Name:_________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Name:_________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 9 March – 13 March 2009 Unit 5 Evolution Exam 3/23/09
Class website:
Review Questions
Monday 3/9/09
- Review Ch 15 Study Guide
HW: Ch 15 SciNotebook due 3/10
Tuesday 3/10/09 (LEAP 2:30 -4:30)
- Unit 5 Quiz 3
- Ch 15 SciNotebook collected
HW: Ch 15 Reading Guide due 3/18
Wednesday 3/11/09 –Late Start
- Genetic Drift
Thursday 3/12/09 – Block Day
- Geographic Distribution
- Reading Guide
HW: Complete Reading Guide
Which statement below about gene pools is typically true?
a. They contain only dominant alleles.
b. They belong to two or more interbreeding species.
c. They contain the possible alleles for each inheritable
trait in a population.
d. The relative frequencies of the alleles never change.
In the early stages of development, the embryos of dogs,
pigs, and humans resemble one another. This observation
suggests that these animals may have
Why does the geographic isolation of two populations of a
species tends to increase differences between their gene
Friday 3/13/09 –
- Geographic Distribution
- Reading Guide
HW: Complete Reading Guide
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities
and homework for the week of
3/9/09- 3/13/09.
 I understand that is important for
me to make sure that my child is
prepared for the Quiz on Tuesday
3/10/09 and the exam on 3/23/09,
and has completed all assignments
this week.
 I understand if my child needs to
retake a quiz that the original quiz
with corrected answers, signed by
a parent, must be turned in when
the quiz is retaken on Tuesday
after school.
In genetic drift, allele frequencies change because of
Geographic and reproductive isolation are most closely
associated with…
a. speciation c. overproduction
b. extinction d. competition
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of 9 Mar – 13 Mar 2009
Monday – If a mutation introduces a new skin color in a lizard population, which factor might
determine whether the frequency of the new allele will increase?
how many other alleles are present
how many phenotypes the population has
none of these
whether the mutation makes some lizards more fit for their environment than other lizards
Explain the meaning of allele frequency.
Tuesday - (2 pts)
What are all the genotypes for the following
Fully colored coat:
Light grey coat:
Himalayan coat:
Albino coat:
Which phenotype will be more likely to be eaten by a
predator and why do you think so?
Which phenotype and genotype will be least likely to survive and why?
Wednesday –
A population of land snails colonized a field of yellow grass. At first, the population contained two types of
snails, one with brown bands on their shells and another with yellow
bands on their shells, as shown in the figure below. After 10 years,
most of the snails had shells with yellow bands. What process that
you have learned about would likely cause an increase in the number
of snails with yellow bands?
What is the most likely reason that there are more yellow-banded
snails present in the grassland?
Bufo woodhousei and Bufo cognatus are two closely related species of toads. In areas where their ranges
overlap, the toads will remain separate species if they —
a)* breed in different seasons
b) have different color patterns
c) eat different types of insects
d) feed at different times of the day
Name_____________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
1. According to this information, which group
demonstrated the greatest biodiversity
during the Cretaceous period?
2. According to this information which is
the least diverse group of organisms in
the Jurassic Period?
3. According to this information which
group remained relatively unchanged
since it first appeared in the fossil
4. The ozone layer protects Earth by absorbing
A cosmic dust
B solar heat
C* ultraviolet radiation
D white-light frequencies
5. Which of these best illustrates natural selection?
A An organism with favorable genetic variations will tend to survive and breed successfully.
B A population monopolizes all of the resources in its habitat, forcing other species to migrate.
C A community whose members work together utilizes all existing resources and migratory routes.
D The largest organisms in a species receive the only breeding opportunities.
6. A small population of chimpanzees lives in a habitat that undergoes no changes for a long period.
How will genetic drift probably affect this population?
A It will accelerate the appearance of new traits.
B It will promote the survival of chimpanzees with beneficial traits.
C It will increase the number of alleles for specific traits.
D It will reduce genetic diversity.
7. A species of finch has been studied on one of the geographically isolated Galapagos Islands for
many years. Since the island is small, the lineage of every bird for several generations is known.
This allows a family tree of each bird to be developed. Some family groups have survived and
others have died out. The groups that survive probably have
A interbred with other species.
B inherited some advantageous variations.
C found new places on the island to live.
D been attacked by more predators.
8. A single species of squirrel evolved over time into two species, each on opposite sides of the
Grand Canyon. This change was most likely due to
A higher mutation rates on one side.
B low genetic diversity in the initial population.
C the isolation of the two groups.
D differences in reproductive rates.
9. A small portion of a population that is geographically isolated from the rest of the population
runs the risk of decreased
A genetic drift.
B mutation rate.
C natural selection. D genetic variation.
10. Fossil evidence suggests that a number of members of one fish species from an ancient lake in
Death Valley, California, became several isolated species. Each of these new species lived in a
different pond. Which of the following best explains the cause of this speciation?
A episodic isolation
B temporal isolation C geographic isolation
D behavioral isolation
11.A genetic disorder due to a recessive allele (a) is lethal in homozygous individuals (aa), whereas
heterozygous individuals (Aa) have no symptoms. Based on this information, which of the
following is likely to result?
A The disorder will quickly be eliminated since no recessive homozygotes will survive to
B The disorder will be maintained in the population through the reproduction of
C Only homozygous dominant (AA) individuals will survive.
D The prevalence of the disorder will increase over time.
12. Which statement below about gene pools is typically true?
A They contain only dominant alleles.
B They belong to two or more interbreeding species.
C They contain the possible alleles for each inheritable trait in a population.
D The relative frequencies of the alleles never change.