Center/Institute: Fibromyalgia Research and Education Center
Director/Administrator: C. Jessie Jones
College/Academic unit: College of Health and Human Development
Contact Information: Department of Health Science http://www.fibromyalgiacme.com/
Date: April 7, 2010
Name of primary authors if different
From Director/Administrator:
1. Mission
The mission of the Fibromyalgia Research Center (FM) I succinctly stated: advance pain-related
research, education and professional practice, and to provide an interdisciplinary approach to the
management of people with chronic pain in conjunction with their referring physician. The
center’s philosophy calls for an integrated approach to symptom management. The mission is
linked to both University and a college goal for example a college goal is to advance knowledge
and improve professional practice through research and scholarly activity of faculty and students.
2. Goals and Activities
FM advances goals of the Health Science department by providing a learning environment for
students to conduct research which contributes to the scientific knowledge base related to
fibromyalgia. Also, FM creates a strong bridge between CSUF and surrounding community
through its direct service programming and outreach activities. Intra and interdisciplinary
research is conducted by a diverse group of faculty, staff and students. FM provides an array of
continuing education programs and workshops. Overall goals include: conduct interdisciplinary
research, provide training for student professionals, and offer a variety of physical, health and
mobility assessments and conduct health, fitness and rehabilitation programs. Some activities
emanating from the center’s goals include workshops and seminars regularly sponsored by the
center for people with FM and their significant others; several funded and unfunded research
projects have been conducted by teams of research faculty, staff and students associated with the
center; and through a collaboration with the Center for Successful Aging a health and fitness
class was provided for people aged 50+ with fibromyalgia.
3. Resources and Sustainability
Since its founding in 2007 FM has received approximately $522,000 from internal and external
grants. Additional sources of support comes in the form of .2 assigned time for the Center
Director, one 10 hr/week student research student and unpaid student internships/independent
studies. The self-study makes the case that the center’s sustainability for the future is promising
– there is an active cadre of faculty engaged in research and seeking external funding for their
4. Organizational Structure and Governance
The center has a director and a research director, community program director and support group
coordinator. The report lists a Community Advisory Board. More information about the roles of
both board and staff would be helpful in determining the governance structure.
5. Highlights and Accomplishments
After only a year in operation the center was awarded the Center of Excellence from the National
Fibromyalgia Association in 2008. As mentioned above the center has been aggressive in
seeking external funding to support its research and development projects. UniHealth
Foundation awarded the center 298,000 for “Fibromyalgia Assessment, Management Education:
FAME Project, 2007. Numerous scholarly articles have resulted from the research activities of
the center faculty. Also, the center has been active in product development an example of which
is an eight module, web-based training program for health care providers on the assessment,
diagnosis, and management of fibromyalgia and overlapping conditions, 2009. And development
of a Progressive Home Exercise Program for Adults with Fibromyalgia in collaboration with the
National Fibromyalgia Association, 2007.
6. Planning and Strategic Outlook
The center has a planning process in place each academic year the faculty and staff of the center
meet to evaluate activities and current goals and to develop goals for the upcoming year. The
Advisory Board is being updated to formalize the center’s three year strategic plan. Some of the
working “goals” include: finalize composition of additional members on the Community
Advisory Board and develop a meeting schedule; work collaboratively with the National
Fibromyalgia Association on various projects to serve the FM community, including cosponsoring the National FM Awareness Day in May, 2010; submit two external research
proposals to NIH; submit research proposal to Forest Laboratories to conduct randomized
clinical trial with effects of milnaceprin or milnaceprin plus exercise (walking) on symptoms and
function; and develop a center website.
7. Viability
The center leadership does not see the need for any major changes in its activities or operations.
FM is a viable entity with a high level of collaboration across several departments including
faculty, staff and both graduate and undergraduate students. As a result research conducted at
the FM center during the fall of 2008 involved eight faculty and 36 students from five different
departments yielding several conference abstracts and six manuscripts submissions. And as
mentioned the center is responsive to the needs of the community and is active with the national
FM organization.
8. Appendices
Summary and Recommendation(s)
The Fibromyalgia Research and Education Center (FM) though established in 2007
has and is making its mark as an important contributor to the field of pain-related
research. It achieves this goal through an active program of research, service to
community and education. It is noted for its collaborative programs that bring
together researchers from several departments, and includes staff and students both
graduate and undergraduate. There have been numerous publications in
professional journals, development of products and workshops and seminars for
those affected and their families. Since 2007 the Center has been awarded
$522,000 in internal and external grants and is presently active in grant
procurement. Recently FM was awarded the Center for Excellence from the
National Fibromyalgia Association. One of the strengths of the center is the strong
leadership provided by the Center director. And to execute its mission there is
research director, community program director and support group coordinator.
There is a Community Advisory Board now being updated – (the role of the board
was not detailed in the self-study nor was the role of the Dean in the governance
structure). Notwithstanding, the Center has developed goals and a three year
strategic plan – has a clear sense of its mission, goals and objectives.
Reviewed by Council of Deans
May 5, 2010
Action taken: Continuation
Gerald W. Patton
Director of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness