Portfolio Self Evaluation Rating Scale: My Evaluation

Name: _________________ Date: __________ Class: __________
Portfolio Self Evaluation
Rating Scale: 5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Average, 2-Needs Improvement , 1-Poor
My Evaluation
My Portfolio is well organized. _______
My Portfolio is of use to me. _______
My Portfolio can be read and understood by others including students, parents, and my
teacher. _______
My Portfolio includes a record of my thoughts about what I have learned. _______
My Portfolio includes a record of how I could improve my learning. _______
What I liked most about this Portfolio:
To improve this Portfolio, I could:
Student Signature: __________________________ Date: _______
Parent Review
I have reviewed the portfolio requirements and my student's portfolio.
Parent Name: ______________________________
Parent Signature:___________________________ Date:__________