Document 17785009

August 31st, 2015
1. Welcome
2. SIT Committee Training by DSC Personnel
Oscar Leza reviewed SIT responsibilities and expectations for the committees. Members Parents
(1), Community Member (1), Business Rep (1), ___________
Policy BQB (Legal)
BOQ (Local)
Roles and Responsibilities: Planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, staff development,
school organization
 Post SIT meeting on marquee or website at least 5 days prior to meeting
 Have an agenda, posted meetings but be careful of information included,
3. EPAC Update-August 20th, 2015
CNA Format (5 Strategies)
Roles and responsibilities of representative
4. Direction 1: Safe and Supportive Learning Environment-Smith
a. Start Time 7:30
b. Dismissal:
c. Buses
Start Time 7:30; Tardy 7:45;
Announcements: 7:40 Instruction Starts: 7:45
*Call Outs to remind and inform the parents of the changes
Request for additional help with the services for the WIN students
Dismissal: 4:30 M-Thurs. Fri 3:30
d. City of Socorro has removed the speed limit signs, but a request has been made to the city
to return to the using the road signs.
5. Direction 2: College and Career Readiness-Macias
a. Agendas: Addition agendas available
Consistency in colors for all classes; communication for students who have a “red” day to
explain reason (email, phone call, detailed information) *Keep documentation of contact
b. Folders: PURPLE folders on back order
6. Direction 3: Highly Qualified, Effective Faculty and Staff-Macias
a. Administrative Assignments: all assigned and staff informed; contact appropriate
administrator with concerns or questions
b. CIP/Grade Level Wish Lists: all wish list have been filled and ordered; Budget cut by
$10, 000 to cover AVID program. (3 year commitment) All Title 1 Funds spent.
c. Constitutional Week 9/14-9/18: Sept. 14th to the 18th: events will be scheduled for the
d. September Planning: Planning days have been assigned; Tutoring for intersession has
been planned; Days: Mon to Thurs 8-12 PM
7. Direction 4: Home and Community Partnerships-Macias
a. 9/3-SHS Open House at 5:00: Dancing Roadrunners will be performing; Class from each
grade level with highest participating will receive a reward.
b. 9/9-Science Fair Information Night at 5:00 for parents 3rd, 4th and 5th (Lower Grades K2nd in May for Campus)
c. 9/10-Literacy Night at 5:00-Dinner will be provided: Materials and projects need to be
sent to Mrs. Burdan
d. 9/12-WIN Field Trip
e. 9/16-Family Night at Burger King from 4:00pm to 7:00 pm/Western Day
f. 9/25-Terrific Kids at 8:30
8. Direction 5: Accountability for All-Macias
a. Field Trips/Fundraising: All funds will be raised by grade levels; Food sales are very
limited; Fall Festival good time to fundraise
School Fundraising Options: Cards Krispy Cream and BOGO Cards: class and student
incentives will be provided.
Tutoring Snacks: Provided by Cafeteria (a roster will be turned in the morning so that
the snacks they can be provided afterschool) Any afterschool clubs or activities will also
be fed.
b. Deadlines: adhere to dates
c. ARDS: bring adequate documentation; no cell phones at meetings.
d. T-Test: New Teacher Evaluation System Next Year (9 Days of training for
Administrators prior to implementation of this new evaluation system)
e. Cognitive Coaching Training:
f. Campus Visits: Varied and numerous dates will be sent out.
9. Grade Level Concerns
Agendas: samples, consistency, management of time to get them done
Role of district personnel when they come into the schools: support of the administrative staff,
Sharing Table still an issue
Starting time and instructional time
2nd Fundraising ( to be determined)