Finding Implicit Relations in the Semantic Web Shridhar Bhalerao CMSC 601

Finding Implicit Relations in the
Semantic Web
Shridhar Bhalerao
CMSC 601
Semantic Web
 Is Web of Data .
 Each Data Resource is represented by a URI
 Data resources are linked to each other .The link also
has a URI identifying it.
 Ontologies are used for conceptualizing , data is
mapped to the concept.
 Described Using RDF.
Ontologies, RDF Triple, isparql
 Conceptualization of data into classes.
DBpedia Ontology .
 Properties , Domain , Range.
 RDF.
 Example
Querying the semantic web
 Queries
The queries are in the form of Rdf graph.
 Isparql
A tool for querying RDF datasets .
User must know properties and classes of the ontology
the dataset is using .
Problem Statement
 User query given in a single triple but the answer is present
as n triples .
 The relation is not present directly in the database.
 The user creates the relation which he thinks is appropriate.
works for
 Finding the N triple form of the user query .
 Algorithm for finding destination class which scan all
the properties in the ontology that have the domain of
the 1st class .Create a triple with candidate class.
 Tree form.
 Output will give the links from the 1st class to
destination class.
 Generate a set of queries having implicit relations from
users .
 Generate the correct triple from an ontology expert.
Retrieve the answer set.
 Find the correct triple using the algorithm.
 Evaluate the result using precision and recall.
 Presence of Multiple Paths.
The two classes can be related by different relations .
 Capturing the semantics of the relation given by the
user and using it to find the correct path.