Uploading Multiple Files to the ERTP SharePoint using Internet Explorer

Uploading Multiple Files to the ERTP SharePoint using Internet Explorer
Step 1:
Open Internet Explorer (IE) and navigate to the ERTP Folder that has been created for you. The ERTP
SharePoint site can be accessed by using the following URL in IE: http://ertp.fullerton.edu
Step 2:
Once you have reached your folder, you will need to select the “Documents” Tab:
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Step 3:
Under the “Documents” tab a lot of options have been made available. The option that you want to
select is “Upload Document” and then “Upload Multiple Documents”:
Step 4:
IE will show you a pop-up which will allow you to ‘drag and drop’ your documents into the pop-up from
your desktop, or to browse for your files on your hard-drive:
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