Document 17778031

X LATE - Beth, Teddi, Dex, Rachel X REALLY LATE - MAtthew
William left early
Evergreen Conservation Corps - Christina - good facilitation - moving intro discusion forward (RM,
you don't want to discuss too much detail on intro slides - it's hard for audience to pay attention)
Good organization, good trade-off of narration, CAH contributing to Red
3 factors in trail sustainability - ecological, physical sustainability, and engendering stewardship
Emmet - trail map, with erosion marked - from 2001 - needs update
CAH - proposed closing some social trails to reduce impact
Examples to follow - SCA - USFS - NPS - Red worked with Dept of Ag on trails
GOALS - create ECC - are there outside resources for this?
- work in community
- learn, be a gateway - maintain pathways by hand
Low impact solutions- turnpike - use fallen logs on the side, rocks in the middle (how do you haul in
Cecelia - medium for outdoor education - interpretive trails - appreciation for nature and
community, cycles of Earth - CAH - leave no trace
Budget - materials, tools, safety gear
Partner with RAD (have you talked with Scott)
CONTINUITY - Service days - environmental stewardship - safety liabilities - advocacy - comm
*** Suggest EDUCATION aspect - signage on trails will also contribute to community buy-in to
conservation & sustainability
Talk with Scott Morgan and CLUC?
X Ben Crew - if social trails are heavily used, consider maintaining those - Emmet (little)
Brian - challenge you to block social trails an keep them protected - CAH - block entrance with soil
and etc. Get rid of treehouses... Cristina - good that people are getting outside - evaluate uses of
trails and destination, recreation... Red - balance between social attitudes and impacts
William Z - trailhead maps outdated and confusing
Graham sick - posted presentation - going home - excused
Hydroponics and traditional agriculture - Garry, Sean, Michaela, Antonio
Q: Environmental - not using as much land - growing up instead of out - SEAN
- is food of equal quality?
- viable replacement ?
- Could this benefit places with poor soil?
No pesticides (many hydroponics farmers use fungicides)
If we use "pink house farming" we can save electricity (full spectrum light)
Garry - how to build our systems - cheaper with more sunlight - need artificial light in WA
Pink: switch between black, red, blue lights
Michaela - budget $330 - wait - what's the system, conceptually???
$118 for lights
Garry - lettuce and basil - easy and valuable
roughly 30 days
control experiment - also grow in soil
Antonio - problems we might encounter - Baceria - fungal diseases
- root disease
- bug - aphids - mites
- learning curve, first time mistakes
- finding space for the system - contact Joe Martino (RAD already has a system! use theirs!)
Z - where is the hydroponics systems on campus? Emmet - there's one on the Farm ! ***
Bret - how will you track the amount of energy used? Garry - we don't know
There's a local support group online for hydroponics farmers - find them!
Kristen Henderson & Amelia Withrow - DUAL Flush Toilets
Q - Which can be converted? Focus in Sem2
Hypotheses - would conserve water and save money
Surveyed all the toilets on campus - some can be
Youtube to install them - easy!
50 toilets in Sem2, $2000
** PSE funding?
** who will install them
** who will maintain them?
** union plumbers on campus?
Calculate total water and $ savings... - you are halfway there!
*** Let's sit down and make an Excel sheet
CAB is all dual flush - let's look at their water bill - but it's more complicated... food service
Awareness - most people flush down - FLUSH UP!
*** are there handles that FLUSH DOWN for low flush? (Yes, Monica's idea too)
Great research, you have surveyed all the toilets on campus and learned a lot!
Cattle farming - Aimee Bessette - A sustainable agricultue
Oh no, please don't read your slides to us...
Agriculture emits 18% of greenhouse gases - more than transportation? What's your source?
How much of that is cattle farming?
NO2 is from fertilizer, not manure
Ammonia is from fertilizer as well as urine. It is not the primary cause of acid rain. Please be
careful with your facts.
"It's bad for the land." "A lot of the manure runs off into surround water systems." That's prohibited
in the US - if it does, the farmer gets shut down. Check your facts.
Primary source of methane emission is BURPS and DAIRY manure lagoons
"it's really bad for the land, causes degradation of the land." This is vague and inaccurate as it
stands. You can be more accurate if you are more specific.
Start small with 8 washington farms - good luck with that.
Farmers may be interested in specific information that could be useful to them. Do you have
anything like that?
***** Matthew Strickland - Information collection and distribution
Some of your projects have been done already
- Bring similar projects together
- community building
- green by 2020
Sustainability homepage and CEC homepage - tiny links - hard to find connections
- old projects never get lost
William - good question - what exactly are you planning to do - make that really clear right up front
Ken - good question - how are you going to organize this? by year? by topic searchable all
Nancy - great idea - Consider this- different people may do work on the same topic and come up
with new insights.
People need to do their own new discovery. Don't want to short-circuit people's learning.
Sean, Olivia (the earlier Sean was actually Evan) Darien the Vegetarian
The Big Picture - we shared a common ancestor - Fungi went underground and pool resources
Fungi are the grand molecular decomposers - "Plants do not exist without fungi" - up to 90% of
plants form mycorrhizal fungi
Plants are big solar panels - they divert 80% of energy into the ground - energy is not lost
Revolutionary study circa 1995 - birch trees are one big community sharing resources
Olivia - 4 categories... - reading a few slides that someone else wrote D&S - mushroom life cycle - spores have power in numbers - powerful ejection
Paul Stamets is their guru - "The interconnectedness of life is an obvious truth that we ignore at
our peril
True believers in the saving power of fungi - revival
FUNGI CAN HELP - penicillin - cures cancer - improves soil ...
Mycorrhizal Diversity is important - drought resistance - pathogen protection - protection from high
Our number one water quality problem in the national forests is roads - Jim Lyons 2000 Under
Secretary of Agriculture
Decommission roads - heal erosion, compaction, rebuild soils... costs up to $15,000 per mile
Mycofiltration is half the price (what does mycofiltration do?)
improves roots and soil
Applications - farms - storm drains - roads - watersheds National Parks road - before and after The Magic of Mycofiltration - they claim that was the only
intervention - not plausible - erosion was physically repaired, obstacles were removed
Q&A - what exactly happens? D - you have to buy these things, do those things... put it on the
side of the roads and it will grow, promote growth of other thigns
Joshua - do you have to be careful what types you use? D& S- they are all good, as long as they
are native
Tashina - what about wood chips and straw? organic, introuced, how do you choose what
D - maybe stuff from breweries, hay...
Red - has anyone observed how long this required for roads to return to normal?
D&S guessing and sound authoritative - weeks, months, years... probably maybe
******* Mycofiltration group 2 *********
Brendan Nick Kinzie Wiilliam
Strom drains on campus - could they benefit from
Historicall, SD combined with sewer systems
separation of SD and sewers to control waste and water quality
Common pollutants - oil - detergents - heavy metals (toxic) - excess nutrients (can cause algea
(Good trade-off of narration, good specific information, good pacing, easy to understand)
Map of SD at TESC - no filtration
Pressure washing between CAB and CRC - oil down SD for hours
TESC Storm Water management plan - to educate community - is this happening?
GUIDING QUESIONS - how much can mycofiltrationsystem reduce SW pollution
Kinzie - pollutant extracting fungi - 5 identified
Wiliam - Hypotheses - will they work in high flow situation?
*** Also investigate whether they survive / thrive
Strutcutal design - reference? has this been used elsewhere? reason to expect this to work?
Challenges and Questions - maintenance - risk of backup/flooding - which are most effective? how
to test toxin levels in fungi? how to text pollutioni levels in water?
LAB tests or FIELD tests?
GOOD, lab tests first. Good plan You've identified 2 fungi you can get. Bret - consider using
spores from fungi already growing locally
Q - Teddi - flow... Brian - native fungi only. Red - how to do lab tests? Thinking about it...
Brendan - could collect actual water from storm drains
Bret - 2 kinds - oil vs heavy metals - when mushroom dies it will release toxins
Brendan - layers in trays that can be replaced - GOOD
Ken - maintenance in parking lots - Nick, that's why we want to do lab tests first
Phase 1 - lab
Phase 2 - test structure plan in controlled field trials
Phase 3 - limited implementation
Dex & Teddi - RAIN GARDENS
reduce standing water, runoff, and pollution - buffer before drian or stream
retention tanks
can be anywhere, even roofs
Dex - benefits - filtrration - neutralize pH, catch heavy metals- save electricity - regulate T,
increase albedo, insulation - can reduce wear and tear, stop direct precip
Can go on nearly any roof, if not too sloped. Lots of nice flat roof
**** Evaluate costs and benefits of green roof vs solar PV
could be thin (few inches) to thick
could be free - on pallets - or stuck in place
unintentional green roof - moss, trees
Teddi wants a rain garden instead of mushy useless grass. Rred Sqquare is cracking due to
pooling water
could we use water in retention ponds for other purposes too?
rock based bioswale - lively and interactive - we can sit and eat Cost from $3-4/sq ft (residential) to $40 for commercial
Basalt and geotextiles - COIR from coconut fiber biodegrades
*** could also save maintenance $
*** vegetable garden - great
Dex - burlap sacks from Farm - first year is the most labor intensive
Natural plants - Dex - sedums are the most common - drought resistant, ornamental,
Moss is effective at filtration
Dex - we don't have a lot of rain pollution here - urban heat island effect - gardens help
*** sustainability more important than cost ***
Ken Nick - Harrison and Division - garden
Rooftops - revitalize existing gardens - short term
Sem2 represents succession of vegetation recovery after ice ages
long term - planning process for Red Square
Sean - put burlap sacks outside dorms for compost
Brian Baird, Resource Conservation Survey
Goals - promote smaller footprints - gain insight into consumptive habits - provide proof for policy
Survey students - about conservation of resources - what are they willing to do?
Develop survey questions - implement survey strategy - result implicationis
Timeframe - 5-7 wks to write questions - 1 wk to post it - 2 wks for people to take survey implementation
**** MISSING - study other surveys - analyze results - human subjects review
**** Nancy suggests - You are doing a push poll - not just getting data, but raising awareness e.g. about WASTE and ENERGY
Possible questions - consuming less meat- biking/walking (bus) - buy less - put on a sweater - your
I feel morally superior to everyone for biking
Funding - zero cost - look for money saving solutions
Resources - little
Christina - partner up with Matt - Database + survey - GREAT IDEA - what sustainability initiatives
are people interested in?
What resources are available from the College for surveys?
HOW to distribute survey? *** online
Joshua - students do surveys all the time online, on campus
Mikinzie - ask followup questions - do you ride your bike - d you have a bike - if you had one ...
Bret - how much C did Jimmy Carter save by wearing sweeaters
**** Kevin and Issa - Kevin - Apathy toward CC / Issa - Modern vs Hunter Gatherers
Kevin - What causes people to be apathetic? READ THE REST OF HULME FIRST
Interviewing people about their feelings - GET WITH BRIAN
comparing with his hypothesis
How can I communicate more effectively about CC?
How does cultural background affect attitudes?
Q & H - very close to Hulme
How to measure success? reviews from interviewees - needs to be applied to future teaching on
How will this project contribute in the future - to future teaching
ISSA - Efe and Mbuti vs modern day consumers
short people in Congo - no money - Forest provides everything - lived there 6000 years
(Red left classroom - came back noisy)
They have rules, but what are they? Very social, interdependent. Campfires everyday, where
adults discuss ...
No wants - only needs - spear, bow & arrow, shelter, food,
Forest provides everything
Giving and trading very important - they give to those who need
Trade salt, knives, metal tips
MODERN CONSUMERS - our product will make your life better - you will be happier
Technology - connecting people - knowledge/education / transportation
Need vs want - confidence - happiness - fulfillment - selfishness - jealousy
We buy a lot of things we don't need - bigger houses, faster cars
Nancy - you could do a values analysis - between activities that people engage in, and the values
that are associated with them
The values that people think of for their activities are often not the underlying values. Keep asking
why until you get to the fundamental value. Why does Starbucks coffee mmake you happy....
Josh Caine and Ben Wolins - CRC pool lights - Are solar and wind power viable?
Also promote green energy - I sit there and look good while lifeguarding
WHy? build for the future - promote clean campus - save $$ and resources - break reliance on
fossil fuels
Obviously it would save money - How? how much? what exactly will you do?
Ben Vaues - changing status quo - embracing free spirit of Evergreen community - always working to
be better - no matter how small the project - getting energy directly from the Sun (and battery)- not
plugged into the grid - implement a new grid
Josh - is there enough energy? How much do the lights need? how many PV panels do we need?
is it even possible at the CRC? could we put PV directly into the pool lights, or would PV power
have to go into our grid?
Is it really worth it? subsidies, building costs? what is the payback? PSE incentives... 15-54 c per
How much CO2 reduction? best types of bulbs?
Hypotheses: benefits...
Answers - talk with Andrew Beattie about types of lights - they have been working on that
TESC is not eligible for PSE rebates - we need a grant from BEF
Isabelle - Composting toilets complete the cycle - fertilize food with human waste, and eat it
Could we install one in the MODs?
How do they work - cost - installation - upkeep - plumbing What is a composting toilet? Compost humanure with carbon, e.g. wood chips or sawdust. Ex: 5
ballon bucket, or advanced model. Active s passive.
No smell - fan starts when lid opens. 2 tablespoons per flush. Worms help, then compost at high
temperature to destroy caffeine, RX, etc.
Bullitt Center in Seattle *** Let's go next quarter!
Cons - more maintenance - more electricity - not when you consider water pumping - can power it
with solar panel
Expensive - towards $2000 per toilet
Bret - what are the laws about where you can use these?