Agenda Week of 13 Dec – 17 Dec 2010

Agenda Week of 13 Dec – 17 Dec 2010
Fall Semester Final EXAM 12/16-12/17
Date: ____________Period:_____
Class website:
Monday 12/13/10 –
Review Agenda
Review Unit 1 Ecology material
Food Chain, Food Web, Population Biology, Biodiversity, Levels of
Organization from organism to Biosphere, Succession, Global
Warming, Biogeochemical Cycles, analyze changes in an ecosystem
resulting from changes in climate, human activity, introduction of
nonnative species, or changes in population size. Fluctuations in population size in an ecosystem are
determined by the relative rates of birth, immigration, emigration, and death.
HW: Semester Final Study Guide due Wednesday
Tuesday 12/14/10
 Review Cell Biology Unit 2 Material, Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport, Cell Organelles: Cell
Membrane, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, Vacuoles, Animal Cells vs Plant Cells, Virus,
Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes, Macromolecules: Protein/Polypeptides, Lipids, Nucleic Acid,
Carbohydrates/Polysaccharides and their monomers. Enzymes.
HW: Semester Final Study Guide due Wednesday
Wednesday 12/15/10 –Late Start
 Review Unit 3 – Molecular Genetics
HW: Study for Final
Thursday 12/16/10 – Minimum Day Finals Schedule Periods: 1, 3, 5
Collect Portfolios Unit 1, 2, and 3
Collect Semester Final Study Guide
Collect Agenda 12/13 – 12/17
HW: Rest, Relaxation, Reading, and Recreation
Friday 12/17/10 – Block Day Minimum Day Finals Schedule Periods: 2, 4, 6
Collect Portfolios Unit 1, 2, and 3
Collect Semester Final Study Guide
Collect Agenda 12/13 – 12/17
HW: Rest, Relaxation, Reading, and Recreation
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities and homework for the week of 12/13/10 – 12/17/10 and will make
sure that my child is studying to be prepared for success.
 I will make sure that my child is studying for the Fall Semester Final on 12/16-12/17. The Fall
Semester Final includes material from Unit 1 Ecology, Unit 2-Cell Biology and Unit 3 Genetics.
 The last day for late work from this unit for partial credit was Friday 12/10/10. No Late work or
retakes this week.
Studies of students have shown that student scores improve if students are well rested (8+ hours
of sleep) and have eaten breakfast foods containing protein (at home or available on West Campus
at 7:00 am).
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bell Ringers: Week of 13 Dec – 16 Dec 2010
Monday –
A community of organisms interacting with abiotic environmental factors is called a (an) ____?
a. community
b. niche
c. ecosystem
d. biosphere
Why does each successive feeding level in a pyramid of energy have less biomass?
a. Carnivore biomass is less than producer biomass as a result of energy being lost as it flows from
producers to carnivores.
b. The primary consumer level contains more stored energy than the producer level.
c. Consumers have more biomass than autotrophs because they must absorb all of the light energy in an
d. Biomass differences in an ecosystem result from competition between producers.
Tuesday A top predator may increase the diversity of species lower on the food chain by
a. decreasing competition.
c. increasing genetic diversity in prey species
b. increasing competition.
d. reducing genetic diversity in prey species.
In the final phase of completion, proteins are modified by special enzymes in the
a. Golgi apparatus.
c. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
b. lysosomes.
d. rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Wednesday –
The maintenance of a self-sustaining ecosystem requires a ________.
a. constant temperature
b. greater number of herbivores than producers
c. cycling of materials between organisms and their environment
d. soil that is acidic
Thursday /Friday
EXAM – Good Luck