Ethical Theories Presentation LP 5 Scoring Guide 1 Rating Scale High Points Excellent; criterion is fully addressed; criterion is understood by lay audience Mid-Points Satisfactory; criterion is met but minor errors or omissions exist; occasionally unclear to learners Low Points Needs improvement; criterion is attempted but major errors or omissions exist; used language that was generally not well understood by peers 0 Points Unacceptable or not found Scoring Guide 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Criteria You focus solely on your assigned ethical theory. You summarize your ethical theory. You explain the contributions of at least one individual (two when possible) who have influenced the development of the ethical theory. You examine at least two criticisms of the theory. You apply the theory to a current ethical dilemma. You pose at least two (preferably three) review questions for discussion. CORE ABILITIES (Communicate Clearly) You produce readable, concise slides: Student names on 1st - slides are written in at least 24 font -each slide must have a heading reflecting a criterion in sequential order - you use varying slide lay-outs - you limit words to 15-20 per slide - you use succinct phrases vs. sentences - you use bulleted points and limit each bullet to words - you use easy-to-view color combinations - you use high-quality photo images - you use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You use at least four sources (one of which may be your text). You document information by copying URL or Weston page number into "Notes View" on every slide where you use source information. Use APA reference You develop a minimum of 15 slides. During presentation to class: - you fill in information not provided on slides (in short, you "talk" to us) - you design slides to supplement, not be, your presentation - you use language understandable to your classmates TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE TOTAL POINTS EARNED Name _________________________________________ Date ____________ Evaluator's Signature _________________________________ Date ____________ Comments: Ratings Yes Revise Project 10 8 4 0 10 8 4 0 10 10 8 4 8 4 5 0 0 0 20 15 8 0 5 0 10 8 4 0 5 0 15 8 0 20 105