❊❧❡❝ ♦♥✐❝ ❈♦❧❧♦ ✉✐✉♠ ♦♥ ❈♦♠♣✉ ❛ ✐♦♥❛❧ ❈♦♠♣❧❡①✐ ②✱ |❡♣ ♦ ◆♦✳ ✶✻✵ ✭✷✵✶✵✮ On Approximating the Entropy of Polynomial Mappings Dan Gutfreundy Octob er 28, 2010 Z e e v Guy N. Rothblumz Salil Vadhanx D v i r Abstract We investigate the complexity of the following computational problem: nPolynomial Entropy Approximation (PEA): Given a low-degree polynomial mapping p: F!F, where F is a nite eld, approximate the output entropy H(p(U n)), where Unmis the uniform distribution on Fnand H may be any of several entropy measures. n !Fm 2 over F2 : 9) is complete for SZKPL L n We show: Approximating the Shannon entropy of degree 3 polynomials p: Fn 2 m and homogeneous quadratic polynomials p: F !F n d to within an additive constant (or even n, the class zero-knowledge proofs where the honest veri er an logarithmic space. (SZKPcontains most of the natu class SZKP.) !Fm 2 n 2S n y z x u p p o r t e d b y N S F g r a n t C N S 0 8 3 1 2 8 9 . (for xed dand large k). n ~. salil@seas.harvard.edu. ISSN 1433-8092 s a l i l For prime elds F 6= F2 , there is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that distinguishes the case that p(U) has entropy smaller than kfrom the case that p(U) has min-entropy (or even Renyi entropy) greater than (2 + o(1))k. , there is a polynomial-time algorithm that distinguishes the case that p(U) has max-entropy smaller than k(where the max-entropy of a random variable is th For degree of its support size) from the case that p(U) has max-entropy at least (1 + o(1)) dpolynomials p: F Keywords: cryptography, computational complexity, algebra, entropy, statistic knowledge, randomized encodings Center for Computational Intractability and Department of Computer Science, Princeton Univer Princeton, NJ, USA. zeev.dvir@gmail.com. Partially supported by NSF grant CCF-0832797. IBM Research, Haifa, Israel. danny.gutfreund@gmail.com. Part of this research was done whil Harvard University and supported by ONR grant N00014-04-1-0478 and NSF grant CNS-0430336. Center for Computational Intractability and Department of Computer Science, Princeton Univer Princeton, NJ, USA. rothblum@alum.mit.edu. Supported by NSF Grants CCF-0635297, CCF-0832 and by a Computing Innovation Fellowship. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences & Center for Research on Computation and Socie University, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. http://seas.harvard.edu/ 1 1 Introduction We consider the following computational problem: Polynomial Ent ropy Approximation (PEA): Given a low-degree polynomial mapn !Fm !Fm, where F is a nite eld, approximate the o n i 1 )), where Uis the uniform distribution on F. In this paper, we present some p basic results on the complexity of PEA, and suggest that a better ing p: Fn understanding might have signi cant impact in computational complexity and the foundations of cryptography. Note that PEA has a number of parameters that can be varied: the degree dof the polynomial mapping, the size of the nite eld F , the quality of approximation (eg multiplicative or additive), and the measure of entropy (eg Shannon entropy or min-entropy). Here we are primarily interested in the case where the degree dis bounded by a xed constant (such as 2 or 3), and the main growing parameters are nand m. Note that in this case, the polynomial can be speci ed explicitly by m poly(n) coe cients, and thus \polynomial time" means poly(m;n;logjF j).Previous results yield polynomial-time algorithms for PEA in two special cases: Exact Computation for Degree 1: For polynomials p: Fm nof degree at most 1, we can write p(x) = Ax+ bfor A2Fand b2Fn. Then p(Un) is uniformly distributed on the a ne subspace Image(A)+b, and thus has entropy exactly logjImage(A)j= rank(A) logjF j. Multiplicative Approximation over Large Fields: In their work on randomness extractors for polynomial sources, Dvir, Gabizon, and Wigderson [DGW] related the entropy of p(U) to the rank of the Jacobian matrix J(p), whose (i;j)’th entry is the partial derivative @pin=@x, where pis the i’th component of p. Speci cally, they showed that the min-entropy of (p(Unj1;:::;xn)) is essentially within a (1 + o(1))-multiplicative factor of rank(J(p)) logjF j, where the rank is computed over the polynomial ring F [x]. This tight approximation holds over prime elds of size exponential in n. Over elds that are only mildly large (say, polynomial in n) the rank of the Jacobian still gives a one-sided approximation to the entropy. 2In this on problem is at least as hard as Graph Isomorphism, Quadrati c Residuosity , the Discrete paper, we Logarithm , and the approximate Closest Vector Problem, as the known statistical zero-knowledge study PEAproofs for these problems [GMR, GMW, GK, GG] have veri ers and simulators that can be for computed in logarithmic space. polynomials Theorem 1.1 is proven by combining the reductions for known SZKP-complete problems [SV, of low GV] with the randomized encodings developed by Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz in their work degree See Sections 3 and 4 for the formal de nitions of the notions involved and the formal statement of the theorem. (namely 2 and 3) over1 small elds (especially the eld Fof two elements). Our rst result characterize s the complexity of achieving good additive approximati on: Theorem 1.1 (informal). The problem PEA+ Fof approximati ng the Shannon entropy of degree 3 polynomials p: Fn 2!Fm 22;3to within an additive constant (or even n:9) is complete for SZKPL1, the class of problems having statistical zero-knowle dge proofs where the honest veri er and its simulator are computable in logarithmic space (with two-way access to the input, coin tosses, and transcript). In particular, the output entropy approximati 0on cryptography in NC[IK, AIK]. Moreover, the techniques in the proof can also be applied to the speci c natural complete problems mentioned above, and most of these each reduce to special cases of PEA+ F2;3that may be easier to solve (e.g. ones where the output distribution is uniform on its support, and hence all entropy measures coincide). The completeness of PEA+ raises several intriguing (albeit speculative) F2;3 possibilities: Combinatorial or Number-Theoretic Complete Problems for SZKP: Ever since the rst identi cation of complete problems for SZKP (standard statistical zero knowledge, with veri ers and simulators that run in polynomial time rather than logarithmic space) [SV], it has been an open problem to nd combinatorial or number-theoretic complete problems. Previously, all of the complete problems for SZKP and other zero-knowledge classes (e.g. [SV, DDPY, GV, GSV2, BG, Vad, Mal, CCKV]) refer to estimating statistical properties of arbitrary e ciently samplable distributions (namely, distributions sampled by boolean circuits). Moving from a general model of computation (boolean circuits) to a simpler, more structured model (degree 3 polynomials) is a natural rst step to nding other complete problems, similarly to how the reduction from CircuitSAT to 3-SAT is the rst step towards obtaining the wide array of known NP-completeness results. (In fact we can also obtain a complete problem for SZKPLLwhere each output bit of p: Fn 2m 2 !F depends on at most 4 input bits, making the analogy to 3-SAT even stronger.) Cryptography Based on the Worst-case Hardness of SZKPL 2 We observe that these obstacles for NP do not apply to SZKP or SZKP L L Our new complete problem for SZKPL + F2;3 + F2;3 L 2 2 : It is a long-standing open problem whether cryptography can be based on the worst-case hardness of NP. That is, can we show that NP 6 BPPimplies the existence of one-way functions? A positive answer would yield cryptographic protocols for which we can have much greater con dence in their security than any schemes in use today, as e cient algorithms for all of NPseems much more unlikely than an e cient algorithm for any of the speci c problems underlying present-day cryptographic protocols (such as Factoring ). Some hope was given in the breakthrough work of Ajtai [Ajt], who showed that the worst-case hardness of an approximate version of the Shortest Vector Problem implies the existence of one-way functions (and in fact, collision-resistant hash functions). Unfortunately, it was shown that this problem is unlikely to be NP-hard [GG, AR, MX]. In fact, there are more general results, showing that there cannot be (nonadaptive, black-box) reductions from breaking a one-way function to solving any NP-complete problem (assuming NP 6 coAM) [FF, BT, AGGM].L, as these classes are already contained in AM \coAM [For, AH]. Moreover, being able to base cryptography on the hardness of SZKP or SZKPwould also provide cryptographic protocols with a much stronger basis for security than we have at present | these protocols would be secure if any of the variety of natural problems in SZKPare worst-case hard (e.g. Quadrat ic Resid uosity , Graph Isomorphism, Discrete Logarithm , the approximate Shortest Vector Problem). provides natural approaches to basing cryptography on SZKP-hardness. First, we can try to reduce PEAto the approximate Shortest Vector Problem, which would su ce by the aforementioned result of Ajtai [Ajt]. Alternatively, we can try to exploit the algebraic structure in PEAto give a worst-case/average-case reduction for it (i.e. reduce arbitrary instances to random ones). This would show that if SZKPis worst-case hard, then it is also average-case hard. Unlike NP, the average-case hardness of SZKP is known to imply Or NP 6 i:o:BPP, where i:o:BPP is the class of problems that can be solved in probabilistic polynomial time for in nitely many input lengths. the existence of one-way functions by a result of Ostrovsky [Ost], and in fact yields even stronger cryptographic primitives such as constant-round statistically hiding commitment schemes [OV, RV]. New Algorithms for SZKPLProblems: On the ip side, the new complete problem may be used to show that problems in SZKPLare easier than previously believed, by designing new algorithms for PEA. As mentioned above, nontrivial polynomial-time algorithms have been given in some cases via algebraic characterizations of the entropy of low-degree polynomials (namely, the Jacobian rank) [DGW]. This motivates the search for tighter and more general algebraic characterizations of the output entropy, which could be exploited for algorithms or for worstcase/average-case connections. In particular, this would be a very di erent way of trying to solve problems like Graph Isomorphism and Quadratic Resi duosity than previous attempts. One may also try to exploit the complete problem to give a quantum algorithm for SZKPmn. Aharonov and Ta-Shma [AT] showed that all of SZKP would have polynomial-time quantum algorithms if we could solve the Quantum State Generation (QSG ) problem: given a boolean circuit C: f0;1g!f0;1g, construct the quantum state PxLjC(x)i. Using our new complete problem, if we can solve QSG even in the special case that Cis a degree 3 polynomial over F, we would get quantum algorithms for all of SZKPL2(including Graph Isomorphism and the approximate Shortest Vector Probl em, which are well-known challenges for quantum computing). While each of these potential applications may be remote possibilities, we feel that they are important enough that any plausible approach is worth examining. 2Our Algorithmic Results. Motivated by the above, we initiate a search for algorithms and algebraic characterizations of the entropy of low-degree polynomials over small nite elds (such as F), and give the following partial results: For degree d(multilinear) polynomials p: Fn 2!Fm 22[x1;:::;xn]) does not provide better than a 2d1, the rank of the Jacobian J(p) (over Fo(1) multiplicative approximation to the entropy H(p(U)). Indeed, the polynomial mapping p(x1n;:::;xn;y1;:::;yd1) = (x1y1y2 yd1;x2y1y2 yd1;:::;xny1y2 y) has Jacobian rank nbut output entropy smaller than n=2d12+ 1. For prime elds F 6= Fand homogeneous quadratic polynomials p: Fn!Fmd1, there is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that distinguishes the case that p(U) has entropy smaller than kfrom the case that p(Unn) has min-entropy (or even Renyi entropy) greater than (2 + o(1))k. This algorithm is based on a new formula for the Renyi entropy of p(Un) in terms of the rank of random directional derivatives of p. !Fm 2 2F2[x1;:::;xn n n 2-span of the p’s components p1;:::;pm d in the SZKPL + ;3), F recall that many of the natural problems in SZKPL For degree dpolynomials p: Fn , there is a polynomial-time algorithm that distinguishes the case that p(U) has m smaller than k(where the max-entropy of a random variable is the logarithm of i from the case that p(U) has max-entropy at least (1 + o(1)) k(for xed dand larg algorithm is based on relating the maxentropy to the dimension of the F]. While involve entropy measures other than Shannon entropy (which is what is used -complete problem PEA 2 reduce to special cases where we can bound other entropy measures such as max-entropy or Renyi entropy. See Section 4.4. 3 2 2 Preliminaries and Notations defFor two discrete random variables X;Y taking values in S, their statistical di erence is de ned to be (X;Y)= maxT SdefjPr[X2S]Pr[Y 2S]j. We say that Xand Y are "-close if (X;Y) ". The collision probability of Xis de ned to be cp(X)x2Pr[X= x]= Pr[X= X0], where X0 is an iid copy of X. The support of Xis Supp(X) def= P For a function f: Sn !T m, we write fi : Sn nq l 1 x o P 2 def S g r n t i mq i Min-entropy: Hmin [ X = x ] i). = fx2S: Pr[X= x] >0g. Xis at if it is uniform on its support. !T for the i’th component of f. When Sis clear from context, we write Uto denote the uniform distribution on S) for the output distribution of fwhen evaluated on a uniformly chosen element of S. The support of fis de ned to be Supp(f)= Supp(f(U)) = Image(f). For a prime power q= p, Fdenotes the (unique) nite eld of size q. For a mapping P: F, we say that Pis a polynomial mapping if each P7! Fis a polynomial (in nvariables). The degree of Pis deg(P) = maxdeg(P Notions of Entropy. Throughout this work we consider several di erent notions of entropy, or the \amount of randomness" in a random variable. The standard notions of Shannon Entropy, Renyi Entropy, and Min-Entropy are three such notions. We also consider the (log) support size, or maximum entropy, as a (relaxed) measure of randomness. De nition 2.1. For a random variable X taking values in a set S, we consider the following notions of entropy: (X) def= min Renyi entropy: H Renyi (X) def= 1 Ex R X[Pr[X= = log 1 cp( . x]] X) log Shannon-entropy: H Shannon(X) def= R X h 1 Pr[X= i x] Ex log . Max-entropy: Hmax (X) def= logjSupp(X)j. (All logarithms are base 2 except when otherwise noted.) These notions of entropy are indeed increasingly relaxed, as shown in the following claim: Claim 2.2. For every random variable Xit holds that . n, and f(Un n nq 0 Hmin(X) HRenyi(X) HShannon(X) Hmax(X): Moreover, if Xis at, all of the entropy measures are equal to logjSupp(X)j. 3 Entropy Di erence and Polynomial Entropy Di erence In this section we de ne the Entropy Di fference and Polynomial Entropy Difference problems, which are the focus of this work. 4 Entropy Di erence Promise Problems. The promise problem Entropy Difference (ED) deals with distinguishing an entropy gap between two random variables represented as explicit mappings, computed by circuits or polynomials, and evaluated on a uniformly random input. In this work, we consider various limitations on these mappings both in terms of their computational complexity and their degree (when viewed as polynomials). In what follows Cwill be a concrete computational model, namely every c2Ccomputes a function with nite domain and range. Examples relevant to this paper include: m!f0;1g !Fm uEnt ;‘Ent ;gap C of all degree dpolynomials p: Fn l Ent l Ent u Ent(Q)g; Hu Ent l Ent YES = f(p;q) : Hu Ent YES = f(p;q) : Hu Ent l Entc( P) l Entc(Q) YES = f(p;q) : Hu Ent The class Circ of all boolean circuits C: f0;1gn (the concrete model corresponding to polynomial time). m The class BP of all branching programs C: f0;1g (the concrete model corresponding to logarithmic space) . The promise problem ED [GV] is de ned over pairs of random variables repres mappings The class polynomialsF ;dcomputed by boolean circuits, where the random variables are the outputs of the cir evaluated on uniformly chosen inputs. The problem is to determine which of the two variables has more Shannon entropy, with a promise that there is an additive gap b two entropies of at least 1. We generalize this promise problem to deal with di erent entropies, entropy gaps, and the complexity of the mappings which represent the ra variables. De nition 3.1 (Generalized Entropy Di erence). The promise problem ED, is de ned entropy measures uEnt and ‘Ent from the set fMin ;Renyi ;Shannon ;Max g, an entr which can be +c, cor exp(c) for some constant c>0, refering to additive, multiplicati exponential gaps in the problem’s promise, and a concrete computational model C. mappings p;q2C, the random variables Pand Qare (respectively) the evaluation of t pand qon a uniformly random input. The Yes and No instances are, for additive gap (P) H (Q) + cg;NO = f(p;q) : Hl Ent(P) + c Hu Ent(Q)g; for multiplicative gap = c(for c>1) (Q) c>0g;NO = f(p;q) : H (P) c H (Q)g; (P) H and for exponential gap = exp(c) >1g;NO = f(p;q) : H (P) H We always require that uEnt is more stringent than ‘Ent in that Hu Ent(X) Hl Ent(X) for all random variables X. (This ensures that the YES and NO instances do not intersect.) If we do not explicitly set the di erent parameters, then the default entropy type for uEnt and ‘Ent is Shannon , the default gap is an additive gap = +1, and the class Cis Circ . Note that, by Claim 2.2, with all other parameters being equal - the more relaxed the entropy notion uEnt is, the easier the problem becomes. Similarly, the more stringent the entropy notion ‘Ent is, the easier the problem becomes. 5 0 uEnt ;‘Ent ; cF ;d0 0=((cc p r o v i d e d d t t c )k). We may assume that kis bounded below by a constant, because the Schwartz{Zippel Lemma (cf. Lemma 5.10), implies that a nonconstant polynomial mapping of degree dmust have min-entropy at least log((1=(1 jF j))), which is constant for xed F and d. So for a su ciently large constant t, (p;dtke) is a YES instance of PEA. NO instances can be analyzed similarly, and thus we can apply the above reduction for integer thresholds. 4 Hardness of Polynomial Entropy Differen ce In this section we present evidence that even when we restrict PED to low degree polynomial mappings, and even when we work with relaxed notions of entropy, the problem remains hard. This is done rst by using the machinery of randomizing polynomials [IK, AIK] to reduce ED for rich complexity classes (such as log space) to PED (section 4.1). We then argue the hardness of ED for log-space computations, rst via the problem’s completeness for a rich complexity class (a large subclass of SZKP), and then via reductions from speci c well-studied hard problems. 4.1 Randomized Encodings We recall the notion of randomized encodings that was developed by Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz [IK, AIK]. Informally, a randomized encoding of a function fis a randomized function gsuch that the (randomized) output g(x) determines f(x), but reveals no other information about x. We need the perfect variant of this notion, which we now formally de ne. (We comment that [IK, AIK] use di erent, more cryptographic, terminology to describe some of the properties below). 0 !f0;1g‘ 0), Supp( ^ f(x;Um f: f0;1gn 2f0;1gn 0 f(x;Um) and ^ f(x0;Um 0 n ^ f(x0;Um)) = ;. Uniform: for every x2f0;1gn 0 be a function and let ^ f: f0;1gn n y n ))j= jSupp( ^ f(x0;Um s n sfz2f0;1g ! f 0 ; 1 g j S u p p ( m) is un f(x;U ^ f ( x ; U m e nition 4.1. [IK, AIK] Let f : f0;1g Let f: f0;1g f0;1gm s m be a function. D We say that the function ^ f0;1gm!f0;1gssuch that f(x) = encoding of fwith blowup bif it is: Input independent: for every x;x), th identically distributed. Output disjoint: for every x;x2f0;1gsuch that f( the random variable ^ f(x;Um)). Balanced: for every x;x2f0;1g))j= b. W and state some simple claims about randomized encodings. !f0;1g‘ to be: : 9(x;r) 2f0;1g be a perfect randomized encoding of fwith blowup b. For y2Supp(f), de ne the set S f0;1g f0;1g s.t. f(x) = y^ ^ f(x;r) = zg By the properties of perfect randomized encodings, the form a balanced partition of Supp( ^ sets Sy f), = Supp( ^ f(x;Um)) for every xsuch that f(x) = y, and hence jSy 7 indeed j= b. With this notation, the following claim is immediate. Sy Claim 4.2. Supp( ^ f) = b Supp(f) f( x)the unique string in Supp(f) such that z2S. For every z2Supp( ^ f), we denote by yzn, ^ It follows that,y f(x;Um n b ) = yz] ; n Claim 4.3. For every z2Supp( ^ f), U P r [ f Pr[ ^ f(Un;Um ( U ) is uniformly distributed over S. For any x2f0;1g n m) and the entropy of f(U ) = z] = 1 We now state the relation between the entropy of ^ f(U then HEnt( ^ f(Un;Um)) = HEnt(f(Un follows directly from Claim 4.3. For Ent = Shannon , n;Um);f(Un ;U )jf(U n (f(Un)) + HShannon( ^ f(U Shannon (f(Un)) + HShannon( ^ f(Un ;Um Shannon S h a n n o n (f(Un)) + logb: cp( ^ f(Un;Um)) = Pr[ ^ f(Un;Um n) = f(U )) (1=b): ^ f: Fn 2 0 m ;U0 n2m n !f0;1g ) for each one of the entropy measures. Claim 4.4. Let Ent 2fMin ;Renyi ;Shannon ;Max g )) + logb Proof. For Ent = Max , the claim follows directly from Claim 4.2. For Ent = Min , the claim n m )) = H (^ )jU f(U HShannon( ^ f(Un;Um)) = HShannon n ;U 0 n;U n) n = f(U ) ) = H) = H The rst equality follows from the fact that ^ f(x;r) determines f(x) (follows from output disjointness). The second equality uses the chain rule for conditional entropy. The third equality follows from input independence, and the last equality follows from the fact that the perfect randomized encoding is uniform, balanced and has blowup b. )] = cp(f(U By similar reasoning, for Ent = Renyi , we have 4.2 From Branching-Program Entropy Di erence to Polyn ) = ^ f(U)] = Pr[f(U0 n)] Pr[ ^ f(U Applebaum, Ishai and Kushilevitz [IK, AIK] showed that logsp branching programs that compute the output bits) have rando polynomial mappings of degree three over the eld with two e ‘ Theorem 4.5. [IK, AIK] Given a branching program f: f0;1g F!Fs 2 8 , we can construct in polynomial time a degree 3 polynomialthat is a perfect randomized encoding of f. Moreover, the blowup bis a power of 2 and can be computed in polynomial time from f. Based on this theorem we show that the log-space entropy di erence problem (for the various notions of entropy which we de ned above) with additive gap reduces to the polynomial entropy di erence problem with the same gap. uEnt ;‘Ent ;+ cTheorem 4.6. The promise problem EDBP , for uEnt ;‘Ent 2fMin ;Renyi ;Shannon ;Max g,Karp-reduces to the promise problem PED2;3uEnt ;‘Ent ;+ c F. Proof. Given an instance (X;Y) of EDuEnt ;‘Ent ;+ cBP , apply on each one of the branching programs Xand Ythe reduction from Theorem 4.5, to obtain a pair of polynomials ^ Xand^ Yof degree 3 over F. By padding the output of^ Xor2^ Y with independent uniformly distributed bits, we can ensure that ^ Y have the same blow-up. By Claim 4.4, Hu Ent( ^ X) Hl Ent( ^ Y) = Hu Ent(X) H( ^X) Hu Ent( ^ Y) = Hl Ent(X) Hu Entl Ent2;3uEnt ;‘Ent ;+ c F. F2;3 is complete for SZKPL (Y), and Hl EntuEnt ;‘Ent ;+ c(Y). It follows that yes (resp. no) instances of EDBP are mapped ^ to yes Xand (resp. no) instances of PED 4.3 Polynomial Entropy Di erence and Statistical Zero-Knowledge Goldreich and Vadhan [GV] showed that the promise problem ED (Entropy Difference problem for Shannon entropy with additive gap and polynomial-size circuits) is complete for SZKP, the class of problems having statistical zero-knowledge proofs. i We show a computationally restricted variant of this result, showing that PED, the class of problems having statistical zero-knowledge proofs in which the honest veri er and its simulator are computable in logarithmic space (with two-way access to the input, coin tosses, and transcript). 2;3 L is complete for the class SZKPL x Lemma 4.8. The promise problem PEDF2 BP , is hard (under Karp-reductions) for the c x L i Theorem 4.7. The promise problem PED . We start with proving that the problem is hard for the class. is hard for the class SZKPL ;3 SZKP under Karp-reductions. Proof. We show that the promise problem ED . The proof then follows by Theorem 4.6. The hardness of ED BPfollows directly from the reduction of [GV] which we now recall. Given a promise problem in SZKP with a proof system (P;V) and a simulator S, it is assumed w.l.o.g. that on instances of length n, V tosses exactly ‘= ‘(n) coins, the interaction between P and V consists of exactly 2r= 2r(n) messages each of length exactly ‘, the prover sends the odd messages and the last message of the veri er consists of its random coins. Furthermore, the simulator for this protocol always outputs transcripts that are consistent with V’s coins. For problems in SZKP, using the fact that the veri er is computable in logspace (with two-way access to the input, its coin tosses, and the transcript), we can obtain such a simulator that is computable in logspace (again with two-way access to the input and its coin tosses). On input x, we denote by S(x)(1 i 2r) the distribution over the (i ‘)-long pre x of the output of the simulator. That is, the distribution over the simulation of the rst imessages in the interaction between Pand V. The reduction maps an instance xto a pair of distributions (X ;Y ): outputs independent samples from the distributions S(x);S(x)4;:::;S(x)xoutputs independent samples from S(x)1;S(x)3;:::;S(x)2 r. Y2 r1 Xx 9 Since Sis computable in logarithmic space, we can e ciently construct branching programs Xx and Yxthat sample from the above distributions. To complete the is in the class SZKPL proof of Theorem 4.7 we show that PEDF2;3 Lemma 4.9. PE k!f0;1g, from a family of 2-universal hash functions, where both the description of hand the input on which to evaluate hare speci ed in the transcript. (See [GV] for the details.) The former can be done in logspace as it involves evaluating polynomials of degree 3 over F. The latter can be done in logspace if we use standard 2-universal families of hash functions, such as a ne-linear maps from F. Turning to the simulator, we see that its output consists of many copies of triplets taking n+ m . This follows easily from the proof that ED is in SZKP [GV]. We give here a sketch of the proof. has a statistical zero-knowledge proof system where the veri er and the simulator are computable in logarithmic space. sketch. We use the same proof system and simulator from [GV]. We need to show that on instance (X;Y) where Xand Y are polynomials-mappings, the veri er and the simulator are computable in logarithmic space. For simplicity we assume that both Xand Y map ninput bits to moutput bits. We start with the complexity of the veri er. The protocol is public coins, so we only need to check that the veri er’s nal decision can be computed in logspace. This boils down to two operations which the veri er performs a polynomial number of times: (a) evaluating the polynomials-mapping of either Xor Y on an input speci ed in the transcript, and (b) evaluating a function h: f0;1g to Fk 2 2 n+ m 2 the following form: (h;r;x) where r2R nf0;1g n+ m !f0;1gk L 04 F2;3 is the class of functions for which every output bit depends on at most four input bits. 4.4 Hardness Results Given the results of Section 4.3, we can conclude that Polynomial Entropy Difference (with additive Shannon entropy gap) is at least as hard as problems with statistical zero-knowledge proofs with logarithmic space veri ers and simulators. This includes problems such as Graph Isomorphism, Quadrat ic Residuosity , Decisional Diffie Hellman , and the approximate Closest Vector Problem, and also many other cryptographic problems. t o E D , xis an output of either Xor Y on a uniformly chosen input which is part of the simulator’s randomness, and h: f0;1gis a function uniformly chosen from F2;3 the family of 2-universal hash functions subject to the constraint that h(r;x) = 0. As in the veri er’s case, xcan be computed by a logspace mapping since Xand Y are polynomials-mappings. Choosing hfrom the family of hash functions under a constraint h(z) = 0 can be done e ciently if we use a ne-linear hash functions h(z) = Az+ b. We simply choose the matrix Auniformly at random and set b= Az. 4.3.1 Additional Remarks We remark, without including proofs, that similar statements as in the one from Theorem 4.7 can be shown for other known complete problems in SZKP and its variants [SV, DDPY, GV, GSV2, Vad, Mal, BG, CCKV]). We also mention that all the known closure and equivalence properties of SZKP (e.g. closure under complement [Oka], equivalence between honest and dishonest veri ers [GSV1], and equivalence between public and private coins [Oka]) also hold for the class SZKP. Finally, we mention that by using the locality reduction of [AIK] we can further reduce PED N , where NC0 4 C 10 For the reduction from Graph Isomorphism, we note that the operations run by the veri er and the simulator in the statistical zero-knowledge proof of [GMW], the most complex of which is permuting a graph, can all be done in logarithmic space. Similarly, for the approximate Closest Vector Problem, the computationally intensive operations run by the simulator in the zeroknowledge proof of [GG] (and the alternate versions in [MG]) are sampling from a high-dimensional Gaussian distribution and reducing modulo the fundamental parallelepiped. These can be done in logarithmic space. (To reduce modulo the fundamental parallelepiped we need to change the noise vector from the standard basis to the given lattice basis and back. By pre-computing the changeof-basis matrices, the sampling algorithm only needs to compute matrix-vector products, which can be done in logarithmic space.) For the Quadratic Residuosity and Decisional Diffie Hellman problems, we show that in fact they reduce to an easier variant of PED, where the yes-instances have high min-entropy and the no-instances have small support size. See [KL] for more background on these assumptions and the number theory that comes into play. 4.4.1 Quadratic Residuosity De nition 4.10 (Quadratic Residuosity ). For a composite N= p qwhere pand qare primeand di erent, the promise problem Quadrati c Residuosity is de ned as follows: QRYES N= f(N;x) : N= p q;9y2Zs.t. x= y2(mod N)g QRNO N= f(N;x) : N= p q;69y2Zs.t. x= y2(mod N)g Claim 4.11. Quadrat ic Residuosity reduces to PED2;3Min ;Max ;+1 F. Proof. Given an input (N;x), where N= p qfor primes p;q, we examine the mapping fRN;x3[N] and outputs. This mapping gets as input a random c2f0;1gand coins for generating r (mod N): c x r2 We examine the distribution of fN;x 2 , where each item in ZN is equivalent to a pair in Zp p and R Zq Zq = N Zp p . Similarly, Rq q q N N;x ’s output. We rst examine the distribution or mapping R that just outputs r. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we have an isomorphism Z R , where Rp q p Now examining the output of f , if xis a quadratic residue in Z , then it is a residue in Z p and under this isomorphism, Rdecomposes into a product distribution R is over Zis over Zvia the Chinese Rem that Rgives probability 1=pto 0 and 2= 1=qto 0 and 2=q to each quadratic res and each item in the support gets prob c is equal to the distribution of r2 r , and so the q N then it must be a non-residue in Z 2 distribution of x p c r 3 mod pis uniformly distributed in Z and thus has min-entropy and in Z , so its support and min-entropy are as above. On the other hand, if xis a non-residue in Z or in Z p . This implies that x 2 R N , say Z p N Z We note that a more natural map to consider (which is easier to analyze) samples r 11 . We are unaware of a method for uniform sampling in Z, given only N , in logarithmic space. Also note, that we assume that we can sample uniformly from [N ]. This is not accurate (since N is not a power of 2) and we address this issue in Remark 4.12 following the proof. c r2 2;3Min r 2 ;Max ;+1 F. 2 We can now use fN;x Min ;Max ;+1. Finally, the mappings only sample in ZN each in f0;1gk c. It outputs x r2 i N;x 1;:::;r2 k NO = f(G;g;gaa i a b 2 2i : G2Gof prime order q;ggener b ; g b logp. Conditioned on cand rmod p, the value x modcqstill has min-entropy at least that of rmod q, which is logq Chinese Remainder Theorem, xmod N has min-entropy at leas mappings or distributions Xand Y, s.t. if xis a YES instance of Q min-entopy of Xis higher by a small constant (say 1=2) than th vice-versa if xis a NO instance. This allows us to reduce Quad and compute inte they can be computed in logarithmic space [CDL] and hence b programs. Using Theorem 4.6, we conclude that Quadratic Re Remark 4.12. In the proof above we assume that we can samp uniformly random bits. This is not accurate since N is not a pow modify the mapping fas follows. Let k= dlogNe. The mapping r 2kstrings r(mod N), where i2[2k] is the minimal index such that in binary representation). If no such iexist then the mapping ou mapping can still be computed in logarithmic space. The proba most 1=N. Hence in the analysis above probabilities change b modi ed mapping remains the same as the original 4.4.2 Decisional Di e-Hellman De nition 4.13 (Decisional Diffie one. It follows (by the proof above) that there is a Decisional Diffie constant gap between the max and min entropiesHellman is de ned with respect to a family Gof cyclic groups of of yes and no instances. This gap can be ampli ed follows: to be more than 1 by taking two independent copies of the mapping. q ;g ;g : G2Gof prime order q;ggenerator of G;a;b;c2Z = f(G;g;g ; g c DDHYES g DDH;c6= a bg Claim 4.14. Decisional Diffie Hellman reduces to the problem PED. Proof Sketch. We use the random self-reducibility of DDH, due to Naor and Reingold [NR]. They b ;gb;gc) into a new one (G;g;g 3 2 b0 0;b 3. 4 . =a a0;g 2 0 12 0 ), such that a0and: (i) if xis a YES instance (i.e. c= a b) s the output (in its entirety) is uniform over a set of size j howed how to transform a given DDH instance x= (G;g;g instance then c(and also gc0) is uniformly random given uniform over a set of size jGj2 :5The mapping computed Decisional Diffie Hellman instance in an instance of ED pair of mappings or distributions (X;Y), where Xis unifo distribution) and on YES instances Y is uniform over a Diffie Hellman to EDMin ;Max ; 1 :2and on NO instances Y To deal with the problem of sampling uniformly from sets whose siz 2Finally, to reduce Decisional Diffie Hellman to PED we need to activate the randomizing polynomial machinery of Theorem 4.6. The maps Xand Y as described above compute multiplication (which can be done in log-space) and exponentiation, which is not a log-space operation. However, the elements being exponentiated are all known in advance. We can thus use an idea due to Kearns and Valiant [KV] and compute in advance for each of these basis, say g, the powers (g;g;g 4;g8;:::). Each exponentiation can then be replaced by an iterated product. By the results of Beame, Cook and Hoover [BCH] the iterated product can be computed in logarithmic depth (or space). By Theorem 4.6, we conclude that Decisional Diffie Hellman reduces to PED2;3Min ;Max ;+1 F. 5 Algorithms for Polynomial Entropy Approximation 5.1 Approximating Entropy via Directional Derivatives qIn this section we give an approximation algorithm for the entropy of homogenous polynomial maps of degree two, over prime elds Fother than F2. The general strategy is to relate the entropy of a quadratic map with the entropy of a random directional derivative of the map. These derivatives are of degree one and so their entropy is easily computable. and a vector a2Fn qn 7!Fm q t(x) = x Mi For a polynomial mapping P: Fn qaF!Fm qP: q!Fm qgiven by m a i P def ( x D) 1;:::;xn a nq 1 i q + M)=2 if needed). For i every xing of a, D n q we have r(a) 2 HShannon i=2 we de ne the directional derivative of Pin direction aas the mapping D = P(x+ a) P(x): It is easy to verify that for every xed a, DP(x) is a polynomial mapping of degree at most deg(P) 1.Throughout this section, q is a prime other than 2 and Q : Fdenotes a homogenous quadratic mapping given by mquadratic polynomials Q(x);:::;Q(x) in nvariables x= (x). For every i2[m] there exists an n nmatrix Msuch that Q x. If char(F) 6= 2 then we can assume w.l.o.g that Mis always symmetric (by replacing Mwith (Mt i Q(x) is an a ne (degree at most one) mapping. We denote by r(a) the rank of DaaQ(x;a) (that is, the dimension of the a ne subspace that is the image of the mapping given by Dan qQ(x)). We relate the r(a)’s to entropy in the following two lemmas: Lemma 5.1. For every a2F ))=logq: Lemma 5.2. n H h qr( a) E aR F Before proving these lemmas, we use them to obtain our algorithm: Theorem 5.3. There exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm Athat, when given a prime 7!Fm q 13 q 6= 2, a homogeneous quadratic map Q : Fn (as a list of coe cients), and an integer 0 <k mand outputs TRUE q If HRenyi(Q(UShannonn(Q(Un)) 2k log(q) + 1 then Aoutputs TRUE with probability at least 1=2. If H) <k log(q) then Aalways outputs FALSE. Proof. The algorithm simply computes the rank r(a) of the directional derivative Dn qaQin a random direction a 2F. If the value of r(a) is at least 2k the algorithm returns TRUE, otherwise the algorithm returns FALSE. If H)) < k log(q) then, from Lemma 5.1 we have that r(a) will always be smaller than 2k and so the algorithm will work with probability one. If HRenyi(Q(UmShannon(Q(Un)) 2k log(q) + 1 then, using Lemma 5.2 and Markov’s inequality, we get that qr( a)will be at most 22 klog qwith probability at least 1=2. Therefore, the algorithm works as promised. We now prove the two main lemmas. Proof of Lemma 5.1. Since the output of an a ne mapping is uniform on its output, we have HShannon(DaQ(Un)) = log(qr( a)): By subadditivity of Shannon entropy, we have HShannon(DaQ(Un)) HShannon(Q(Un + a)) + HShannon(Q(Un)) = 2HShannon(Q(Un)) The proof of Lemma 5.2 works by expressing both sides in terms of the Fourier coe cients of the distribution Q(Un), which are simply given by the following biases: De nition 5.4. For a prime qand a random variable Xtaking values in Fq, we de ne 2 i=q= e bias(X) def= !X ; mq q E h !hu;Xi 1 qi ; biasu(Y) where !q mq m q q u nq n n 14 is the complex primitive q’th root of unity. For a random variable Y taking values in Fand a vector u2F, we de ne we de nedef= bias(hu;Yi) = where h ; iis inner product modulo q. Note that if Y is uniform on F, then bias E Claim 5.5. Suppose char(F ) 6= 2. Let ;:::;x t) = x R(x (Y) = 0 for all u6= 0. A relation between bias and rank in the case of a single output (i.e. m= 1) is given by the following: such that rank(M) = kand Mis symmetric. Then,Mxbe a homogeneous quadratic polynomial over F bias(R( )) = qk=2: U x2 = bias(S(Ubias(R(UProof. As shown in [LN], R(x) is equivalent (under a linear change of i variables) to a quadratic polynomial S(x) =Pk i=1ai2 i xwhere a1;:::;ak2F q. Then)) = 1 qm= Yi2[ k]x2FX1 qm q!y2FXqqP!i2[k ]aqi ya2i nn)) = (q =2 2HRenyi( X) k) 1 = qk=2 =E ; where the last equality follows from the Gauss formula for quadratic exponential sums in one variable (see [LN]). Next we relate biases for many output coordinates to Renyi entropy. Claim 5.6. Let Xbe a random variable taking values in Fm q. Then [bias 2(X)]: u u R Fm q Pr o of . W e b e gi n by re ca lli n g th at th e R e ny i e nt ro py si m pl y m e as ur es th e ‘2 di st a nc e of a ra n d o m va ri a bl e fr o m u nif or m : 2 2 + 1=qm Pr[X= x] (Pr[X= x] 1=qm mkdenotes m q 2 = kXU the ‘(viewed as vectors of length qm2 mq = 1 q m = 2 Px2Fm q + 1=qm 2m u;xi q u(x) = 1qm=2 i; Xu def= [X; ] =1 qm=2ux2 F Xm q 2HRenyi( X) whe re kXU dist anc e bet wee n the pro babi lity mas s func tion s of X and U). By Par sev al, the ‘, the h u ; u = cp(X) =xXx= X xi q: mqm q ) !C is the function given by m k : Fm q ! Eh! 1 5 ; u’th Fou rier basi s func tion di stan ce doe s not cha nge if we swit ch to the Fou rier basi s: For u2F The se form an orth ono rmal basi s for the vect or spa ce of func tion s from Fto C, und er the stan dar d inne r pro duct [f;g] =f(x ) g(x). Abu sing nota tion, we can vie wa ran dom vari able X taki ng valu es in Fas a func tion X: F!C whe re X(x) = Pr[X = x]. The n the u’th Fou rier coe cien t of Xis give n by ^ P r [ u; Xi q X = x ] ! [biasu(X)2 m: 2 2 so j ^Xuj= (1=qm=2) biasu(X). Thus, by Parseval, we have: kXUm k u= Xu6=0= X (^ Um)u 2 ^ Xu^ Xu uR Fm q =E ] 1=q Putting this together with the rst sequence of equations completes the proof. Proof of Lemma 5.2. Taking X= Q(Un) in Claim 5.6, we have 2HRenyi( Q( Un)) = E [biasu(Q(Un 2))]: u R Fm q . Note that for a s tmatrix M, qrank( M)= PrvR Ft q[Mv= 0]. Thus, we have 5.2 Approximating Max-Entropy over F2 via Rank By Claim 5.5, biasu(Q(Un 2)) = bias( Pi uiQi(Un 2)) = qrank( Pi rank( Pi =E i h i uiMi)i 2HRenyi( Q( Un)) ; u a= 0 # i q M i 2 uiMi) 3 5 4 uR Fm q i Pr " X" Xu Mia= 0 # 3 i 5 =E uR Fm qh q2 4uaR FPrR Fn qm qr( a) =E aR Fn q =E aR Fn q where the last equality is because Pi uiMi = 0 where Mais the matrix whose rows are M1a;:::;Mma(and so r(a) = r In this section we deal with degree dpolynomials over F2. Since the eld is F22we can assume w.l.o.g that the polynomials are multilinear (degree at most 1 in each variable). We show that, for small d, the rank of the set of polynomials (when viewed as vectors of coe cients) is related to the entropy of the polynomial map. The results of this section can be extended to any eld but we state them only for Fsince this is the case we are most interested in (and is not covered by the results of Section 5.1). The main technical result of this section is the following theorem, which we prove in Section 5.3 below. The theorem relates the entropy of a polynomial mapping (in the weak form of support) with its rank as a set of coe cient vectors. 16 Theorem 5.7. Let P : Fn 2 k 7!Fm 2 rankfP1;:::;Pmg 2 n + 2 k+ 2d d ; 1;:::;P i d d be a multilinear polynomial mapping of degree dsuch that jSupp(P)j 2, for k;d2N . Then m where the rank is understood as the dimension of the -span of F matrix over F P m2 If Hnmax(P(Umax(P(Un)) k+2 d d k. > 1;:::;Pm n2 k+2 d d 5.3 Proof of Theorem 5.7 7!F ‘ 27!Fn 2 1;:::;Pm nz n2 with ‘= dk+ log(1=")esuch that x2F d n2 z 2 = jP n2 [9y2F‘ 2 ‘ 2 z whose rows are the coe cient-vectors of the polynomials P(equivalently, the rank of the m ). Using this theorem we get the following approximation algorithm for max-entropy over characteristic two: Theorem 5.8. There exists a constant cand polynomial-time algorithm Asuch that when Ais and an g integer 0 <k n, we have: If H , then Aoutputs TRUE.)) k, then Aoutputs The algorithm computes the rank of the set of polynomials PTheorem 5.7 and fr iven as input a degree dpolynomial map P: F that rank at most kimplies support size at most 2. If it is greater than then it ret otherwise it returns FALSE. The correctness follows directly from The idea of the proof is to nd an a ne-linear subspace V Fof dimension ksuch restriction of the polynomials Pto this subspace does not reduce their rank. Sinc polynomials are polynomials of degree din kvariables we get that their rank is turns out that it su ces to take V to be a subspace that hits a large fraction of the ))j 2 Pr Proof. We use the probabilistic method. Let L: F 1(z)j=2 and let ">0. Then, there exists an a ne-linear mapping o ; P(x) = P(L(y f P, as given by the image of Lin the following lemma: Lemma 5.9. Let P!Fbe : a uniformly random a ne-linear mapping. Fix z 2Im Fm 2be some function such that jSupp(P(U independence of the outputs of Land Chebychev’s Ine L [Image(L) \P 1 Pr (z) = ;] 1 ‘ : z ‘ , let X be the indicator variable for L(y) 2Pandy 1(z). Then the X z (For each point y2F‘ 2 variance z 2 independent, each with expectation 17 ’s are pairwise (1 ). Thus, by Chebychev’s Inequality, Pr[PyXy‘= 0] (2 z (1 z))=(2 z).) Now, let Iz be an indicator random variable for Image(L) \P x2F Prn 2[:9y2F‘ 2; P(x) = P(L(y))] =E L E =E L z 1(z) = ;. Then, 1 (P(x)) = ;] Pr2 4n 2[Image(L) \PXz2Image( P) z Iz3 5z 2 Xz2Image( P) 1 ‘ z x2F L = jImage(P)j1‘2 k 2< ";‘1 2 for ‘= dk+ log(1=")e. By averaging, there exists a xed Lsuch that Prx2Fn 2[:9y2F‘ ; P(x) = P(L(y))] <"; 2 as desired. To show that the property of Lgiven in Lemma 5.9 implies that P Lhas the same rank asP (when "is su ciently small), we employ the following (known) version of the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma, which bounds the number of zeros of a multilinear polynomial of degree dthat is not identically zero: Lemma 5.10. Let P2F2[x1;:::;xn] be a degree dmultilinear polynomial that is not identically zero. Then Pr[P(x) = 0] 1 2d: Proof. The proof is by double induction on d= 1;2;:::and n= d;d+1;:::. If d= 1 then the claim is trivial. Suppose we proved the claim for degree <dand all nand for degree dand <nvariables. If n= d(it cannot be smaller than dsince the degree is d) then the bound is trivial since there is at least one point at which Pis non zero and this point has weight 2d. Suppose n>dand assume w.l.o.g that x1appears in P. Write Pas P(x1;:::;xn) = x1 R(x2;:::;xn) + S(x2;:::;xn); where Rhas degree d1 and Shas degree d. We separate into two cases. The rst case is when R(x2;:::;xn) + S(x2;:::;xn) is identically zero. In this case we have + 1) R(x2;:::;xn) P(x) = (x1 and so, by the inductive hypothesis, = 1]+Pr[x1 = 0] Pr[R(x2;:::;xn ( d1)) = 0] (1=2)+(1=2)(1+2) = 12d: 18 Pr[P(x) = 0] = Pr[x1 In the second case we have that R(x2;:::;xn) + S(x2;:::;xn) is not identically zero. Now, 1 1 = 0] Pr[S(x2;:::;xn= 1] Pr[R(x2;:::;xn) + S(xd) + 2 (1=2)(1 2d 1;:::;x 1;:::;xn m n2 1;:::;Pm ‘2 Proof. Apply Lemma 5.9 with "<2 with ‘= k+ dand such that Prx2Fn 2 2 d; ) = 0] + Pr[x Pr[P(x) = 0] = Pr[x1 7!Fm 2 n 2F2[x ;:::;P ;:::;xn] the coordina [x d n 2 7!Fn 2 ‘ 2 ) = 2) = 0] (1=2) (1 2 as was required. We now combine these two lemmas to show that there exists a linear restriction of Pto a small number of variables that preserves independence of the coordinates of P. Lemma 5.11. Let P: Fbe a multilinear mapping of degree dsuch that jSupp(P)j 2, for k;d2N . Denote by Pare linearly independent (in the vector space Fwith ‘= k+ dsuch that the restricted polynomials Pj(L(y1;:::;y‘]). Then, there exists an a ne-linear mapping L: F));j2[m] are also independent. on the mapping Pto nd an a ne-linear mapping L: F‘ 27! F [9y2F ; P(x) = P(L(y))] >1 2d: Call an element x2Fn 2 ‘good’ if the event above happens (so xis good w.p >1 2j(y1;:::;y‘) = Pj(L(y1;:::;y). For j2[m] (notice that since Lis linear the polynomials Rj‘are also of degree at most dbut are not necessarily multilinear). Suppose in contradiction that the polynomials Rare linearly depe So there is a non empty set I [m] such that RI(y) = Pi2IRi1;:::;Rm(y) = 0 for every y2F‘ 2. Let Pi2IPi(x). Then, if xis good we have that there exists ysuch that P(x) = P(L(y)) and so we g P!F such th PI(x) = PI(L(y)) = RI(y) = 0: r+1 coordin Theore This means that PIdof the inputs. Using Lemma 5.10 we conclude that P(x), which is a multilinear polynomial of degree at most d, is zero on a fraction bigger than 1 2(x) is identically zero and so the Pi’s are linearly dependent { a contradiction. Corollary 5.12. Let P: Fn 27!Fm 2Ikbe a multilinear mapping of degree dsuch that jSupp(P)j 2, for k;d2N . Denote by P1;:::;Pm2F2[x1;:::;x] the coordinates of P. Suppose that the set P1;:::;Pmhas rank r(in the vector space F2[x1n;:::;x]). Then, there exists an a ne-linear mapping L: F‘ 27!Fn 2nwith ‘= k+dsuch that that the restricted polynomials Pj(L(y1;:::;y‘));j2 [m] also have rank r Proof. W.l.o.g suppose that P1;:::;Prare linearly independent and apply Lemma 5.11 on the mapping~ P = (P1;:::;Pr) : Fn 27!Fr 2. The support of ~ P is also at most 2kand so we L : F‘ 2n 2 19 Proof of Theorem 5.7. 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