. Students that don’t have their instrument in class 3 or more times within 1 week or 5 or more times
within a 2 week period = office referral (repairs don’t count)
6. Alternative assignments will be given to students who misbehave, are irresponsible or instrument is in
repair shop.
How to be Successful in Orchestra
1. Follow classroom rules and exhibit appropriate behavior.
2. Demonstrate good posture and position at all times.
3. Master required music.
4. Turn in completed work on time.
5. Be prepared for verbal, written and playing exams.
6. Attend after school rehearsals, concerts and performances.
7. Make an effort to improve in deficient areas. Don’t be afraid
to ask for help.
Grading Policy Outline
Daily Grades 60%
Including but not limited to:
Daily rehearsal participation grades
After school rehearsal attendance/credit
Class worksheets/homework/quizzes
Section or entire class performance quiz
Tests/Projects 30%
Including but not limited to:
Practice sheet grades
Individual playing tests
Individual written tests
Dress rehearsal attendance
Concert attendance
Final 9 weeks test
Assignment Descriptions
Daily Grades: Worth 60% of overall 9 weeks grade
***Daily Rehearsal Participation Grades: Each class rehearsal will be graded. If the student is on
time, follows the rules, participates, stays on task, has all materials, and takes instrument home for the
day, then the participation grade is 100. All daily class rehearsals will be averaged for a weekly rehearsal
Instruments left after school:
-20 points per school day left
Instruments left after school (Friday, Saturday and Sunday): -30 points on Friday’s participation grade
Bass students that don’t bring their instrument 1 time during school week: part grade is automatic 80
Class worksheets, homework, quizzes: Eligible for 1 re-take, if grade is below a 70. Ms. Czapla will
assign a make-up time. Original grade and re-take grade will be averaged for a new, final grade.
Section or entire class performance quiz: Occasionally Ms. Czapla will have entire ensemble or
section pop performance quizzes in class. Please keep up with your current playing material.
Test/Projects: Worth 30% of overall 9 weeks grade
Weekly Practice Sheet: Students will receive a weekly practice assignment worth 1 test grade.
Practicing is a yearlong instrumental improvement project.
Please note the following information:
Grading rubric is on the back of each practice sheet. Ms. Czapla strictly follows the rubric.
Completed work returned on Monday during class = 100
Completed work returned after class on Tuesday = 95
Completed work returned on Wednesday= 90.
Completed work returned on Thursday= 80.
Completed work returned on Friday= 70.
Work not returned at all qualifies for NO ZERO ZONE.
Students who do not return work will attend NO Zero Zone to earn 50 points back.
Ms. Czapla will designate (usually) Mondays for NO Zero Zone. The day will vary throughout
the year.
NO Zero Zone is held in Ms. Czapla’s class from 3:30-4:30.
ZZ School Policy: Students that fail to report to Zero Zone without a proper excuse will be
reported to the front office and written up. Students written up 4 times for NO Zero Zone will
report to SAC. Zeros will be recorded in the grade book for that particular assignment. Teachers
will work with students that have legitimate excuses for not being able to attend NO Zero Zone.
If no parent signatures are located on a returned practice sheet, the student will automatically be
enrolled in NO Zero Zone. Students please communicate with your parents about your practicing
Should Ms. Czapla become suspicious about a questionable parent signature, she will call home
and inquire. Students caught being dishonest will be entered in the NO ZERO ZONE and given a
Students can have their practice sheets signed by other adults if main parent isn’t present.
Example: (mom is out of town and grandma, aunt, uncle signs instead).
If a student returns practice sheet and their instrument has not been taken home, then both
rehearsal participation grade and practice sheet grade will lose partial or total credit depending on
the situation.
Students who leave their instruments in another classroom or locker room will lose partial or total
participation/practice sheet credit depending on the situation.
Students with instruments in the repair shop will be given alternative written assignments to
complete in place of practice sheets.
Students who lose practice sheets can ask for extra hard copies from Ms. Czapla or print out
another blank practice sheet from orchestra website.
Students who make their own practice sheet may not receive full credit on practice sheet, if they
leave off information. Best bet, ask Ms. Czapla for another copy or go to orchestra website and
print another blank copy.
Playing Tests: There is at least one playing test for each 9 week period. Playing tests can determine
class/concert seating. Students that make below a 70 on a playing exam will be notified of a re-take day
and both scores will be averaged together for a final grade. Seating will not be changed for re-take
Written Tests: Eligible for 1 re-take, if grade is below a 70. Ms. Czapla will assign a make-up time.
Original grade and re-take grade will be averaged for a new, final grade.
Dress Rehearsal Attendance: Preparing for a concert is a long term project. Students who attend and
participate in the final rehearsal before a concert will earn a test grade of 100. Attendance for dress
rehearsal is mandatory unless excused from rehearsal. See Attendance section for more details.
Concert Attendance: Concert attendance is mandatory unless excused. See Attendance section for
details. At times, Ms. Czapla will make a concert attendance worth 2 test grades. Please make plans to
attend all concerts. Throughout the year, certain sections will be responsible for concert set-up and all
musicians are responsible for concert clean-up. Students will be informed of their responsibilities closer
to concert dates.
Out of concert uniform: minus 20 points
Late to warm-up time: minus 10 points
Final 9 weeks test:
10% of overall 9 weeks grade
Final 9 weeks test: Material on the exam will be topics covered throughout the 9 week period or a
concert critique. Students will be notified of test material ahead of time.
Extra Credit
Ms. Czapla will provide a list of extra credit opportunities for students in need of extra credit.
Extra credit opportunities are not school sponsored and students must pay and get to the activities
on their own.
Extra credit opportunities are string-related concerts in the area and students must return a ticket
stub or program to Ms. Czapla in order to receive credit.
After School Rehearsal Attendance
An orchestra cannot perform at its best in a concert or contest setting with members missing from
Students are required to participate in all after school rehearsals unless excused (please refer to
the following information).
Extra rehearsals will be held after school usually from 3:25-4:30 (occasionally until 5:00 pm).
Ms. Czapla will dismiss students at the end of rehearsal time.
The following qualify for an excused absence:
Personal illness
Doctor/dentist/orthodontist appointment
Death in the family
Approved school-sponsored activities
Religious holidays
A family emergency
Mandatory tutoring for another class
In order for an absence to be excused, Ms. Czapla requires the following Excused After School
Rehearsal Absence form filled out.
Extra forms can be found on the website or orchestra room.
If a student misses a rehearsal because of a doctor/dentist/orthodontist appointment, please staple
an excused note from the reception desk to the filled out Excused After School Rehearsal
Absence form.
If a student misses rehearsal because of tutoring, the teacher requesting tutoring must sign the
Excused After School Rehearsal Absence form.
***Students that provide written communication demonstrate responsibility.***
STUDENT’S NAME: ____________________________________________
AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL MISSED (print date): _________________
Circle reason missed:
Personal illness
Doctor/dentist/orthodontist appointment (please attach receptionist note)
Death in the family
Approved school-sponsored activities
Religious holidays
A family emergency
Mandatory tutoring for another class
PARENT SIGNATURE: ____________________________
DATE: _____________
TEACHER SIGNATURE: ___________________________
DATE: _____________ (for excuse #7)
Thank you!
Personal illness
A family emergency
Death in the family
Approved school-sponsored activities
Religious holidays
In order for an absence to be excused, Ms. Czapla requires the following Excused Concert
Absence form filled out.
 Extra forms can be found on the website or in the orchestra room.
 Students, please make every effort possible to communicate with Ms. Czapla, if you cannot
attend a concert ahead of time (latest the day of the actual concert). Email is the best format.
Students who meet excused requirements will make up test grade by individually performing
his/her part for Ms. Czapla.
 Performance dates are announced as far in advance as possible.
 All performance information will be put on the board, sent home as a letter and placed on
orchestra website.
 Please plan appointments and vacation plans accordingly.
*It is the student’s responsibility to pass on all written letters home to his/her parents.*
STUDENT’S NAME: ____________________________________________
CONCERT MISSED (print date): _________________
Circle reason missed:
Personal illness
A family emergency
Death in the family
Approved school-sponsored activities
Religious holidays
PARENT SIGNATURE: ____________________________
DATE: _____________
Thank you!
Student will make-up material on: ____________________________
Unexcused Absences for After School Rehearsals, Concerts
Never assume an absence will be excused. Students must communicate directly with the director if there
is a problem that cannot be fixed. Although it would be impossible to include a complete list, the
following are examples of unexcused absences:
Unplanned transportation/ no ride
Birthday, wedding, celebrations
Baby sitting * Students with younger siblings can bring them to the orchestra room after school*
Going On Vacation
Please let Ms. Czapla know well in advance if your family will be going on vacation and missing either
after school rehearsals or performance dates. Please write an e-mail or a written note explaining the
situation and Ms. Czapla will make necessary make-up arrangements.
NOTE: It is student’s responsibility to ask Ms. Czapla for any work missed on any days absent.
Sports and Other After School Activities
Orchestra is considered a graded class.
Other non-graded activities after school are considered extra-curricular.
If there is a conflict between orchestra and another activity, Ms. Czapla will decide how the
compromise is handled.
Ms. Czapla will communicate with coaches and sponsors from other activities to find a solution.
Students involved in multiple activities will need to be flexible. Graded classes have priority over
non-graded activities.
Seating may be affected if students for whatever reason cannot make it to after school rehearsals.
Contest and Off-Campus Performance Eligibility
The Texas Law of NO PASS, NO PLAY orders students to receive a grade of 70 or above in all
classes at the end of each grading period, in order to participate in contest and any off-campus
Report cards and progress reports will be monitored to determine students’ eligibilities.
If a student has not learned their material, Ms. Czapla has the discretion NOT to allow the
student to attend a contest or off-campus performance.
Class Responsibilities and Expectations
Chamber Orchestra Students will:
Behave/participate daily
Learn required warm-ups and music for concerts/contests throughout the year
Have all materials needed for orchestra class on a regular basis
Practice and return practice sheets
Study and prepare for quizzes and exams
Take instruments home after school
Attend scheduled after school rehearsals and school concerts
Participate in concert set-up and take-down
Learn All-Region material and perform All-Region material for 2 test grades
Audition for All-Region in October
If student makes All-Region orchestra, student will prepare music and make plans to attend AllRegion clinic in November
Learn a solo and perform solo with CD accompaniment for 3 test grades (3rd 9 weeks)
Perform solo at Solo and Ensemble Festival in February
Perform at SISD Jazz Contest (if class time permits)
Pass all classes, participate and perform in SISD Orchestra Contest and UIL Contest (April/May)
Concert Orchestra students will:
Behave/participate daily
Learn required warm-ups and music for concerts/contests throughout the year
Have all materials needed for orchestra class on a regular basis
Practice and return practice sheets
Study and prepare for quizzes and exams
Take instruments home after school
Attend scheduled after school rehearsals and school concerts
Participate in concert set-up and take-down
Learn All-Region material and perform All-Region material for 2 test grades
Audition for All-Region in October (optional)
Learn a solo and perform solo with CD accompaniment for 3 test grades (3rd 9 weeks)
Perform solo at Solo and Ensemble Festival in February (optional)
Pass all classes, participate and perform in SISD/UIL Orchestra Contest (tentative)
Class Responsibilities and Expectations Continued
Beginning students will:
Behave/participate daily
Have all materials needed for orchestra class on a regular basis
Make an effort to improve on their instrument
Practice material in method book and turn-in practice sheets
Study and prepare for quizzes and exams
Take instruments home after school
Attend scheduled after school rehearsals and school concerts
Participate in concert set-up and take-down
Learn a solo and perform solo with CD accompaniment for 2 test grades (3rd 9 weeks)
Perform solo at Solo and Ensemble Festival in February
Pass all classes, participate and perform in SISD Beginner festival in May
2015-2016 Orchestra Supply List
Materials Check Tuesday, August 4th in class
Violin/Viola Students:
Shoulder rest- same size as instrument or sponge (shoulder rest preferred)
Cleaning cloth
1 inch binder for orchestra
5 tab dividers
Notebook paper
Page protectors
10. 6th grade only: Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 1 violin or viola (orange book)
11. 7th and 8th grade only : Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 2 violin or viola (purple book)
Cello/Bass Students:
1. Instrument
2. Rock stop
a. For cellos: purchase rock stop with strap
b. For basses: purchase original, non-slip rock stop
3. Rosin
a. For cellos: purchase violin/viola/cello rosin
b. For basses: purchase Pops rosin brand
4. Cleaning cloth
5. 1 inch binder for orchestra
6. 5 tab dividers
7. Notebook paper
8. Pencils
9. Page protectors
10. 6th grade only: Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 1 cello or string bass (orange book)
7th and 8th grade only: Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 2 cello or string bass (purple book)
Optional, but highly recommended items for all students:
1. Metronome (machine used to keep tempo and beat)
2. Folding, durable music stand
All musical items can be purchased at these places or websites:
White’s Music Box
Olivas Music
1475 Suite D George Dieter
1320 N. Zaragosa Rd.
El Paso, Texas 79936
El Paso, TX 79936
(915) 525-9052
(915) 858-6700
Other music supply websites:
School Rental Instrument Policy:
Ms. Czapla has a fairly large inventory of orchestra instruments. Unfortunately, she does NOT
have enough instruments for every student in her program.
Students who have free lunch or play double bass have first priority in school renting.
Students and parents need to be prepared to rent an instrument for the year from a local vendor.
Please do NOT buy an instrument online, at a store or anywhere else before asking Ms.
Czapla because a good deal on an instrument does not mean good quality.
It is recommended that students rent instruments for the first couple of years. As they get
older and more serious about playing, that is the time to invest in a long-term, quality
Students that are told they can rent from school and on paid/reduced lunch will pay a one-time
fee of $45.00 to Ms. Czapla. Exact cash and checks made out to SISD are accepted. On checks
please write your Driver’s License number. She will deposit the money into SISD general fund.
Students that are told to rent from the school and on a free lunch schedule will follow Ms.
Czapla’s directions in class for renting.
Please be flexible the first two weeks of school as Ms. Czapla determines her current inventory
To quickly check student lunch status for 2015-2016 school year:
Click on parent tab
Click on online meal application
Scroll down to green buttons
Click on English Application or Aplicacion en Espanol
Fill out pdf file, press submit and print 2 copies (one for Ms. Czapla and another to keep on file)
Care of Equipment
Students are responsible for damages to their instrument.
If a student damages a school instrument, he or she will be monetarily responsible for the repair
as stated in the Socorro rental agreement.
If a personal or store-rented instrument is damaged, it is the responsibility of the student to have it
fixed right away.
If a string breaks, it is the student’s responsibility to pay for a new one. Students may buy a new
string from Ms. Czapla. A new string will not be provided until the string is completely paid for.
Violin/Violas strings are $5.00 per string, cellos $8.00, basses $10.00.
If someone (or people) damages another person’s instrument, the person (people) at fault is (are)
liable for repair fees. The matter will be discussed with all parties involved.
John Drugan School and Ms. Czapla are not responsible for any instruments/materials damaged
or stolen during school hours or instruments left overnight at school.
The director will only loan instruments to students whose instruments are being repaired. They
need to fill out the temporary rental agreement.
Instrument Drop-off and Pick-Up
Instruments may be dropped off before school in the orchestra room.
Students should not carry instruments with them from class to class.
Students will pick up instruments after school between 3:15 and 3:30 unless they have after
school rehearsal.
If students usually ride the bus at the end of the day, please hurry to the orchestra room to
get instrument before leaving.
Students leaving school early may come and pick their instrument up before they leave campus
for the day.
Leaving school early for whatever reason is NOT an excuse for leaving instruments overnight.
Instruments left after school will be recorded and weekly rehearsal participation grade will be
Students in sports need to make arrangements with coaches and store instruments in a safe place
in the locker room.
Don’t leave your instrument in the locker room after practice. TAKE IT HOME. The coaches
inform Ms. Czapla of this type of habit and grades will be altered.
Care of Music
Students are responsible for all music they receive.
Music should be placed in page protectors in the student’s music binder.
Music should be kept in the binder at all times. Do not keep music folded in your case.
Individual page protectors can be purchased from the director for 25 cents.
2015-2016 Orchestra Uniforms
It will always be with great pride to represent John Drugan at competitions and other public appearances
with a uniform that gives the orchestra a feeling of unity and professionalism. The Drugan Orchestra has
two types of uniforms: informal and formal.
Both are required for 7th and 8th grades. 6th grade only informal.
Both boys and girls:
2015-2016 Orchestra shirt (tucked in) ~ wait to purchase in September 2015
Black or khaki school uniform pants
Shoes (no preference)
SOLID black pants or long skirt (skirt must be pass knee length when sitting and no slits)
SOLID black blouse (button down is fine too)
o Short sleeve, ¾ sleeve or long-sleeve blouses are fine
o No tank-top blouses allowed
Black dress shoes
o Please no black tennis shoes
Solid black pants
Solid black button down shirt
o Please no polo shirts
Black dress shoes
o Please no black tennis shoes
Black belt (optional)
NOTE 1: If a student is caught out of uniform for a school concert or contest, he/she will still play,
however his grade for that performance will be an 80.
NOTE 2: Students who do not dress in proper uniform for the annual yearbook orchestra
picture WILL NOT be included in the GROUP photo.
The orchestra is provided with a limited district budget each year for specific items like new
school instruments, audio equipment and new ensemble sheet music.
Fundraising money provides for those items not eligible through the budget like t-shirts, pizza
parties, prizes, treats, awards, field trips, materials, supplies, expendables, etc.
The purpose of fundraising is money that will go back to the students and maintain the expenses
of a 100+ student program.
All orchestra fund raising projects are approved by the school.
No fundraising money is refunded due to ineligibilities, transfers and drop-outs.
Those that don’t wish to fundraise have the option of choosing to make a donation instead.
Please make donation checks out to: John Drugan Orchestra.
Field Trips
John Drugan School and the Socorro Independent School District Fine Arts Department sponsor
music students to travel.
Music field trips around the city provide outstanding opportunities for orchestra students to
participate in community presentations/performances that will enhance students’ learning.
All trips are open to eligible students, selected students, or students recommended by the
orchestra director.
Orchestra Parent Support
As an orchestra parent, you are invited to attend all orchestra concerts. Your child will proudly
see that you care and appreciate their hard work and dedication.
Your support will help all of us meet our goals toward developing better students and building an
outstanding orchestra program at John Drugan School.
As orchestra director, I want there to be lines of open communication to benefit the learning
progress of your child.
My conference period is from 2:28-3:15 PM Monday-Friday. The quickest way for me to
respond is through e-mail so please don’t hesitate to write me at
Also, please let me know if you are available to help out in any way. Volunteers are always
Please fill out the Socorro ISD volunteer form included in the office school packet if you wish to
help out with any orchestra/school related event this year.
*Strongly Recommended*
As orchestra director, I can’t stress enough the positive difference that private lessons make for a
music ensemble. Private lessons, in addition to school instruction will accelerate your child’s
instrumental development. Once a week, they will receive individualized attention in the areas that
they need help the most. Private teachers can help students with school music, solo and ensemble,
All-Region material and so much more! The lessons are tailored and paced at your child’s
learning level. When majority of students are seeing an instrumental private tutor once a week,
incredible things start to happen at school. The tone and musical maturity of the ensemble(s)
skyrocket, students begin to learn concepts at a faster rate, confidence increases and harder pieces
are easier to tackle in shorter periods of time. Listed below are some website links and some
private teachers in the El Paso area. Each private teacher has his/her rates so don’t be afraid to
compare and find the teacher that is right for your child. Please do not pass up the opportunity to
further your child’s music education. Please contact Ms. Czapla for private lesson questions.
Violin and Viola
Aida McQueen (915) 252-8684
Analisa Portillo (617) 455-1970
Cello and Bass
Stephanie Schmid-Falcon (915) 258-3189
Private Lessons Continued
Students may want to consider:
El Paso Conservatory of Music
801 North Mesa Street
El Paso, TX 79902
Phone: (915) 833-0263
They have an eastside location at Ysleta United Methodist Church, 11860 Rojas, which is near George
Dieter and behind the Cinemark movie theatre.
Questions to ask private teachers over the phone:
Ask them to tell you about their musical education and background.
Do you teach from your home or can you drive to our house?
If you teach from your home, what side of town do you live on?
What days are you available to teach?
Do you teach half hour, 45 minute or hour long lessons per week?
What are your pay scale rates?
Do you take monthly or weekly payments?
What type of technique/methods do you teach?
(Students need a teacher who can instruct all finger patterns, 1,2 and 3 octave scales and
preferably the Suzuki string method books)
9. Do you offer small group lessons at a smaller price?
*Strongly Recommended*
What’s more fun than being in orchestra at school, well, being a part of EPSYO as well!
EPSYO is a regional orchestra program coordinated through the El Paso Symphony
Orchestra and headed by artistic director, Andy Moran. The purpose of the organization is
to cultivate the young musical talent in our area. There are four tuition ensembles that
meet once a week at Jefferson High School and perform many concerts throughout the
year at the Plaza Theater. The four ensembles are tailored to the performing levels of
students in the area. Everybody can audition and everybody is welcomed to join this
exciting musical organization. Please e-mail or ask Ms. Czapla for more information or
check out EPSYO’s official website:
This completes the 2015-2016 orchestra hand book.
Please fill out the following contract page and return
no later than Tuesday, August 4th in class.
Let’s have a string-tacular year!
2015-2016 Orchestra Handbook Contract Page
Parents/guardians and students, by signing this contract, you accept the terms and conditions of
the 2015-2016 orchestra handbook available to read online. Terms are subject to change.
Student Name (print): ________________________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________
Grade: _______________
Student’s Birthday: _______________
Parent Name (print): _________________________________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________
Current Contact information:
Address: __________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _______________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________
Current parent e-mail address: __________________________________________
Please return the Contract Form and the Travel Medical Parent Permission Form
COMPLETELY filled out in to Ms. Czapla no later than Tuesday, August 4, 2015. Thank you!
(Print out handbook for personal records).