
Last updated: 4 March 2016
Forthcoming publications
“Canada and International Human Rights Law: Is the Romance Over?” (2016) Canadian
Foreign Policy Journal (forthcoming).
"Contributions of ICTR Jurisprudence to the Definition of Genocide” in Anne-Marie de
Brouwer & Alette Smeulers, eds, Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda (ICTR) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015) (forthcoming).
Journal articles
“Justice for ISIL Crimes : the voice of victims as antidote to extremism” (2016) 11
Sciences Po Law Journal 77-79.
“Balkanizing Jurisdiction: Reflections on Article IX of the Genocide Convention in
Croatia v. Serbia” (2015) 28 Leiden Journal of International Law 893-897.
“The Rise and Fall, and Rise of International Criminal Justice.” (2013) 11:3 Journal of
International Criminal Justice 527-536.
“Making Human Rights Sexy: Authenticity in Glamorous Times.” (29 November
2012) Harvard Human Rights Journal, online:
“Preventing Genocide: Measuring Success by What Does Not Happen” (2011) 22:1-2
Criminal Law Forum 1-33.
“Self-referrals before the International Criminal Court: Are States the Villains or the
Victims of Atrocities?” (2010) 21:1 Criminal Law Forum 103-120.
“Whither National Courts? The Rome Statute’s Missing Half: Towards An Express and
Enforceable Obligation For the National Repression of International Crimes” (2010) 8
Journal of International Criminal Justice 1245-1266.
“Are International Criminal Tribunals a Disincentive to Peace? Reconciling Judicial
Romanticism with Political Realism” (2009) 31:3 Human Rights Quarterly 624-654.
“Should Duress Apply to All Crimes? A Comparative Appraisal of Moral Involuntariness
and the Twenty Crimes Exception under Section 17 of the Criminal Code” (2009)
13:3 Canadian Review of Criminal Law 271-296.
With R Provost et al, "Amicus Curiae Brief on Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Matter of
the Co-Prosecutors’ Appeal of the Closing Order Against Kaing Guek Eav ‘Duch’ Dated
8 August 2008" (2009) 20:2-3 Criminal Law Forum 331-351.
"Reconciling Crimes Against Humanity with the Laws of War: Human Rights, Armed
Conflict, and the Limits of Progressive Jurisprudence" (2008) 6:1 Journal of International
Criminal Justice 21-37.
"Proliferation of Terminology and the Illusion of Progress" (2007) 2:1 Genocide Studies
and Prevention 73-80.
“Report on the Work of the Office of the Special Advisor of the United Nations
Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide” (2006) 28:4 Human Rights
Quarterly 1043-1070.
"Justice, Power, and the Realities of Interdependence: Lessons from the Milošević and
Hussein Trials" (2005) 38:3 Cornell International Law Journal 973-982.
"The Crime of Genocide in ICTR Jurisprudence" (2005) 3:4 Journal of International
Criminal Justice 989-1006.
“The Lord’s Resistance Army Case: Uganda’s Submission of the First State Referral to
the International Criminal Court” (2005) 99:2 American Journal of International
Law 403-421.
"Justice as Aberration: Reflections on the Historical Significance of the International
Criminal Court" (2003) 34:2 World Order 51-53.
“The International Criminal Court in Context: Mediating the Global and Local in the Age
of Accountability” (2003) 97:3 American Journal of International Law 712-721.
“Beyond Impunity: Can International Criminal Justice Prevent Future Atrocities?” (2001)
95:1 American Journal of International Law 7-31.
“Justice in the Hague, Peace in the former Yugoslavia? A Commentary on the UN War
Crimes Tribunal” (1998) 20:4 Human Rights Quarterly 737-816.
"The Contribution of the Ad Hoc Tribunals to International Humanitarian Law: The
Dilemmas of Jurisprudence" (1998) 13:6 American University International Law Review
"Justice and Reconciliation in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: The Contribution of the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda" (1997) 7:2 Duke Journal of Comparative
and International Law 325-348.
“The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: The Politics and Pragmatics of
Punishment” (1996) 90:3 American Journal of International Law 501-510.
“Enforcement of the Genocide Convention: A Challenge to Civilization” (1995)
8 Harvard Human Rights Journal 229-258.
"Lessons from Iraqi Kurdistan: Self-Determination and Humanitarian Intervention
Against Genocide" (1993) 11:1 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 41-62.
"Punishing War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia: A Critical Juncture for the New World
Order" (1993) 15:2 Human Rights Quarterly 262-289.
"Enforcement of the Genocide Convention Through the Advisory Opinion Jurisdiction of
the International Court of Justice" (1991) 12 Human Rights Law Journal 285-299.
"Peoples or Populations? Critical Question for the World’s Indigenous People" (1991) 3
Nordic Journal of Human Rights 264. (In Scandinavian)
"Self-determination in the New Europe" (1991) 4 Nordic Journal of Human Rights 379.
(In Scandinavian)
With M Bergsmo, "The Application of the Doctrine of State Responsibility to Refugee
Creating States" (1989) 58:3-4 Nordic Journal of International Law 243-256.
Reducing Genocide to Law: Definition, Meaning, and the Ultimate Crime (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2012).
With René Provost, eds, Confronting Genocide: Jus Gentium Comparative Perspectives
on Law and Justice (New York: Springer Publications, 2011).
Yugoslavia, The Former and Future: Reflections by Scholars from the Region
(Washington: Brookings Institute, 1995).
“Identity and War: Towards a Different Future”, Huffington Post (4 January 2016)
online: <>
“The surreal upside-down world of the Islamic Republic of Iran: The ominous arrest of
Mr. Navid Aghdasi”, Huffington Post (18 December 2015) online:
“Justice for ISIL Crimes: The Voice of Victims as Antidote to Extremism”, Huffington
Post (30 November 2015) online: <>.
“Men, Women and a New Definition of Success”, Huffington Post (23 November 2015)
online: <>.
“The Power of the Feminine Self: Liberating Manhood from Violence Against
Women”, Huffington Post (18 January 2015) online:
“Beyond Human Rights: Building a World on Empathy”, 2014 Vancouver Human Rights
Lecture, The Laurier Institute and CBC Radio Ideas (24 July 2014) published online:
“Suffering and the Future of Iran”, Huffington Post (15 January 2014) online:
“Iran’s Enduring Legacy of Violence and Denial”, Huffington Post (1 October 2013)
online: <>.
“How Iran Can Go from ‘Pariah State’ to ‘Leader Among Nations’”, Huffington Post (1
March 2013) online: <>.
“Don’t Mistake Iran’s Brutality for Strength”, Huffington Post (22 August 2012) online:
“Beyond Freedom: Building Iran’s Future Today”, Rooz On-Line (31 November 2011).
“The World Court’s Decision on Kosovo’s Reinforces Georgia’s Case”, Huffington Post
(5 August 2010) online: <>.
"The Baha’i Community, Human Rights, and the Construction of a New Iranian Identity"
Gozaar: A Forum on Human Rights and Democracy in Iran (24 February 2010) online:
Articles/chapters in books and monographs
“Confronting Genocide and the Limits of the Law” in Eugeniusz Smolar, ed, Memory
and Responsibility: The Legacy of Jan Karski (Warsaw: Jan Karski Educational
Foundation, 2015) 286.
“Judicial Guarantees” in Andrew Clapham, Paola Gaeta, & Marco Sassoli, eds, Geneva
Conventions Commentary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015) 1215.
"Ayatollah Montazeri’s Brave Struggle For Justice" in Nader Hashemi & Danny Postel,
eds, The People Reloaded: The Green Movement and the Struggle for Iran's Future (New
York: Melville House, 2011) 148.
"Canadian Values and International Human Rights Law: The Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination – A Case Study" in Le Tribunal des
Droits de la Personne et le Barreau du Québec, Race, femme, enfant, handicap: les
conventiones internationales et le droit interne à la lumiere des enjeux pratiques du droit à
l’égalité (Cowansville, Quebec: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2011).
"International Criminal Justice in the Era of Failed States: The ICC and the Self-Referrals
Debate" in Carstan Stahn, ed, The International Criminal Court and Complementarity:
From Theory to Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011) 283.
“The Baha’i Community, Human Rights, and the Construction of a New Iranian Identity”
in Ramin Jahanbegloo, ed, Democracy and Civil Society in Iran (Toronto: Lexington
Press, 2011) 219.
"The Universal Repression of Crimes Against Humanity before National Jurisdictions:
The Need for a Treaty-Based Obligation to Prosecute" in Leila Sadat, ed, Forging a
Convention for Crimes Against Humanity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2011) 28.
"International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia" in DL Shelton, ed,
Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, Vol 2 (Detroit: Macmillan
Reference USA, 2005) 555.
"The Origin and Evolution of Crimes Against Humanity: An Uneasy Encounter Between
Positive Law and Moral Outrage" in M Bergsmo, ed, Human Rights and Criminal Justice
for the Downtrodden: Essays in Honour of Asbjørn Eide (Boston: Brill Academic
Publishers, 2003) 3.
"The New Frontiers of Judicial Enforcement: The International Criminal Tribunals for
the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda" in G Alfredsson et al, eds, International Human
Rights Monitoring Mechanisms: Essays in Honour of Jakob Th. Möller (Leiden:
Martinus Nijhoff, 2001) 441.
"Self-Determination and the Disintegration of Yugoslavia: What Lessons for the
International Community?" in D Clark & R Williamson, eds, Self-Determination:
International Perspectives (London: MacMillan Press, 1996) 227.
"The 1993 World Conference on Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality" in ML Bradbury
& S Bushrui, eds, Divisive Barbarity or Global Civilization? The Ethical Dimensions of
Science, Art, Religion and Politics (Bethesda: University Press of Maryland, 1996) 189.
"The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda” in F Lattanzi & E Sciso, eds, Dai
Tribunali Penali Internazionali Ade Hoc a Una Corte Permanente (Napoli: Editoriale
Scientifica, 1996) 191.
"Implications of Twelver Shi’ih Mihdism on Religious Tolerance: The Case of the Bahá’í
Religious Minority in the Islamic Republic of Iran" in K Vogt & T Lindholm, eds,
Islamic Law Reform and Human Rights (Copenhagen: Nordic Human Rights
Publications, 1993) 197.
Book review of Human Rights, the UN and the Baha'is in Iran by Nazila Ghanea, (2004)
12 Baha'i Studies Review 144.
Book review of Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law:
Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy by Steven R. Ratner and Jason S. Abrams, (1999) 93
American Journal of International Law 253.
Conference presentations/papers
“Cultural Genocide: Legal Label or Mourning Metaphor?” (Address at Jean-Gabriel
Castel Lecture Series, 14 January 2016) [unpublished].
“Famine, Shelter, War: Surviving the Next 50 Years” (CBC Ideas @ 50 Panel, recorded
at CBC Toronto Glenn Gould Studio, 22 October 2015) online:
Testimony on Human Rights Situation in Iran, given before the Sub-Committee on
International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and
International Development, House of Commons, Ottawa, 30 April 2015, online:
“Canada and International Human Rights Law: Is the Romance Over?” (Keynote address
delivered to British Association for Canadian Studies, 23 April 2015) [publication
forthcoming in Canadian Foreign Policy Journal].
Testimony on Canada’s Policy regarding ISIS, given before the Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs and International Development, House of Commons, Ottawa, 27
November 2014, online:
“Beyond Human Rights: Building a World on Empathy” (2014 Vancouver Human Rights
Lecture, delivered to The Laurier Institute and CBC Radio Ideas, 24 July 2014) online:
“The Islamic Republic of Gangster Capitalism” (testimony given before the Foreign
Affairs Sub-Committee on International Human Rights, 28 April 2013) online:
Testimony on Human Rights Situation in Iran, given before given before the Standing
Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, House of Commons,
Ottawa, 24 April 2012, online:
Testimony on Canadian Foreign Policy in Iran, given before the Standing Senate
Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, House of Commons, Ottawa, 15
February 15 2012, online:
“The Struggle for Human Rights in Iran: Building a New Middle East” (speech delivered
to Campus Association for Baha’i Studies of UBC, 7 December 2011)[unpublished].
“The Arab Spring and International Criminal Justice” (address delivered at the Canadian
Council of International Law, 5 November 2011) [unpublished].
Testimony on Human Rights Situation in Iran, given before the Sub-Committee on
International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and
International Development, House of Commons, Ottawa, 15 February 2011, online:
"International Criminal Activity: Policing the Law Breakers and Human Rights" (address
delivered at Canadian Council of International Law, 15 October 2009) [unpublished].
Testimony on the Human Rights Situation in Iran, given before the Sub-Committee on
International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and
International Development, House of Commons, Ottawa, 26 February 2009, online:
"Heirs to a Rich Civilization: Speech by Payam Akhavan at the Iranian Studies Biannual
Conference" (speech delivered to Gozaar: Forum on Human Rights and Democracy in
Iran, 3 August 2008) [unpublished].
"Advancing Religious Freedom and Related Human Rights in Iran: Strategies for an
Effective U.S. Policy" (public hearing of the United States Commission on International
Religious Freedom in Washington, D.C., 21 February 2008) online:
"Prevention of Genocide" (keynote address delivered at Global Symposium + 5:
Information for Humanitarian Action, 26 October 2007) (2008) Final Report, United
Nations 44-48.
Testimony on the Human Rights Situation in Iran, given before the Sub-Committee on
International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and
International Development, House of Commons, Ottawa, 27 March 2007, online:
Testimony on Canada’s National and International Human Rights Obligations, given
before the Standing Committee on Human Rights of the Senate of Canada on United
Nations Human Rights Council and treaty-bodies, House of Commons, Ottawa, 12
February 2007, online:
"Contributions of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and
Rwanda to Development of Definitions of Crimes against Humanity and Genocide" in
American Society of International Law, ed, International Law in Ferment: A New Vision
for Theory and Practice, Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the American
Society of International Law, 5-8 April 2000.
"The Genocide Convention after Fifty Years: Contemporary Strategies for Combating a
Crime against Humanity" in American Society of International Law, ed, The Challenge
of Non-State Actors, Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Society
of International Law, 1-4 April 1998.
Opinion Editorials
“Cultural genocide: When we debate words, we delay healing”, Globe and Mail (10
February 2016) online: <>.
“The Perils and Promises of Pluralism”, Inter Gentes, McGill Journal of International
Law and Legal Pluralism (blog) (16 December 2015) online: <>.
“Iranian regime still fears girl hanged 30 years ago”, Toronto Star (12 May 2014) online:
“Will the world look past Iran’s brutality?”, Washington Post (1 December 2013).
“In Iran, human rights and nuclear security go hand in hand”, Washington Post (29
November 2013) online: <>.
“Iran’s calculus of terror includes Syrian response”, Globe and Mail (5 June 2012)
online: <>.
“Time for Brazilian solidarity with the people of Iran”, Folha de Sao Paulo (29 May
2012) online: <>.
“Canada: Haven of choice for Iran’s elite”, Toronto Star (21 November 2011) online:
“Leave every stone unturned”, Globe and Mail (28 September 2010) online:
“No returning to Iran’s totalitarian past”, Globe and Mail (11 June 2010) online:
“Torture testimony and consequences”, National Post (11 December 2009).
“Hostages, Hatred And Iran; 'The democratic tide has swept away years of propaganda
that used foreign enemies to excuse suppression of the Iranian people's movement'”,
National Post (4 November 2009).
“Ban Iranian leaders from Canada”, National Post (2 September 2009) online:
(reproduced) <>.
“The West must stand by Iranian protestors”, The Ottawa Citizen (30 June 2009) online:
(reproduced) <>.
“Why Canada Should Help the Iranian-Canadian ‘Blogfather’” Gozaar: A Forum on
Human Rights and Democracy in Iran (19 December 2008) online:
“A policy of intolerance”, Globe and Mail (20 May 2008) online:
“Ahmadinejad is not Iran: West should be aware the president does not speak for his
people”, Montreal Gazette (1 October 2007) online: (reproduced)
“How we stop the next Darfur”, Globe and Mail (10 September 2007) online:
“Iran makes a travesty of human rights”, Globe and Mail (22 June 2006) online: