P a p e

Papers from the igd.tp conference are to be published in a special issue (Open Access,
Online only) of the journal Mineralogical Magazine
(http://www.minersoc.org/minmag.html; http://gsminmag.highwire.org/;
Papers from the ‘Geological disposal of radioactive waste: underpinning
science and technology’, held at Loughborough University in October 2011, were
published in a similar Open Access issue of that journal published in December 2012.
The deadline for submission of papers will be 30 September 2014
All papers will be subject to normal journal peer review handled by three Guest
Kath Morris (katherine.morris@manchester.ac.uk)
Nick Bryan (nicholas.bryan@manchester.ac.uk)
Nick Evans (n.d.m.evans@lboro.ac.uk)
Instructions for Authors are available at http://www.minersoc.org/submitmm.html . Authors should pay particular attention to the requirements
relating to artwork and to the formatting and presentation of reference lists.
Also available at that website as is a link to our online manuscript-submission
system (http://minmag.allentrack2.net/) and a copy of the user manual
associated with it. (See additional guidelines on page 2 of this document
Authors are asked to suggest possible reviewers for their manuscripts as they
go through the submission system. This will speed review times considerably.
Papers for this issue must make no more than 8 journal pages each. This
equates to about 4000 words + 3 tables + 4 figures.
The anticipated publication date is March/April 2015.
Queries should be directed to Helen Kerbey (helen@minersoc.org) or Kevin Murphy
(kevin@minersoc.org) or to one of the Guest Editors.
To submit your paper to the IGD-TP 2014 special issue of Mineralogical Magazine:
1. Go to http://minmag.allentrack2.net
2. If you have not previously registered on Allentrack for Mineralogical Magazine, do so
now by clicking on “Register Here”. Save the login details provided.
3. Log in.
4. Select “Submit Manuscript”
5. This is a funded Open Access issue of the journal.
6. Upload the files for your paper, following the onscreen instructions.
7. Add “Title”, “Running Title”, “Abstract” in the dialog boxes provided.
8. Add “Author details”
9. Watch for the screen below where you should select “Geodisposal of Radioactive
Waste (IGD-TP)” as the ‘Special Section or Theme’
10. In the screen about Open Access, tick the box (as shown in the screen shot below)
11. In the next screen, recommend reviewers to be included/excluded.
12. Validate the pdf, i.e. make sure all your files have converted properly into a single
13. The system will send you a message to let you know your manuscript has been
received. The paper will be assigned by the Principal Editor to an Associate Editor who
will arrange for reviews of your manuscript. The editors will contact you as soon as the
reviews have been received.