Name:__________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Agenda Week of 8 Feb – 12 Feb 2010
Unit 4 Genetics-Heredity Exam 2/12/10
Class website:
Monday 2/8/10
Review GUHS Formative
Organize Portfolio
Last day for any late work –
Tuesday 2:30
Tuesday 2/9/10
- Jeopardy
HW: Review Portfolio
Wednesday 2/10/10
Review for EXAM
Portfolio Summary Page
HW: Study for Exam
Thursday 2/12/10
- Jeopardy
HW: Study for Exam
Friday 2/13/10 – Block Day
HW: Portfolio summary page
Date: ____________Period:_____
Researchers at the University of Minnesota have discovered a gene mutation in 11
generations of relatives who descended from Lincoln's grandparents. The gene causes
spinocerebellar ataxia type 5, a degenerative neurological disorder that affects
coordination, including walking, writing, speaking and swallowing. There's a 25
percent chance that Lincoln also inherited the mutation, said Laura Ranum, a genetics
professor who led the research.
But since Lincoln has no living direct descendants, confirming whether the nation's
16th president had the defective gene would require that his DNA be taken from
historical artifacts and tested, an issue that has been debated over the years.
The new findings on the ataxia gene were reported this week in the online edition of
the journal Nature Genetics. Since 1992, the Minnesota researchers have studied more
than 300 members of the Lincoln family. About one-third of them have ataxia.
Exam Review Questions
Which cross will alwayas produce a child with blood type A?
a) IAi x ii
b) IAIA x ii
c) Iai x IBIB d) IAIA x IBIB
Suppose an animal is heterozygous AaBb, and the traits are not linked. When
meiosis occurs, what is the total number of possible combinations of
gametes that can be made for these traits?
In which situation are the phenotypes of F2 offspring expected to follow the
ratio of 9:3:3:1
Parents/Guardian –
I have reviewed my child’s
activities and homework for
the week of 2/8/10 – 2/12/10.
I understand that is important
for me to make sure that my
child is studying to be
prepared for the Exam on
Friday, and has completed all
assignments this week.
No work for Unit 4 will be
accepted after Tuesday at
2:30 pm except for this
agenda .
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
The diagram above shows homologous chromosomes during
_____________________ of meiosis. Which of the following
correctly describes the process being illustrated?
mutation in which the DNA content of the gene is altered
segregation of sister chromatids
condensation and segregation of alleles
crossing-over in which alleles are exchanged
Bell Ringers: Week of 8 Feb – 12 Feb 2010
Monday – Which statement best describes the process of asexual reproduction?
a) It involves two parents
b) It produces daughter cells identical to parent cell.
c) It results in genetic variation in the offspring
d) It involves the production of sex cells.
Tuesday - DNA in an individual’s gametes will most likely be altered before being passed to offspring if
exposed to_____________________
A x-rays
B loud sounds
C magnetic fields
D extreme temperatures
In fruit flies, the gray body color (G) is dominant to the ebony body color (g). What is the genotypic ratio of
the offspring of a heterozygous gray female and an ebony male?
A 25% Gg, 75% gg
B 50% Gg, 50% gg
C 75% gray, 25% ebony
D 100% gray
In Mendel’s experiments with a single trait, the trait that disappeared in the first
generation and reappeared in the next generation is called the
A homozygous trait
B dominant trait
C recessive trait
D heterozygous trait
Wednesday – This process is known as
A meiosis.
B mitosis.
C endocytosis.
D phagocytosis.
If a corn plant has a genotype of TtYy, what are the possible
genetic combinations that could be present in a single grain
of pollen from this plant?
Thursday If a human baby boy inherits a recessive allele from his
mother, in which circumstance would he most likely show the trait
coded for by the recessive allele.
a) The baby inherits the dominant allele form his father
b) The allele is on an autosomal chromosome and the baby is a
c) The allele is on the X chromosome.
d) The allele is on the Y chromosome.
Friday -