Using Directional Antennas for Medium Access Control in Ad Hoc Networks MOBICOM 2002 R. Roy Choudhury et al. 2002.10.16 Prepared by Hyeeun Choi Contents Introduction Related Works Preliminaries Basic Directional MAC (DMAC) Protocol Multi-Hop RTS MAC (MMAC) Performance Evaluation Future Work Conclusion 2/26 Introduction The Problem of utilizing directional Antennas to improve the performance of ad hoc networks is non-trivial Pros Higher gain (Reduced interference) Spatial Reuse Cons Potential possibility to interfere with communications taking place far away 3/26 Omni-directional Antennas Silenced Node D B S A C 4/26 Directional Antennas Not possible using Omni D B S C A 5/26 Related Works MAC Proposals differ based on How RTS/CTS transmitted (omni, directional) Transmission range of directional antennas Channel access schemes Omni or directional NAVs Gain of directional antennas is equal to the gain of omni-directional antennas 6/26 Preliminaries (1/2) Antenna Model Two Operation modes : Omni & Directional Omni Mode: Omni Gain = Go Idle node stays in Omni mode. Directional Mode: Capable of beamforming in specified direction Directional Gain = Gd (Gd > Go) 7/26 Preliminaries (2/2) IEEE 802.11 Physical Carrier Sensing Sense Virtual Carrier Sensing IEEE 802.11 DCF – RTS/CTS access scheme 8/26 Problem Formulation Using directional antennas Spatial reuse Possible to carry out multiple simultaneous transmissions in the same neighborhood Higher gain Greater transmission range than omni-directional Two distant nodes can communicate with a single hop Routes with fewer hops 9/26 Basic DMAC Protocol (1/2) Channel Reservation A node listens omni-directionally when idle Sender transmits Directional-RTS (DRTS) using specified transceiver profile Physical carrier sense Virtual carrier sense with Directional NAV RTS received in Omni mode (only DO links used) Receiver sends Directional-CTS (DCTS) DATA,ACK transmitted and received directionally 10/26 Basic DMAC Protocol (2/2) Directional NAV (DNAV) Table Tables that keeps track of the directions towards which node must not initiate a transmission H ε = 2ß RTS E 2*ß ε θ DNAV C CTS B +Θ If Θ> 0 , New transmission can be initiated 11/26 Problems with Basic DMAC (1/4) Hidden Terminal Problems due to asymmetry in gain A does not get RTS/CTS from C/B Data RTS A B C 12/26 Problems with Basic DMAC (2/4) Hidden Terminal Problems due to unheard RTS/CTS D A B C 13/26 Problems with Basic DMAC (3/4) Shape of Silence Regions Region of interference for omnidirectional transmission Region of interference for directional transmission 14/26 Problems with Basic DMAC (4/4) Deafness Z RTS A B DATA RTS X X does not know node A is busy. X keeps transmitting RTSs to node A 15/26 MMAC Protocol (1/3) Attempts to exploit the extended transmission range Make Use of DD Links Direction-Direction (DD) Neighbor A C A and C can communication each other directly 16/26 MMAC Protocol (2/3) Protocol Description : Multi-Hop RTS Based on Basic DMAC protocol DO neighbors RTS DD neighbors C B G A D DATA T F R S 17/26 MMAC Protocol (3/3) Channel Reservation Send Forwarding RTS with Profile of node F Fowarding RTS C B A D DATA G T F R S 18/26 Performance Evaluation (1/6) Simulation Environment Qualnet simulator 2.6.1 Beamwidth :45 degrees Main-lobe Gain : 10 dBi 802.11 transmission range : 250meters DD transmission range : 900m approx Two way propagation model Mobility : none 19/26 Performance Evaluation (2/6) High Spatial Reuse D A E F IEEE 802.11 : 1189.73 Basic DMAC : 2704.18 C B Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) High Directional Interference Hidden terminal Problem A D B E C F Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) IEEE 802.11 : 1194.81 Basic DMAC : 1419.51 20/26 Performance Evaluation (3/6) Aligned Routes 150m 21/26 Performance Evaluation (4/6) Less aligned Routes 22/26 Performance Evaluation (5/6) Randomly Chosen Routes 23/26 Performance Evaluation (6/6) Random Topology 24/26 Future Work Design of directional MAC protocols that incorporate transmit power control New protocols that rely less on the upper layers for beamforming information Impact of directional antennas on the performance of routing protocols 25/26 Conclusion Directional MAC protocols show improvement in aggregate throughput and delay Performance dependent on topology But not always Random topology aids directional communication MMAC outperforms DMAC & 802.11 802.11 better in some scenarios 26/26 Related Works Nasipuri et al Ko et al A node may transmit in directions that do not interfere with ongoing transmission Bandyopahyay et al Assume that the gain is equal to the gain of omnidirectional antennas Present another MAC which uses additional messages to inform neighborhood nodes about ongoing communications Takai et al Directional virtual Carrier Sensing (DVCS) 27/26 Extra Slides Gain of Antenna Used to quantify the directionality of an antenna Relative power in one direction compared to an omni-directional antenna 28/26