E.Q. Describe the moon’s role in the creation of ocean tides.

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Describe the moon’s role in the creation of
ocean tides.
Tides are the changes in the depth of the ocean along the coast line.
High tides occur when the ocean water comes inland and this happens twice
daily. Water is pulled toward the moon and forms a bulge. The planet is also
shifted slightly toward the moon and leaves behind a bulge on the other side.
Low tides occur then the ocean water departs and goes further out from the
coast. This happens twice daily. The water level goes down because the water is
pulled away toward the high tides.
The moon’s gravity is weak but it can still pull the ocean water because it is
Spring Tides:
These tides occur during a new moon and full moon. On these two days, the Sun,
Earth, and Moon are aligned. The Sun’s gravity can help the Moon’s gravity and
the pull on the oceans are greater. This causes the highest high tide. Since the
water is being pulled so much, it leaves a lowest low tide in other parts of the
Neap Tides:
These tides occurring during a 1st and 3rd quarter moon. On these two days, the
Sun, Earth, and Moon form a 90 degree angle. The Sun’s gravity is fighting the
Moon’s gravity so the high tides are not very good. This causes the lowest high
tide. Since the water is not being pulled as much, it does not take away as much
water from other parts of the planet. This leaves a highest low tide in other parts
of the planet.
Lowest low
Highest high
Lowest high
Highest low
Write a summary about the creation of tides here. Make sure to use
complete sentences and write a full paragraph, not just a few sentences.