CS 411W IX – Users Manuals

CS 411W
IX – Users Manuals
Product User Manual Examples
1. Automobile Owners Booklet
2. Video Gaming Systems (PS-2, XBOX, etc.)
3. Cellular Phone Booklets
4. Board Game Instructions
5. Computer Peripheral Installation Guides
Significance of the Users Manual
• The Good: Good user documentation informs the
user how to perform a procedure as well as when
it should be performed, the expected results, and
how to address error conditions.
• The Bad: Too frequently the user is frustrated at
having to refer to the manual in the first place,
frustrated because the manual can't be found, and
finally frustrated because the information can't be
found in the manual….
Characteristics of a Good Users Manual
• Describes the product
 Includes system organizational diagrams
 Provides system subassemblies and diagrams
 Includes illustrations/screen dumps/entry sequences
• Provides understandable directions
• Explains the proper/safe use of the product
• Utilizes common language and defined terms
Considerations for Developing
a Good Users Manual
• Write to the appropriate level for the expected
audience or user community
• Assume the user is completely unfamiliar with the
• Organization and format must be logical and easy
to follow
• Use examples and simple sentence constructs (I.e.
avoid long, complex explanations)
• Make use of illustrations, screen dumps, tables
Considerations for Developing
a Good Users Manual (Cont)
• Start at the beginning (power up/ logon sequence,
initial setup etc.)
• Make sure entry and action sequences are
• Identify error conditions and how to respond to
Key Areas to Address
• Introduction
Overview of the product
Clear statement of the intended audience and
What does the reader need to know before reading?
What is the manual's context?
What notations are used? (Try to use standard
Equipment and supporting system requirements
Key Areas to Address (Cont)
• Getting Started
System setup information
Logging on
What the user will see first/what to do next
Sample run
Exiting (how to return to exit point and properly exit
system/software, etc.)
Key Areas to Address (Cont)
• Operating Instructions – Overall Content
 Individual instructions for each capability or
Address all screens, buttons, switches, lights, and knobs
Identify error conditions limitations
Show branches to other capabilities
Identify exit points or termination/cancellation options
 Include a Chart of Actions or Action/Response Matrix
 Use illustrations, screen dumps, callouts
Key Areas to Address (Cont)
• Operating Instructions – Information to
Background information
Next steps
Example – Choosing HTML Files Screen
Dump with Callouts
Figure 3-1: The Input Tab
Example – Choosing HTML Files
Instructions for Screen Dump Callouts
1. Start by clicking on the Book radio button (1) to specify you'll
be converting one or more HTML files into a book.
2. Your next step is to choose one or more files for conversion by
clicking on the Add Files... button (2).
The File Chooser dialog box will appear.
When the File Chooser dialog appears, pick the file(s) you
wish to convert and then click on the OK button.
If you don't see the file that you want, double click on the
folder with ../ after it.
Example – Choosing HTML Files (Cont)
Instructions for Screen Dump Callouts
3. Product XYZ can automatically create a title page for
you. Fill in the Title File/Image field or click the
Browse... button (3) to locate the file you want to use.
If you don't see the file you want, double click on
the folder with ../ after it.
User Manual – Overall Format
• Format Look and Feel (I.e. Presentation is
Important) – Consider the following:
1. Is the manual attractive?
2. Does it have good use of color?
3. Does it use diagrams to convey overall
understanding of architecture, relationships
between capabilities, etc.?
4. Does it use screen displays/help screens to
enhance understanding?
User Manual – Overall Format
Considerations (cont)
5. Are different fonts used to distinguish text, user
input and output?
6. Are special fonts used to highlight commands
for easy access?
7. Is there effective use of borders, top line of page,
etc. used as visual aids to enhance speed of use
as reference?
User Manual – Overall Format
Considerations (cont)
8. Is it hard bound? online? DVD?
9. If hardbound – is it easy to use (spiral bound),
appropriately structured (heavy paper, laminated,
10. If online or DVD – does it include simulated
action sequences, video examples, interactive
LAB IV – Users Manual
Will address the prototype functionality
Will draw heavily on documents completed to
Should provide comprehensive instructions on
how to operate major functions of your prototype
by someone who is not intimately familiar with