Course Prescriptions for Stage 6 Background Speakers Courses Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese and Korean 2014 – 2018 Consultation Report April 2012 Contents 1 Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 3 2 Summary of Key Matters Raised and Actions Taken ...................................................... 3 3 Key Stakeholder Consultation List ................................................................................... 4 4 Summary of Respondents ................................................................................................. 6 5 Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 8 2 1 Executive Summary The Consultation Report for the proposed course prescriptions for Stage 6 Background Speakers courses in Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese and Korean for the 2014–2018 Higher School Certificate presents data and findings gathered through 44 online consultation survey responses. The profile of respondents reflects a range of teaching experiences, locations, school systems, school sizes, and community and professional organisations. An analysis of qualitative and quantitative data indicated that the majority of respondents agreed that the proposed course prescriptions provided opportunities for students to develop their language and communication skills and to explore themes and contemporary issues by analysing, evaluating and responding to texts. 2 Summary of Key Matters Raised and Action Taken Summary of key matters raised Summary of action taken The number of proposed texts for Chinese. The level of lexical difficulty of the Japanese text, Manabi kara no tousou. The age of the data in the Japanese text, Koukousei no shuugyouishiki to jendaa. The level of challenge of the Japanese film, Shiawase kazoku keikaku. The level of challenge of the Korean text, To me the used ones are the well-known designer goods. The suitability of the Indonesian text, Malu aku jadi orang Indonesia. The appropriateness of the Indonesian text, Dharma Wanita. The suitability of the Indonesian film, Mengejar matahari. The appropriateness of the Indonesian text, Sajak Potret Keluarga. The appropriateness of the Indonesian text, Buldoser dan Ayah. The number of proposed texts for Indonesian. The clarity of the proposed prescribed themes and contemporary issues for Indonesian. The mapping of the proposed texts for Indonesian to the proposed prescribed themes and contemporary issues. The number of proposed texts has been reduced. The demand of the proposed text was deemed appropriate. The text has been replaced with another text that has more recent data. The demand of the proposed text was deemed appropriate. The demand of the proposed text was deemed appropriate. The text has been removed. The text has been removed. The text has been removed. The text has been removed. The text has been removed. The number of proposed texts has been reduced. The proposed prescribed themes and contemporary issues have been reworded for greater clarity. The proposed texts have been re-mapped to the proposed prescribed themes and contemporary issues. 3 3 Key Stakeholder Consultation List Ms Julie Flynn Mr Ian Baker Ms Ghislaine Barbe Ms Merryl Wahlin Ms Pam Wellham Professor Martina Mollering Professor Darryl Poulsen Associate Professor Ludmila Stern Dr Roger Markwick Professor Duncan Ivison Professor Peter Morgan Dr Jeff Browitt Professor Peter Hutchings Professor Kerry Dunne Professor Gail Crossley Mr Kim Tsolakis Ms Jenny Diamond Mr Dick Shearman Ms Adelia Fuller Position Group Leader, Languages, HSIE and Health PE Director Education Policy and Programs Languages Consultant Languages Consultant Executive Officer Department of International Studies Head of School Organisation NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre, NSW Department of Education and Communities Catholic Education Commission Head of School of Languages and Linguistics Acting Head of School of Humanities and Social Science Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Acting Head of School School of Languages and Cultures Head of International Studies Head of School University of Technology Sydney Director, Language Centre Faculty of Arts The Dean,Faculty of Arts and Sciences Executive Officer General Secretary General Secretary Principal Australian Catholic University Association of Independent Schools Association of Independent Schools NSW Secondary Principals’ Council Macquarie University School of Arts University of Newcastle Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Humanities and Languages Professional Teachers' Council of NSW NSW Teachers Federation Independent Education Union Saturday School of Community Languages Consulate-General of the Republic of Indonesia Consulate-General Of Japan Mr Gary R M Jusuf Consul General Ms Jennifer Schroeder Ms Janelle Byrne Information Section Mr Kai Liu President Ms Cathleen Jin President Ms Karen White Assistant Director Learning Services Executive Director Modern Languages Teachers' Association of New South Wales Chinese Language Teachers' Association of NSW Japanese Teachers' Association of NSW NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre Anglican Education Commission Mr John Oldmeadow Ms Vicki Danvers Executive Director Uniting Church Board of Education State Executive Director Christian Schools Australia Limited Mr Stepan Kerkyasherian AO Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer Community Relations Commission Dr Bryan Cowling Secretary 4 Organisation The Japan Foundation, Sydney Mrs Helen Walton Position Manager, Japanese Language Department President Ms Danielle Cronin Executive Director Council of Catholic School Parents Ms Anne Crabb Executive Officer NSW Parents Council Inc Mr Albert Vella President Ms Jozefa Sobski Chairperson Mr Yair Miller President NSW Federation of Community Languages Schools NSW Community Languages Schools Board Jewish Board of Deputies Mr Bachir Bakhti Consul General Consulate–General of the Federal Republic of Germany Consulate-General of France Ms Anastasia Batagiani Dr Alessandra Bertini Malgarini Mr Saad Zakhia The Education Office Consulate-General of Greece The Director Consulate-General of Italy Consul General Consulate-General of Lebanon Dr Santiago Gonzalez Ms Gilda Stuart Counsellor (Education) Embassy of Spain President Dr Panayiotis Diamadis Mr Cesare Popoli President President NSW Association of French Language Teachers Australian Hellenic Educators’ Association Spanish Teachers Association of NSW Mr Khaled Sukkarieh Ms Kathrin Furmanek Mr Han Joo Kim Chairman Islamic Council of NSW German Language Adviser Consul (Education Section) President The Goethe Institute Mr Yutaka Nakajima Ms Kathleen Cleuet Ms Janette Ra Federation of P&C Associations of NSW Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea Korean Language Teachers Association 5 4 Summary of Respondents Online survey respondents 44 online survey responses Sector: Government 20 Catholic 0 Community 2 Unknown 12 Independent 10 Type of School/System/Organisation: Metropolitan 10 Non-Metropolitan 7 Unknown 14 K – 12 7 7 – 12 13 11 – 12 5 Teacher 20 Head Teacher/Coordinator 1 System 1 Response from: Principal 1 School 4 Faculty 1 Organisation 7 Unknown 9 Number of people contributing to the response: 1 21 2 2 3 1 4 0 5 0 6 or more 7 6 Unknown 13 Language on which response is based: Chinese 8 Indonesian 10 Korean 15 Unknown 2 7 Japanese 9 5 Analysis The abbreviated sources are explained as follows: T Teacher F Faculty O Organisation DEC Department of Education and Communities 5.1 Chinese Summary Response to the proposed prescribed texts for Chinese Background Speakers was positive. There was agreement that all texts are appropriate vehicles through which students can develop their language skills and explore the prescribed themes and contemporary issues. Respondents agreed that the proposed texts are accessible, that they offer sufficient challenge and interest for students, and that the subject matter of the texts is suitable. The only concerns expressed related to the number and extent of proposed texts. Respondents commented that there would not be sufficient time to cover all of the proposed prescribed texts. Feedback affirming the proposed prescriptions Feedback Source DEC The majority of proposed texts are readily available via the internet. Key matters raised and actions taken Key matters raised Source Action Tx1 The number of chapters for study from Environmental Bureau has been reduced from six to two. The proposed film, Dreams in Between, has been removed. The proposed song, Sailors, has been removed. The number of proposed prescribed texts has been reduced from ten to eight. Six chapters of the text Environmental Bureau are too many to study. There won’t be sufficient time to cover ten prescribed texts. Currently there are six prescribed texts. Tx2 DEC Ox1 8 5.2 Indonesian Summary Response to the proposed course prescriptions for Indonesian Background Speakers was mixed. In general, there was consensus that the texts are appropriate for developing students’ language skills and for exploring the proposed prescribed themes and contemporary issues. Respondents expressed concerns about the suitability and appropriateness of certain texts and about the number of proposed texts. Respondents commented that the intent of one of the contemporary issues was not clear, and that some of the issues overlap. There was also concern that the texts are mapped to too many of the prescribed themes and contemporary issues and that certain texts are more relevant to some themes and issues than others. Feedback affirming the proposed prescriptions Feedback Source The texts Saleha di Tengah Badai Salju and Pulang go very T well together. Both are good in reflecting contemporary issues. Bayi ke Tujuh is a very good story which is relevant to the contemporary issues. T Matahari di Celah Rinjani is a very good contemporary story, relevant to the students. T Was certainly addresses the issue of the Individual and the community. T The recent nature of some texts is refreshing. T It is great to have revised themes and contemporary issues. T 9 Key matters raised Source Action The text Malu aku jadi orang Indonesia, criticises the Indonesian government with regards to ongoing and sensitive issues such as East Timor, Aceh and Irian/Papua. It may cause issues within the Indonesian community both in NSW and in Indonesia. Tx2 The text has been deleted. The text Dharma Wanita, is too narrow and shallow in exploring the issues suggested. There are sufficient texts dealing with the same contemporary issue. Tx2 The text has been deleted. The film Mengejar Matahari T x 4 is too violent. The film is quite dated and Tx2 large parts of it are inaudible. One film is sufficient in a Tx3 course of this nature. Tx2 The text Sajak Potret Keluarga is a current prescription. It will be very difficult for the Examination Committee to develop questions on it for another five years. The text has been deleted. The text has been deleted. The text Buldoser dan Ayah is a current prescription. It will be very difficult for the Examination Committee to develop questions on it for another five years. Tx2 The text has been deleted. There are too many texts overall. Tx3 The number of texts has been reduced from 12 to 8. The issue, the impact of changing attitudes, is not clear. Whose attitudes? Attitudes to or on what? Tx2 The issue, the impact of changing attitudes, has been deleted. The issue, the family in contemporary society, has been deleted. 10 Key matters raised Source Action Tx2 The theme, the individual and the community, has been changed to the family. The new contemporary issues under the new theme, the family, are family ties and the impact of socioeconomic influences on family life. The contemporary issues under the theme, cultural identity, have been changed to, pressures on traditional values and what it means to be an Indonesian. The contemporary issues, the family in contemporary society and reconciling traditional and contemporary Indonesian culture, overlap too much. The themes, the individual and the community and youth culture are quite similar. Tx1 Tx2 Some of the proposed prescribed texts are mapped to too many themes/issues. While it is good practice to use texts in more than one theme/issue, if they appear in more than two, students will become bored or confused if they have to look at them from multiple perspectives. The texts have been re-mapped to the prescribed themes and contemporary issues. While some texts relate to certain themes and issues more than others, other texts relate very well to more than one or two themes and issues. Analysis of a text from multiple perspectives allows students greater scope in applying knowledge, understanding and skills in varied contexts, and also allows teachers and the Examination Committee more scope in the setting of examination items. 11 5.3 Japanese Summary Response to the proposed prescribed texts for Japanese Background Speakers was generally positive. There was agreement that all texts are appropriate vehicles through which students can develop their language skills and explore the prescribed themes and contemporary issues. Feedback affirming the proposed prescriptions Feedback Source F The proposed texts look appropriate and interesting. Key matters raised and actions taken Key matters raised Source Action The vocabulary in Manabi kara no tousou is too difficult for students at this level. Ox1 This matter was reviewed and it was found that the level of language in this text is commensurate with current prescriptions. The data in Koukousei no shuugyouishiki to jendaa is from the 1990s and out of date. Fx1 Ox1 This text has been deleted and replaced by a text that has more current data on the topic, Jendaa no kabe o koete – Otokorashisa, onnarashisa to wa. Shiawase kazoku keikaku is too easy for Background Speaker students. Fx1 The matter was reviewed and it was found that the text satisfied the relevant criteria. The language used in the film is authentic and the themes of the film relate to the prescribed themes and contemporary issues. The film is complex enough to allow for critical evaluation and analysis. 12 5.4 Korean Summary Response to the proposed prescribed texts for Korean Background Speakers was extremely positive. There was consensus that all texts are appropriate vehicles through which students can develop their language skills and explore the prescribed themes and contemporary issues. There was agreement that the texts offer sufficient challenge and interest for students, and that the subject matter of the texts is suitable. Respondents agreed that there is sufficient time to cover the proposed prescribed texts, themes and contemporary issues and that the texts are accessible. Feedback affirming the proposed prescriptions Feedback Source The proposed texts look more interesting than the current texts and they are more significantly related to the themes. T Overall, the target group of students will enjoy learning with the new prescriptions. DEC Key matters raised and actions taken Key matters raised Source Action Tx1 The matter was reviewed and it was found that the text satisfied the relevant criteria. The level of language in this text is commensurate with current prescriptions and the text relates extremely well to the prescribed themes and contemporary issues. The text has enough complexity to allow for critical evaluation and analysis of the experiences of the Korean-speaking communities in Australia. The text, To me, the used ones are the well-known designer goods might be a bit easy for Korean Background students. 13