Lesson Plan #2 EALR:

Lesson Plan #2
This assignment is ongoing, following a Literature Circles format.
Intention: For students to familiarize themselves with the graphic novel format,
and recognize that graphic novels can be as complex and challenging as text
novels. Emphasize the integration of the graphic novel throughout the curriculum,
similar to the format of a college course. Students will be working with the
graphic novel as a format for writing, reading, art, and communication skills.
Objective: SWBAT form choice groups and read one of the following novels. Novels
are tiered in difficulty according to reader ability. SWBAT follow established
literature circles format and complete graphic novel analysis sheet.
Procedure: Assign students to literature circle group based on preference of
novel, with some teacher discretion according to pre-determined ability.
High: Persepolis, Maus
Grade Level: Salmon Doubts
Low: Bongo Simpsons comic collection
Students read graphic novel according to class literature circles routine and
answer questions on culminating graphic novel worksheet to support them in the
process of creating their own story.
Assessment: Assess through check-ins student progress on novel, collect sheet at
end of process, develop criteria for a group presentation book auction where
students sell novel to classmates.