KEYS Elementary Academy: Contact information: Where students are expected to succeed

KEYS Elementary Academy:
Where students are expected to succeed
Contact information:
Jesse Aguirre
Office: 937-4104
Cristina Chavira/ Felipe Arenas
Assistant Principal
Office: 937-4103/937-4221
Juan Lozano/ Ramon Garcia
KEYS Instructional Specialist
Office: 937-4100
Parent Permission for KEYS Intervention at Home Campus
I ____________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) give permission for
KEYS Elementary personnel to visit with my son/daughter at his/her campus for the
purpose of reinforcing behavioral and academic expectations and interventions
from the date on this document until the end of the academic school year.
Student Information:
Name ____________________________________________
Date of Birth ______________________________________
Home Campus: ____________________________________
Parent or Guardian Information:
Address __________________________________________
Primary Phone Number _____________________________
Secondary Phone Number ___________________________
Parent Signature:________________________________________________________
Date of Consent: _______________________________
Parent Permission for Intervention