Establishing A United League of Indigenous Nations 1st Step: A Treaty! Recommendations of the National Congress of American Indians “Special Committee on Indigenous Nations Relationships” Adopted Oct. 10, 2004, 61st Annual Conference Fort Lauderdale, Florida Power Point report prepared by Alan Parker, The Evergreen State College The NCAI Special Committee came about due to the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla. They proposed creating a treaty between indigenous nations of the Pacific Rim. Recommendations of Special Committee of NCAI Tribal Delegates The NCAI Special Committee recommended: • A new “Treaty of Indigenous Nations of the Western Hemisphere” as the basis of an historic political alliance on common goals and joint strategies. • Creating a structure for international relationships, a “United League of Indigenous Nations.” • A program of outreach and communication within the indigenous world about the treaty proposal. Principles of Indigenous Nation Treaty Making 1. 2. 3. 4. Indigenous nation sovereignty is inherent. Indigenous nations have a right to enter into international agreements independent of any non-indigenous government. Indigenous nation treaty-making respects the principle of “non-interference” in the affairs of each participating nation. Participating nations are responsible for setting “conditions for participation” and a process for establishing the credentials of participants. Goals Of The Treaty • Formulate joint strategies on the common goals of protecting cultural properties, sacred items and traditional knowledge. • Develop a structure for international trade relationships and profitable commerce between indigenous nations. • Create political unity on the position that indigenous nations have a right to directly participate in environmental agreements and conventions regarding global climate change that is having a devastating effect upon them. Treaty Objectives • Establish a data base of indigenous nation law regarding their cultural property and its primacy over any other jurisdiction -- national and international. • Establish a clearinghouse regarding indigenous enterprises and mutually beneficial and profitable trade and commerce opportunities. • Sponsor research by native scholars that responds to the needs of indigenous nations. NZ Meeting on Treaty Proposal • Maori invitation to USA and Canadian indigenous nations is an historic step forward. • Critical feedback from Maoris is crucial to next steps by USA and Canadian indigenous nations.