Reference Form for Assistant Resident Hall Advisor

Reference Form for Assistant Resident Hall Advisor
Applicant’s Name: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________
Dates of Applicant’s Involvement: ________________________________________________________
Applicants Role/Position: _______________________________________________________________
Your Name: _______________________________________ Title: ______________________________
Organization: ___________________________________________Contact #: ______________________
Please mail this form to Residential Life Office, 931 N. Elmwood Ave, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
61625. You may also email it to Kelly Welch at . Please return on or before
March 4, 2016
Dear Recommender:
Being an assistant resident hall advisor (ARA) is a very important and serious position. In order to select the
truly best ARA’s, we solicit input from people the applicants has interacted with via some type of organization
or club. On the following pages you will have the opportunity to provide information about and make ratings
for the applicant who contacted you. We urge you to take your time and be thorough and to provide as much
information as possible about this person. Instructions for returning this form are provided at the end.
To give you some background, the duties of a resident hall advisor including the following:
Resident Advisors (RAs) are an important part of Bradley University's residence hall staff. RAs are paraprofessional
students who are accountable to their Hall Director(s) and the Director of Residential Living. RAs provide an essential
liaison role between the University Housing and the residents. They share a large part of the daily responsibility for the
operation of the residence halls. The RA position, by its very nature, requires an individual who is acutely sensitive to the
needs of students; can be flexible regarding time demands; is willing and able to relate to a wide variety of individuals; is
knowledgeable about support services available to students; can perform essential administrative tasks; is sensitive to
diversity in lifestyles; and has a genuine desire to be of service to others. The RA must have a knowledge and appreciation
for the various stresses placed upon the individual student in the academic community environment, as well as an
understanding of each resident’s responsibility to the welfare of the community.
1. Setting a Good Example
A resident hall advisor is someone the residents he/she oversees looks up to as an authority
figure. As such, it is important that ARAs always set a good example by acting appropriately
and with maturity at all times. Place rate this applicant regarding how often you would
expect him/her to set a good example to hall residents by circling the number below with the
description that best describes this applicant.
1 – Rarely would set a good example
2 – Occasionally would set a good example
3 – Regularly would set a good example
4 – Would set a good example most of the time
5 – Would set a good example all of the time
Comments / Examples:
2. Building Relationships / Mentoring
One of the most important aspects of being a resident hall advisor is reaching out to hall
residents and building a relationship with them. Doing so is especially important for
residents who are somewhat shy and introverted. Please rate this applicant regarding how
well you think he/she would do at building relationships with residents.
1 – Probably would not reach out at all to residents
2 – Would reach out a little and/or to a few residents
3 – Would do okay at reaching out to a number of residents
4 – Would do reasonably well at reaching out to most residents
5 – Would actively reach out to all residents and build great relationships
Comments / Examples:
3. Handling Difficult Situations
As with many positions of responsibility, unexpected challenges occasionally arise and must
be dealt with. Sometimes these challenges are unique and not something a resident hall
advisor has dealt with previously. Please rate this applicant at how well you think they would
respond to these types of situations.
1 – Would hold back and let others handle the situation
2 – Would at least try to do something
3 – Would exert moderate effort
4 – Would do a good job of handling the situation
5 – Would jump in, take charge, and make sure the situation is thoroughly resolved
Comments / Examples:
4. Working Hard
If done right, being a resident hall advisor involves a lot of hard work. What level of effort
would you expect this applicant to expend?
1 – Very little, if any
2 – Some
3 – Moderate / sufficient
4 – High
5 – Would go above and beyond
Comments / Examples:
5. Following Proper Procedures and Protocol
There are procedures and policies that resident hall advisors are supposed to follow. It is
important they do so, even if they believe doing it “their way” is better. To what degree would
you expect this applicant to follow established protocols?
1 – Not at all; typically would disregards established procedures and policies
2 – Some of the time, but often would do things his/her own way
3 – Roughly half of the time
4 – Most of the time, but on occasion would do things his/her own way
5 – Would always follow established procedures and policies
Comments / Examples:
6. Being Sensitive to Diversity
It is very common for a resident hall advisor to have some residents that are very different
from them, including race, background, religion, sexual preference, political orientation,
and/or something else. It is important that resident hall advisors be able to treat these
individuals with respect and courtesy and expend the same level of effort with them as they
would other residents. How well do you anticipate this applicant handling diversity?
1 – Not well at all; would be very ineffective with those different from him/her
2 – Would make limited attempt to reach out to those who are different
3 – Would make moderate attempt to reach out
4 – Would do well most of the time, but might struggle on rare occasion
5 – Would treat everyone the same regardless of who they are
Comments / Examples:
There is one final question we would like to ask, one that does not involve a rating. It is a very
important question nonetheless. Are there any concerns you have about this applicant or
anything you have observed him/her do that is inappropriate? Please note any examples
and/or reservations below. Instructions for returning this form as provided at the bottom of
this page. We sincerely thank you for taking the time to complete this form.