John Drugan K-8 1st- 9 Weeks at a Glance 2015-2016 1st Grade Instructional Days: 42 (2-1/2) Essential Question: “How do good citizens contribute to the community? Fluency Goal: 30 wcpm by end of 1st 9 weeks, 1.5D Bookflix: drsue/bookflix Tumblebooks: socorro/books Language Arts Reading Phonics/Vocab. (Genre & Comprehension Skill) Treasures Start Smart (letter, sound review) 1.8A Poetry Respond to & use rhythm, rhyme, & alliteration (predict & react to patterns), “Brown Bear” Week 1 Jul. 28-Jul.31 Week of: Language Arts Print Awareness 1.1A- Recognize that spoken words are represented by letters 1.1B- ID upper- and lower-case letters 1.1C- Sequence the letters of the alphabet Week 2 Aug. 3-7 1.12A read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes Treasures Start Smart (letter, sound review) 1.8A Poetry Respond to & use rhythm, rhyme, & alliteration (predict & react to patterns) Wordplay Lessons 1-5 Print Awareness Assessment Letter/Soun ds 1.1A- Recognize that spoken words are represented by letters 1.1B- 1.Fig. 19A- Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon desired outcome to enhance comprehension. (to be informed, be entertained, to enjoy language, become involved in real/imagined events/setting/actions) 1.4C- Establish purpose for reading selected texts (to be informed, to follow directions, to be entertained) 1.Fig. 19A- Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon desired outcome to enhance comprehension. (to be informed, be entertained, to enjoy language, become involved in real/imagined events/setting/actions) 1.4C- Establish purpose Sequence the letters of for reading selected texts (to be informed, to follow directions, to be entertained) the alphabet 1.12A read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes Writing Trait & Process Writer’s Workshop 1.19C- Write brief comments on literary or informational texts (comments, record ideas, reflections, respond to literature, record connections, record information) Grammar & Spelling 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences 1.21Biii- use capitalization in names of people Will be using “Handwriting Book” Ideas ID upper- and lower-case letters 1.1C- Language Arts Fig.19 Skill 1.19C- Write brief comments on literary or informational texts (comments, record ideas, reflections, respond to literature, record connections, record information) Ideas 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences 1.21Biii- use capitalization in names of people Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments List 1 Will be using “Handwriting Book” Math Unit 01: Numeration 0 to 30 (10 days) 1(2)(B use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones. % 1(2)(C) use objects, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to represent numbers up to 120. %, % Calendar Math 1.9A- define money earned as income Process Skills: 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1E Number Recognition Pre-Quiz Unit 1: Numeration 0-30 1(2)(D) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 120. 1(2)E- use place value to compare whole numbers up to 120 using comparative language. T 1.2F- order whole numbers up to 120 1.2G- Represent the comparison of two numbers (intro. <, >, =) Calendar Math 1.9A- define money earned as income Science Safety & Journaling 1.1Arecognize/demonstr ate safe practices (wearing goggles, washing hands, use materials appropriately) 1.1B- recognize importance of safe practices 1.1C ID/learn how to use materials 1.4A balances, cups bowls, goggles Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A- Social Studies Unit 1: Being a Good Citizen in Our Community: Rules and Laws 1.11A explain the purpose for rules and laws in the home, school, and community 1.11B identify rules and laws that establish order, provide security, and manage conflict. Read Aloud: David Goes To School Technology 1.9A demo. respectful community 1.5AComputer Rules 1.9B List unique ways that individuals use to communicat e such as using body language and gesture Olweus C, 1.4A 1.1Arecognize/demonstra te safe practices 1.1B recognize importance of safe practices 1.1C ID/learn how to use materials 1.4Arecognize/demonstra te safe practices Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A-C, 1.4A- Health 1.12A identify the responsibilities of authority figures in the home, school, and community 1.12B identify and describe the roles of public officials in the community, state, and nation Read Aloud: Obama -biography kit -Trifold foldable 1.9Cexpress needs, wants, and emotions in appropriate ways 1.9Ddescribe/p ractice techniques of selfcontrol such as thinking before acting Olweus 1.6Cperform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files Week 3 Aug. 11-14 Treasures Start Smart (letter, sound review) Wordplay Lessons 6-10 PreAssessment Letter/Soun ds Fantasy 1.7A- Connect the meaning of a well-known story or fable to personal experiences 1.9B- Describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings (physical traits Print Awareness 1.1E- Read texts by moving from top to bottom of the page and tracking words from left to right with return sweep 1.1F- Identify the information that different parts of a book provide (title, author, illustrator, table of contents) 1.12A read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes Print Awareness Assessment 1.1ADEF 1.Fig. 19F- Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community, and discuss textual evidence (own experiences, ideas in other text, larger community) 1.19C- Write brief comments on literary or informational texts (comments, record ideas, reflections, respond to literature, record connections, record information) Conventions 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences 1.21Bi- use capitalization in beginning of sentences 1.21C- use punctuation at end of sentences (.) Assessment on writing first and last name Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments List 1– Test & Start List 2 Will be using “Handwriting Book” Unit 5: Numeration 0-30 1.2B- use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones % 1(2)(C) use objects, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to represent numbers up to 120. %, % 1(2)(D generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 120. 1(2)(E) use place value to compare whole numbers up to 120 using comparative language. 1st Assessment Calendar- Financial Literacy 1.9B- ID income as a mean of as a mean of obtaining goods and services 1.5A classify objects by observable properties of matter. (larger/smaller, heavier/lighter, color, texture, mass) Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A-C, 1.4A 1st Assessment Being a Good Citizen in Our Community: Citizenship 1.12C identify and describe the role of a good citizen in maintaining a constitutional republic. 1.13A identify characteristics of good citizenship: truthfulness, justice, equality, respect for oneself and others, responsibility in daily life 1.10Adescribe ways to build and maintain friendshi ps 1.10Bpractice refusal skills to avoid and resolve conflicts Patience, Tolerance, Cooperation (must scan 2 books) Friendlin ess BrainPop Olweus PROJECT BASED ASSESSMENT Classroom book of rules and citizenship Read Alouds: Respect, 1.6Cperform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files Treasures Unit 1, WK 1 Short A Wordplay Lessons 11-15 Fantasy 1.7A- Connect the meaning of a well-known story or fable to personal experiences 1.9B- Describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings (physical traits) 1.Fig. 19F- Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community, and discuss textual evidence (own experiences, ideas in other text, larger community) Week 4 Aug. 18-21 Print Awareness Author’s Wall Post 1.1D- Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (capitalization of first word, ending punctuation 1.12A read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes 1.19C- Write brief comments on literary or informational texts (comments, record ideas, reflections, respond to literature, record connections, record information) Conventions in beginning of sentences 1.21C- use punctuation at end of sentences (.) Assessment on writing first and last name Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments Test List 2 Test #1 Baseline Fluency & Comprehension Assessment (My Dog Sam) 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences 1.21Bi- use capitalization Will be using “Handwriting Book” Unit 1: Numeration 0-30 1(2)(D) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 120. 1(2)(E) use place value to compare whole numbers up to 120 using comparative language. 1.2F- order whole numbers up to 120 1.2G- Represent the comparison of two numbers (intro. <, >, =) 1.5C- use relationships to determine the # that is 10 more/10 less than a given # 1.5B predict/ID changes in materials caused by heating and cooling (ice/butter/crayon/melt ing/water freezing/water evaporating) Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A-C, 1.4A 1.13B identify historical figures who have exemplified good citizenship: Benjamin Franklin, (look at VAD, p. 83) -possible idea, mobile 1.13C identify other individuals who exemplify good citizenship 1.2Bname safe play environm ents 1.13B identify historical figures who have exemplified good citizenship: Eleanor Roosevelt (look at VAD, p. 83) 1.2Gidentify and practice safety rules during play 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources 1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task 1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communicatio n medium Process Skills: 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1F, 1.1G Calendar- Financial Literacy 1.9B- ID income as a mean of as a mean of obtaining goods and services Author’s Wall Post Author’s Wall Post Week 5 Aug. 25-28 Early Release- Aug. 26 Treasures Unit 1, WK 2 Short A Word play 416-20 Assessment /Rhyming 11 Fairy Tales 1.7B- Explain the function of recurring phrases (“Once upon a time” or “They lived happily ever after”) in traditional folk- and fairy tales (legends, fables, jokes, tall stories, fairy tales) 1.9A- Describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence of events. Readiness Standard Review 1.1A-D 1.12A- read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes 1.Fig. 19F- Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community, and discuss textual evidence (own experiences, ideas in other text, larger community) 1.18A- Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end (write about personal experiences & demonstrate voice) Readiness Standard Voice, Ideas, conventions Author’s Wall Post 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences 1.21C- use punctuation at end of sentences ( ! ) Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments Test List 3 Will be using “Handwriting Book” Unit 2: Organized Data (9 days) 1(8)(A) collect, sort, and organize data in up to three categories using models/ representations such as tally marks or T-charts. 1(8)(B) draw conclusions and generate and answer questions using information from picture and bartype graphs. 1(8)(C) draw conclusions and generate and answer questions using information from picture and bartype graphs. %, %, % Process Skills: 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1F, 1.1G 2nd Assessment Calendar- Financial Literacy 1.9C- distinguish between spending & saving 1.5B predict/ID changes in materials caused by heating and cooling (ice/butter/crayon/melt ing/water freezing/water evaporating) Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A-C, 1.4A 2nd Assessment 1.13C identify other individuals who exemplify good citizenship 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources 1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task 1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communicatio n medium Week 6 Sept. 1-4 Treasures Unit 1, WK 3 Short I Word play Lessons 2125 Assessment Blending Phonemes 11 Fairy Tales 1.7B- Explain the function of recurring phrases (“Once upon a time” or “They lived happily ever after”) in traditional folk- and fairy tales (legends, fables, jokes, tall stories, fairy tales) 1.9A- Describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence of events. Readiness Standard 1.Fig. 19F- Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community, and discuss textual evidence (own experiences, ideas in other text, larger community) 1.18A- Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end (write about personal experiences & demonstrate voice) Readiness Standard Voice, ideas, Conventions Review 1.1A-D 1.12A- read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes Test #2 Week 7 Sept. 8-11 Labor Day-No School, Sept. 7 Treasures Unit 1, WK 4 L Blend Word play Lessons 2630 Assessment Deleting Initial Sounds 1-1 Folk Tales 1.7B- Explain the function of recurring phrases (“Once upon a time” or “They lived happily ever after”) in traditional folk- and fairy tales (legends, fables, jokes, tall stories, fairy tales) 1.9A- Describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence of events. RS Review 1.1A-D 1.12A- read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences 1.21C-use punctuation at end of sentences ( ? ) 1.20Aii- nouns (singular/plural, common/proper) Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments Test List 4 Will be using “Handwriting Book” Fig.19E Retell or act out important events in stories in logical order (draw a picture, present dramatic interpretation, orally retell order of events) Personal Narrative 1.18A- Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end (write about personal experiences & demonstrate voice) (B, M, E) Idea/Voice, Conventions 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences 1.20Aii- nouns (singular/plural, common/proper) Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments Test List 5 Will be using “Handwriting Book” Unit 3: Geometry Two-Dimensional Figures 1(6)(B distinguish between attributes that define a two-dimensional or threedimensional figure and attributes that do not define the shape. % 1(6)(C) create two dimensional figures, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares, as special rectangles, rhombuses, and hexagons. 1(6)(D) identify two dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, as special rectangles, rhombuses, and hexagons and describe their attributes using formal geometric language. %, %, % Process Skills: 1.1A, 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1F, 1.1G 1.6A ID /discuss how different forms of energy are important to everyday life. (light-sunlight/artificial light, heatSun/fire/season/applian ces, sound-safety) 1.3C- Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Edison Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A-C, 1.4A 1.13B identify historical figures who have exemplified good citizenship: Francis Scott Key (look at VAD, p. 83) 1.13C identify other individuals who exemplify good citizenship PROJECT BASED ASSESSMENT Mobile/Tree Map based on 3 biographical 1.2Hidentify how to get help from a parent and/or trusted adult when made to feel uncomfor table or unsafe by another person/ad ult 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources 1.3Aexplain ways to seek the help of parents/ guardian s and other trusted adults in making decisions and solving problems 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources Calendar- Financial Literacy 1.9C- distinguish between spending & saving Unit 3: Geometry Two-Dimensional Figures 1(6)(C) create two dimensional figures, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares, as special rectangles, rhombuses, and hexagons 1(6)(F) compose two dimensional shapes by joining two, three, or four figures to produce a target shape in more than one way if possible. %, %, % Process Skills: 1.1A, 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1F, 1.1G 3rd Assessment Calendar- Financial Literacy 1.9D- consider charitable giving 1.6B predict/describe how magnets can be used to push/pull (attract) 1.6C- describe change in location of object (closer to, nearer to, farther from) 1.3C- Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Edison Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A-C, 1.4A STATE- Texas 1.14A explain state patriotic symbols: Texas flags, the Alamo 1.14B recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge to the Texas Flag 1.14C identify anthems and mottoes of Texas Read Aloud: The Flag We Love Idea: Body Outline 1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task 1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communicatio n medium 1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task 1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communicatio n medium Treasures Unit 1, WK 5 End Blends Celebrate Freedom Week Constitution Day, Sept. 17 Week 8 Sept. 14-18 Word play Lessons 3035 Folk Tales Fig.19E Retell or act 1.7B- Explain the function of recurring phrases (“Once upon a time” or “They lived happily ever after”) in traditional folk- and fairy tales (legends, fables, jokes, tall stories, fairy tales) out important events in stories in logical order (draw a picture, present dramatic interpretation, orally retell order of events) 1.9A- Describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence of events. Readiness Standard RS Personal narrative 1.18A- Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end (write about personal experiences & demonstrate voice) Readiness Standard (B, M, E) Idea/Voice, Conventions Review 1.1A-D 1.12A- read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes Fluency & Comprehension Assessment (Kim Gets to Eat) 1.21A- form upper/lower case letters legibly in text & apply spacing between words & sentences Review all 1.21C- punctuation at end of sentences 1.20Aii- nouns (singular/plural, common/proper) 1.21 Bii- use capitalization in pronoun, “I” Assess sentence types Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments Test List 6 Will be using “Handwriting Book” Unit 4: Concrete and Pictorial Patterns 1(5)(A) recite numbers forward and backward from any given number between 1 and 120. 1(5)(B) skip count by twos, fives, and tens to determine the total number of objects up to 120 in a set Unit 1: Numeration (0-30 Review) 1.2F- order whole numbers up to 120 1.2G- Represent the comparison of two numbers (intro. <, >, =) 1.5C- use relationships to determine the # that is 10 more/10 less than a given # 1.6B predict/describe how magnets can be used to push/pull (attract) 1.6Ddemonstrate/record ways objects can move (straight line, zig/zag, up/down, fast/slow, back/forth, round/round) Science Process Skills: 1.2A-E, 1.3A-C, 1.4A Process Skills: 1.1A, 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1E Week 9 Sept. 21-25 Early Release- Sept. 23 Word Play Lessons 3640 Author’s Wall Post Review 1.7B 1.9A Comprehensive Assessment poetry, folktales, fairy tales, fantasy 1.12A- read independently 4x’s a week, 5 minutes Fig.19E Retell or act out important events in stories in logical order (draw a picture, present dramatic interpretation, orally retell order of events) RS Personal narrative 1.18A- Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end (write about personal experiences & demonstrate voice) Readiness Standard (B, M, E) Conventions Author’s Wall Post Author’s Wall Post & bring to TEKS Academy 1.21A- Review All 1.21C-punctuation at end of sentences Comprehensive Assessment Dolch List Word List (cross reference Fry List) Assessments Test List 7 Will be using “Handwriting Book” Unit 4: Concrete and Pictorial Patterns 1.3Bdescribe how decisions can be reached and problems can be solved 1.6Cperform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files 1.3Cexplain the importan ce of goal setting and task completi on 1.4Cevaluate products prior to final submission Take Home PROJECT ASSESSMENT “What freedom means to me”(mobile) Calendar- Financial Literacy 1.9D- consider charitable giving Treasures Unit 2, WK 1 Short O National 1.14F- identify Constitution Day as a celebration of American freedom 1.14E- explain how patriotic customs & celebrations reflect American individualism & freedom 1.14A explain national patriotic symbols: The US flag, Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty 1.14B recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag 1.14C identify anthems and mottoes of the US Comprehensive Exam 1(5)(A) recite numbers forward and backward from any given number between 1 and 120. 1(5)(B) skip count by twos, fives, and tens to determine the total number of objects up to 120 in a set Process Skills: 1.1A, 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1E Comprehensive Assessment Technology Projects: Students will create a drawing using Microsoft Paint Tools to learn how to open, exit and save a document. Take Home Project: Mobile: Students will create a patriotic poster or collage to showcase “What does freedom mean to me” REVIEW Olweus