Part 5 Adding Images Copyright © Texas Education 1

Part 5
Adding Images
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Image Formats
• There are many types of image formats. The two you will most
likely use are the gif and jpg formats.
– gif (Graphics Interchange Format) limited to 256 colors, one
color can be transparent, gif images can be animated.
– jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Can display millions
of colors. Typically used for photographs. Can not include a
transparent color or be animated.
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Inserting Images
<img src=“pic.gif” />
• The image tag should close itself.
• The file extension of the image MUST be
included after the image name.
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Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Open index.htm from your Student Files folder
and make the changes indicated below.
<body bgcolor=“#669955” link=“#ffffff”
<font color=“#333333” face=“tahoma”>
<h1 align=“center”><u>World Travel</u></h1>
<img src=“world.jpg” />
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Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Preview index.htm once again in your browser.
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Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Aligning Images
<img src=“pic.jpg” align=“right” />
The image is to the right
with text wrapping to its left
<img src=“pic.jpg” align=“left” />
The image is to the left with text
wrapping to its right
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
This image
has not been aligned so it is applied inline with the text.
This image has been aligned to the left, therefore text will wrap around
the image.
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Add the following orange code to index.htm where
indicated below the horizontal rule tag.
in personal and friendly service.</p>
<hr width="75%" size="2" />
<img src=“nyc.jpg” align=“right” />
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Preview index.htm once again in your browser.
The second image should be aligned to the right side of the screen with the
text wrapping along the left side of the image.
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Section Breaks
Section Breaks on a web page are line breaks with the clear="all". A
section break on a web page is like a continuous section break in a word
<br clear=“all” />
Primarily used to STOP text from wrapping around an image.
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Image Attributes
Now that you know how to work with images, there are other attributes available
to help customize their appearance.
src – specifies the image file
align – defines image alignment
hspace – horizontal spacing
vspace – vertical spacing
width – width of an image
height – height of an image
alt – text alternative of an image
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
hspace & vspace
Will add a margin spacing to the left and right and/or top and bottom of
an image. Helps prevent a webpage from appearing cluttered and
<img src=“pic.gif” hspace=“10” />
<img src=“pic.gif” vspace=“10” />
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
width & height
•Can be applied to an image to specify a specific image size.
•Should be used to make small adjustments only.
•Use only one to keep the image in proportion.
<img src=“pic.gif” width=“300” />
<img src=“pic.gif” height=“300” />
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Text Alternatives
•A line of text that will appear when your mouse is
placed over the image.
•If the image does not load, the text will appear in
place of the image.
•Applied to the img tag using by the alt attribute.
<img src=“pic.gif” alt=“text or info” >
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Complete Lab 5:
Home Page
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Complete Lab 5:
Statue of Liberty Page
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Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Complete Lab 5:
Empire State Building
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Complete Lab 5:
Central Park
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.