My Study Notes: Photosynthesis

Name: ______________________
Pd. No. ____ Date: ____________
My Study Notes: Photosynthesis
Which gas do plants produce?
Which sugar do plants make?
Which gas do plants use for
What other raw material do
plants need to make food?
Are plants the only organisms
capable of photosynthesis
Why is the process called
carbon fixation?
In which cell structure does PS
What is the over-all
BALANCED equation for PS?
What are the two stages in PS?
How do we distinguish
between these is two stages?
Energy is stored in these two
molecules- What are these
energy storage molecules?
When [at which stage] are
these molecules produced?
The chloroplast is highly
compartmentalized. Describe
the internal structure. Where
do light reactions happen?
Where do the dark reactions
In which part of the
chloroplast would you expect
chlorophyll to be abundant?
Leaf Structure: Where in the
leaf does PS occur?
What other parts of the leaf
can you identify? What are
their function/s?
White light consists of
different colors or
Which color or wavelength is
predominantly absorbed
during PS?
How can we measure
photosynthetic rate in the lab?
Summary of Key Ideas:
Review Questions:
1. Which of these molecules is NOT required for photosynthesis?
a. glucose
b. water
c. CO2
d. chlorophyll
2. Which gas is a by-product of photosynthesis?
a. N2
b. CO2
c. O2
d. O3
3. The carbon atom in CO2 is “fixed” into which compound during photosynthesis?
a. water
b. glucose
c. salt
d. chlorophyll
4. In plants, photosynthesis mainly occurs in the…
a. roots
b. stems
c. leaves
d. fruits
5. The green pigment that captures light energy needed for carbon fixation is…
a. carotene
b. chlorophyll
c. anthocyanin
d. xanthosine
Study the diagram of a chloroplast below:
6. Which labeled part of the
chloroplast is the site of the
light reactions?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
7. An abundance of
chlorophyll molecules should
be found in…
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
8. SHORT RESPONSE: Study the diagram of an experimental set up belowBTB or Bromthymol blue is a chemical
indicator that changes color from blue to
yellow in the presence of CO2 [and vice
versa when levels of CO2 decrease].
Water + BTB
Predict what would happen if the
photosynthesizing plant is left inside the
flask for 3 days under direct sunlight.