2013-2014 School Year Director: Genevieve Tejeda

2013-2014 School Year
Director: Genevieve Tejeda
Printed Student Name _____________________________
Class Period _____________________
Principal Signature ______________________________________
Student Name ________________________________
Class Period ____________
I (Printed Student’s Name) _________________________ have read and agree to all
policies listed in the choral handbook.
Student Signature ____________________________
I (Printed Student’s Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________
have read and agree to have my child follow all policies listed in the choral handbook.
Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________
Home Number _______________________
Cell Phone Number (Parent/Guardian) ________________________
Work Number __________________________________
Emergency Contact Name and Number _______________________________________
Dear Parents and Students:
Welcome to SRMS Choral Organization. The following information will outline
expectations for all students in the Sun Ridge Middle School Choir Program during the
school year. These policies and procedures are necessary both for the growth and for the
future improvement of our choral organization.
I believe all my students should behave appropriately in my classroom. I will not tolerate
student behavior that prevents me from teaching or any student from learning. Music is
an individual and team activity that demands dedication by all involved. Through music
education, students can enhance their learning abilities in all areas of study and lead a
fuller life.
Students are expected to follow all class rules listed below:
1) Enter class with a positive attitude and ready to sing
2) Adhere to the guidelines set by the students as the components of creating a
successful team
3) Listen when the director is speaking
4) Listen when other students are sharing information
5) Book bags, purses and cell phones are not allowed on the risers and must be placed
along the wall behind the risers
6) No gum chewing, food or outside drinks, other than bottled water, are allowed in
class- we need to take care of our room and show pride
7) Keep hands, feet, objects to self – NO HORSEPLAYING as this will result in an
immediate detention
8) Be respectful of others, in feelings, in thought, in actions, and in words
9) Raise hand for permission to speak or leave seat
10) Refrain from using profanity or inappropriate gestures
11) Be in your seat and in proper school uniform by class time and ready to learn
12) Make sure to bring all materials needed for lessons
13) No make-up/hair spray/ or brushes to be used in class
14) Always listen to directions and instructions, but if you have questions or do not
understand ask for help appropriately
15) No playing piano/do not touch sound system/ do not go behind teacher’s desk
16) The phone is not allowed for student use
17) Must sign out when leaving the classroom
18) Follow school and choir uniform policy
Not following these rules will result in the following consequences:
1. Verbal Warning/conference with teacher
2. Conference with teacher/parent phone call and detention after/before school
3. Office Referral
In case of severe disruptions, willful disobedience, injury to another, or destruction
of property, the student will be sent directly to the office bypassing steps 1 through
1. Verbal Praise
2. Certificates for achievement or good behavior
3. Positive parent contact
4. Prizes- pens/pencils :)
Rewards are not a right but a privilege
Students will receive daily grades that are based upon in class rehearsal technique,
worksheets, notebook checks and quizzes. Students will also receive at least 2 test grades
and a nine weeks test grade. It is essential that each student bring their materials to class
everyday. Each student will need the following items:
1. 3 ring binder and notebook paper
2. Composition Book
3. Pencil and highlighters
4. In addition to having supplies on hand as part of the student’s daily rehearsal
technique grade, students must participate by taking notes, asking questions,
answering questions, and singing as part of being well prepared for class.
Remember your grade and what you get out of taking
this course is what you make out of it. So always try
your best!!!
Rehearsal Technique involves and is supplemented in the TEKS (Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills):
1. Prepared for class
2. Adheres to Class and School Rules
3. Participates- answers and asks questions, takes notes, sings, follows class
instructional directions without hesitating
4. Performs individually and in group settings
If a student fails to participate in class and/or is unprepared
with the materials the following consequences will occur:
1. Student will call home and inform parents and a written
letter confirming that both parent and student were told
will be sent home
2. Student will receive lunch detention
3. Student will receive a referral
1. There will be daily rehearsal technique grades (which can include written work)
Each day is worth 100 points
2. Each concert will count for 1 Test Grade and/or Final Grade
3. Quizzes are worth 1 Daily Grade 100 points
4. At least 2 test grades will be given each nine weeks- these may be written and/or
performance based
5. A final written nine weeks test may be given each nine weeks which covers all
theory learned and questions over the music learned (a concert grade may
incorporated into this or substituted for this)
6. After school rehearsal will count as one daily grade 100 points
Make-up assignments consist of research papers and singing alone after school
Please begin to purchase your black bottoms at the beginning of the year
The uniform will add to professionalism and group pride :)
All Choir Students are required to purchase a choir shirt to be worn for all
performances/contests/field trips.
All choir students must also wear solid black slacks or solid black skirt to the knees,
black dress shoes, and black socks/pantyhose with the choir shirt for all
The choir shirt can be used on a daily basis as a school uniform shirt.
The choir will have fundraising sales throughout the year. It is optional for students to
participate. However, the more participation the more monies can be earned and put
to good use for the choral students. Fundraisers are used to fund for:
1. Contest fees
2. Accompanist fees
3. Field Trips
4. Awards
5. Music
6. Sound Equipment
7. Technology Equipment
8. Choir Professional Attire
9. Clinician fees
Fundraisers can be paid with check, cash, and money orders.
Students may be required to pay a $5 entrance fee for Region Choir Competition.
Students may be required to pay a $20 accompanist fee for Solo & Ensemble
Students will have several opportunities to attend evening field trips to attend dinner and
either the El Paso Symphony, El Paso Opera, El Paso Chorale Concerts, UTEP dinner
theater performances, and other local musical performances. Some of these field trips
may cost $7-$60. These trips are optional. Only students who are well disciplined will be
allowed to attend.
There will be several school day field trips to perform off campus for those that are
musically prepared and well disciplined.
All choral in day school field trips require passing grades in all classes- Texas State
Law- if students will be performing
During the year there will be several competitions/auditions which students can enter.
These usually require a small entry fee.
1. Region Choir (7th and 8th grade only)- Individual (Strongly encouraged for
Advanced students)
2. Solo and Ensemble (6th, 7th, and 8th grade)- Individual
3. Socorro Choral Contest- All Choirs (not optional)
4. UIL Choral Contest- Advanced Choir only (not optional)
5. Jazz Contest- Show Choir (not optional)
All students who participate in contest must pass all classes and adhere to Texas State
Law for Eligibility.
Rehearsal, concerts, and other performances are equal to classroom work and
represent a portion of your grade. Performances are identified as essential in the TEKS
(Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). Allowances are made for excused absences
stated by parent in advance if possible through phone call or
written document. Emergencies include the following only: family emergencies
and personal illness. All missed attendance at concerts will be made up after school in
which the student will sing alone and/or possible research paper. Events and after school
rehearsals will be announced well in advance to help plan your schedules and
transportation will need to be provided by Parent/Guardian.
It is in the students’ best interest that we work together in relationship of his/her musical
education. I will be in close contact with you regarding your child’s progress in my
classroom. Please sign the LETTER OF DOCUMENTATION located at the beginning of
this handbook and have your son/daughter bring it with him/her tomorrow.
If you or your children ever have concerns, please feel free to contact me during my
conference 5th period 11:26-12:16pm 937-6662 or you can email me gtejed@sisd.net
If you would like to be a choir volunteer please fill out the following attached forms- the
district and Sun Ridge require that a background check be done. The choir needs parental
support in helping to lead and manage field trips, concerts, contests, fundraisers,
organizing music, making decorations, and even sharing your musical talents with the
Sun Ridge Community. I look forward to working with you this year- it is through
parental support that the choir program has been able to grow and provide unique
learning opportunities for all choral students.