Name:___________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Agenda Week of 5 Jan – 9 Jan 2009
Class website:
Unit 4 Genetics-Heredity Exam 2/12
Monday 1/5/09
Professional Development
Classes Not in Session
Tuesday 1/6/09 (LEAP 2:30-4:00)
- Mitosis vs Meiosis
- Chapter 9 Lecture Summary
HW: Chapter 9 Sci Notebook due 1/
Wednesday 1/7/09 –Late Start
- Read along Ch. 9
- Sci Notebook/vocab
HW: Chapter 9 Sci Notebook due 1/10-11
Date: ____________Period:_____
Unit 4 Quiz 1 Jan 13
1. How are mature human sperm and eggs
2. Female gametes are called __________.
3. The cell that results from fertilization is
called a ______________
4. How many chromosomes are there in a human
Thursday 1/8/09 – Block Day
- Chapter 9/10 Powerpoint
- Collect Chapter 9 Sci Notebook
HW: Study for Unit4 Quiz 1
Chapter 10 SciNotebook due 1/21
5. Each egg and sperm cell contains a haploid
number of chromosomes. After fertilization, a
zygote is formed having a ___________ number
of chromosomes.
Friday 1/9/09 – Block Day
- Chapter 9/10 Powerpoint
- Collect Chapter 9 Sci Notebook
HW: Study for Unit4 Quiz 1
Chapter 10 SciNotebook due 1/21
6. A developing heart increases in size through
the process of _____________.
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities
and homework for the week of
1/5/09 – 1/9/09.
 I understand that is important for
me to make sure that my child
is studying to be prepared for
the Quiz on 1/13/09 and has
completed all assignments this
7. Sex cells are also called_______________.
8. The type of cell division in which parent cells
produce daughter cells with the same
number of chromosomes as the parent
cells is called _________________.
9. The type of cell division in which parent cells
produce daughter cells with one-half the
number of chromosomes as the parent cell
is called ________________.
Vocabulary words:
Asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction
I understand if my child needs to
retake a quiz that the original
quiz with corrected answers
that has been signed by a
parent must be brought to class
at the time of the quiz retake and quiz retakes occur on Tuesdays after school.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of 7 Jan – 11 Jan 2009
Monday – Which statement is true regarding asexual reproduction as a method of producing
a. common
b. not a method
c. produces offspring that
d. limited to unicellular
used by plants
are genetically identical
Tuesday - The typical human body cell contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found
in a typical human sperm cell and a human egg cell?
Wednesday –
One step in a single eukaryotic cell becoming two daughter cells is the process of __________.
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. replication
d. cloning
Explain what each of the above terms mean in your own words.
Living things grow because _____ .
a. their cells get bigger over time
b. they produce more and more cells
c. the amount of material entering the cells is greater than the amount that leave the cell
d. their cell’s surface area and volume increases
A single prokaryotic cell can divide several times in an hour. Few eukaryotic cells can divide as quickly.
Which of the following statements best explains this difference?
A. Eukaryotic cells are smaller than prokaryotic cells.
Eukaryotic cells have less DNA than prokaryotic cells.
Eukaryotic cells have more cell walls than prokaryotic cells.
Eukaryotic cells are more structurally complex than prokaryotic cells.
Name:_______________________________ Date:____________________ Period:______
Unit 4 Quiz 1 January 13 (20 points)
1. One step in a single eukaryotic cell becoming two daughter cells is the process of __________.
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. replication
d. cloning
2. The typical human body cell contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in a
typical human sperm cell and a human egg cell?
3. The type of cell division in which parent cells produce daughter cells with one-half the number
of chromosomes as the parent cell is called ______________
4. How are mature human sperm and eggs similar?
5. Female gametes are called _________.
6. The cell that results from fertilization is called a ______________
7. How many chromosomes are there in a human gamete? _______________
8. Each egg and sperm cell contains a haploid number of chromosomes. After fertilization, a zygote
is formed having a ___________ number of chromosomes.
9. A developing heart increases in size through the process of _____________.
10. Sex cells are also called_______________.
11. The type of cell division in which parent cells produce daughter cells with the same number of
chromosomes as the parent cells is called _________________.
Extra Credit
Living things grow because _______ .
their cells get bigger over time
they produce more and more cells
the amount of material entering the cells is greater than the amount that leave the cell
their cell’s surface area and volume increases
Vocabulary words Matching
A. Long pieces of DNA found in the center (nucleus) of eukaryotic
cells that condense when mitosis begins
_____Asexual reproduction
B. Early stages of growth and differentiation characterized by
rapid cell division and the formation of organ systems
C. Reproduction that requires two parents
_____Sexual reproduction
D. A female gamete with one copy of each chromosome
E. A segment of DNA that codes for a particular trait
F. Reproduction that requires only one parent – mitosis only
_____Egg or ovum
G. A male gamete with one copy of each chromosome
H. A set of chromosomes containing only one member of each
chromosome pair (either from mom or dad)
I. An alternate form of a gene for one trait
J. A set of chromosomes containing both members of each
chromosome pair (from mom and dad)