For Fellows of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland
Applicant’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………
Note to Scrutineers
The applicant named above has applied to the Mineralogical Society for validation as a
Chartered Scientist. As a scrutineer of his/her application it is your task to evaluate the
application, supporting documents and the statements of the Applicant’s sponsors and
recommend to the Validation Committee whether the Applicant meets the requirements
for Chartered Scientist. Please read the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and
Ireland Guidelines for Scrutineers carefully before starting work on the application. If
you wish to interview the Applicant, this should normally be carried out in conjunction
with the other scrutineer; see Guidelines for details.
Firstly, you are asked to make a declaration about conflict of interest.
I have/have no (delete as appropriate) conflict of interest to declare in relation to the
application for Chartered Status by this candidate.
Where conflict of interest does exist, please return the paperwork to the Mineralogical
Society’s Executive Director so that an alternative scrutineer can be identified.
Scrutineer 1 (name) …………………………………………………………………….
Scrutineer’s address ……...……………………………………………………………..
Telephone ……………………………… Email ……………………………………….
Qualifications. Is the Applicant suitably qualified for award of CSci via the
Mineralogical Society? (N.B. The Executive Director will check the validity of
qualifications. You should comment on whether they are relevant to the science of the
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Mineralogical Society and suitable for CSci. It is also the duty of the Scrutineer to check
whether any Masters-level equivalence report submitted indicates that this applicant has
conducted work at a level equivalent to a Masters-level dissertation.)
Experience. Does the Applicant have sufficient experience in the subject area to qualify
for CSci? (see Guidelines for Scrutineers for requirements) ………………………..
……………………………………………………………………….. …………………...
Competencies - Please indicate with ticks whether the competencies are met. Candidates
must be able to:
Partially Not
Not at
sure all**
1. Apply their knowledge and understanding of
earth and other planetary materials and processes,
and/or related synthetic mineral analogues.
2. Collect, use and interpret complex data sets,
exercising critical evaluation to draw conclusions.
3. Communicate well with both the scientific
community and the wider non-specialist audience,
professional or public.
4. Plan, initiate, organise and carry out work
effectively; including a high degree of self direction
and/or team working when required and
demonstrate project- and personnel-management
5. Work in a professional manner with due regard
to issues of health and safety, equal opportunities,
and the Mineralogical Society Code of Conduct
6. Carry out appropriate continuing professional
development activities
* Not sure – attainment of this competency is not established from the application form
but may be established at interview.
**A tick in this box will disqualify a candidate from becoming registered and should be
accompanied by a comment in your summary statement to help the Applicant develop
this competency in the future.
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Summary Statement to the Validation committee
A brief statement of your opinion of the candidate’s professional standing and
I would like to#/ do not need to# interview the Applicant. (please delete as appropriate)
For Mature Entry only: I recommend a second scrutineer is appointed to cover the areas
of ……………………………………………………………………………..
(see Guidelines for Scrutineers, only one scrutineer is normally required)
RECOMMENDATION [after interview, if required]
I recommend that the Applicant ……………………………………………….….
is granted#/ is not granted# Chartered Scientist status. (please delete as appropriate)
Thank you. Please send this form, the application, supporting information and guidelines
to Scrutineer 2.
Scrutineer 2 (name) …………………………………………………………………….
Scrutineer’s address ……...……………………………………………………………..
Telephone ……………………………… Email ……………………………………….
Qualifications. Is the Applicant suitably qualified for award of CSci via the
Mineralogical Society? (NB The Executive Director will check the validity of
qualifications. You should comment on whether they are relevant to the science of the
Mineralogical Society and suitable for CSci.)
Experience. Does the Applicant have sufficient experience in the subject area to qualify
forCSci? (see Guidelines for Scrutineers for requirements) ………………………….
……………………………………………………………………….. …………………...
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Competencies. Please indicate with ticks whether the competencies are met. Candidates
must be able to:
Partially Not
Not at
sure all**
1. Apply their knowledge and understanding of
earth and other planetary materials and
processes, and/or related synthetic mineral
2. Collect, use and interpret complex data sets,
exercising critical evaluation to draw
3. Communicate well with both the scientific
community and the wider non-specialist
audience, professional or public.
4. Plan, initiate, organise and carry out work
effectively; including a high degree of self
direction and /or team working when required
and complimentary, transferable skills such as
project and personnel management.
5. Work in a professional manner with due
regard to issues of health and safety, equal
opportunities, and the Mineralogical Society
Code of Conduct
6. Carry out appropriate continuing professional
development activities
* Not sure – attainment of this competency is not established from the application
form but may be established at interview.
**A tick in this box will disqualify a candidate from becoming registered and should
be accompanied by a comment in your summary statement to help the Applicant
develop this competency in the future.
Summary Statement to the Validation committee
A brief statement of your opinion of the candidate’s professional standing and
I would like to#/ do not need to# interview the Applicant. (please delete as appropriate)
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I have/have no conflict of interest to declare in relation to the application for Chartered
Status by this candidate.
RECOMMENDATION [after interview, if required]
I recommend that the Applicant ……………………………………………….….
is granted#/ is not granted# Chartered Scientist status (please delete as appropriate)
Thank you. Please send this form, the application and supporting information to
[to be completed by Executive Director before forms are dispatched.]
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Interview report (if required)
Date ………………………..
Please record a summary of the outcome of the interview, with particular attention to
competencies marked ‘not sure’ or ‘not at all’ above.
Signature 1 ………………………………………………Date………………………..
[Print name] ……………………………………………….
Signature 2 ………………………………………………Date………………………..
[Print name] ……………………………………………….
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