September 2007 IEEE P802.19-07/0020r0-mg IEEE P802.19 Wireless Coexistence Project IEEE P802.19 Coexistence TAG Title Coexistence Metrics for the 3650 MHz Band Date Submitted [September 5, 2007] Source [Stephen J. Shellhammer] Voice: [Qualcomm, Inc.] Fax: [5775 Morehouse Drive] E-mail: [San Diego, CA 92121] Re: [] Abstract [A set of coexistence metrics are proposed for evaluation of coexistence of 802.11y and 802.16h in the 3650 MHz frequency band] Purpose [] Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.19. Submission Page 1 [(858) 658-1874] [(858) 651-3004] [] Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm, Inc. September 2007 IEEE P802.19-07/0020r0-mg 1 Introduction The coexistence metrics for the 802.11y and 802.16 both operating in the 3.65-3.7GHz band should be appropriate for the deployment scenarios which will be used in the band. We see three different deployment scenarios and usage of a channel by 802.16h and 802.11y technologies: Scenario 1: many almost co-located cells, for which the cell size is such that there are only few hidden stations on the channel. Scenario 2: large cells, for which most of the stations will be hidden due to the high power of the energy detection levels. Scenario 3: mix of large and smaller cells. We consider that part of the operator coordination process will be an agreement on the frequency channel allocation for the different deployment scenarios. This implies that for those systems sharing a channel the protocols and the coexistence metrics should be tailored to each deployment scenario. The scope of the coexistence simulation will be to assess the coexistence properties of the 802.11y and 802.16h protocols and to identify the specific protocols or protocol adaptations suitable for each scenario. The choice of metrics is intended to uncover potential problems that could arise when these two networks share the same spectrum. Members of 802.11, 802.16 and 802.19 are developing a document summarizing the simulation parameters used to evaluate the coexistence of these two networks [1]. This document is intended as a companion document that will describe the various coexistence metrics to be used in the simulations to evaluate the coexistence of these two networks. 2 Coexistence Metrics for Scenario 1 In order to give an accurate description of the coexistence metrics one must say a few words about how the simulation is to be designed. After the design of the simulation is explained the definitions of the coexistence metrics will be given. The simulation consists of two networks: an 802.11y network and an 802.16h network. Each network contains an access point (also called a base station) and a set of client stations. These Submission Page 2 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm, Inc. September 2007 IEEE P802.19-07/0020r0-mg networks are in close proximity to one another. One of spatial simulation parameters is the distance between the 802.11y access point and the 802.16h access point. That distances is fixed for a number of experiments. For each experiment client stations will be placed randomly within the coverage area of the respective networks. For each of these experiments the simulation will be run for a fixed period of time. Source data traffic is being simulated at the access points to be sent to the various clients and source data traffic is being simulated at the client stations to be sent to the access point. The data traffic statistics are specified in [1]. For each experiment there are several performance parameters that can be specified. These parameters are used to specify the coexistence metrics. For each experiment there are N links between the access point (either 802.11y or 802.16h) and the client stations. The downlink traffic flows from the access point to the clients and the uplink data flows from the clients to the access point. For each experiment we define the following four parameters for each of the two networks, The uplink throughput for each of the N links in the network The downlink throughput for each of the N links in the network The uplink latency (from top-of-the-MAC to top-of-the-MAC) for each of the N links in the network The downlink latency (from top-of-the-MAC to top-of-the-MAC) for each of the N links in the network These four parameters are random variables that depend on the placement of the client station. So for each experiment we have a probability density function for each of these four random variables. We then run M experiments, in each experiment randomly placing the clients. So these random variables have a distribution over the number of experiments and multiple clients in each experiment. We summarize these random variables as follows, TPUL Uplink throughput TPDL Downlink throughput LUL Uplink latency LDL Downlink latency Given these four random variables we can define the coexistence metrics. We are interested in averages of these random variables since that gives an indication of average coexistence effects. However, we are not only interested in averages since averaging can hide some interference effects on individual clients. For example, we want to be able to measure the effects of hidden node effects that can occur in CSMA networks [2]. A hidden node could result in low throughput or long latency for a small subset of clients. In order to measure these types of effects we need to consider the tail probabilities of these random variables. In other words we need to measure the Submission Page 3 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm, Inc. September 2007 IEEE P802.19-07/0020r0-mg throughput (or latency) value at which the majority of clients attain that throughput value. In order to measure both average values and these tail probabilities we will use the cumulative distribution function of these four random variables. Let FX(x) be the cumulative distribution function of the random variable X. We will use for coexistence metrics the 50% and 95% value of these for distributions. These are represented as F-1(0.5) and F-1(0.95) for the four random variables, where F-1() is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. The 50% value is called the median. The 95% value will simply be referred to as the 95% value. In summary the coexistence metrics are, Median Uplink throughput Median Downlink throughput Median Uplink latency Median Downlink latency 95% Uplink throughput 95% Downlink throughput 95% Uplink latency 95% Downlink latency 3 Coexistence Metrics for Scenario 2 In the case of the large cells scenario, we consider that the system will use a channel either selected or agreed by the operators. The procedures described below shall be followed. These procedures are applied for the each instance of the simulation. There are two steps for each instance of the simulation, being two layers in the first step: Step 1: In the first layer, is calculated the cell size for each system (BS and its stations) based on the system gain at the minimum considered data rate (QPSK ¼) from which are subtracted M dB for the intra-system interference. In our case M shall be (t.b.d – 6-7 dB?) It is chosen "a priori" Base Station spatial density and based on this is taken for each instance of the simulation a random distribution for BS and its Subscriber Stations. In this layer the two operators do not interact each with the other. It is established which is the actual C/(Ii+N) – the level of the desired carrier signal versus the intra-system interference, for each receiver i. In the second layer, it is assessed the Ci/(Ie+N), being considered the interference caused by the 2nd operator. Step 2: Submission Page 4 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm, Inc. September 2007 IEEE P802.19-07/0020r0-mg In this step it is assessed the degradation of the C/(Ii+N) for each receiver, due to the interference caused by the second operator. It can be derived the statistics of the degradation or it can be set a threshold (1dB or 2dB degradation as threshold). It is no requirement to use data rates or delays as coexistence metrics, because these are related to the C/(I+N) statistics. A simplified (initial) version of the simulation may assume the fix and uniform distribution of the BS and of stations of an operator and the random distribution of the cells for another operator. The coexistence metric is represented by the statistics of the C/(Ii+N) degradation. 4 Coexistence Metrics for Scenario 3 Scenario 3 will have as target to preserve the cell size in the large deployment scenario and to insure a high spectrum efficiency and QoS. The coexistence metrics will address the parameters and the procedures defined for the previous scenarios. 5 References [1] Paul Piggin, Parameters for simulation of Wireless Coexistence in the US 3.65GHz band, IEEE 802.19-07/11r7, September 2007 [2] Steve Shellhammer, Clear Channel Assessment Energy Detection (CCA-ED) in 802.11y, IEEE 802.19-07/10r1, May 2007 Submission Page 5 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm, Inc.