E.Q. What causes seasons? All notes must be in the student’s

E.Q. What causes seasons?
All notes must be
in the student’s
own handwriting.
Chunk the information on the
right to form questions in this
1. Need sunlight
2. Need an object (in this case, our bodies)
 Taller people will cast a longer shadow
 Height of the person needs to be measured to determine if growth of the
student is going to be a factor in the change in the length of the shadow over
the next 2 months.
A low Sun means a long shadow
A high Sun means a short shadow
Make a prediction about what will happen to the Sun, your shadow, and the
temperature as we get closer the Fall season.
By next month…._______________________________________________________
Write a summary about how shadow length can be a clue to change in seasons here.
Make sure to use complete sentences and write a full paragraph, not just a few