Name:___________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 10 Sep – 14 Sep 2007 Class website:
Monday 9/10/07 - agenda check
A few more review questions
- Ecological Succession
For Exam on 9/18/07
- Ch. 3.2/3.3 Terrestrial and Aquatic
HW: Study for Quiz #3
Tuesday 9/11/07
Quiz #3 – 10 minutes
Ch. 4 – Populations Dynamics
HW: Study Guide and Vocabulary
Questions to be completed and checked
at week’s end.
- Science Notebook pg. 39 – 48
Wednesday 9/12/07 – Late Start
Review Quiz Results (
- Chapter 5 Biodiversity and
HW: Science Notebook pg. 39 – 48
Quiz #2/3 Retake after school on Thur.
Thursday 9/13/07 – Block Day
Review Sci. Notebook pg.39-48
Study Guide and Vocabulary check
for completion
HW: Study for EXAM on Tues. 9/18
1. What is the most common explanation for population growth by a
non-nave (invasive) species? Recall that invasive species are
organism not normally found in the area and may have been
introduced into an area by humans.
2. A community of organisms interacting with abiotic environmental
factors is called a(an)__________________.
3. A group of similar-looking organisms that breed with each other
and produce fertile offspring make up a(an)________________ and
a(an)_________________ if they live in the same area.
4. The ultimate source of energy for life on Earth is the _________.
5. What is the variety of species in a given area called?
According to the food web:
6.Which organism(s) is a
8. Which organism(s) is a
9. Which organism(s) is a
Friday 9/14/07 – Block Day
Review Sci. Notebook pg.39-48
Study Guide and Vocabulary check
for completion
HW: Study for EXAM on Tues. 9/18
10. A top predator may
increase the diversity of
species lower on the food
chain by______________
Parents/Guardian –
I have reviewed my child’s activities and
homework for the week of 9/10/07 –
I understand that is important for
me to make sure that my child is
studying to be prepared for the
quiz and has completed all
assignments this week.
There will be a Unit EXAM on
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
7. Which organism(s) is an
10. List three reasons why habitat protection is important.
11.In Sacramento, automobile exhausts cause dirty, brown haze known
as ______________.
12. Ecosystem connectivity must be considered because human
pollution travels by _________, __________, and __________ currents.
Bell Ringers: Week of 10 Sep – 14 Sep 2007
Monday – How are tropical and temperate rainforests different?
Tuesday – Rabbits introduced into Australia more than 100 yrs ago have become a serious pest to farmers.
Rabbits have taken control displacing many native species of plant eaters. What is the most logical explanation
for their increased numbers?
A. Rabbits have a high death rate.
B. There are few effective predators.
C. Additional rabbit species have been introduced.
D. There is an increase in rabbit predators.
Wednesday - While visiting a history museum in Montreal, Danielle observes a graph on display that records the
number of lynx and hare trapped in the Hudson Bay area between the years 1845 and 1935. The graph has two
different lines for lynx and hares. She notices that the two lines on the graph follow a pattern. Which pattern
does she observe?
A. Both hare and lynx populations remain constant.
B. Both hare and lynx populations rise and fall together.
C. The hare population decreases shortly after the number of lynx decreases.
D. The lynx population decreases shortly after the number of hares decreases.
Thursday - Kiah hears about a plan to drain a nearby wetland to build a shopping mall. Kiah’s friend agrees with
the plan because she believes the wetland has no economic value. After researching the issue, Kiah responds to
her friend’s opinion. Which is Kiah’s response?
A. Wetlands are beautiful ecosystems, but they have no economic value.
B. Wetlands breed harmful insects, and they should be drained for better use.
C. Wetlands have a direct economic value such as providing a food source.
D. Wetlands have indirect value such as cleaning pollutants from water.
Friday - While touring a Costa Rican rain forest on vacation, Dana learns that rain forests have the highest
biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet. The guide defines the term biodiversity for the group. Which
definition does she give?
A. number of life layers in the forest
B. number of organisms in the forest
C. variety of habitats in the forest
D. variety of species in the forest
FOR EXAM ON 9/18/07
1. What is the most common explanation for population growth by a non-nave (invasive)
species? Recall that invasive species are organism not normally found in the area and may have
been introduced into an area by humans. The invasive species find unoccupied niches
where competition pressures are low.
2. A community of organisms interacting with abiotic environmental factors is called a(an)
3. A group of similar-looking organisms that breed with each other and produce fertile
offspring make up a(an) species and a(an) population if they live in the same area.
4. The ultimate source of energy for life on Earth is the sun.
5. What is the variety of species in a given area called? biodiversity
According to the food
6.Which organism(s) is a carnivore?
Snake, hawk, and lizard
7. Which organism(s) is an omnivore?
Mouse and bird
8. Which organism(s) is a herbivore?
Ants, chipmunk, and grasshopper
9. Which organism(s) is a producer?
Cactus and shrub
10. A top predator may increase the diversity of species
lower on the food chain by decreasing competition
amoung the survivers.
10. List three reasons why habitat protection is important.
Species do not live independently.
Protecting habitat protects species
Without habitat, the balance of nature could be disrupted.
11.In Sacramento, automobile exhausts cause dirty, brown haze known as smog.
12. Ecosystem connectivity must be considered because human pollution travels by wind,
river, and ocean currents.