2014-15 Socorro ISD

Socorro ISD
Faculty and
and Policy
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CAMPUS INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 3
Administrative Team .......................................................................................................................... 3
Counseling Team ................................................................................................................................ 3
SCEI Coaches ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Office Staff.......................................................................................................................................... 4
2014-15 School Improvement Team .................................................................................................. 4
SIT Committee Meetings Dates .......................................................................................................... 4
PROFESSIONAL REPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................. 5
Work Day ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Absences ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Employee Tardiness ............................................................................................................................ 6
Non-Duty/Vacation ............................................................................................................................. 6
Comp Time and Overtime .................................................................................................................. 6
Leaving Campus ................................................................................................................................. 6
Parking ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Purchase Order Requests .................................................................................................................... 6
Department Budgets............................................................................................................................ 7
Department Grant................................................................................................................................ 7
Staff Development and Training ......................................................................................................... 7
Faculty & Staff Dress Code Policy ..................................................................................................... 8
Lesson Plans........................................................................................................................................ 8
Classroom Instruction ......................................................................................................................... 9
Substitute Folders................................................................................................................................ 9
Student Safety/Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 9
Field Trips ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Faculty and Department Meetings .................................................................................................... 10
Employee Appraisal .......................................................................................................................... 10
Employee Paperwork and Calendar .................................................................................................. 10
FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................. 11
Building and Equipment/Furniture ................................................................................................... 11
Building Keys and Identification Badges ......................................................................................... 11
Maintenance and Repairs .................................................................................................................. 11
Textbooks.......................................................................................................................................... 12
CAMPUS SAFETY .............................................................................................................................. 12
Visitors .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Deliveries .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Emergency Operations and Safety Committee ................................................................................. 12
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Media Use in the Classroom ............................................................................................................. 13
Student Attendance ........................................................................................................................... 13
Make Up Work ................................................................................................................................. 14
Student Discipline ............................................................................................................................. 14
Serious Discipline Infractions/Discipline ......................................................................................... 14
Student/Adult Confrontations ........................................................................................................... 14
Emergency Student Removal ............................................................................................................ 14
Student Grading ................................................................................................................................ 15
Report Cards and Progress Reports .................................................................................................. 15
Failing Grades ................................................................................................................................... 15
Homework......................................................................................................................................... 16
SAC Assignments (KEYS Academy Only) ...................................................................................... 16
Student Requests (KEYS Academy) ................................................................................................ 16
Student Requests (Options High School) ......................................................................................... 16
Bell Schedules ................................................................................................................................... 16
Morning Student Pick-Up (KEYS Academy Only).......................................................................... 17
Student Lunch (KEYS Academy Only) ............................................................................................ 17
End of Day Student Release (KEYS Academy Only) ...................................................................... 17
ELECTRONICS/EQUIPMENT USE ................................................................................................... 17
Cell Phones/Telephones .................................................................................................................... 17
Copiers and Paper ............................................................................................................................. 17
Email and Voicemail......................................................................................................................... 17
Office Services .................................................................................................................................. 17
Mail Services .................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Handbook Receipt ............................................................................................................................. 20
Instructional Aide Homeroom/Breakfast in the Classroom Assignments: ....................................... 21
KEYS Academy Duty Schedule ....................................................................................................... 22
Options High School Duty Schedule ................................................................................................ 22
KEYS Academy Bell Schedules ....................................................................................................... 22
Options High School Bell Schedules ................................................................................................ 22
KEYS Academy Master Schedule .................................................................................................... 22
Options High School Master Schedule ............................................................................................. 22
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KEYS Academy Mission Statement
Options High School Mission Statement
KEYS Academy provides students an
opportunity to become productive members of
society by way of a quality learning environment
that promotes excellence and develops
interpersonal skills necessary to resolve
academic, family, and social conflict, thereby
improving their self-image and control over their
lives (Will be revised during the 2014-15 year).
The mission of Options High School is to
provide the resources, encouragement and
guidance so that all students can earn a high
school diploma and become productive citizens
KEYS Academy Vision
Options High School Vision
Discovering Excellence
Improving Lives
(Will be revised during the 2014-15 year).
KEYS Academy and Options High School
Faculty and staff members of KEYS Academy and Options High School are the strongest, most-compassionate,
hardest-working employees in SISD! To make it at an alternative school it takes “the best of the best” and so
congratulations are in order for you as one of the elite few who are included in this prestigious group of
alternative educators.
In order to assist you and make the 2014-15 school year a successful year for you, the administrative team is
providing to you this faculty and staff policy manual for to be used in conjunction with all SISD policies and
procedures. This manual is intended to be as thorough as possible but there may be situations that require
adjustments and/or changes as the year progresses. Therefore, this manual is a “living” document and will be
updated as the need arises in order to serve you and your needs better.
Administrative Team
Ellen Brewer
Iris Jimenez
Ignacio Reyes
Officer Yvette Perez
Lt. Joe Castorena
Officer Vanessa Gonzalez
Officer Carlos Juarez
Counseling Team
Martha Trujillo
Mohammed Shirazzi
Christina Nolasco
Lorena Lara
Gloria Villanueva
Rosa Chavez
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Head Security
Master Social Worker
CIS Coordinator OHS
CIS Coordinator KA
Parent Liaison
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SCEI Coaches
Andrew Alarcon
Arturo Chavira
KEYS Academy
KEYS Academy
Options High School
Office Staff
Adriana Solis
Connie Macias
Jessica Lerma
Mary Fernandez
Melinda Martinez
Ysela Waters
Leticia Marquez
Moises Soto
Carmen Mahon
Campus Secretary
Scheduling Clerk
Intake Clerk
2014-15 School Improvement Team
(2 Summer Meetings Required for CIP)
Ellen Brewer
Ignacio Reyes
Iris Jimenez
Martha Trujillo
Mohammed Shirazi
Cristina Nolasco
Andrew Alarcon
Arturo Chavira
Diane Medina
Dr. Maria Arias
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Master Social Worker
Intervention Coach
Intervention Coach
HS Representative
HS Representative
HS Representative
HS Representative
MS Representative
EPAC Representative
EPAC Representative
Parent Representative
Parent Representative
Community Representative
Community Representative
KA (2 Year)
KA (1 Year)
OHS (2 Year)
KA (1 Year)
KA (2 Year)
KA (2 Years)
OHS (2 Years)
SIT Committee Meetings Dates
August 19, 2014
January 27, 2015 (Formative Evaluation)
September 23, 2014
February 24, 2015
October 28, 2014 (Department Grants)
March 24, 2015 (Budget)
November – No Meeting
April 28, 2015
December – No Meeting
May 26, 2015 (Summative Evaluation)
June 1 & 2, 2015 (2015-16) CIP Entry
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Work Day
Employees are required to work the full amount each day. If an employee cannot attend work for any
reason it is their responsibility to adhere to attendance policies and report their absence to the Aesop
system. It is not the campus secretary’s responsibility to report employee absences; only in extreme
emergencies will this be allowed. Personal appointments should be scheduled at times when students are
not in attendance such as intersession and summer break.
At-Will Employees/Time-Clock Ad Reg (DEA)
Employees such as Instructional Aides and Clerks are required to work 7.5 hours a day. An
instructional aide’s workday is 8:00 am-4:15 pm. Under no circumstances may an employee
work more than the required 7.5 hours. Employees are expected to finish required work within
the 7.5 daily hours. Each employee using the Time-Clock is required to submit a signed TimeClock Employee Agreement Form immediately after receiving their initial or yearly update
training. All policies related to Time-Clock usage will be strictly adhered to and employees are
responsible for correctly punching in and out each day. Missing punches are not allowed and
will be documented.
Exempt/Professional Employees
Employees such as administrators, counselors and teachers are considered professional and
“Exempt” employees (employees who do not qualify for the minimum wage and overtime
provisions outlined in the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA). The minimum workday for
professional employees is 8:15 am – 4:00 pm and in accordance with the 187 days on the
District’s 187 Teacher Calendar (approved early release days excluded). However, as
professional employees, exempt staff members (teachers, counselors, instructional coaches
and administrators) are expected to work as needed to complete assigned duties and
requirements on time and meet all deadlines. This includes providing interventions for
students who have not mastered content. This may require the professional employee to work
longer than the minimum day, especially if student data/ information indicate a need.
As stated above, it is the employee’s responsibility to report their absences to the Aesop system by either
calling _________ or visiting the AESOP website before 6:00 a.m. After 6:00 a.m. absences are to be
reported to the campus secretary. The campus secretary will track the number of times she reports an
absence for an employee and report the data to the campus principal. More than three (3) instances for
any employee will be considered excessive. Absences of four hours or less are considered half-day
absences while absences greater than four hours are full day absences. All absences are to be reported
prior to the absence and employees requesting “School Business” and “Personal” days must do so by
submitting the proper form to their administrative supervisor at least three (3) days prior to the absence.
Please note: discretionary or personal leave will not be approved on staff-development days, workdays,
student testing (State and Local), days before and after a holiday and at administrative discretion.
Illnesses on state-mandated testing dates, Fridays and days when a personal or non-duty day has
been requested and denied will require a written doctor’s excuse without exception. Absences due to
jury-duty or court subpoena require a copy of written documentation provided by the justice system
prior to the absence (AdReg (DEC)). Please be advised that this documentation is submitted to the SISD
Human Resources Department and SISD reserves the right to verify the information is correct and true.
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Unfilled Teacher Absences
If a teacher’s reported absence is unfilled by the substitute system, the office staff will notify the
instructional aide and arrange coverage if possible. The instructional aide will assume
responsibility for the students until a substitute teacher or coverage arrives.
Employee Tardiness
Employees arriving late on any occasion will need to schedule an appointment with the campus
principal on the day of their tardiness to explain. Text messages and email messages do not replace this
requirement but are appreciated notifications. Tardiness of more than one (1) hour will automatically
require a half-day absence being reported.
Employees working more than 187 may receive non-duty days each year. Employee requests to use nonduty days must be submitted using a Non-Duty Form at least three days in advance to the campus
principal. If the request is not answered by the time of the desired absence the request is automatically
approved. As with Discretionary or Personal leave, non-duty requests on certain dates are not allowed.
These days are when students are in session, staff development and work days, any State or Local
testing days, the days immediately preceding or following a holiday, and at administrator discretion.
Illnesses occurring on dates that have been requested as non-duty and denied will require a written
doctor’s note/excuse.
Comp Time and Overtime
Overtime and comp time is not allowed. Only in extremely unique situations or emergencies will
overtime resulting in comp-time or additional pay be approved by the campus principal. Employees are
expected to strictly adhere to Department of Labor Standards and Time-clock Procedures set forth by the
District and KEYS Academy Administration. Anyone accruing unauthorized overtime will be issued an
official reprimand. If an employee needs to submit a Time Clock Correction Form or a Request to
Earn/Use Comp Time, they may access the forms in the appendices of this handbook or with the campus
Leaving Campus
Employees must have administrative approval to leave the campus during the school day. Any faculty
or staff member leaving campus during the planning and preparation period must sign-in/out in the front
office as well as notifying campus administration through the use of sign out form. Any employee
arriving an hour late or leaving an hour early will need to request half day absence to AESOP system. A
lunch sign-in and out form will be available with the receptionist. A maximum of three (3) days in a
semester is allowed for personal reasons. Leaving during preparation and planning for school required
business is unlimited with administrative approval.
Employees are required to park in designated parking spots. If a spot is not reserved for an employee
they may use any of the non-designated parking spots. Vehicles parked illegally may be towed. Do not
double-park, park in designated Fire Lanes, Bus Loading Zones or designated Handicapped spots
(unless legally authorized). If you need special temporary parking consideration, contact a campus
administrator ahead of time. Parking licenses will be given by security and require the employee to show
proof of insurance.
Purchase Order Requests
Requests to buy classroom/office materials and supplies must be submitted using the campus Purchase
Order Request with the proper documentation. You will need to include the goal and/or strategy from
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Campus Improvement Plan (CIP). Additionally, the funds used to pay for the items must be available in
the department budget. Therefore, all department teachers must be in agreement of the purchase and
sign-off on the POR. Please follow these steps when submitting a supplies request form:
Use the campus electronic Purchase Order Request (ask for a copy or look in the shared drive);
Click the link below to go to the District’s website and the current posted bids.
o Awarded Summary Sheets (a.k.a “Bid Tabs)
 Choose appropriate bid by going through all pages;
Find what you want and get all vendor information; Contact the vendor and obtain a quote on the
items you’re requesting.
Completely fill out Purchase Order Request and attach a copy of the quote from the vendor; TOC
Turn in all paperwork to your supervisor with your department teachers’ signatures or initials
next to yours.
Check back later with the secretary to see if it was approved by administration and submitted (34 days).
The usual process time for correctly submitted forms is one week for local vendors, and ten (10) or more
days for out-of-town vendors. Purchases from non-vendors are possible in some cases; however, the
process is lengthy. In all situations there is no next day service so please plan accordingly. All purchases
must be made using this system. Please note: the administration has decided not to allow
reimbursements. Requests for reimbursement will be denied.
Finding bids is not always an easy process. The steps above will assist you but if you’re having
difficulty finding a unique bid please call the Purchasing Department at 937-0163 for assistance. You
can also visit the following link to see the Purchasing Department Handbook.
Sole Source Vendors are companies that carry a product others don’t. If the item you are purchasing
comes from a Sole Source Vendor you will need to obtain a quote from the company by either fax or
email and attach it to P.O. If you aren’t sure whether or not the company is a sole source vendor try a
Google search of the product you’re buying to see if other companies carry the item.
*Reimbursements are not allowed.
Department Budgets
Campus department budgets must be spent in accordance with the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) and
submitted to the campus secretary by December 19, 2014. Purchases must be related to the CIP through
goals and objectives and included on the Purchase Order Request. Additionally, at least eighty-five
percent (85%) of the department budget must be spent on instructional materials that are used by
the student. Administration may require justification from the department how materials will be used
before Purchase Order Requests are approved. Departments will be notified of their budgets for the
2014-15 school year by their supervisor.
Department Grant
A department grant will be awarded by the SIT committee in October. Interested departments will need
to submit their complete Department Grant Application to any SIT committee member by October 17.
The grant must be spent by December 19, 2014.
Staff Development and Training
All faculty and staff are required to attend staff-development days/hours in accordance with Socorro
Independent School District’s (SISD) Policy DMA Legal “Professional Development: Required Staff
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Development”. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure they complete all required staffdevelopment. Staff members are required to sign-in at all KA and District staff-development sessions
and proof of attendance (certificate) must be submitted to the employee’s supervisor within two weeks
of the session. The documentation will become a part of the employees appraisal file.
Staff development for the remainder of the 2014-15 year and the opening week of 2016-17 will be
determined by a Staff Development Committee (SDC). The SDC facilitator will be the EPAC rep from
each campus. The committee will consist of 3 teachers (including EPAC rep), 1 Instructional Aide and
the Campus Secretary.
Committee Members
Teacher 2:
Teacher 3:
Campus Secretary: Adriana Solis
The SDC will make recommendations to the principal and SIT committee in relation to employee staff
development. Off campus staff development is encouraged and budget has been appropriated for a cadre
of staff to attend the National Alternative Education Conference in February. This year the conference
isn’t during intersession. Two (2) teachers from each campus will be chosen to attend. Interested
individuals need to submit a written essay request indicating their interest and why they are interested
(related to building professional strengths).
Requests to attend training outside of the district require the following steps:
Submit a detailed request to your SIT representative via email at least one month before the
training date (plan accordingly).
Attend the next SIT meeting and be prepared to defend your request.
If the request to the SIT and principal is approved, obtain and complete a Trip Request (TR)
Form from the campus secretary.
Submit the TR to the campus secretary at least three weeks before the scheduled event.
Submit proof of attendance campus secretary after the training.
Attend the next SIT Committee meeting to give a brief report on the event.
Be prepared to present what was learned to the faculty and staff at KA.
Teachers are required to relate all staff-development requests to the Teacher Self-Report, Section III, no.
9 that asks the teacher to list three areas of interest for future learning. Additionally, all staff
development requests must be related to the CIP, DIP and TEKS/STAAR Objectives.
Faculty & Staff Dress Code Policy
To set the best example possible for our students, faculty and staff members are expected to set the
example and dress professional and appropriate to the position they fill at all times. Please remember,
the unique nature of alternative campuses, and especially DAEP campuses, may require stricter dress
code due to the enrollment of TJJD students and their unique circumstances.
1. Clothing should not be faded, torn or excessively tight. Clothing representing affiliation to social
clubs or organizations should not be worn at school.
2. Employees may not wear shorts (PE excluded).
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3. Faculty and staff members may wear campus shirts on Fridays or special occasions with
Docker/trouser style pants.
4. Departments that have 97% attendance or better may wear jeans (or hats if they choose) on
Fridays. Administration will notify staff in advance.
5. Head gear (such as hats, caps, etc.) .
6. Staff teaching a performance content area such as PE, Art, etc., may wear clothing appropriate to
their content area.
7. Personal expressions such as piercings, tattoos, etc., need to remain private and not be seen.
8. Employees attending training off-campus (including conferences) are expected to wear
professional dress. Employees wishing to dress comfortably can wear a Docker style twill pant
with their campus shirt as well.
The administrative staff reserves the right to determine appropriateness of employee clothing and will
address inconsistencies on an individual basis.
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans may or may not be required of teachers. Lesson plans are to be submitted to the
employee’s supervisor based on the supervisor’s schedule. The lesson plans will be a part of the
employee’s appraisal system if they are required.
Classroom Instruction
Teachers are required to implement “bell-to-bell” instruction utilizing researched based instructional
methods. Every minute of instructional time is to be utilized with meaningful academic and character
education. Free time is not allowed. During instruction time (class periods) teachers should be in the
Power Zone and should not be observed sitting at their desks or talking on their cell phones (School
phones are reserved for school business only).
Substitute Folders
All teachers are required to prepare and maintain substitute information. All substitute information must
contain: a seating chart, attendance procedures, emergency procedures, evacuation plan, morning duty
schedule, all bell schedules, three (3) days of lesson plans, a discipline plan, and a note to the substitute
that includes special discipline information regarding students (Schaeffer House students’ needs, what to
do in an emergency, etc.). The substitute information can be uploaded into the AESOP system and must
be updated every nine (9) weeks by the first Monday of the nine weeks. This information will also be
used to document proficiency where appropriate in the appraisal instrument.
Student Safety/Monitoring
Teachers will be responsible for reporting to their assigned morning and afternoon duty stations in
addition to the overall safety of the campus at all times. During transitions and code blue teachers shall
stand at their classroom doors and observe students. At KEYS Academy the instructional aides are to
stand in the middle of the hall and move students along. At the end of the day administration and
security team will work in tandem to release the students to the parents/guardians in an efficient manner.
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Field Trips
All field trips must be related to instruction and require a lesson plan with rigorous activities (including
writing activities and reflective feedback). The field trip must be submitted in writing at least three
weeks before the intended date with the lesson plan attached.
Faculty and Department Meetings
Faculty meetings will be held as needed. Staff will be given advance notice and attendance is
mandatory. Sign-in sheets and agendas will be provided for faculty meetings outside of the regular
school day. Signatures on the sign-in sheets will not be allowed once the meeting is concluded. Evidence
of attendance at department meetings is required and will be used as documentation on the appraisal
document as appropriate.
Departments will develop a meeting calendar and submit the calendar to administration before the first
day of instruction. Meetings will require an agenda, sign in sheet and minutes. Original copies of these
items need to be turned in to the principal the day after the meeting by end of business.
Faculty and Department Meeting Norms:
Be Professional – Participants are expected to maintain an optimistic attitude, be courteous and
polite, keep cell phones on silent, participate and share information respectfully, and be a team
Stay Focused – Participants are expected to provide and adhere to an agenda, keep discussions
and issues work related, stay on task, maintain consistency and begin and end on time.
Be Prepared – Participants are expected to bring needed materials and data, stay current on
district and campus policies and be knowledgeable on current educational practices and trends.
Employee Appraisal
Administration will be conducting instructional walk-throughs and observations throughout the year and
will vary in length. The observations are intended to assist the employee and provide a channel of open
communication between the administrator and the employee about instructional goals for teachers and
instructional aides. At times feedback may contain performance expectations for employees. All
administrators will meet with their staff during the month of August for a pre-observation meeting in
order to review the appraisal document and set up the observation and appraisal plan. All teacher
appraisal observations will be completed by the end of September. As per district policy, administration
will schedule teacher appraisal observations at a mutually agreed upon time with the teacher. If the
teacher is not present the day of the scheduled observation, the appraiser will conduct the observation at
the agreed upon time on the instructional day the teacher returns (in accordance with the PDAS
observation calendar). Other staff members will receive their appraisal reports in accordance with SISD
practices. Staff members are to check the Eduphoria system weekly to check for observation/appraisal
Employee Paperwork and Calendar
Certain documentation will be required of teachers throughout the year. Teachers will be given a set of
labels, cover sheets and a calendar that correspond to their required paperwork. As teachers are
professionals, it is expected all documentation will be submitted on time and in the correct format.
Teachers may utilize instructional aides to assist them with this requirement.
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Building and Equipment/Furniture
Every employee is responsible for helping to maintain the school and teaching the students a sense of
pride and responsibility for the care of the building and equipment. If you observe any student
destroying or damaging any part of the building or school equipment, you should submit a Discipline
Referral Form describing the type of behavior you observe.
Staff members are responsible for the inventory and care of any furniture, supplies, technology and
equipment in your possession and classroom/office. Lost, broken or stolen equipment must be reported
to the assistant principal in charge of facilities and you must file a police report with the campus SRO
within twenty-four (24) hours. All items on your classroom Inventory List will need to be accounted for
at the conclusion of the school year. Try to conduct periodic inventory checks or at least one per
academic quarter in order to make the end of year Fixed Assets Report easier.
Moving or trading surplus equipment/furniture is not allowed without administrative approval. If you
wish to move surplus equipment/furniture to another classroom, complete the Maintenance Request
Form and submit it to the front office for administrative approval. All custodians have been directed to
ask for this documentation with administration approval before responding to or completing any
movement request. All furniture and equipment actions must be noted on the Inventory List and initialed
by the parties involved.
Building Keys and Identification Badges
KA Faculty and Staff will be issued identification badges from the Registrar at OHS. Once issued,
employees are required to wear their ID while on duty at all times for safety purposes.
Keys and badges will be issued by the campus security and assignment records will remain in the
security office. All employees will be required to sign for their badge and any keys they receive. Please
exercise extreme care with these items as it is the responsibility of the person assigned them to see they
are used properly. Loss of a key or badge should be reported immediately or within twenty-four (24)
hours. Replacements of both keys and badges will be cost the employee a $5 fee for each item or in
accordance with district practice. Depending on the key lost, the cost could change significantly as
rekeying a door may be necessary. The cost for this process is $25.
Master keys and outside door keys will not be issued under any circumstances. If you need access to the
building before or after hours, see the assistant principal or his/her designee to make arrangements.
All keys and badges will be turned in at the end of the school year to the assistant principal or his/her
designee as a part of the end-of-year check out. Keys for doors and cabinets should be neatly organized
and clearly labeled when turned in to the office.
Maintenance and Repairs
In the event equipment and/or furniture in your office/classroom needs attention please complete a
Maintenance Repair Request form and turn it into the front office. In order to maintain and preserve our
beautiful facility it is important that you do not mount items to the wall using glue, tape, or liquid nails.
Use an approved hanger to mount items and request assistance from the custodial/maintenance staff
when necessary.
Any items posted on walls for display in any part of the building and areas that can be observed are to
look organized, uniform, professional and neat at all times.
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Notify the front office immediately when you notice graffiti so that it can be removed as quickly as
possible. Submit a Discipline Referral if you observe the student writing the graffiti. If your custodian
forgets to clean a portion of your classroom or you have a special cleaning request, contact Head
Custodian, Moises Soto, to address the situation.
Teachers are to use a classroom set of books and maintain a Textbook Inventory and Assignment unless
specific permission is afforded. SISD policy CMD Legal Equipment and Supplies Management;
Instructional Materials Care and Accounting outline the District’s expectations in relation to textbooks.
At the beginning of the year please check the textbook inventory for your classroom set of books to
make sure it matches the end of year inventory. If you find any discrepancies, see the assistant principal
immediately to resolve the situation as you are fully responsible for these books.
Check each book carefully for damage and record all damage before assigning the book to a student.
Assign a specific book to each student to use in class. Please use the Textbook Inventory and
Assignment to track this information. Please check your classroom set of books for damage every three
weeks. If a book is lost, inform the assistant principal immediately. If a book has been removed from
circulation, indicate on the inventory list REMOVED and turn in removed book to administrator.
The assistant principal will inventory books at the end of the school year.
All visitors must check in at the front office and receive a visitor’s pass. Employees’ friends or family
members (including children) should not visit the employee during working hours unless the employee
has received prior administrative approval. Any unauthorized visitor on campus should be reported to
the front office immediately at 937-4000. If you fear someone is an intruder be sure to follow the EOP.
Employees should not have personal items delivered to campus. Flowers, gifts, etc. sent to the employee
are acceptable. KA and OHS will not accept deliveries of any kind for students.
Emergency Operations and Safety Committee
Teachers are required to go over Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) with their students at least once
every six (6) weeks at a minimum, however every three (3) weeks as students enter frequently is
recommended. Additionally, teachers are required to train students what to do in the event of an
emergency and the students are somewhere other than the regular classroom and hold small classroom
drills without being directed by administration.
Socorro Independent School District’s Police Department will oversee the emergency planning
throughout the District. The School Resource Officer (SRO) will facilitate the Safety Committee and
will be responsible for ensuring the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is updated and that all policies
and procedures are adhered to. Staff members interested in serving on the campus Safety Committee
should contact the SRO or assistant principal.
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Each staff member will be given a copy of the EOP upon completion or when the document is updated.
The EOP will include descriptions of specific events and what the employee should do in the event of a
crisis. Some topics that will be included are:
Active shooter/Lock down;
Fire drills and safety;
Shelter in place;
Severe Flooding/Natural Disasters;
Natural gas leaks;
Inclement Weather.
Please remember to include information relating to the EOP in your substitute folder and display critical
information such as the Lock Down procedures appropriately.
Media Use in the Classroom
Administration encourages the uses of different types of media to foster learning in the classroom.
Documentaries, television programming, radio, video, etc., are acceptable as an instructional tool when
used appropriately. Feature Films/Motion Pictures are not permissible at any time. The following
guidelines are to be met when using media in the classroom:
Media cannot contain nudity, profanity or sexual situations.
Media involving drugs and alcohol should be utilized educationally and should be used with
extreme discretion. The message to students must discourage consumption.
Media must be related to the TRS documents, lesson plans, and must have a lesson associated
with it.
Media may be used for instructional purposes only.
Media is never to be used strictly as entertainment value or down time for students.
Media should not be the primary source of instruction and should be used sparingly.
Student Attendance
Teachers are responsible for keeping timely and accurate student attendance. The teacher is required to
report and correct attendance errors within 24 hours to the attendance clerk without exception.
The attendance clerk keeps account of all daily student attendance for campus accountability. KEYS
staff (other than a trained PEIMS/attendance clerk) may not handle student absence documentation
received from a parent. If a parent or student tries to give you information regarding an absence, send
the information and the student to the attendance clerk with the instructional aide. Office personnel are
required to sign and date stamp when they received the parent notification, then provide parents a copy
of the received information.
Office personnel are required to keep student sign-in logs that track the date and exact times students are
in the office area.
Excused – Absences due to illness of the student or serious illness or death in the immediate
family, subpoenas for court, and medical and dental appointments are considered excused.
Unexcused – Absences that do not fit the above criteria for excused absence are considered
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Truancy - This is a violation of the State Compulsory Attendance Law. Truancy is an absence
without permission of parents and/or school officials for any length of time.
Attendance Codes
A = Unresolved
B = School Business
C = Court
D = Doctor/Dental Appt.
E = Excused
F = Funeral
G = Religious Holiday
K = Weather
Z = Field Trip
L = Legal
M = Teen Parent
P = Parent Request
R = Runaway
S = Suspension
T = Tardy
U = Unexcused
V = Truant
X = School activity
Make Up Work
Socorro ISD routinely updates policy and procedure related to grading in order to provide students and
parents the best academic services. Please make sure to check policy EIE and EIA (Local and AdRegs)
frequently in case there are changes.
Student Discipline
KEYS Academy and Options High School faculty and staff will develop a core set of classroom rules to
be used in every classroom known as the Campus Behavior Plan (CBP). As they are developed by staff,
these rules are mandatory and teachers can establish additional classroom procedures. It is the
expectation that these rules will be supported and followed every day. It is the teacher’s responsibility to
deal with classroom discipline as outlined in the SISD Student Code of Conduct and administration will
not address any level 1 and some level 2 offenses. Before referring a student to the office and as part of
progressive discipline, teachers are required to contact the parent or guardian and notify the
parent/guardian the student is being given a discipline referral and the reasons for the referral.
Serious Discipline Infractions/Discipline
Security and SRO are not responsible for classroom discipline and should not be called to assist teachers
with level one (1) and two (2) offenses. If a teacher requests assistance from a security guard or SRO,
the teacher must have followed all the steps in their CBP and submit a discipline referral at the time of
assistance. It is expected by campus administration that if a teacher needs assistance by security or SRO
the behavior should be severe enough to warrant a parent conference followed by a legal complaint by
the teacher.
Administration reserves the right to make final decisions concerning any discipline issue.
Student/Adult Confrontations
At no time are adults allowed to engage in confrontations with students. KEYS Academy employees are
expected to remain calm and in control of student situations at all times. If a student is upset, the adult is
expected to deescalate the situation and work with the students until he/she is calm.
Emergency Student Removal
Students should only be removed from the instructional setting if:
1. The student is a physical threat to themselves or another person;
2. They are in possession or under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
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3. They are in possession of a weapon.
If you suspect a student is under the influence of drugs/alcohol or in possession of a weapons, stay safe
and have student removed from classroom! Notify security and/or an administrator without alarming the
student. Keep an eye on the student until help arrives. Never confront a student of having or being
under the influence of controlled substance.
Student Grading
All teachers will follow the grading and evaluation procedures according to SISD Policy EIA
Middle School (Grades 6 – 8)
Daily Grades (____minimum) _____%
Major Grades (unit tests, common assessments, mini-marks, and projects) ____%
9 Week’s Test (Comprehensive and shall include a campus and/or grade level benchmark or
common assessment) _____%
High School (Grades 9 – 12)
Daily Grades (____ minimum) ____%
Major Grades (unit tests, common assessments, mini-marks, and projects) ______%
9 Week’s Test (Comprehensive and shall include a campus and/or grade level benchmark or
common assessment) ____%
Additionally, as writing has been identified as a major area of need, 25% of every assignment shall be
comprised of an open ended or essay question that addresses critical thinking at the higher levels of rigor
(levels 3 and 4 on Webb’s DOK and Synthesis and/or Evaluation on Bloom’s Taxonomy).
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Report cards will be prepared for each student and sent home according to the district calendar.
However, teachers at KEYS Academy are required to post their grades every Thursday by 4:30 p.m.
Options HS teachers teaching Compass Learning Labs will use the Compass Learning system to issue
progress reports and report cards. P & P classes will use the Tyler Munis grade book and will report
grades in accordance with the district calendar.
The grading system affords teachers an opportunity to communicate with parents about their
daughter’s/son’s grades on a regular basis and is required in order to accurately review a student’s
progress. In addition to the grade book, teachers using the Tyler Munis Gradebook are required to turn
in the entire pass/fail report at the end of every three (3) weeks in accordance with the campus calendar.
Teachers using the Compass Learning system for a class will submit Progress Monitoring Reports every
Friday before 1:00.
Failing Grades
Any teacher recording a failing grade for a student on a progress report, report card or pass/fail report
must be able to document parent contact in which the failing grades were discussed. If the failing grades
are due to missing work, the teacher must be able to document how the teacher worked with the student
to make-up the missing work. If the failure is due to a lack of mastery/low grades, the teacher must
document how they have provided interventions to the student outside of regular class time in order for
the student to achieve understanding and master the concept(s).
You must be able to substantiate any grade given to a student whether passing or failing.
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Teachers should utilize homework with students in order to achieve best results. KEYS Academy
teachers need to coordinate with campus security so they are aware students will be bringing homework
in the morning. Options High School teachers are also encouraged to assign meaningful, rigorous
homework when it is necessary to student mastery.
SAC Assignments (KEYS Academy Only)
Students assigned to SAC must receive the lesson for each day they are assigned to SAC. Additionally
general SAC lessons need to be prepared by the teacher and given to the SAC aide for use until a
specific lesson can be prepared and in order to take the place of lecture and other class time the student
can’t observe while in SAC.
Student Requests (KEYS Academy)
Counselor (Code 4)
The KEYS Academy counselor is available for students from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. In non-emergency
situations, relay a student’s request to see the counselor via email or the universal pass. In an emergency
CRISIS situation, send the student with an instructional aide immediately. The counselor is ALWAYS
available for a student in CRISIS.
Fighting (Code 3)
Use common sense but also call the front office and indicate a code 3.
Nurse (Code 2)
If a student requests to see the nurse, fulfill the request immediately. If the nurse feels that the student is
taking advantage in order to leave the room, the nurse will notify the administration. Do not make a
medical judgment! Remember: Nurses are the only members of a campus allowed to distribute
medication. Students should not take any medication in class.
Restroom (Code 1)
If a student requests to use the restroom and it is still some time before the scheduled bathroom break,
request assistance through a code 1. Monitors are stationed in the hallways to assist and staff should be
able to see a monitor easily once they look in the hallways. Teachers may also send the instructional
aide to find the monitor for assistance.
Students requesting to see administration can do so via a teacher and email. As with the counselor, if it
is an emergency, enlist the assistance of a monitor or security guard.
Student Requests (Options High School)
Students requesting to see personnel such as the counselor, MSW, Assistant Principal and Principal need
to sign up with the individual they wish to see before or after school or at lunch. The student will be
called out of class or given an appointment based on the individual’s work schedule.
Bell Schedules
KEYS Academy and Options High School have several different bell schedules that will be
implemented throughout the year. The most common bell schedule is the daily bell schedule however,
depending on the student and campus calendar, other schedules will be implemented throughout the
year. Early release and Reconnections and Relationships are two different events that will require a
different bell schedule. A copy of all bell schedules can be found in the appendices.
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Morning Student Pick-Up (KEYS Academy Only)
Instructional aides need to report to the cafeteria at 8:15 and be ready to monitor students at 8:30 a.m. A
cafeteria seating chart is provided in the appendices. The instructional aide is responsible for
implementing lessons during 1st period that are provided by the SCEI coaches and assistant principal. At
9:00, teachers are to be in the cafeteria to pick up their classes and escort them to 2nd period. The
security officers will assist the teachers in calling out their students.
Student Lunch (KEYS Academy Only)
Teachers will be provided with a list of students who have detention and those students will be picked
up by security 1-2 minutes prior to student lunch. Students not in detention will be released to the
cafeteria by security on a classroom by classroom basis and are to be escorted by the instructional aides.
The instructional aides will help actively monitor the students in the cafeteria during lunch. At the end of
the lunch period, teachers will pick up their students in the cafeteria and assist the Security team with
Code 1 bathroom breaks.
End of Day Student Release (KEYS Academy Only)
Students will be released from class by announcement. Once student names begin being called,
instructional aides need to be report to the middle of the hallway and help moving students to the back
door exit. At 4:00 aides will escort remaining students to the cafeteria and stay with them until the aide
clocks out for the day.
Cell Phones/Telephones
In order to protect the quality of instruction in the classroom, during instructional periods, teachers and
instructional aides may not use their personal cell phones or classroom phones for personal use. The cell
phone does not have to be off but at a minimum must be in silent mode. In the event of an emergency,
administration will happily work with teachers and instructional aides to accommodate employee needs.
Staff members are to refrain from allowing students to use both the classroom phone and the teacher’s
cell phone.
Copiers and Paper
Copy machines are available for teacher use. The office copy machine is for office use only and may
not be used by teachers and aides. Each teacher will be given their own paper to use in the copier.
Teachers will all be given the same amount of paper (two boxes/ 1 per semester); additional paper will
be issued if funds allow.
Email and Voicemail
Employees are required to check their email and voicemail daily. These forms of communication have
been provided to employees by SISD as a means of communicating with supervisors, SISD personnel,
parents, students and community members. Teachers are expected to share their email and voicemail
with parent/guardians and respond to inquiries from the community quickly and thoroughly. As
communication is an important part of the school environment, email and voicemail usage will be
documented in the employee appraisal process for all employees.
Office Services
The front office staff will provide certain office services such as faxing, laminating and shredding for
employees upon request. Please allow at least a week for services that require laminating, copying, etc.
Speak to the receptionist if you need assistance with one of these services. The equipment is to be used
by trained personnel only. Please plan accordingly and don’t expect rushed delivery.
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Mail Services
Employees all have a mail box in the teacher’s workroom/lounge that daily mail and messages will be
placed in. Large packages and items not fitting in the files will be delivered to the employee or a
message will be given to the employee for instructions for picking up the package.
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KEYS Academy and Options High School
Employee Ad Reg/Handbook Receipt
Handbook Receipt
Name ______________________________________
Department ___________________________
I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the 2014-15 KEYS Academy and Options High School
Employee AdReg/Handbook. I agree to read the handbook and abide by the standards, policies, and
procedures defined or referenced in this document.
The information in this handbook is subject to change. I understand that changes in campus policies may
supersede, modify, or render obsolete the information summarized in this book. As the campus provides
updated policy information, I accept responsibility for reading and abiding by the changes.
I understand that no modifications to contractual relationships or alterations of at-will employment
relationships are intended by this handbook.
I understand that I have an obligation to inform my supervisor or department head of any changes in
personal information such as phone number, address, etc. I also accept responsibility for contacting my
supervisor or the campus principal if I have questions or concerns or need further explanation.
Please print this page, sign it and date this receipt, and forward it to the campus secretary.
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Instructional Aide Homeroom Assignments:
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KEYS Academy Duty Schedule
Options High School Duty Schedule
KEYS Academy Bell Schedules
Options High School Bell Schedules
KEYS Academy Master Schedule
Options High School Master Schedule