Annex 3 to Working Party 8A Chairman’s Report CONTENTS

Annex 3 to
Document 8A/277-E
15 November 2005
English only
Documents 8A/TEMP/138, 160, 148, 165, 134, 159, 155, and 129.
Annex 3 to Working Party 8A Chairman’s Report
Working Group 1 – Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Services
Working Group 2 – Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Working Group 3 – Public protection, trunking and paging
Working Group 4 – Interference and sharing
Working Group 5 – New technology and services
Working Group 7 – Wireless Access Systems, including RLANs
Land Mobile Handbook Rapporteur Group
Vocabulary Rapporteur Group
Ad Hoc Group on Guide
Joint Working Group 8A-8B on A.I. 1.13
Working Group 1 – Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Services
(Chairman: Mr. Paul Rinaldo, USA)
Working Group 1 met twice to consider documents related to the amateur and amateur-satellite
service, and to land mobile operating in bands below 30 MHz.
Consideration of documents
At the opening WP 8A plenary, it was agreed that Documents 8A/204, 8A/209, 8A/216, 8A/224,
8A/250, 8A/231, 8A/233, 8A/236, 8A/238(Rev.1), 8A/243 and 8A/245 related to WRC-07
Agenda item 1.13 would be treated in a joint meeting of WP 8A and WP 8B. Working Group 1
considered the following remaining documents:
Document 8A/225, working document toward a Draft New Handbook on the amateur service and
amateur-satellite service, was considered. It was agreed that Mr. Paul Rinaldo is designated as the
contact point for this document. It was further agreed that input Document 8A/225 would be carried
forward to the next meeting and that administrations are invited to provide additional input
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contributions to complete the Handbook. The WG 1 reflector should be used in lieu of the Land
Mobile Handbook reflector for the handbook on the amateur service and amateur-satellite service.
Document 8A/250, preliminary draft new Recommendation – Characteristics of land mobile
MF/HF systems, was considered and modified as per Annex 4, and is being carried forward to the
next meeting of WP 8A.
Document 8A/275, a liaison statement from WP 8D with a draft revision of Question 209-1/8
arrived after the meetings of WG 1.
The status of draft CPM text on WRC-07 Agenda item 1.15 in Annex 6 to Document 8A/202 was
agreed to be mature text.
Future work
Objectives for the next meeting are:
“progress the preliminary draft new Recommendation on characteristics of land mobile
MF/HF systems
to continue consideration of Agenda item 1.13;
to continue development of the amateur services handbook.
The Chairman wishes to thank the participants for their input contributions and constructive work
during the meetings.
Working Group 2 – Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
(Chairman: Mr. Paul Najarian, USA)
Working Group 8A-2 on mobile Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) held a successful session
during the 17th Meeting of WP 8A, and produced the following output documents, after a careful
consideration of all input contributions and other discussions:
Annex 5: WG 2 considered Document 8A/232, which provided an amendment to Annex 8 of
Document 8A/202, a working document toward a PDNR on integrated millimeter wave ITS
radiocommunication systems. This working document provides a framework for the development
of comprehensive draft new Recommendation(s) that cover the radiocommunication requirements
and applications anticipated for mobile intelligent transport systems (ITS) operating in the
millimeter wave. This document is carried forward to the next meeting (Annex 5).
Administrations and other members are invited to review this document and invited to make
contributions for the next meeting of WP 8A in order to advance this document.
ITS Section in the SDR Report: As requested by WG 5, WG 2 completed the draft of the ITS
section in the SDR Report.
This draft was based on Documents 8A/252, 8A/226, and a U.S. “information-only” document that
was distributed and considered in WG 5. Document 8A/261 was initially considered by WG 2;
however, this document was later deferred by the contributor in favour of the U.S. “informationonly” document.
LMH: WG 2 completed version one of Vol. 4 (ITS) of the LMH. This document is available on the
LMH reflector. The LMH Rapporteur’s report provides details on this activity.
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WG 2 thanks the Rapporteur of the Land Mobile Handbook (Ms. Cindy Cook, Canada) for her
steadfast effort to advance this work, and extends best wishes in her future endeavors.
Guide to ITU Land Mobile Texts: WG 2 provided an update to the ITS text contained in the ITU
Land Mobile Text (Doc. 8A/258). This update is reflected in Annex 14. The Chairman’s report of
the ad hoc group on the Guide provides details on this activity (see Section 9 in this annex).
Working Document on Vocabulary: WG 2 reviewed Annex 16 of Document 8A/202 with respect
to the ITS terms defined therein. WG 2 provided an input to the Rapporteur on the Vocabulary.
Regional Rapporteurs Reports: WG 2 was pleased to note the various ITS initiatives reported in
Documents 8A/239, 8A/268 and 8A/270. WG 2 encourages the continuation of regional reporting
on various land mobile activities or deployments.
Planned and on-going activities during the 2004-2007 study period
Completion of the Recommendation on next generation ITS radiocommunication systems –
Open (see Doc. 8A/58 Annex 16 – Working document toward a preliminary draft new
Recommendation on radiocommunication requirements of next generation intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) )
Completion of Vol. 4 (ITS) of the Land Mobile Handbook – Open
Completion of a Recommendation on the Application Sub Layer for DSRC – Completed
Introduction of ITS land mobile applications and technologies in the millimeter wave –
Working document toward a PDNR available at this meeting.
Investigation on vehicle collision avoidance radar at 79 GHz – Maybe introduced at a later
date as an integrated communication/radar system. Also, presented at the Seminar. –
Integrated in the PDNR on millimeter wave applications.
Potential interference studies and development of protection criteria (if necessary) for ITS
radiocommunications in the 5 850-5 925 MHz band – Open
Continue outreach and liaison activities with other international or regional organizations
such as APT (ASTAP), ETSI, CITEL, IEEE, etc. – On going
Support on-going seminars on new wireless technologies – On going
Goals and Objectives for the 18th meeting of WP 8A (March 2006):
Continue to develop a DNR on integrated millimeter wave ITS radiocommunication
systems (see Annex 5)
Complete second draft of Vol. 4 (ITS) of the Land Mobile Handbook
Continue to develop a DNR on next generation ITS radiocommunication systems
(see Doc. 8A/58 Annex 16 – Working document toward a preliminary draft new
Recommendation on radiocommunication requirements of next generation intelligent
transportation systems (ITS))
Review regional activities (ETSI, ASTAP, CITEL).
The Chairman of WG 2 thanks all the colleagues and administrations that have contributed to
advance the various ITS items. WG 2 looks forward to the next meeting of WP 8A in March 2006.
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Working Group 3 – Public protection, trunking and paging
(Chairman: Mr. Alan Jamieson, NZL)
Working Group 3 met on one occasion and was attended by up to12 representatives. Two input
documents were considered. The chair also prepared draft text for inclusion in Section 6 of a
working document to be based on Document 8A/258 from Canada (see Annex 14).
Document 8A/229 (Germany and 18 other CEPT countries) and Document 8A/249 (USA) proposed
revisions to Annex 2 of PDNR [LMS.PP] as contained in Annex 6 of the Chairman’s report of the
15th meeting of WP 8A (refer to Document 8A/121). Annex 3 of the Chairman’s report of the 16th
meeting of WP 8A (refer to Document 8A/202).
Agreement was reached on text for the remaining issue in Annex 2 and the document as a whole
was approved. Furthermore Working Group 3 agreed that the status of the document should be
raised to a DNR and if approved by WP 8A the document should be submitted to SG 8 for final
Working Group 3 also noted with interest Section 4 of Document 8A/239 the report of the Region 2
Rapporteur on recent activities in Canada regarding PPDR applications in the 4 940-4 990 MHz
band. Working Group 3 was also advised that CEPT countries have recently commenced studies on
wideband and broadband PPDR applications noting that Resolution 646 (WRC-03) does not include
provisions for such applications within Region 1.
In regard to future work at future meetings of Working Party 8A, the objectives for Working
Group 3 will be to:
Continue studies as directed by WRC-03 in the context of Resolution 646 (WRC-03) on
implementation of technologies for future advanced PPDR solutions.
Consider proposals for revision of Report ITU-R M.2033.
Finally, I would like to thank the participants of Working Group 3 for their contributions and
cooperative approach to the discussions and in particular Mr Thomas Weilacher (Germany) for his
assistance with the final text of the DNR.
Working Group 4 – Interference and sharing
(Chairman: Mr. Bruno Espinosa, France)
Working Group 4 met 5 times during the 17th meeting of WP 8A and considered 24 documents
assigned to the WG and 3 annexes of the Report of the 16th meeting.
One PDNR (on protection of land mobile systems from terrestrial digital video and audio
broadcasting systems in the VHF and UHF shared bands) has been approved as a DNR for
submission to SG 8, one PDNR, formerly referred as [LMS.CHAR] has been significantly amended
with its scope slightly changed to focus on technical characteristics of trunked and conventional
land mobile systems in the VHF and UHF bands, one working document towards a PDNR on
technical characteristics of cellular digital LMS systems for sharing studies has been revised to
become a PDNR. One working documents towards a PDN Recommendation and one working
documents towards a PDN Report have been initiated on respectively methodologies for LMS
sharing studies and technical characteristics for BWA studies to be used in sharing studies. Seven
liaison statements were drafted. In addition, a note to the Director of the Radiocommunication
Bureau and two documents attached to it have been produced on the inter-sessional planning
activities for the RRC.
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4.1 Land Mobile System Characteristics – Sharing
WG 4 noted documents 8A/206 from WP 9D on the revision of ITU-R Recommendation F.1336
and Doc. 8A/215 from TG 1/8 on the progress of their studies on the impact of systems using UWB
technology on land mobile systems.
WG 4 considered Document 8A/218 from WP 8F asking WP 8A, WP 9B and WP 9D to review the
characteristics contained in Annex 1 of this document for their sharing studies between IMT-2000
and fixed BWA systems including nomadic using various technologies within the 2.5-2.69 GHz
band. It was agreed that, within the systems addressed in Document 8A/218, it was only required to
review the characteristics of IEEE P 802.16e systems, the other systems being in the scope of SG 9.
Document 8A/264 from the WiMax Forum provided confirmation of the validity of the
characteristics sent by WP 8F on IEEE 802.16-2004 and P802.16e systems.
It was noted that Document 8A/265 from the WiMax Forum contained some general information
related to IEEE 802.16 standards that may assist further deliberations.
Document 8A/260 from Arraycom contained a proposal for the development on a Working
Document toward a PDNR for “Sharing Characteristics of BWA systems operating in the Mobile
Service” and suggested to send such document to WP 8F. It included also the characteristics of
ANSI’s newly adopted HC-SDMA standard.
Document 8A/246 from the United States of America was of a general nature, expressing views on
the work in development within WP 8A. It contained specific proposals to amend Doc. 8A/202,
Annex 11, the working document on digital cellular land mobile station characteristics for sharing
Document 8A/255 from Canada proposed a possible way forward on the work on the development
of deliverables on LMS characteristics for sharing studies. It was proposed to break the existing
PDNR LMS.CHAR into several recommendations to deal with different types of mobile
applications that have similar technical and operational characteristics. These recommendations on
characteristics would follow a consistent format and focus on the desirable parameters for sharing
studies. It was also suggested that a general Recommendation on the methodologies and procedures
for sharing studies would be a useful tool and would help to simplify future characteristics
Document 8A/256 from Canada contained proposals to amend and simplify the PDNR LMS.CHAR
which would focus on conventional and trunked systems below 470 MHz. It was pointed out that
the frequency range may be extended to cover similar systems operating in bands up to 960 MHz
After a general discussion on the principles, it was agreed that WG4 work on LMS characteristics
and sharing would be organized as follows:
development of a working document towards a PDNR on the methodologies for sharing
studies related to land mobile systems,
development of a PDNR based on the PDNR LMS.CHAR as amended by Canada in
document 8A/256 on the characteristics of trunked and conventional LM systems,
development of a PDNR on technical and operational characteristics of digital cellular land
mobile systems to be used in sharing studies based on the Annex 11 to Document 8A/202
and the proposals contained in Document 8A/246,
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development of a working document towards a preliminary draft new report on
Characteristics of Broadband Wireless Access systems operating in the Mobile Service for
frequency sharing and interference analyses that will contain the relevant characteristics
contained in Documents 8A/260 and 8A/264.
Regarding the three last documents on LMS characteristics, it was agreed that the table and text
describing the minimum desirable characteristics provided in the Canadian contribution 8A/255
should be used for future Recommendations on LMS characteristics. These recommendations
should focus on only the characteristics needed for sharing studies.
It was decided to set up a drafting group under the chairmanship of Mr. Suneil Kanjeekal (Canada)
to work on the four deliverables mentioned above and to draft appropriate liaison statements to
WP 8F and the standardisation organisations.
As a result of the drafting group activities, the following output documents were produced:
Working Document towards a PDN Recommendation M.[METH.SHAR.LMS] (Annex 6)
o Outline for a working document on methodologies for LMS sharing studies based on
Document 8A/255 with some material taken from the previous version of LMS.CHAR.
o General outline, but includes a list.
o Input is requested into the next meeting of WP 8A on the methodology.
PDN Recommendation M.[LMS.CHAR.VHF-UHF] (Annex 7)
o Replaces the old PDNR M.[LMS.CHAR] found in Annex 8 of Document 121 and focuses
on conventional and trunked systems operating in the VHF and UHF bands.
o Based on the contribution 8A/256.
o Proposed to include a limited number of typical and representative set of characteristics
rather than a full range of specific systems.
o Administrations are asked to review the tables in Annex 8 of Doc 121 to ensure that no
information contained in these tables that have been suppressed is still needed.
o It was noted that some systems also exist in bands greater than 470 MHz, and the title was
modified to reflect this.
o Further input is requested into the next meeting of WP 8A on characteristics of systems in
other frequency bands within this range in order to advance the PDNR into a DNR.
o It was noted that there may be some overlap with the digital cellular recommendation
(discussed below) because of the different uses of these bands in different countries.
PDN Recommendation M.[LMS.CHAR.CELL] (Annex 8)
o Provides technical and operational characteristics of digital cellular
land mobile systems to be used in sharing studies
o Annex 11 of Doc 202 was turned into a PDNR on this topic based on contribution 8A/246
which made modifications to Table 1 on the characteristics of digital cellular land mobile
telecommunications systems for sharing studies.
o The table was also formatted inline with the methodology and the proposal contained in
Document 8A/255.
o Further input is requested into the next meeting of WP 8A on characteristics of digital
cellular systems in order to advance the PDNR into a DNR.
o It was agreed to send a liaison statement to the relevant SDO’s to inform them of this
recommendation and seek input (Section 4.1 in Annex 2).
Working Document towards a PDN Report M.[LMS.CHAR.BWA] (Annex 9)
o This working document was developed based on Documents 8A/260, 8A/264, 8A/265 and
was formatted inline with the discussion in the methodology.
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o There was discussion whether this information is better captured in a Report or
Recommendation and it was agreed that, for the time being, the option of a Report is chosen.
Further consideration may be needed on the issue at the next WP 8A meeting.
o Further input is requested into the next meeting of WP 8A on characteristics of BWA
o A liaison statement drafted by WG 7 (see Section 4.2 in Annex 2) has been sent to the
relevant SDO’s to inform them, amongst other issues, of this PDN Report and seek input.
Liaison to WP 8F
o A reply liaison statement was sent to WP 8F (see Annex 2) regarding sharing studies in the
2 500 -2 690 MHz band to inform them of development of a working document towards a
PDNR on BWA characteristics, PDNR M.[LMS.CHAR.BWA] (Annex 9).
o Noted the characteristics of IEEE P802.16e in Annex 1 of the liaison statement from WP 8F
and a confirmation of those characteristics as given in Doc 8A/264.
Work related to broadcasting issues - RRC
Protection of land mobile systems from terrestrial digital video and audio
broadcasting systems in the VHF and UHF shared bands allocated on a primary basis
WG 4 has continued the work on the PDNR on the protection of LMS from terrestrial digital
broadcasting in the VHF and UHF bands.
Documents 8A/212 and 8A/222 were two liaison statements produced by WP 9D and the IPG-1
respectively containing specific comments to the PDNR. WG 4 also considered the elements
contained in Documents 8A/208 (WP 9D) and 8A/220 (IPG-1) related to the protection of the land
mobile service interfered with by digital broadcasting.
Document 8A/227 was submitted by Israel and proposed amendments to the PDNR based on the
comments submitted by the WP 9D and the IPG. It included also editorial improvements to the
PDNR, in particular its Annex 1.
In Document 8A/269, comments were expressed by the Planning exercise team (PXT) on the
absence of values of the overlap correction factor K in the case of 7 MHz DVB-T and values for
this factor were proposed.
A drafting group was created under the chairmanship of Mr. Haim Pistiner (Israel) to discuss
these proposals in details and modify the PDNR as appropriate. The drafting group was also
tasked to analyse the proposal related to Resolution COM4/6 made by the United Kingdom in
Document 8A/262 and to check its consistency with the PDNR (See 4.2.2).
The drafting group produced a revised version of the PDNR which included the proposals from
Israel, corrections related to the overlap correction factor suggested by WP 9D and the PXT and
was in accordance with the observations from the IPG. Additional slight amendments proposed
during the final review of the document were also taken on board. It was agreed by WG 4 that the
resulting version would be submitted to the WP 8A plenary for approval as a DNR (Annex 2).
A liaison statement to WP 9D and WP 6E was drafted (Annex 2) to inform them about the results of
WP 8A deliberations regarding the protection of LMS from digital broadcasting in the VHF and
UHF bands.
Studies requested by the first session of the RRC on Resolutions COM4/2,
COM4/6 and COM4/7
Resolution COM4/2 - Development of protection criteria for terrestrial digital television
systems interfered with by terrestrial services other than broadcasting
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No further work was done on this issue.
Resolution COM4/6 - Development of protection criteria for land mobile services using
narrow-band frequency modulation interfered with by terrestrial audio broadcasting
A proposal contained in Document 8A/262 related to Resolution COM4/6 was considered. After
analysis of the proposal, it was noted that it was consistent with the PDNR developed by WP 8A
and the proposal was endorsed. The proposal is summarised below.
It is proposed that the field strengths to be protected for narrow-band FM mobile systems from
T-DAB, in the band from 174 to 230 MHz, should be:
Base station
7 dBV/m
at 20 metres
15 dBV/m
at 1.5 metres
It is also proposed that the frequency separation protection ratios should remain as proposed in the
Report from RRC-04.
This proposal is reflected in the note to the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau contained
in Section 3 of Annex 2.
Resolution COM4/7 - Development of methods for the identification of administrations
whose existing and planned digital and analogue assignments/allotments in the
broadcasting service and assignments to other primary services may be affected by the
application of the interim coordination procedures adopted by the first session of the
Regional Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2004)
WG 4 noted Document 8A/244 sent by the Chairman of the RPG on the work performed by the
SWG 1 of the WP of the RPG on the preparation of draft example regulatory texts to be considered
by the RPG for inclusion in the draft new regional agreement.
WG 4 started to develop a proposal for a chapter of the Annex 4 of the Agreement on limits relating
to the protection of the mobile service from modifications of the Plan. This is based on trigger
values criteria developed within CEPT and brought to the attention of WP 8A by the IPG Chairman
in Document 8A/266 (Appendix B, sections B1 and B2 in particular).
These criteria were reviewed and modified, where appropriate.
Document 8A/272 that provides initial comments from the BR on Document 8A/266 was
The draft proposal is included in Attachment 1 to Section 3 in Annex 2, which provides additional
remarks and identification of areas for further work.
Attachment 1 to Section 3 in Annex 2 contains also comments from WP 8A on the section B.3 of
the Appendix B of Document 8A/266, which deals with coordination triggers to protect the
Broadcasting Service from other primary services.
This document is attached to the note to the Director of the BR and is also sent to WP 6E
(copy to WPs 7D, 9D and 8B) through a liaison statement (Annex 2).
Views from WP 8A on the working assumptions for RRC
WG 4 noted Documents 8A/203 and 8A/208 giving views expressed by WP 8B and WP 9D
respectively on the working assumptions for intersessional activities.
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At its July 2005 meeting, IPG-1 created a new set of working assumptions to be considered by
ITU-R WPs. The working assumptions within the scope of WP 8A were provided in
Document 8A/220.
Regarding the generic protection ratios for LMS to be considered in the RRC process, WG 4
confirmed the validity of the assumptions amended by WP 9D and agreed by the IPG-1.
Regarding the values of the overlap factor in the case of 7 MHz DVB-T, WG4 agreed that these
values should be provided and endorsed the values proposed by the PXT in Annex 1 of
Document 8A/269.
WG4 produced a document (Attachment 2 to Section 3 in Annex 2) which summarises WP 8A’s
views on the working assumptions identified by IPG-1 within the scope of WP 8A. This document
is to be attached to the note to the Director of the BR.
In Document 8A/221, the IPG invited various Working Parties to review the existing protection
criteria for the radiocommunication service concerned interfered with by analogue broadcasting
with a view to identifying the relevant criteria which should be applied.
WG 4 had a review of the ITU-R deliverables and identified that the Report ITU-R M.1031-1 was
addressing the issue of sharing between analogue broadcasting and the mobile service. Although
this Report gives one example of protection criteria for one specific system in the mobile service
(median field strength to be protected at 22 dBµV/m, with a protection ratio of 10 dB), WG 4 could
not identify existing protection criteria applicable in general for the mobile service interfered with
by analogue broadcasting. This was reported in the note to the Director of the BR (Section 3 in
Annex 2).
4.2.4 Further work on RRC issues
WP 8A intends to continue its work at its next meeting to assist the Intersessional activities on the
protection criteria of the mobile service and technical requirements that will facilitate the
coexistence between digital broadcasting and the systems in the mobile service.
Work related to WRC-07 Agenda items
Working group 4 considered liaison statements received at this meeting from WP 8B and WP 9D on
respectively WRC-07 Agenda items 1.5 and Recommendation 723 (WRC-03) where WP 8A has
been identified as a supporting working party. In addition, a document from Canada dealing with
WRC-07 Agenda item 1.11 was considered and documents received at the previous WP 8A meeting
on WRC-07 Agenda item 1.2 and Rec. 723 were reviewed.
Agenda item 1.2 (Res. 742, Res 746)
At its 16th meeting, WP 8A received in Document 8A/170 a liaison statement from WP 7C on
sharing analyses between the EESS (passive) and the SRS (passive) on one hand and the fixed and
mobile services on the other hand in the bands 10.6-10.68 GHz and 36-37 GHz to determine
appropriate sharing criteria as requested by Resolutions 746 (WRC-03) and 742 (WRC-03) and a
call for contribution was made for this 17th meeting regarding informations on the use of these
bands by the mobile service.
However, no contribution was received at this meeting. WG 4 analysed the request from WP 7C
and drafted a reply to WP 7C (Annex 2) giving views from WP 8A on the methodology used by
WP 7C in the studies.
Concerning the required information on the characteristics concerning current or planned MS use of
the 10.6-10.68 GHz and 36-37 GHz bands, WP 8A members are invited to submit contributions for
the next WP 8A meeting.
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Agenda item 1.5 (Res. 230)
In Document 8A/205 sent by WP 8B, WP 8A was informed about a list of candidate bands for
further study to determine the feasibility of sharing between other primary radiocommunication
services and Aeronautical Mobile Telemetry (AMT) operations. This list includes the
4 400-4 940 MHz, 5 925-6 700 MHz, 22.5-23.6 GHz, 24.75-25.5 GHz and 27.0-27.5 GHz bands.
WG 4 considered Document 8A/274 that WP 8B sent to WP 8A during the meeting. This paper was
referring to studies considered by WP 8B (8B/252) on the frequency sharing between fixed service
(FS) and mobile service (MS) and wideband aeronautical mobile telemetry and telecommand
(AMT) systems in the bands 4 400-4 940 MHz and 5 925-6 700 MHz.
WP 8A members are requested to provide for the next WP 8A meeting information on the existing
or planned use of the bands 4 400-4 940 MHz and 5 925-6 700 MHz by the mobile service and to
submit comments on the analysis and assumptions contained in Document 8B/252.
A short liaison statement to WP 8B was drafted (Annex 2).
Agenda item 1.11 (Res. 545)
WG 4 noted in the relevant sections of Document 8A/246 from the United States of America related
to WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.11 the need to provide characteristics of LMS and sharing studies to
WP 6E in the framework of the preparation of WRC-07 Agenda item 1.11.
WG 4 considered Document 8A/259 submitted by Canada. This document evaluates the potential
impact of Broadcasting-Satellite Service (BSS) operating in the 620-790 MHz interference on land
mobile systems used in the bands 764-770 MHz and 794-800 MHz for public safety applications.
This study included the analysis of the interference from a single e BSS satellite into the land
mobile systems and a statistical analysis of aggregate interference from a GEO at longitude 65˚W
and a HEO at longitude 90˚ W, latitude 55˚ N and at a distance of 53 481 km. The pfd levels given
in the Recommendation 705 were used as a basis. It was pointed out that an I/N of -12 for the
protection of LMS was assumed for the study, which is not consistent with the information
previously sent to WP 6E and WP 6S mentioning a required I/N of -6. It was therefore agreed to
amend the study to include simulations and results with values of I/N of -6 and -12.
The modified study was attached to a liaison statement to WP 6E and WP 6S (Annex 2) asking
these two groups to review this study and to provide additional information.
Recommendation 723 (WRC-03): ENG
WG 4 noted the liaison statement (Document 8A/208) from Working Party 9D that gives
information on the work of WP 9D on a working document towards a Preliminary Draft New
Recommendation “System characteristics for sharing with analogue and digital television outside
broadcast (TVOB), electronic news gathering (ENG) and electronic field production (EFP) in the
fixed service”.
No further contribution was received on this issue.
Work plan for the work to be carried out by WP 8A on issues related to WRC-07
This work plan identifies the issues for which contributions are needed for the next WP 8A meeting
in order to provide consolidated responses.
- 11 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
Agenda Item
1.2 (Res. 742) –
Sharing between
(passive) and
services in
36-37 GHz
1.2 (Res 746,
issue 2)
1.2 (Res. 746,
issue 1) – Sharing
GSO Meteo
Satellite systems
and FS, FSS, Ms
in 18-18.4 GHz
1.5 (Res 230) –
Consideration of
mobile allocations
for use by
telemetry and
WP 8A required action
Working Party 7C would
appreciate any information
that could be provided
concerning current or
planned MS use of the
10.6-10.68 GHz and
36-37 GHz (typical
transmitter powers,
antenna gains, and
bandwidths of MS
stations). Deployment
information (estimated
number of transmitters in a
reference area) is also
necessary for the
interference simulations
being conducted.
- Views on studies
conducted by WP 7C
(Doc. 7C/146-Annex 12)
- Views on the draft CPM
text (Doc. 7C/146-Annex
11) Sections 2/1.2/2.3/4
and 2/1.2/3.3/4
- Information and technical
studies that may be
required to address this
Agenda item
- Appropriateness of
assigning the short- and
long-term interference
budget equally between
space and terrestrial
(fixed and mobile) services
and of the equivalent
number of interferers
WP 8B has identified several
bands as warranting further
study to determine the
feasibility of sharing between
other primary
radiocommunication services
and Aeronautical Mobile
Telemetry (AMT) operations.
These bands include the 4
400-4 940 MHz,
5 925-6 700 MHz,
22.5-23.6 GHz,
24.75-25.5 GHz and
27.0-27.5 GHz bands.
Initial studies (8B/252) have
been conducted in WP 8B for
the bands 4 400-4 940 MHz
and 5 925-6 700 MHz.
Some information has been sent to
WP 7C (Annex 2).
WP 8A members are requested to
provide for the WP 8A March
2006 meeting information on the
MS parameters and deployment
characteristics in the
10.6-10.68 GHz and 36-37 GHz
bands, to provide views and
comments on the sharing studies
provided in Annex 12 to
Document 7C/146 and on the draft
CPM text contained in the
Annex 11 to Document 7C/146.
WP 8A members are requested to
provide information on the
existing or planned use of the
band 18-18.4 GHz for MS and to
provide comments on the annex to
Document 8A/70 paying attention
to Table 6.
WP 8A members are requested to
provide for the next WP 8A
meeting information on the
existing or planned use of the
bands 4 400-4 940 MHz,
5 925-6 700 MHz, 22.5-23.6 GHz,
24.75-25.5 GHz and
27.0-27.5 GHz by the mobile
service and to submit comments
on the analysis and assumptions
contained in Document 8B/252 for
4 400-4 940 MHz and
5 925-6 700 MHz bands.
- 12 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
1.11 (Res. 545) –
protection of
terrestrial services
from BSS in the
620-790 MHz
Rec 723
(WRC-03): ENG
The following points
requested by WP 6E in
Document 8A/194 should be
– System characteristics of
the land mobile service
currently operating and
planned to operate in the
frequency band
620-790 MHz
– Pfd levels for protection of
land mobile services in the
frequency band
620-790 MHz; and
– Regulatory procedures and
conditions under which
BSS GSO and non-GSO
BSS satellite
networks/systems may
operate in order to fully
protect the terrestrial land
mobile service in the
frequency band
620-790 MHz.
Working Party 6P drew the
development of the
preliminary draft new Report
on Spectrum usage and
operational requirements of
terrestrial electronic news
gathering to the attention of
Working Party 8A
WP 8A members have been
requested to:
- Provide information on the use
of the band 620-790 MHz for
the MS
- To submit contributions to the
next WP 8A meeting with the
view of continuing the
development of relevant text
for the draft CPM text relating
to WRC-07 AI 1.11
- To conduct sharing studies to
determine the regulatory
means required for the
protection of the mobile
service from BSS stations.
Technical characteristics,
proposals for CPM text and initial
sharing studies have been sent to
WP 6E and WP 6S (Annex 2).
Additional information may be
WP 8A members views are sought
– System characteristics for
sharing between land mobile,
– Land mobile services currently
operating in frequency bands
assigned TVOB and ENG; and
– Current status of regulatory
procedures within
administrations for sharing
between land mobile, TVOB
and ENG.
Other WRC-07 Agenda items (1.6, 1.7, 1.17)
No document was received on these agenda items which were consequently not addressed at this
4.4 Other issues
WG 4 took note of Document 8A/258 from Canada proposing a guide to existing ITU texts on the
land mobile service. Ms Reema Hafez, coordinator of the Ad hoc Guide group created by WP 8A,
reported about the progress of the group, the output of this group being found in Annex 14. It was
pointed out that Sections 3 and 4 on spectrum sharing and interference respectively need to be
developed and that contributions from WG 4 are needed. It is proposed to work by correspondence
on these sections of the guide and to provide inputs to the coordinator of the Ad Hoc group.
- 13 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
Objectives for the 18th meeting
The objectives for the 18th WP 8A meeting regarding WG 4 activities are the following:
progress the developments of the deliverables on technical characteristics of land mobile
systems for the sharing studies (PDNRs M.[LMS.CHAR.VHF-UHF] and
M.[LMS.CHAR.CELL] and the working document towards a PDN Report
progress the development of the working document towards a PDNR
M.[LMS.CHAR.METH] on the methodologies to be used in the sharing studies related to
the land mobile service;
continue the work required on issues related to the RRC-06;
provide assistance to the relevant Working Parties on WRC-03 Agenda items 1.2, 1.5, 1.11
and Recommendation 723 (WRC-03) and if required, on WRC AI 1.6, 1.7 and 1.17.
The WG 4 Chairman would like to thank Mr Haim Pistiner (Israel) and Mr. Suneil Kanjeekal
(Canada) for their excellent work as drafting group chairmen, Ms. Reema Hafez (Canada) for her
assistance in the drafting and all the WG 4 participants for their work and their good spirit of
Working Group 5 – New technology and services
(Chairman: Mr. Hitoshi Yoshino, Japan)
WG 5 met two times during the 17th meeting of ITU-R WP 8A from 22 – 28 September 2005.
Around 25 delegates from Germany, Canada, Korea, the USA, Japan, New Zealand, the
Netherlands, the UK, Ericsson, Lucent Technologies, IEEE and SDR Forum, participated in the
meetings. The tasks assigned to WG 5 address new technologies and services and cellular
(pre-IMT systems).
Twelve input contributions and one informal contribution were attributed to WG 5, which were:
Software Defined Radio: Documents 8A/219 (WP 8F), 226 (J), 228 (Convenor SDR
Ad-Hoc Group), 242 (IEEE), 252 (CAN), 253 (D), 261 (ArrayComm), Informal
contribution (USA)
IP Applications over mobile systems: Documents 8A/214 (Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia,
Siemens and Telecom Italia), 217 (WP 8F), 237 (KOR), 254 (CAN), 267 (KT Corporation).
WG 5 established the two drafting groups to facilitate its work:
DG (Chairperson)
Terms of Reference
DG 1 (Ms Cindy Cook, Canada)
– Develop a working document toward a preliminary draft new
(PDN) Report on Software Defined Radio in the Land Mobile
Service [LMS.SDR] and
– Develop a liaison statement to WP 8F
DG 2 (Mr Hitoshi Yoshino, Japan)
– Develop a working document towards a PDN Report or
Recommendation ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] on key technical and
operational requirements for access technologies to support IP
applications over mobile systems and
– Develop a liaison statement to WP 8F
- 14 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
Software defined radio (SDR)
Document 8A/219 was a liaison statement from WP 8F, which informed WP 8A of WP 8F’s
response to the WP 8A’s suggestion in Document 8F/445, including the adoption of the revised
WP 8A’s definition of SDR and provided its Draft New Report ITU-R M.[IMT.SDR].
Document 8A/226 proposed a new text on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) as a new section
under Section 5 of the current working document (Annex 13 of Document 8A/202).
Document 8A/228 was an update on progress of the WP 8A Ad-Hoc SDR Group, which has been
taking place through the WG 5 reflector ( It provided the updated working
document towards a PDN Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SDR] and summarized information on suggested
change to the current definitions from one organization during the Ad-Hoc activities.
Document 8A/242 proposed additional changes to the current working document. It provided
acronyms, proposed changes of spectrum management section, additional text on Cognitive Radio
for Section 4.1 of illustration of advanced radio concept in Document 8A/228 and proposed
modification to Figure 4 in the working document.
Document 8A/252 proposed general and specific revisions to the working document towards a
PDN Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SDR] together with the views that the common definition between
WP 8A and WP 8F should remain unchanged and that WP 8A’s SDR Report should keep
consistency with WP 8F’s SDR Report by reviewing them, e.g. overlap or discrepancies of the text.
Document 8A/253 proposed that the definition that is only related to SDR should be kept in a PDN
Report [LMS.SDR] and all other definitions that are out of scope from a viewpoint of
Question 230-1/8 should be removed from the document. It also proposed a modification to
Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) definition, deletion of Figure 1 and related text in the current
working document and addition of the text on technical characteristics.
Document 8A/261 proposed a revised text on ITS for Annex C of the current working document,
addressing that the important need to bridge the gap between the short lifecycles of
telecommunications systems and networks, and longer design lifecycles of vehicles.
Informal contribution on SDR from the USA was assigned to WG 5. It proposed modifications to
the working document towards a PDN Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SDR].
The proposed texts relating to an SDR application to ITS were separately considered at WP 8A
WG 2. The developed text was provided to WG5 for the inclusion in the working document.
Based on these contributions together with the provided text on ITS, WG 5 developed the working
document towards a PDN Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SDR] and successfully completed its work on a
PDN Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SDR] (Annex 2).
WG 5 also decided to develop a liaison statement to WP 8F to inform it of the completion of the
PDN Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SDR] (Annex 2).
IP Applications over mobile systems
Document 8A/214 provided information on IP over mobile systems which has been carried out by
3GPP. Provided information contained both features currently available and future developments
currently under study in 3GPP.
Document 8A/217 was a liaison statement from WP 8F, which informs WP 8A that WP 8F has
decided to start work on the development of the working document towards a PDN Report or
Recommendation ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] in response to Question ITU-R 223 which is jointly assign
to WPs 8A and 8F. It also informs WP 8A that WP 8F sees that the first step in addressing Q.223/8
is the development of a document delineating the essential technical and operational high level
- 15 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
characteristics required in mobile systems to support IP applications. The framework of the working
document was also attached to the liaison statement.
Document 8A/237 proposed a text on location information services for mobile internet systems for
inclusion in the working document on IP applications over mobile systems. It provided a method to
overcome the limit of existing Internet services and to facilitate convergence between broadcasting
and communications. It suggested that the proposed method is very valuable to Location Based
Service (LBS) and ITS applications.
Document 8A/254 proposed a preliminary schedule for the development of the joint document on
IP applications over mobile systems between WPs 8A and 8F. It also proposed working list of
reference material for the development of the joint working document towards a PDN Report or
Recommendation ITU-R M.[IP CHAR]. It finally proposed two alternative texts for the working
document toward a PDNR ITU-R M.[IP CHAR]; one addressed the requirement for mobile systems
to support IP applications based on IETF documents, and the other addressed the capabilities of
mobile systems based on 3GPP documents.
Document 8A/267 proposed a protocol for improving UDP performance over wireless networks and
its application to mobile robot control, in which both real-time operation and reliability of control
data were taken into account.
Based on these contributions, WG 5 discussed working method for IP applications over mobile
systems in response to Q.223/8. WG 5 reached a common view that the first step in addressing
Q.223/8 is the development of a document delineating the essential technical and operational
characteristics required in mobile systems to support IP applications.
WG 5 also decided to start its work on IP applications over mobile systems by jointly develop
through liaison with WP 8F a single working document toward a PDNR ITU-R M.[IP CHAR],
taking into consideration that Q.223/8 is jointly assigned to WPs 8A and 8F. WG 5 developed a
proposed joint workplan as shown in Table 1.
Proposed workplan for the joint development of the working document towards
Meeting Dates
Work completed
Work completed
WP 8A and WP 8F inform SG 8 of the progress
Work started
SG 8
Seek adoption
Further work if required
Further work if required
Seek adoption if required
- 16 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
WG 5 also develop its view that it is premature to decide whether the working document should be
a Report or Recommendation at this stage, and that working document could be a Preliminary Draft
New Recommendation if it can adequately address requirements for mobile systems to support IP
applications, while the document would be a Preliminary Draft New Report if it only describes the
capabilities of the existing mobile systems to support IP applications.
Base on the above views as well as contributions to this meeting, WG 5 developed the working
documents towards a PDNR ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] (Annex 10) and a liaison statement to WP 8F
(Annex 2).
Future work
At the next meeting of WP 8A, WG 5 plans to continue the development of the working document
toward a PDNR ITU-R M.[IP CHAR].WP 8A encourages Administrations and other members to
submit materials on IP applications over mobile systems. WP 8A encourages participants to stay
abreast of WP 8F’s activities on this topic.
WG 5 continues its studies on Adaptive Antenna (Question ITU-R 224-1) and welcomes
contributions for the development of Recommendations, Reports or Handbooks, which will follow
Recommendation ITU-R M.1678 and Report ITU-R M.2040.
WG 5 further continues its studies on Software Defined Radio (Question ITU-R 230-1) and
welcomes contributions for the development of Recommendations, Reports or Handbooks, which
will follow Report ITU-R M.[LMS.SDR].
WG 5 continues to contribute to the development of the working document on vocabulary focusing
on new technologies and services, including IP applications over mobile systems, SDR and
Adaptive Antenna.
Finally the WG 5 Chairman would like to thank Ms Cindy Cook for her excellent chairmanship to
complete SDR Report and all participants for their contributions to work of the group.
Working Group 7 – Wireless Access Systems, including RLANs
(Chairman: Mr. Stephen Bond, UK)
WG 7 met three times and considered Documents: 8A/234 (Japan), 8A/257 (Canada), 8A/273
(USA), related to Resolution 229 (WRC-03); and further considered, 8A/211 (WP 9B), 8A/223
(IEEE), 8A/235 (Korea), 8A/247 (USA), 8A/251 (USA) and 8A/265 (WiMAX Forum), related to
development of the PDNR M.[8A/BWA].
Resolution 229 - DFS
Document 8A/234, from Japan, proposed a modification of Recommendation ITU-R M.1652 with
an objective of creating common test methods for WAS/RLANs to facilitate global standardization.
Documents 8A/248 and 8A/273, from the USA, proposed the creation of a separate report or
recommendation to compliment Recommendation ITU-R M.1652, and further proposed the creation
of a WP 8A correspondence group to take forward the work.
Document 8A/257, from Canada, presented the results of DFS testing for information. These tests
were particularly focused on the requirements to protect meteorological radars.
The meeting supported the work undetaken by each of these administrations in response to
Resolution 229 (WRC-07) and noted that other administrations are also active in this area. The
proposed correspondence group was supported by WG 7 as the most efficient way to progress the
work and terms of reference as follows:
- 17 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
At the September 2005 WP 8A meeting it was decided to establish a correspondence group to
address the development of text relating to testing procedures for the implementation of Dynamic
Frequency Selection (DFS). Delegates are urged to join the WG 7 e-mail reflector that will be used
by this group ( and to provide contributions for the March 2006 WP 8A meeting.
The input contributions to-date have been taken into account in Annex 11 as baseline text for the
Correspondence Group. This group will accomplish its work primarily by electronic means in
between meetings. The terms of reference for this group are as follows:
Develop a generic Recommendation/Report on testing procedures for implementation of
Dynamic Frequency Selection
Include suitable Administration test procedures as annexes that would be referenced by the
Recommendation/Report as a means of providing conformance testing for DFS
functionality. These procedures should include equipment setup, test methodology, and
detection requirements.
to consider appropriate modification of M.1652 to align text with the document being
prepared by the Correspondence Group.
Complete its work prior to 2009.
Charles Glass (USA)
It should be noted that the proposals from Japan superseded the existing working document in
Annex 14 of the Chairman’s report of the previous WP 8A meeting, and were incorporated into the
document carried forward in Annex 11.
Document 8A/234, contained a liaison statement from WP 9B informing WP 8A of developments
in BWA in their area of responsibility. It was agreed that WP 8A should provide an informative
response along similar lines, in the interest of continued good co-operation.
Document 8A/223, from the IEEE proposing development of the working document towards
PDNR M.[8A/BWA]. This proposal modified the existing working document to become a
recommendation addressing a single standard for a radio interface for IEEE 802.16.
Document 8A/235, from Korea, proposing development of the PDNR M.[8A/BWA]. It was agreed
by the group to consider an updated version of this document identified within WG 7 as 8A/235 rev
1. This document made a number of detailed changes to the existing working document, whilst
maintaining the reference to the IEEE 802.16 radio interface.
Document 8A/247, from the USA proposing a new question to address the fact that Question 212/8
is concerned with nomadic wireless access, whilst the PDNR M.[8A/BWA] encompasses the
broader category of BWA (i.e. covering mobile and nomadic).
Document 8A/251, from the USA proposing modification of the PDNR M.[8A/BWA] to broaden
the range of standards recommended.
- 18 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
Document 8A/265, from the WiMAX Forum – after careful consideration (in the presence of the
WiMAX Forum and the WG 4 Chairman) it was agreed that this document would be more
appropriate for consideration by WG 4.
The proposal for a new question was opposed by one administration on the grounds that: it was not
necessary since Q 212/8 was adequate for this purpose; it would be more appropriate to review all
questions at the end of the study period, rather than consider one in isolation; and if it were agreed
that Q 212/8 was not relevant to this work then Q 107/8 would be.
After extensive discussion, it was agreed to proceed with development of a working document
towards a new question, addressing Broadband Wireless Access in the mobile service so as to
compliment Q 212/8. One administration indicated that they could accept this way forward but may
revisit the issue in subsequent discussions. The preliminary draft question was eventually submitted
to WP 8A (Annex 2).
The proposals for modification of the working document towards a PDNR M.[8A/BWA] suggested
two possible courses of action: a recommendation for a single standard; and a recommendation
addressing multiple standards.
There were widely differing views on how to proceed on this issue. Following lengthy debate, it
was decided to proceed with two working documents to be attached to the Chairman’s report as a
basis for further work. In future meetings it will be necessary to decide on whether to proceed with
either or both of these documents, to combine the documents, or to take some other course of
action. One sector member reserved their position and indicated that they may revisit the discussion.
The working documents can be found in Annex 12 and Annex 13. It was agreed to liaise this
information to standards development organizations, copied to WP 9B and WP 8F a copy of the
liaison can be found in Annex 2.
Output documents
WG 7 produced the following output documents:
- Establishment of a DFS correspondence group (Section 6.2 above and Annex 11)
- Liaison to SDO’s on BWA (Annex 2)
- Draft new question ITU-R[8A/BWA] (Annex 2)
- WD PDNR M.[8A/NWA] (Annex 12)
- WD PDNR M.[8A/BWA] (Annex 13)
Objectives for the next meeting
WG 7 proposes that the objectives for the next meeting should be:
– To progress the development of the working documents towards a PDNR M.[8A/BWA] and
– Review the report from the correspondence group on Res 229 DFS and take appropriate action.
Chairman’s comments
The WG 7 Chairman thanked all participants of the group for their constructive participation, and
particularly thanks Charles Glass for successfully chairing an exceptionally challenging drafting
- 19 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
Land mobile handbook rapporteur group (Rapporteur: Ms. Cindy Cook, Canada)
The Land Mobile Handbook (LMH) group met once at this WP 8A session with approximately ten
delegates in attendance.
The group discussed the progress made on Volume 4 of the LMH since the 16th meeting of WP 8A.
The editor, Dr. Jongtaek Oh (Korea, Rep. of), gave an update on which sections are mostly
completed and which sections still require additional input. The group also discussed how to solicit
input from countries in Europe and Region 2 in order to finalize the document.
WG 2 (ITS) held a meeting and completed the first draft of Volume 4 of the LMH on ITS. The first
draft is an extensive document (about 77 pages) and is available on the LMH reflector. Its
completion was made possible due to participation and regular contribution through the LMH
reflector since the 16th meeting of WP 8A. WG 2 also reviewed the outstanding text necessary for
the completion of Vol. 4. A second and final draft is scheduled for review and completion by
February 2006.
Also discussed at the LMH meeting were possible topics for additional volumes. Several
suggestions were made and one, a volume on BWA, has been added to the schedule. Mr. Charles
Glass (U.S.A.) has volunteered to be editor for the BWA volume. The other suggestions were:
new technologies, systems and applications;
PPDR (who, what, technologies, etc.);
mobile services and applications excluding voice;
IP applications over mobile.
I will be stepping down as Rapporteur for the LMH. It has been recommended that Reema Hafez
(Canada) resume her duties as the Rapporteur from this point forward.
I would like to thank the participants for their hard work in progressing Volume 4 of the LMH so
quickly and encourage those who are interested in participating in the work on this and further
volumes of the LMH to join, and contribute to, the LMH reflector ( activities.
Ms. Cindy Cook
Industry Canada
Tel: +1 613 998-3874
Fax: +1 613 952-5108
- 20 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
Schedule for Completion of the Work on the Volumes of the Handbook
Work to be
Mr. José Costa, Canada
Fixed Wireless
Volume 1
Revision 1
July 2001
Working Party 8F
Principles and
approaches on
evolution to
Volume 2
Dispatch and
paging systems
Volume 3
To be published
Volume 4
Revisions to current
DSRC section
First draft of Vol. 4
Completion of Vol. 4
February 2006
Table of Contents
February 2006
Mr Michel Pierrugues,
Suneil Kanjeekal,
Dr Jongtaek OH, Korea
(Rep. of)
Mr. Charles Glass,
Wireless Access
Volume 5
Vocabulary rapporteur group (Acting Rapporteur: Mr. Christian Risone, France)
A working document towards a preliminary draft new recommendation has been developed (see
Annex 15), based on the work done in the previous meeting (Annex 12 to Doc. 8A/121 and
Annex 16 to Doc. 8A/202).
It has felt relevant to send this document to the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) (see
Annex 2).
Inputs for the next meeting have been encouraged in order to progress the work.
Ad hoc group on guide (Coordinator: Mrs. Reema Hafez, Canada)
The Ad Hoc Guide group met once in order to discuss input contribution 8A/258, proposing a guide
to existing ITU texts on the land mobile service. It was agreed by the participants that such a guide
should be produced and further discussions took place on the details. It was agreed that the guide
would be most suitable in the form of a webpage that could be updated at each meeting of WP 8A if
necessary, and would not require Study Group 8’s approval.
There was also general agreement that the topics provided in Document 8A/258 adequately cover
the currently completed work on LMS within the ITU. Regarding the missing text under each topic,
it was decided that each of the relevant WP 8A Working Groups work through correspondence
between now and the next meeting, in order to develop this text. The section on Intelligent
Transportation Systems has been reviewed and revised by Working Group 2; in addition, text has
- 21 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
been added to the section on Public Protection and Disaster Relief by Working Group 3. Both of
these changes are reflected in the latest version of the guide in Annex 14.
A question was raised on whether or not this guide should also contain ongoing work, in addition to
completed work. After some discussion, it was agreed that only completed work will be included.
Therefore, WP 8A Working Groups are encouraged to work through correspondence and send any
new text to the Ad Hoc Guide Coordinator, who will then submit a consolidated input to the next
meeting of WP 8A.
Joint Working Group 8A-8B on A.I. 1.13
(Coordinator: Mr. Pekka Lansman, Finland)
Documents for approval
Revised draft CPM-text for 1.13 (Annex 16)
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6E and 9C (Annex 2)
Some administrations indicated that the method 5/1.13/11.10 is not in accordance with
Resolution 351 and therefore changes to Appendix 17 should only relate to the maritime mobile
service and not other services.
Documents to carry forward
Documents 8A/224 (8B/199) and 8A/243 (8B/280)
Regulatory and procedural considerations for issue E (Annex 17)
Consideration of the 1.13-related Input Documents for WPs 8A and 8B:
- 22 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
8A doc
8B doc
Document name
Handling of the document
USA: GMDSS modernization and
accommodation of maritime MF/HF
(2-30 MHz) digital services – analysis of
Appendix 17 and proposed modifications
This document is mostly superseded by
Document 8B/233. Any missing
information was brought forward by USA
during the drafting of CPM text.
WP 6E LS: WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13
draft CPM text
The information in this doc is included in
Documents 8A/216, 8B/194.
Annex 4
WP 8A LS: Draft CPM text for WRC-07
Agenda item 1.13, Res. 729 taking into
account the mobile service requirements
The information in this doc is included in
Documents 8A/216, 8B/194.
Annex 5
WP 8A LS: Draft CPM Text On The Issue
Formerly Known As Issue (X) responding to
the overall objective of Agenda item 1.13
The information in this doc is included in
Documents 8A/216, 8B/194.
Annex 3
WP 8B: LS preliminary draft new
Recommendation ITU-R M.XXX
This document has no direct implications
to the CPM text. It was handled in
WG 8A-1.
Technical characteristics of HF radio
equipment for the exchange of data and email in the Maritime Mobile Service
WP 9C LS: Draft CPM text proposal for
WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13 taking into
account the fixed service requirements
The information in this document is
included in Documents 8A/216, 8B/194.
Coordination Group: Report of the first
meeting of the Coordination Group for
AI 1.13
Combination of draft CPM text coming
from Working Parties 6E, 8A, 8B and
9C. The document was used as the basis
for drafting and a revised draft CPM text
on 1.13 was produced.
IARU: Draft elements for CPM text on
Agenda item 1.13 regarding the amateur
Parts of the doc were used, when revising
the CPM text for 1.13. More discussion is
required about the proposal concerning
7 200-7 300 kHz. The document should
be carried forward to the next meetings of
WP 8A and WP 8B.
IMO: Outcome of the second meeting of a
joint IMO/ITU experts group for WRC-07
The doc does not contain direct text
proposals. Parts of the document are
included in Docs. 8A/236 / 8B/270.
Indication for need of more maritime
spectrum was noted.
Telenor AS: Frequency requirements for
HF mail
The doc was taken into account, as
appropriate, when revising the CPM text
for 1.13.
CIRM: Use of HF spectrum by the maritime
The doc was noted, including the
indication for need of more maritime
CIRM: Clarification of Article 52.217
The doc was taken into account, as
appropriate, when revising the CPM text
for 1.13.
Australia: Present Uses of Appendix 17
The document was noted for information.
- 23 8A/277(Annex 3)-E
USA: GMDSS Modernization and
accommodation of maritime MF/HF
(2-30 MHz) digital services analysis of
Appendix 17
The document was taken into account, as
appropriate, when revising the CPM text
for 1.13. The changes proposed for
Appendix 17 are not in the format of
Appendix 17. Option is to develop the
document into a PDNR.
USA: United States fixed and mobile HF
Relevant parts of the document are
included in other USA submissions. The
information in this document was noted.
USA: Development of CPM text for
WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13
This doc was already handled by the first
plenaries of WP 8A and WP 8B.
USA: Draft CPM text for WRC-07
Agenda item 1.13
The doc was taken into account, as
appropriate, when revising the CPM text
for 1.13.
France, UK: Proposed modification to the
draft CPM text for WRC-07 Agenda item
1.13 submitted by the coordination group
The doc was taken into account, as
appropriate, when revising the CPM text
for 1.13.
Canada: Proposal on draft CPM text for
WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13
The doc was taken into account, as
appropriate, when revising the CPM text
for 1.13.
USA: Working document toward CPM text
for WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13
The doc should be carried forward to the
next meeting with the possibility of
developing it into a draft new Report.
RUS: Comments on usage of frequency
adaptive systems in relation to drafting the
text for CPM report on WRC-07 A.I. 1.13
The doc relates to parts of the CPM
Report that is in the responsibility of
WP 9C. Attention of WP 9C is drawn to
this in a liaison statement.