Perspective on Fusion Research, Development Pathways, and Applications Mohamed Abdou Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Applied Science Director, Center for Energy Science and Technology Advanced Research Director, Fusion Science and Technology Center University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) Plenary Lecture at ISEM 2009 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Xi’an, China, September 23, 2009 1 Perspective on Fusion Research, Development Pathways, and Applications OUTLINE • • • • • • • • • Fusion Research Transition to Fusion Science and Engineering DEMO Goal ITER Blanket Principles and Interactions MHD Thermofluid Issues Blanket Types and Issues Blanket Testing in ITER Need for a New Fusion Nuclear Facility Summary of Key Magnetoscience Issues in Magnetic Fusion Energy Systems • Summary 2 2 What is fusion? Two light nuclei combining to form a heavier nuclei (the opposite of nuclear fission). Fusion powers the Sun and Stars. Deuterium mc2 E= 17.6 MeV Tritium Neutron 80% of energy release (14.1 MeV) Used to breed tritium and close the DT fuel cycle Li + n → T + He Li in some form must be used in the fusion system Helium 20% of energy release (3.5 MeV) Illustration from DOE brochure Deuterium and tritium is the easiest, attainable at lower plasma temperature, because it has the largest reaction rate and high Q value. The World Program is focused on the D-T Cycle. 3 077-05/rs 3 Incentives for Developing Fusion Sustainable energy source (for DT cycle: provided that Breeding Blankets are successfully developed and tritium self-sufficiency conditions are satisfied) No emission of Greenhouse or other polluting gases No risk of a severe accident No long-lived radioactive waste Fusion energy can be used to produce electricity and hydrogen, and for desalination. 4 Fusion Research is about to transition from Plasma Physics to Fusion Science and Engineering • 1950-2010 – The Physics of Plasmas • 2010-2035 – The Physics of Fusion – Fusion Plasmas-heated and sustained • Q = (Ef / Einput )~10 • ITER (magnetic fusion) and NIF (inertial fusion) • 2010-2040 ? – Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology for Fusion • > 2050 ? – DEMO by 2050? – Large scale deployment > 2050! 5 The World Fusion Program has a Goal for a Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) by ~2040(?) Plans for DEMO are based on Tokamaks Poloidal Ring Coil Cryostat Coil Gap Rib Panel Blanket Maint. Port Plasma Vacuum Vessel Center Solenoid Coil Toroidal Coil (Illustration is from JAEA DEMO Design) 6 ITER • The World has started construction of the next step in fusion development, a device called ITER. • ITER will demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes. • ITER will produce 500 MW of fusion power. • Cost, including R&D, is ~15 billion dollars. • ITER is a collaborative effort among Europe, Japan, US, Russia, China, South Korea, and India. ITER construction site is Cadarache, France. • ITER will begin operation in hydrogen in ~2019. First D-T Burning Plasma in ITER in ~ 2026. 7 ITER is a reactor-grade tokamak plasma physics experiment - A huge step toward fusion energy Will use D-T and produce neutrons 500MW fusion power, Q=10 Burn times of 400s Reactor scale dimensions Actively cooled PFCs Superconducting magnets ~29 m ~15 m By Comparison, JET ~10 MW ~1 sec Passively Cooled JET ITER 8 Magnet System in Tokamak (e.g. ITER) has 4 sets of coils • 18 Toroidal Field (TF) coils produce the toroidal magnetic field to confine and stabilize the plasma − Superconducting, Nb3Sn/Cu/SS − Max. field: 11.8T • 6 Poloidal Field (PF) coils position and shape the plasma − Superconducting, NbTi/Cu/SS − Max. field: 6T • Central Solenoid (CS) coil induces current in the plasma • 18 Correction coils correct error fields − Superconducting, NbTi/Cu/SS − Max. field < 6T TF coil case provides main structure of the magnet system and machine core − Superconducting, Nb3Sn/Cu/alloy908 −Max. field: 13.5T Stored energy in ITER magnetic field is large ~ 1200 MJ Equivalent to a fully loaded 747 moving at take off speed 265 km/h 9 New Long-Pulse Confinement and Other Facilities Worldwide will Complement ITER Japan (w/EU) China EAST JT-60SA (also LHD) Europe South Korea W7-X (also JT-60SA) India SST-1 ITER Operations: 34% Europe 13% Japan 13% U.S. 10% China 10% India 10% Russia 10% S. Korea KSTAR U.S. Being planned Fusion Nuclear Science &Technology Testing Facility (FNSF/CTF/VNS) The primary functions of the blanket are to provide for: Power Extraction & Tritium Breeding Shield Blanket Vacuum vessel Radiation DT Plasma Neutrons First Wall Tritium breeding zone Coolant for energy extraction Magnets Lithium-containing Liquid metals (Li, PbLi) are strong candidates as breeder/coolant. 11 Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Fusion Power & Fuel Cycle Technology FNST includes the scientific issues and technical disciplines as well as materials, engineering and development of fusion nuclear components: From the edge of Plasma to TF Coils: 1. Blanket Components (includ. FW) 2. Plasma Interactive and High Heat Flux Components (divertor, limiter, rf/PFC element, etc) 3. Vacuum Vessel & Shield Components The location of the Blanket inside the vacuum vessel is necessary but has major consequences: a- many failures (e.g. coolant leak) require immediate shutdown b- repair/replacement take long time 12 All Nuclear Responses (e.g. tritium production and Radiation Damage Parameters) have Steep Gradients in the Blanket 3.0 10-8 103 Damage Rate in Steel Structure per FPY Tritium Production Rate (kg/m 3.s) Radial Distribution of Damage Rate in Steel Structure 2.5 10-8 2.0 10-8 Radial Distribution of Tritium Production in LiPb Breeder 2 Neutron Wall Loading 0.78 MW/m 1.5 10-8 DCLL TBM LiPb/He/FS 90% Li-6 1.0 10-8 5.0 10-9 0 0.0 10 0 Front Channel 10 5 20 102 DCLL TBM LiPb/He/FS 90% Li-6 101 100 dpa/FPY He appm/FPY H appm/FPY Back Channel 15 2 Neutron Wall Loading 0.78 MW/m 25 Radial Distance from FW (cm) Radial variation of tritium production rate in LiPb in the DCLL TBM (Linear Scale) 30 10-1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Depth in Blanket (cm) Radial variation of damage parameters in the ferritic steel structure of the DCLL TBM (Log-Scale) 14 Fusion environment is unique and complex: multi-component fields with gradients •Neutron and Gamma fluxes •Particle fluxes •Heat sources (magnitude and gradient) – Surface (from plasma radiation) – Bulk (from neutrons and gammas) • Magnetic Field (3-component) – Steady field – Time varying field • With gradients in magnitude and direction Plasma Width B 0 (for ST) BT Inner Edge Bp Outer Edge R Multi-function blanket in multi-component field environment leads to: - Multi-Physics, Multi-Scale Phenomena Rich Science to Study 15 - Synergistic effects that cannot be anticipated from simulations & separate effects tests. Modeling and Experiments are challenging. Challenging Fusion Nuclear Science & Technology Issues 1. Tritium Supply & Tritium Self-Sufficiency 2. High Power Density 3. High Temperature 4. MHD for Liquid Breeders / Coolants 5. Tritium Control (Extraction and Permeation) 6. Reliability / Maintainability / Availability 7. Testing in Fusion Facilities 16 Flows of electrically conducting coolants will experience complicated MHD effects in the magnetic fusion environment 3-component magnetic field and complex geometry – Motion of a conductor in a magnetic field produces an EMF that can induce current in the liquid. This must be added to Ohm’s law: j (E V B ) – Any induced current in the liquid results in an additional body force in the liquid that usually opposes the motion. This body force must be included in the Navier-Stokes equation of motion: V 1 1 (V )V p 2 V g j B t – For liquid metal coolant, this body force can have dramatic impact on the flow: e.g. enormous MHD drag, highly distorted velocity profiles, non-uniform flow distribution, modified or suppressed turbulent fluctuations. Dominant impact on LM design. Challenging Numerical/Computational/Experimental Issues 17 MHD Characteristics of Fusion Liquid Breeder Blanket Systems 18 A perfectly insulated “WALL” can solve the problem, but is it practical? Self-Cooled liquid Metal Blankets are NOT feasible now because of MHD Pressure Drop. Conducting walls Insulated walls Lines of current enter the low resistance wall – leads to very high induced current and high pressure drop 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 All current must close in the liquid near the wall – net drag from jxB force is zero -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1 -1 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Net JxB body force p = VB2 tw w/a - For high magnetic field and high speed (self-cooled LM concepts in inboard region) the pressure drop is large - The resulting stresses on the wall exceed the allowable stress for candidate structural materials • - • -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Perfect insulators make the net MHD body force zero But insulator coating crack tolerance is very low (~10-7). – • -0.8 It appears impossible to develop practical insulators under fusion environment conditions with large temperature, stress, and radiation gradients Self-healing coatings have been proposed but none has yet been found (research is on-going) 19 Impact of MHD and no practical Insulators: No self-cooled blanket option Separately-cooled LM Blanket Example: PbLi Breeder / Helium Coolant with RAFM Module box EU mainline blanket design (container & surface All energy removed by separate heat flux extraction) Helium coolant The idea is to avoid MHD issues But, PbLi must still be circulated to extract tritium Breeder cooling unit (heat extraction from PbLi) ISSUES: – Low velocity of PbLi leads to high tritium partial pressure, which leads to tritium permeation (Serious Problem) – Tout limited by PbLi compatibility with RAFM steel structure ~ 470 C (and also by limit on Ferritic, ~550 C) Possible MHD Issues : – MHD pressure drop in the inlet manifolds – B- Effect of MHD buoyancy-driven flows on tritium transport Stiffening structure Drawbacks: Tritium Permeation and limited thermal efficiency (resistance to accidental in-box pressurization i.e He leakage) He collector system (back) 20 Pathway Toward Higher Temperature through Innovative Designs with Current Structural Material (Ferritic Steel): Dual Coolant Lead-Lithium (DCLL) FW/Blanket Concept First wall and ferritic steel structure cooled with helium Breeding zone is self-cooled Structure and Breeding zone are separated by SiCf/SiC composite flow channel inserts (FCIs) that: Provide thermal insulation to decouple PbLi bulk flow temperature from ferritic steel wall Provide electrical insulation to reduce MHD pressure drop in the flowing breeding zone DCLL Typical Unit Cell FCI does not serve structural function Pb-17Li exit temperature can be significantly higher than the operating temperature of the steel structure High Efficiency 21 High pressure drop is only one of the MHD issues for LM blankets; MHD heat and mass transfer are also of great importance! Instabilities and 3D MHD effects in complex detailed geometry and configuration with magnetic and nuclear fields gradients have major impact: FCI overlap gaps act as conducting breaks in FCI insulation • Unbalanced pressure drops (e.g. from insulator cracks) leading to flow control and channel stagnation issues • Unique MHD velocity profiles and instabilities affecting transport of mass and energy. Accurate Prediction of MHD Heat &Mass Transfer is essential to addressing important issues such as: • thermal stresses, • temperature limits, • failure modes for structural and functional materials, • thermal efficiency, and • tritium permeation. and hence disturb current flow and velocity, and redistribute energy Courtesy of Munipalli et al. (Ha=1000; Re=1000; =5 S/m, cross-sectional dimension expanded 10x) 077-05/rs 22 Buoyancy effects in DCLL blanket DCLL DEMO blanket, US Exp(r ) q(r ) qmax a 2 qmax and associated T ~ 103 K k Caused by Can be 2-3 times stronger than forced flows. Forced flow: 10 cm/s. Buoyant flow: 25-30 cm/s. exp{ r} q(r ) ~ qmax In buoyancy-assisted (upward) flows, buoyancy effects may play a positive role due to the velocity jet near the “hot” wall, reducing the FCI T. In buoyancy-opposed (downward) flows, the effect may be negative due to recirculation flows. Effect on the interface T, FCI T, heat losses, tritium transport. Vorticity distribution in the buoyancy-assisted (upward) poloidal flow 23 Corrosion Is A Serious Issue For LM Blankets • At present, the interface temperature between PbLi and Ferritic Steel (FS) is limited to < 470 C because of corrosion. – This is very restrictive and does not allow higher temperature operation with FS or advanced ODS. • Data available are from corrosion experiments with no magnetic field. They are static or dynamic. – Results show strong dependence on temperature and on the velocity of PbLi. – Therefore, corrosion should be expected to experience MHD effects due to sharp changes in the velocity and temperature profiles. – There is experimental evidence of the effect of magnetic field. • Criteria for determining the allowable interface temperature : a) Thinning of the walls (in the “hot” section) due to corrosion b) Deposition of the corrosion products transported in the heat transport loop to the Heat Exchanger (“cold” section) causing radioactive “CRUD” that hampers HX maintenance. c) Corrosion products deposition in the “cold” section causing clogging small orifices, valves, etc. Usually the criterion c) is applied with the assumption, that the corrosion rate has to be limited to 20 micron/year in order to avoid clogging. This leads to an allowable interface temperature of ~ 470 C as measured in experiments with turbulent flow without magnetic fields • Experiments with sodium loops have shown that deposits in the "cold" sections is more limiting than thinning of the "hot" walls. Hence, in addition to corrosion rates, it is important to predict the behavior of the corrosion products in the entire heat transport loop, particularly “deposition”. 24 Experiments in Riga (funded by Euratom) Show Strong Effect of the Magnetic Field on Corrosion (Results for PbLi in Ferritic Steel) Macrostructure of the washed samples after contact with the PbLi flow B=0 T B=1.8 T From: F. Muktepavela et al. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD ACTION ON THE CORROSION OF RAFM STEELS IN Pb17Li MELT FLOWS, PAMIR 7, 2008 Strong experimental evidence of significant effect of the applied magnetic field on corrosion rate. The underlying physical mechanism has not been fully understood yet. 25 Need R&D on Corrosion: Modelling and Experiments in MHD Flows Relevant to the Fusion System Environment • Corrosion includes many physical mechanisms that are currently not well understood (dissolution of the metals in the liquid phase, chemical reactions of dissolved non-metallic impurities with solid material, transfer of corrosion products due to convection and thermal and concentration gradients, etc.). • • We need to better understand corrosion process, including transport and deposition. We need new models that can predict corrosion rates and transport and deposition of corrosion products throughout the heat transport system. – These models need to account for MHD velocity profiles and heat transfer in the blanket and the temperature gradients and complex geometry in the entire heat transport systems. • More comprehensive experiments are needed: – Need to simulate MHD velocity profiles – Need to simulate the temperature field and temperature gradients in the “hot” and “cold” sections. – Better instrumentation. • • R&D to develop corrosion resistant “barriers” will have high pay off. Highest interest is in PbLi systems with both ferritic steel and SiC (FCI). 26 Illustration of Coupling between MHD and heat and mass transfer in blanket flows MHD Flow Heat Transfer Convection He Bubbles formation and their transport Mass Transfer Buoyanoydriven flows Diffusion Dissolution, convection, and diffusion through the liquid Tritium transport Dissolution and diffusion through the solid Tritium Permeation Corrosion Transport of corrosion products Deposition and aggregation Interfacial phenomena Coupling through the source / sink term, boundary conditions, and transport coefficients 27 Testing Blankets in the fusion environment is Necessary: Combined effects of Radiation, Surface Heat flux, Nuclear Heating & gradients, Magnetic field & gradients, etc can be reproduced only in a fusion facility. Example: MHD flow & FCI behavior are highly coupled in a complex fusion environment. PbLi flow is strongly influenced by MHD interaction with plasma confinement field and buoyancy-driven convection driven by spatially non-uniform volumetric nuclear heating. This MHD flow and convective heat transport processes determine the temperature and thermal stress of SiC FCI. The FCI temperature and thermal stress coupled with early-life radiation damage effects in ceramics affect deformation, cracking, and properties of the FCI. Courtesy of S. Smolentsev FCI temperature, stress and deformation Cracking and movement of the FCIs will strongly influence MHD flow behavior by opening up new conduction paths that change electric current profiles. Resulting temperature field also strongly couples to phenomena such as tritium transport and permeation, and corrosion. 28 28 077-05/rs 28 The issue of external tritium supply is serious and has major implications on FNST (and Fusion) Development Pathway Tritium Consumption in Fusion is HUGE! Unprecedented! 55.6 kg per 1000 MW fusion power per year Production in fission is much smaller & Cost is very high: Fission reactors: 2–3 kg/year $84M-$130M/kg (per DOE Inspector General*) Tritium decays at 5.47% per year CANDU Supply w/o Fusion * CANDU Reactors: 27 kg from over 40 years, $30M/kg (current) Tritium Decays at 5.47% per year • A Successful ITER will exhaust most of the world supply of tritium. Delays in ITER schedule makes it worse. • No DT fusion devices with fusion power >50 MW, other than ITER, can be operated without a verified breeding blanket technology. • Development of breeding blanket technology must be in small fusion power devices. With ITER: 2016 1st Plasma, 4 yr. HH/DD Two Issues In Building A DEMO: 1 – Need Initial (startup) inventory of >10 Kg per DEMO (How many DEMOS will the world build? And where will startup tritium come from?) 2 – Need Verified Breeding Blanket Technology to install on DEMO 29 Science-Based Framework for FNST R&D involves modeling and experiments in non-fusion and fusion facilities Theory/Modeling/Data Basic Separate Effects Property Measurement Multiple Interactions Design Codes Partially Integrated Phenomena Exploration Integrated Component •Fusion Env. Exploration Design Verification & •Concept Screening •Performance Verification Reliability Data Non-Fusion Facilities (non neutron test stands, fission reactors and accelerator-based neutron sources) Testing in Fusion Facilities • Experiments in non-fusion facilities are essential and are prerequisites to testing in fusion facilities. • Testing in Fusion Facilities is NECESSARY to uncover new phenomena, validate the science, establish engineering feasibility, and develop components. 30 Three Stages of FNST Testing in Fusion Facilities Are Required Prior to DEMO Component Engineering Development & Reliability Growth Fusion “Break-in” & Scientific Exploration Engineering Feasibility & Performance Verification Stage I Stage II Stage III 1 - 3 MW-y/m2 > 4 - 6 MW-y/m2 0.1 - 0.3 MW-y/m2 0.5 MW/m2, burn > 200 s Sub-Modules/Modules • Initial exploration of coupled phenomena in fusion environment • Screen and narrow blanket design concepts 1-2 MW/m2 steady state or long burn COT ~ 1-2 weeks D E M O 1-2 MW/m2 steady state or long burn COT ~ 1-2 weeks Modules Modules/Sectors • Establish engineering feasibility • Failure modes, effects, and rates and mean time to replace/fix components of blankets (satisfy basic (for random failures and planned outage) functions & performance, up to 10 to 20 % of lifetime) • Iterative design / test / fail / analyze / • Select 2 or 3 concepts for further improve programs aimed at reliability growth and safety development • Verify design and predict availability of FNT components in DEMO Where to do Stages I, II, and III? 31 ITER Provides Substantial Hardware Capabilities for Testing of Blanket Systems TBM System (TBM + T-Extraction, Heat Transport/Exchange…) • ITER has allocated 3 equatorial ports (1.75 x 2.2 m2) for TBM testing • Each port can accommodate only 2 modules (i.e. 6 TBMs max) Bio-shield He pipes to TCWS A PbLi loop Transporter located in the Port Cell Area 2.2 m Equatorial Port Plug Assy. Vacuum Vessel TBM Assy Fluence in ITER is limited to 0.3 MW-y/m2. ITER can only do Stage I. ITER TBM is the most effective and least expensive to do Stage I. But we need another facility for Stages II & III. Port Frame 32 Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) • The idea of FNSF (also called VNS, CTF) is to build a small size, low fusion power DT plasma-based device in which Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) experiments can be performed in the relevant fusion environment: 1- at the smallest possible scale, cost, and risk, and 2- with practical strategy for solving the tritium consumption and supply issues for FNST development. In MFE: small-size, low fusion power can be obtained in a low-Q (driven) plasma device, with normal conducting Cu magnets - Equivalent in IFE: reduced target yield (and smaller chamber radius?) • There are at least TWO classes of Design Options for FNSF: - Tokamak with Standard Aspect Ratio, A ~ 2.8 - 4 - ST with Small Aspect Ratio, A ~ 1.5 33 Example of Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) Device Design Option: Standard Aspect Ratio (A=3.5) with demountable TF coils (GA design) • High elongation, high triangularity double null plasma shape for high gain, steady- Challenges for Material/Magnet Researchers: state plasma • Development of practical “demountable” joint in Normal Cu Magnets operation • Development of Inorganic Insulators (to reduce inboard shield and size of device) Another Option for FNSF Design: Small Aspect Ratio (ST) Smallest power and size, Cu TF magnet, Center Post (Example from Peng et al, ORNL) R=1.2m, A=1.5, Kappa=3, Pfusion=75MW WL [MW/m2] R0 [m] 1.20 A 1.50 Kappa 3.07 Qcyl 4.6 Bt [T] 1.13 Ip [MA] 3.4 3.7 2.0 3.0 2.18 8.2 3.8 Beta_N 10.1 5.9 Beta_T 0.14 0.18 0.28 ne [1020/m3] 0.43 1.05 1.28 fBS 0.58 0.49 0.50 Tavgi [keV] 5.4 10.3 13.3 Tavge [keV] 3.1 6.8 8.1 1.5 HH98 0.50 2.5 3.5 Paux-CD [MW] 15 31 43 ENB [keV] 100 239 294 PFusion [MW] 7.5 75 150 Q T M height [m] 1.64 T M area [m2] 14 Blanket A [m2] 66 Fn-capture ST-VNS Goals, Features, Issues, FNST Mtg, UCLA, 8/12-14/08 1.0 0.1 0.76 35 Lessons learned: The most challenging problems in FNST are at the INTERFACES • Examples: – MHD insulators – Thermal insulators – Corrosion (liquid/structure interface temperature limit) – Tritium permeation • Research on these interfaces must integrate the many technical disciplines of fluid dynamics, heat transfer, mass transfer, thermodynamics and material properties in the presence of the multicomponent fusion environment. • Modeling and Experiments should progress from single effects to multiple effects in laboratory facilities and then to integrated tests in the fusion environment. Research must be done jointly by blanket and materials researchers. 36 MHD effects can strongly influence behavior of melted layers on PFCs during off-normal plasma events like disruptions Melt layers can be generated when large radiation or particle flux is incident on metal walls Removal of melt layers is a large concern for the lifetime of metal walls MHD effects will result from: – Induced currents in the melt • Halo currents closing from plasma edge • Inductive coupling to plasma current • Thermoelectric currents – Induced motion in the melt • Momentum flux from plasma (plasma wind) • Thermo-capillary motion MHD effects will influence instability development time and potential for melt layer removal, and impact convection of heat and melt layer duration (Courtesy A. Hassanien, Purdue) 077-05/rs 37 Summary • Fusion is the most promising long-term energy option. – renewable fuel, no emission of greenhouse gases, inherent safety • 7 nations are about to construct ITER to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy. – ITER will have first DT plasma in ~2026 • The most challenging Phase of Fusion development still lies ahead. It is the development of Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST). – ITER, limited fluence, addresses only initial Stage of FNST testing – A Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) is required to develop FNST. – FNSF must be small size, small power DT, driven plasma with Cu magnets • Magnets and magnetic field interactions are a major part of the magnetic fusion energy system – Superconducting magnets are used in ITER and essential for Power Reactors, but Normal Cu magnets with special joints and features are needed for FNSF. – LM Blankets are most promising, but their potential is limited by MHD effects. Innovative concepts must continue to be proposed and investigated. 38