The Status of International Business in Community

The Status of
Business in
Presented by:
Gretchen Carroll, J.D., M.B.A.
Professor of Management &
Owens Community College
First The Facts
There are 1,195 local community colleges
in the United States.
According to the American Association of
Community Colleges over 80% of these
community colleges have integrated
international components into course work.
83% of them sponsor activities to promote
global awareness among students.
Fast Facts……
Community Colleges make up 42% of all
higher education institutions and enroll
40% of students nation wide.
With 11.5 million students, credit and noncredit, community colleges play a crucial
role in preparing students to become
productive members of a global workforce.
Close to 100,000 international students
attend community colleges, about 39% of
all international undergraduate students in
the United States.
reflecting demand, enrollment in
community colleges with international
business programs grew from 23% to
60% over the last 5 years.
Close to 100,000 international students,
39% of all international students in the
United States attend community colleges
& contribute 1.87 billion annually to the
US economy.
international student enrollment at CCs
increased by 57.9% from 93-03.
5,776 community college students studied
abroad in 2003/04, less than 1% of all
community college students in the US.
Community College study abroad generally
mirrors study abroad at all institutions.
85% of community college students who do
study abroad are in Latin America or
The overwhelming majority of community
college study abroad students (73%) are
on short-term programs.
73% of community college students that
did study abroad, did so for fewer than 8
The American Association of Community
Colleges actively advocates an
international role for community colleges in
all dimensions of worldwide education and
There is increasing support that other
countries are reflecting a heightened
interest in adopting the community college
model. (Bologna Agreement)
In 2001-2002 ACE Compiled an
Internationalization Index
A random sample of 552 community
college presidents were surveyed
(52%) of which 233 (43%) responded.
Asked a variety of questions in six
major categories that comprised the
Six Key Areas of
International Involvement
External funding
Investment in
students and
student programs.
Dismal report card…
61% received an overall
internationalization score of low
33% scored in the medium range
5% in the medium to high range
0% in the high range
Of the community colleges
considered to be “highly active”
65% highlighted international
education in recruitment literature.
75% had programs for students to
study abroad without delaying
66% administered study abroad
programs for undergraduate credit.
92% had an office for international
education programs.
Study abroad programs
Offered by 1/3 of the community
colleges surveyed, but less than 10%
administered international field study,
internships, or service opportunities.
Even in the highly active institutions,
only 2% of students study abroad
Investment in Faculty
Although faculty involvement is key to
internationalization of the curricula
and the student experience, the
majority of community colleges
scored “low” or “zero” on institutional
investment in the faculty.
General lack of support for faculty and
for opportunities to be involved in
international education.
Should community colleges be
advancing short cycle study
abroad and internationalizing
campuses and curricula?
All of the regional accrediting
associations have adopted standards
or policies to guide two-year
institutions as they move into
international education.
Many two-year institutions have
altered their mission statements to
include foreign study for students as a
means to develop global
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of
Business (AACSB) in their standards and
guidelines for business school accreditation
encouraged business schools to adopt a
systematic acceptance of internationalization in
their curriculum.
Association of Collegiate Business Schools and
Programs (ACBSP) included in their standards, for
two year institutions, that students develop a
global perspective, and the study of the
international environment should be included in
the business curriculum.
AACC- ACCT Joint Statement on the
Role of Community Colleges in
International Education
“Community Colleges should develop
strategic plans for global awareness
and competence that respond to the
needs of the community’s learners,
businesses and institutions.
American Association of Community Colleges
Policy on International Education
“To ensure the survival and well-being of
our communities, it is imperative that
community colleges develop a globally and
multi-culturally competent citizenry. In
meeting this challenge, community
colleges should provide:”
internationalized curricula
multicultural activities and programs
foreign language programs
cultural and ethnic studies
The AACC’s Policy also includes...
Study abroad
Faculty and
student exchange
assistance to other
countries and their
and international
student enrollment
Government supported these initiatives with
an international education policy
To continue to compete successfully in the global
economy and to maintain our roles as a world
leader, the US needs to ensure that its citizens
develop a broad understanding of the world,
proficiency in other languages, and knowledge of
other cultures.
A coherent and coordinated international
education strategy (which includes community
colleges) will help us meet the twin challenges of
preparing our citizens for a global environment
while continuing to attract and educate future
leaders from abroad.
How does the Government
support the initiative?
Encouraging students from other countries
to study in the United States;
Promoting study abroad by U.S. students;
Supporting the exchange of teachers,
scholars and citizens at all levels of
Expanding high-quality foreign language
learning and knowledge of other cultures.
20% of community colleges have received
U.S. government funds to help support
international programs.
International Education Must Be Part of the
Community College’s Mission.... Why?
We’re building a world of learners. Community Colleges are
no longer just preparing a workforce, they are developing an
active citizenry, prepared to navigate and participate in a
global community.
Community college enrollments are projected to be over 13
million by 2010, over half of all Americans will begin their
education at a community college, as well as increasing
numbers of international students.
The ‘community’ identified in the mission statement is no
longer confined to a limited geographical area as distance
education expands the scope and reach of all colleges, and
international students migrate to community colleges for a
variety of reasons.
“The argument for international education programs exists
on the human level, in economic terms, and on the civic
How Owens Community College is
meeting the standards...
In 1997, after attending the MSU IBI, we
began developing an international focus in
the business program and across the
curriculum. It was an nine step process
that included:
1) Overcoming resistance in the
department about the need for an
international focus.
2) Presentation at a division meeting on
incorporating a global perspective in all
business classes.
3) Presentation at a College-wide faculty
development seminar on incorporating a
global perspective across the curriculum.
4) Selecting management, marketing, and
business law texts that included an international
5) Adding International Business as a required
course for all management majors.
6) Adding an International Business option which
includes: international business, international
marketing, human geography, international
transactions, multicultural diversity and a foreign
language requirement.
7) Adding Canadian Studies Transfer degree
which includes the opportunity to study for a
semester at a Canadian two-year college.
8) Joining the Toledo Area
International Trade Association
and the International Trade
Assistance Center to develop ties
with the business community.
9) Creating strategic relationships
with BGSU, University of Toledo,
University of Findlay to facilitate
transfer students and professional
development for faculty.
EU- US Atlantis Project
Joint projects of the Department of
Education and the European Commission.
Supports transatlantic cooperation between
institutions of higher education in US and
EU, both 2 and 4 year institutions.
Objectives: facilitation of student and
faculty exchange, development of joint/dual
degree programs, exchange of best
University of Toledo & Owens
Community College Atlantis Project
Response to the Bologna Agreement
Two international partners- International
University College (Bulgaria) & LEIDO
Focus in on the role of short-cycle higher
education in the US & EU in addressing
social and economic needs.
Ultimate goal – creation of a dual
degree/certificate program between OCC
and EU partner institutions.
Future Plans for International
Business Education at OCC...
Increased focus on getting international students
enrolled at Owens and in our business transfer
Participate on a College wide committee to send
students to study and travel internationally.
Attempting to get the program grant funded by the
Consider collaboration with other international
education organizations including Youth for
Understanding International Exchange, Sister
Cities International, and People to People
International. .
Hosting Three International
June 2009- Golden Sands, Bulgaria Focus
is recognition and accreditation of SCHE
programs and the alignment of educational
systems to facilitate student exchange and
meet global workforce needs.
October 2009- Toledo, Ohio Focus is the
role of SCHE in economic & community
June 2010- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Focus is the contribution of SCHE in
creating ladders in life long learning.
For more information on Atlantis….
We’d love to have you as a participant
or a presenter representing short
cycle higher education.
We’d also love to hear what you are
doing in any of these areas regarding
economic or social development or
life long learning.
The Challenges to international
studies ....
1) Faculty support.
2) Marketing the program to the business
community to establish a strong job market for a
two year graduate.
3) Student Interest- over 18,000 students at OCC
but fewer than 300 have selected the IB option,
although this is up dramatically. (Eliminated the
language requirement and enrollment doubled.)
But, it remains difficult to run advanced courses
without student numbers.
Some Bright Spots…………
C.C. Success Stories
Anne Arundel Community College (MD)
College of Lake County (IL)
Crowder College (MO)
Essex County Community College (NJ)
Glendale Community College (CA)
Harford Community College (MD)
Maricopa Community College District (AZ)
North Shore Community College (MA)
Tidewater Community College (VA)
“Saber es poder”
Knowledge is power and community colleges are
on the front lines of the global shift.
Our reach has been expanded and enhanced by
the convergence of technology into the education
arena, expanding our sphere beyond our
community. (every course in the BM curriculum is
now available through distance education)
Expanding international education strengthens
democracy, encourages prosperity, and inspires
new intellectual thought and inquiry.
International Education does a lot for
shedding egocentric and ethnocentric
What happens outside of the U.S.
does indeed affect the price of the
automobile, per-capita income,
national security, your job and perhaps
personal freedom. (Even in Toledo,
Global education can help community
college students make this connection.
So what is the status of International Business
in Community Colleges?
After assessing economic trends, marketplace
challenges, demographic changes, programming
opportunities, and technology developments,
80% of Community Colleges across the country
have developed some type of international
curricula, 43% offer international community
activities, and 49 % have study abroad/exchange
The world is our new community and it is up to
community colleges to educate the workforce,
educate the electorate, and educate the people
to navigate and participate in a new global
Thank you!
Contact information:
Gretchen K. Carroll, J.D., M.B.A.
Professor of Management & Leadership
Director of Atlantis Project
Owens Community College
American Association of Community Colleges
Green, M.F. & Siaya, L. (2005). Measuring
internationalization at community colleges.
American Council on Education; Washington, D.C.
Open Doors 2005: Report on International
Educational Exchange
Raby, R. (2009). Community college study abroad:
Making study abroad accessible to all students.
Tidewater Community College