Missing assignments/ ZERO in the grade book

Missing assignments/ ZERO in the grade book
I ______________________ acknowledge my failing grade in my English III (E206) class, and am aware
that I need to credit average to pass.
The reason for not turning in or completing my assignments is because
Ms. Montañez is giving an alternate assignment in attempts to remedy my current grade situation. I
further acknowledge that it is my responsibility to do my work and do it to the best of my ability if not
seek help from Ms. Montañez during tutoring (Tuesdays and Friday) the Bulldog Center, Gear-Up.
Alternative assignments are not intended to be used as regular practices by a student. Ms. Montañez, may
refuse the essay opportunities to a student who abuses this system and has not requested assignment.
Student signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________
On a separate sheet of paper typed, properly formatted, and with your heading write an essay using
the following prompts
Mandatory –is required to replace grade: Write an essay in which you explain [what] your future career
goals are after graduation. [Why] did you decide on it? [How] do you plan on accomplishing this? [How] is
your current situation helping or delaying your goal and why?
Optional- choose one to replace additional grade(s): Write an essay in which you
Describe an incident or event from which you learned a lesson “the hard way.”
Describe a personal experience that has helped you develop your law(s) of life (honesty,
perseverance, and good will to others).
What could you change about yourself to be a better person?
Describe a time in your life when someone else has helped you. How has this affected your law(s) of
life (honesty, perseverance, and good will to others)?
What three qualities do you value in people (a friend, a teacher, a parent(s))?
Describe a situation in which you went out of your way to help someone else.
If and when you become a parent, what law(s) of life will you teach your children?
Describe if life has been good to you? Explain.
Name three things for which you are thankful.
Who is someone you admire? List three qualities that you admire about that person. What la(s) of life
does that person demonstrate? How has that person influenced your life?