AP Environmental Science Mrs. Rodriguez

Name _______________________________________
Period ______
AP Environmental Science
Mrs. Rodriguez
Course Description: The AP Environmental Science course is an introductory college
course in environmental science, through which students engage with the scientific
principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of
the natural world. The course requires that students identify and analyze natural and
human-made environmental problems, evaluate the relative risks associated with these
problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them.
Environmental Science is interdisciplinary, embracing topics from geology, biology,
environmental studies, environmental science, chemistry, and geography (AP Central
College Board).
AP Environmental Science Course Content: The following are the course themes:
• Science is a process
• Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes
• The Earth itself is one interconnected system
• Humans alter natural systems
• Environmental problems have a cultural and social context
• Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable
Topic Outline:
Earth Systems and Resources
The Living World
Land and Water Use
Energy Resources and Consumption
VII. Global Change
Required Course Materials:
• 2 College-ruled spiral notebooks, color paper, graph paper, 2 bottles of glue, ruler,
materials for science fair projects
• Environmental Science. Heithaus, Michael R., and Arms, Karen. Holt McDougal,
Grading Policy:
• Daily assignments/Lab reports/Quizzes – 50%
• Exams – 30%
• Quarterly final exams – 20%
An exam will be given every three weeks in this course to assess the students’
progress. Quizzes can be announced or unannounced and will be give periodically. A
comprehensive exam will be given at the end of each quarter. Final exams will be
modeled after the structure of the AP exam given in May to prepare students.
Homework will be given regularly in this course and will be used to reinforce the course
themes. You will also be required to make collaborative presentations based on
literature found in scientific journals on topics related to this information covered in
Lab Investigations:
There will be a minimum of two labs for each of the course themes performed in this
course. At least 25 % of the time in this course will be devoted to lab investigations. At
times you will be required to write a formal lab report using a specific format.
Independent Projects:
One of the most important things you will learn in this class is how to design, conduct,
analyze and interpret scientific studies. There is no substitute for experiencing firsthand
the trials and tribulations of conducting research in environmental science. It is not
always as simple as it seems when learning about it in lecture or reading about it in a
book. Thus, students are required to complete two individual projects.
1. First semester: Students must develop an advanced level science fair project. They
must follow the steps of the scientific method when completing the project. Students are
required to present their project at the school’s science fair and proceeding science fairs
if they advance (Tentative).
2. Second semester: Students must develop an in depth research paper on the topic of
their choice. This assignment will expose them to the major style of scientific
communication – the scientific research article. They will follow the standard form for
scientific articles; however the topic will be theirs to choose.
Purpose of lab investigations and independent projects:
The goal of the lab investigations performed in this course as well as the independent
projects will be to ensure the students can apply the seven science practices listed in
the AP Environmental Science curriculum framework.
Class Rules:
1. Be on time, with all required materials and ready to participate in class.
2. Follow all school, district, classroom, and laboratory rules. Safety rules are always
3. Food and/or drinks are not allowed.
4. All audio devices and cell phones are not allowed; this includes texting or looking at
cell phone for the time. Cell phones will be turned in to the Principal’s office. This
counts as your warning.
5. No makeup or personal grooming in class.
6. Respect yourself, those and everything around you.
1. Verbal warning
2. Student conference, note to parent and “Needs Improvement” in conduct on report
3. Parent contact (phone or email) and “Unsatisfactory” in conduct on report card.
4. Parent conference and “Unsatisfactory” in conduct on report card.
5. Referral and “Unsatisfactory” in conduct on report card.
It is the students’ responsibility to make up the missing assignments when absent.
• Students with an excused absence will be allowed to make up any missed
assignment for full credit immediately upon return. Students and parents may
review students’ grades and assignments online.
• Students are to remain in their assigned seats until dismissed. DO NOT STAND by
the door and wait for the bell to ring.
• Classroom and lab stations must be in order and clean before dismissal. Check for
trash around seats, tables, desks, or sinks. Do not place trash in sinks.
Restroom Policy:
• It is the student’s responsibility to use the restroom before class. Restroom passes
are for emergencies and only allowed for students that have their student ID.
• You will not be allowed out of the classroom to use the restroom during the first and
last 10 minutes of class.
Student Contract:
By signing this contract I will honor all the rules and procedures set before me. I will set
high goals, have high expectations and work hard to accomplish them. I will attend
class ready to learn and take responsibility for my actions. I understand the
consequences for the rules I choose not to follow.
Student signature ____________________________________
Date ___________
Parent/Guardian – Please read, sign and return the course information outlined above.
Parent/Guardian Name (print) _____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________
Phone Number _____________________
Email ___________________________